Showing posts with label Eco-Green Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eco-Green Party. Show all posts

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Caitlyn Marie Jenner


Caitlyn Marie Jenner, October 28, 1949 (Mount Kisco, N.Y.) -

VP candidate for Eco-Green Party (aka National Eco-Green Party aka Eco-Green Third Party Revolutionary Movement) (2016)

Running mate with nominee: John Ferguson (b. 1953)
Popular vote: ? (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

John "Green" Ferguson of Azle, Tex. ran in 2012 and 2016 for President. The closest I could find to a running-mate in either election was in the latter, where on Facebook in June 2015 Ferguson expressed support for Caitlyn Jenner, the new public persona of celebrity athlete Bruce Jenner--

Good For You Bruce Jenner! Come Follow & Like Me! I'm FOR ALL GAY RIGHTS And WILL MANDATE FULL USA TO COMPLY, When I'm Elected President Too!

Yes, a rather fragile detail to use as a basis for a VP profile, but I'm going with it anyway. Until 2015, Caitlyn Jenner had been famous as Olympic champion Bruce Jenner and was easily America's most famous transgender person. Jenner herself was probably unaware of Ferguson's invitation. She was on record voting for Trump in the 2016 election, a decision she seems to have regretted as the President's policies hurt people such as herself.

Ferguson filed with the FEC in Jan. 2015 as part of the Eco-Green Party and later joked that the nomination process was easy since he was the only member. His 2012 campaign webpage also served as his 2016 venue in most respects. It is a long and rambling document. The following is just a sample--

Updated & Posted 11-1-13, Well as you all know that really cared, I was not elected or voted for by the majority of the country last year... Mainly because no TV news medias or newspapers would not write any stories or give me any publicity at all? I guess they were paid off or scared off by the government???
All I know for a fact is that there was a conspiracy against me brewing, no matter where I turned, who-ever I talked with or tried to contact! Nothing but dead ends, no replies or they just told me that they couldn't help me without any reasons & hang up, then not answer when I tried to call them back !!!
Hell if you really want to get technical about it or if someone really wanted to tell the truth, Obama or his campaigning staff STOLE a couple of lines "Verbatim" from right here off my website, to which he stated
as his own ideas, in one of his later pr-election on TV speeches! The man has Big Black Balls I guess, to blatantly steal copy-written material & call it his own? I guess everyone involved figured that I couldn't sue them or do anything legally against them about it... Well, I still have my rights to voice my opinions on it, for they won't ever take that away from us little USA people's & if they care to come back to read more, they will at least know now, that I know what they have done!
Anyways, I will be up in their faces again for the 2016 elections & maybe since their plans have been doing nothing but failing the American People, Maybe Many More will take a larger notice of me then! ???

In the meanwhile, I may just have to run in the race for Governor of Texas in 2014, being that Nim-Rod Perry is leaving office & someone needs desperately to fix the many problems in this state too !

So, read on down to review my campaigning views & ideals, for I will be standing on all the same again & will not change them for any amounts of moneys like the present flip-flopper politicians all do...
We ALL need to throw out the present Bi-Partisan System, everyone move to the Middle "Independents"
Party, Fire & Re-place ALL Congress & Senate, Put a cap of 2-Terms on All Government Jobs & Move to Save Our Great USA From Total Collapse, to where it is and has been heading faster & faster than ever before in our 300+ years of statehood!
We need to STOP ALL The Pollutions (on all the many facets of the meaning of the word), take back our constitutional rights/powers, stop lobbyists actually (briberyists) from working their dirty deals, stop Super-Pacs,  stop Religious/Non-profits from having political powers (make them Profit Corps then!) & make them all pay huge taxes on their huge profits, just like all regular US businesses/corps do now!
Bring back growing our own foods & making our own goods, instead of out sourcing everything into other world countries, Build our Dollar Value before we fall from being the worlds standard! Otherwise we will become a wasteland! Close our countries boarders, like every other country in the world has long ago!
Stop all smuggling of drugs, goods & people slavery/trafficking from into our country! Legalize Marijuana & heavy federal tax it just like they do with cigarettes/tobaccos, beer & wines, etc! This would help to un-clog our swamped prison systems...
Has anyone else noticed that all our police & governments agencies have just become Profit Organizations, that care more about money than they do about their true jobs existences were meant to be??? To Protect & To Serve The Public, they care more about spending all their time harassing speeders going 5 miles an hour over the speed limits & many other victimless crimes, rather than the drug dealers & gang bangers that are  killing people in the streets every night!
Enough for now, But the lists go on & on... And if we don't actually figure out ways to control our own destinies fast, the majority of all us normal / regular Americans are going to suffer even more severally!
And that's no lies, for that's the true facts, Jack or Who-ever you are...

Posted 6-9-2011,
I KNOW that I can do a Better Job Than The Existing!...
 Today, I've decided to Officially throw my Big Ole Texas Cowboy Hat into the Ring for being elected by the People, for the People of this Great US of A in 2012 !!!  I'm sick & tired of being jobless & mostly unemployed, due to the Totally Screwed Up Economy & Government running in the Red, the Lack & Loss of US Manufacturing & Jobs here in our homelands, with many taken into other foreign countries for the sole purpose of Tax Sheltering Moneys, Using Children & Slave Labors to Build Products, ETC... The Prices of Fuels, Ever Heightening Costs of Foods, Freight & the Simple Costs to even run any type of small business... As well as the Destruction & Pollutions to All our Earth's Environments...
 I plan to fix the US's Negative Deficits, Save Social Security & Retirement Funds Systems, Get our Troops Back Home Quickly, to where they belong... I Vowel to End ALL Violence & Terrorists Acts, To Defend All Our Own Borders from Illegals Entry, to Stop the Internal Conflicts between USA & Mexico by Closing the Border Doors & Kickin' Out the Bad Apples !!! To Also Stop All Our Singularly Involvements in the rest of the Worlds Conflicts & Turmoil’s that we are presently stuck in, To be a humanitarian as well as to promote Saving the Earth & its Resources for our next & future generations, Follow the Make Love & Not War Ideals, as well as since I Truly Believe in Many Ideals of "FDR our 26th President & His Square Deal" Also! But DON'T make a Wrong Assumption of that Statement, I'm Thinking that those Ideals need to be Totally 21st Centryafied,
Total Passiveness is Not What I'm About... I feel that We Americans should not start any fights, but when it comes to Protecting Our Rights, Freedoms or Lands, WE WILL DEFEND THESE TO THE DEATH !!! I plan to do this all with Using GOOD COMMON SENSE, In USING LESS to OBTAIN MORE, HARD WORK in OBTAINING THE REAL & NORMAL AMERICANS TRUSTS & INTERESTS, while using a starting campaign fund of Only $200.00 Dollars Cash, NOT MILLIONS, Using NO CAMPAIGN STRATEGISTS, NO PAID TV ADVERTISEMENTS or POLLS, NO SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS BRIBES, ETC, ETC, ETC... ! I Plan to USE Mostly the INTERNET & SOCIAL MEDIAS /"TWITTER" As My Soliciting Format & Being as Thrifty as Possible with Any Campaign Contributions Received !!!
 When Elected I will Enact My Own ECO/GREEN Ideals, I Will Call Them "EQUAL DEALS For All Americans" Programs ! To STOP & Overturn ALL Government Wastes & Duplications on All Levels, Starting at the Top & working my way down, Kicking Out Corrupt Officials, Lobbyists, Senators, Congressman, Etc... FINE Heavily on the Oil / Chemical Companies, Banks & ALL the Other Multimillion
& BILLION DOLLARS Profits/Gaines Companies for their many & multiple wrong business doings & polluting our environments, To Stop ALL Cash Bail-Outs OR Helping of Any Foreign Countries Until ALL our own Peoples Here in USA are All in GOOD SHAPE Again, Get Higher Education for All our Children & Implement Programs to entice more college students to Major in Sciences/ High-Tech/ Engineering/ Ecology-Green Industries, Etc. Help & Care for All our senior citizens, not just putting them out to range for themselves to die... Provide more help for our US Service Personnel And Foremost, Save Our Earth & its Resources for our future generations !!!
 HOW CAN YOU DO ALL THAT, You Ask ???  With & Under ALL MY MANY New & Innovative
 My ECO/GREEN Party is NOT ANYTHING LIKE ANY Of the Following Existing US Parties or Movements, Not The TOTALLY DYSFUNCTIONAL Republicans, Democrats, Tea Partyists, Etc...
They are ALL to Farley divided by their stubborn & mostly just Political / Very Selfish / Throw Away Concepts... ALL to which need Major Restructurings & Major Changes !!!
 First off, I'm Single, Not Married & have little family interests, so the USA Taxpayers will Not be supporting a whole herd of people under my terms. I also own my own timeshares, etc., so the USA Taxpayers will Not be paying for any of my vacations or special housings, like they have been doing for on all those world wide trips & vacations for the Present O's - President & Family...
 I'm Not a Professional Politician, Not a Professional or Eloquent Public Speaker, Not a Wealthy Bureaucrat, Not from a Wealthy Family or a Multimillion/Billion $$$Business Owner, I also have No political ties or interests in Big Business or the Oil / Chemical, Banks, Airlines or Auto Industries nor do I care about how much money they loose in doing business here in USA ! I Won't Accept Any Moneys or Bribes from Any Big Businesses nor Make Any Promises For Any Deals To Help Big Businesses / Lobbying Interests ! I'm from & live in the Normal & Real World, Not a Movie, Fake or Fantasy One Like Most of the Officials in Washington DC have...
*FACT - Professional Politicians Talk Over & Mostly Fight About On How To Fix USA Problems, But People Like Me Actually Do ALL The Work & FIX The Problems, Normally without even knowing what Washington DC is Really Even Doing There. So Why Not Just CUT These Worthless & Very Expensive Middle People OUT of The Equation? Are They Really Necessary or Worth what We ALL Pay for to Keep Them ALL in Their Luxurious & Over Paid Lifestyles ???
 I'm just a Normal JOHN... I only sleep about 2-6 hrs per night & I am very well accustomed to working 14-18 hrs work days 24/7, I don't need to Vacation every other week, Etc., so I Will DO MORE WORK for the Peoples of the USA, I'm a No Nonsense Businessman, A True LEADER, NOT Ever a FOLLOWER, a Well Versed Operating CEO of Over 35 Years in Many Different Types of Businesses, Hands On, Very Pro-Active & a Multi-Multi Tasker...
So, when it comes to having Bigger or More Problems to Solve, then the MORE I LIKE IT & I'm Always UP For the New or Bigger Challenges of Life !!!
 I've started at the bottom & worked my way up, doing just about Every Type of DIRTY JOBS that there was to do over the past 35+ yrs. of my CEO / President Positions in My Own & Many Small Business Ventures, Some Being S/Corporate Companies... Not like any of those TV Under Cover Boss CEOs that can't even do the most basic job duties of their own business or trades...
Far From Most of the Presently Elected President, Congress or Senate Officials...
I'm a Professional Jack of All Trades & a Master of ALL Job Duties/Skills. Plus I would not ever delegate duties to anyone that I myself could not also do them well first myself !
 My ECO-GREEN PARTY Works Thru Down to Earth & Real Simple Ideals of Using Less & Saving More. In the Total Recovery of Our Nations Present Recession/Depression, Very Poor Economies & Elimination of Unemployment Totally Thru Such Plans as; Total Re-Cycling & Up-Cycling of ALL USA Trashes, Usage of Much More Solar, Wind & Many Other Alternate Power Sources for All Electrical Powers & Transportation's, Phasing out usage of ALL Overly Polluting Fossil Fuels, Coals & Nuclear Powers, in then shutting down & dismantling of all these existing plants over time, To Finding a way to Re-use/Eliminate ALL Nuclear Wastes & Other High Pollutions, Promoting All Types of More ECO Friendly Environmental Safe / GREEN Living Technicians thru Legislating New Laws for Policy Changes & Penalties/Fines for the ones that are Unwilling or Knowing Violate Them, Saving & Conservations of All Resources, Including the Plants & Animals Globally on All Lands, Air or in the Waters of our Planet Earth...

Here are just a few of my Well Over 101 Ideals & Changes that NEED to be Implemented Immediately;

I VOW TO - Repeal/Fix ALL Legislation & Bumbling Contracts that our present president has Wrongly signed & gotten our USA into...
Obama Care & Canadian to Texas - Tar Sands Oil XL Pipelines - ARE GONE !!!

Additional Amendments & Changes to our USA Constitution & Bill of Rights !
A) #28 - Suffrage of Mother Earth - This NEW Amendment would STOP suffrage's to the Animals, Lands, Air & Waters of this Earth, thru more stringent inspection laws & higher fines to protect Her Rights & Her Life...
B) #29 -  Equal Rights to All, Race, Color, Creeds or Personal Sexual Beliefs... -This NEW Amendment would deal with Stopping the double standards of religions, nosy people & big moneys interests into the Personal Lives of Others, To Support, Recognize & Allow Legalization's of Same Sex Marriages, Abortions & Deal with Other Issues Totally Across All the USA 50 States...
C) #I - Freedoms, Petitions, Assembly, -These rights need to be upgraded, to totally exclude religions from giving any monetary contributions of lobbyists or political officials of any kind, plus some other religion loophole closures & tax free issues that need to be dealt with...
D) #II - Right to Bear Arms - New & More Exact Verbiage needs to be added to Uphold & Confirm these basic gun rights fore-ever, to All Americans, Nationwide ! Without these rights we would just be a dictatorship & guns don't kill, bad people do... So we need to implement much stronger laws to get guns out of the robbers, crooks & felons hands, but Not Any of the law abiding citizens & hunters of the USA...
E) #14 - Civil Rights - These rights need to be upgraded to include & delete some other terms;
Sec 1 - Delete the verbiage that any person born in the US becomes an automatic citizen - To: any person born of a Documented US Citizens then becomes a citizen... This would fix & eliminate a large loopholes where as to Eliminate the Many Illegals / Non-citizens that are invading our medical, welfare & other benefits systems, thus stopping them from getting a free ride & milking our US taxpayers dry... Hell NO on DREAMLAND for ILLEGALS !!!
F) #27 - Congressional Pay Raises - This amendment should be repealed totally ! Including other things such as the length terms of service should be shortened to 2 terms, special medical insurances & lifetime benefits that Senators & Congressmen have voted to themselves, they should All be repealed & stopped totally for these groups need to be downgraded to match the normal USA Citizens standard benefits, to which they are just that, Normal Citizens & Not Special...

Also some others issues thru out our federal systems;

To Re-Structure All our Government Departments / Duties, Eliminate Duplications, Close All Tax Loop-Holes, Especially for the Ultra Rich /Big Business Companies, Etc. to Offset the Brunt of Taxes from the Middle Class & the Poorer Peoples of the USA who take most of the Tax Burdens to pay for the rest, to Improve All Our Futures, WITHOUT EVER RAISING the DEBT CEILINGS or Passing the Buck on to our children & future generations to fix past & present governments misdealing's & debts Ever Again ! To HAVE AN EQUAL & BALANCED FUNDS BUDGET SOCIETY & DEBT FREE USA AGAIN ! Now & Sooner, Not Later as the present slow goals government has !!!

To Lower Gas, Oil & Fuels Prices, Thru cutting their future usages & dependence, also Improve & Increase Inspections of All Oil or Chemical Equipments / Plants, ETC. & to Impose Much Higher Fines & Penalties for All Violations & on Costs to Clean up from their Neglects to our USA & Planet.
To implement New Energy Standards to use Alternate Fuels for Electrical Powers & Transportation.

To Implement Legislation s to Totally Restructured & Simplify Taxes System for ALL Americans & Corporations as in Flat Tax Rates with No Deductions, Except for in a few small situations ! Form a minimum low no tax base rate "such as $6,500 - $10,000 ?" Everyone above this minimum would then pay a flat rate "say 18% - 20% ?" up to $1,000,000 income... Then All Corporations & Higher
Earners would pay a flat rate of "say 22% - 25% ?" And for ALL the BIG Corporate Moneys Now Being Held in Limbo in Other Tax Sheltered Counties around the world - To Allow a One Time Clause to Bring All those lost revenue moneys back into USA Banks & Economies at "say a 10% ?" tax rate ?
We will need to work on exact scenarios & percentages, but I FEEL, overall this would be the Most Fair Way to Deal with Our Tax Problems For ALL USA Citizens & Businesses, Plus it would save Countless Millions/Billions in Personnel, Accounting, Collecting & Court Cases, Etc. that the Present Failing System has !!! This would also give a hugh incentive to Big Corps to bring Many Jobs & Moneys back into the homeland USA & decrease unemployment problems here, ALL the while the USA will be getting MORE Taxes Into Government, Without Really Even Raising Taxes...

To Increase Green "Tax Rebates" from Existing 30% to 35% or Even 50% to promote more people to use or convert to using more GREEN Transportation & Products in their normal lives, also in all future building practices. This will then bring the still too high of prices for ALL these product items down in price due to supply & demand, thus creating a larger snowball effect to roll faster towards larger & more cost effective goals, at a much sooner time frame than existing politicians & legislators are calling/hoping for in the future 25 years !!!

To propose legislatures & laws to RECYCLE / UP-CYCLE ALL TRASH, throughout the entire USA over the next couple of years, Stop & Forbid ALL dumping of raw trashes into any grounds, water systems & especially our oceans ever again ! This WILL Have a Major Impact on JOBS in the USA !!!

To KILL & REPEAL ALL of Obama's New Health Care System !!! To propose a New & Restructured Upgraded Medicare System is FAR Simpler & Cost Effective ! Not This SOCIALIST Health Plan !
ALSO KILL Obama's getting us into the Canadian Tar Sand Oil XL Pipelines Projects !
As an alternative Project, I Recommend that we build MANY ECO/GREEN SELF/SUSTAINING POWERED Gulf Coastal - Ocean Water De-Salting Plants & Water Pipelines Systems throughout All the Southern USA States, Especially the Arid ones first, to provide Good Drinking & Farming Irrigation Waters to All ! This will also provide countless jobs to balance our Terrible High Rates of Unemployment Problems in Many States of USA !!!

To Re-enact Federal Work Programs, to create works with US Corps of Engineers & Ex-Military Personnels to build & do many various NEW USA Interstate Highways/Repairs, Dams, Canal Systems Watering & Irrigation Projects, Etc. to Lower our National Record High Unemployment Rates & put as many citizens back to work throughout the country in various New Constructions, Farming & Many Other Traditionally USA Industries, as well as Many New ECO & GREEN HI-TECH Industries / Programs ! To Bring Back The "MADE IN USA" & Our Once #1 Position in the World Standards with INCREASED USA JOBS !!! ...

To increase land use & camping fees on all federal lands, with increased proceeds going for the maintenance & up-keeps on all them forever.

To LEGALIZING Marijuana & Collect HIGH Federal Taxes on it's growing, productions & sells, as well as Increasing / Inserting New Taxes on Many Other Products Like; Beers, Wines, Hard Liquors, Energy Drinks, Sodas, ALL Fast Foods, Cigarettes & Tobacco Products, Etc. Also...This will Cause a Drastic Cut in the ILLEGAL Smuggling, Street Trades & Crimes associated presently with it, plus give the USA the much needed tax revenues...

To STOP Drug Trafficking or the Use of ALL Other Illegal Drugs & Abuse Substances, STOP ALL People from Dealing or Other Affiliated Crimes to do with them, thru much higher fines & penalties !
Thru use of our Military Service Peoples & High Tech Surveillance to work more with DEA / Border Patrolling, Use of Improved & Upgraded Green Cards/Travel Visas Programs & Eliminating of ALL Illegal Peoples & Drugs from being smuggled into & over our US Borders ! To Upgrade Many Penalties to a Treason or Terrorist Act Offense, Making Some Even Punishable By Death to CONTROL these such Offenses Once & For ALL !!!

To insert legislatures to NEVER incorporate Porto Rico or Any Other Caribbean Countries as Additional States into the USA !!! We Don't Want or Need the Liabilities of More Poor Peoples...

To change government / presidential double standards as to Commend, Honor & Thank ALL our US Families upon any deaths of ANY members of our armed services personnel, regardless of the circumstances of their deaths !

To do MUCH more to HELP our USA Veterans & their disabilities due to the service of our country !
I Also Feel that the New July 2010 Congressional Plans on Re-consolidation of Military Retirements Funds/401K Program is a GOOD STEP into the Right Direction !!!

To work with private / public financing companies to preserve & to continue future space programs & explorations, we totally need to have full time access to space / travel for our future security !!!

More info to come soon... PS I'm willing to debate all these issues with whom-ever wants to do so...

 For My Incorporation of these many Innovative & Green Ideals, I would like to Ask for ALL the Following USA Groups of Peoples To VOTE FOR & SUPPORT Me, the Reasons Why are...
 First off I would like to see a Major Pivoting Point in our Countries Future, by PLEADING with the USA General Public to Come Out & Give Support like never before in the Next 2012 Elections !!! On the norm, only about 25% of the voting public actually votes for All those elected to offices... But next year I would like the Majority of ALL Citizens in the USA to Register & Vote !!! Remember, anyone 18 years & older has a Stake in our futures & a Very Large Voice as to what changes are done or who should be representing those future decisions !!! And considering that the presently elected Senate, Congress & President have for the most part just been bickering & fighting with each others like a mob of small spoiled brat children, with very little work being actually accomplished in return for All their Very Hefty Wages & Benefits that WE Taxpayers All pay dearly for Years now !!!
Because of these constant conflicts, I Personally feel that we should all take a Very Strong look at dis-banning & at least breaking up of the existing USA Bi-Party Political System & Totally Eliminating the Lifer / Professional Politicians that are presently involved in it, mostly supported by the ULTRA ELITES & Their Totally Capitalistic Big Businesses, out to make Big Bucks off the rest of us, while falsely proclaiming to democracy & humanity for all !!!
We should vote for individuals solely on their job skills & work merits like any formal job & run this country by more CEOs or Small Business Owners Type People !  FIRE THEM ALL & RE-ELECT PEOPLE THAT WILL DO THEIR JOBS PROPERLY !!! ESPECIALLY SINCE THE PRESENT PRESIDENT & the USA GOVERNMENT  LEGISTLATORS HAVE NOW JUST TOTALLY SOLD OUT MOST THE MAJORITY Of ALL USA CITZENS on allowing the debt ceiling to be raised & still Not Fixing Much of ANYTHING Else in Washington DC !!!
 DEFAULTS ON OUR PRESENT DEBTS May Have Been Slowed ? But I DON'T THINK That This Band-Aid Fix is Good Enough To Fix the REAL & MANY PROBLEMS !!! And Neither does the General USA Tax Payers that Make Less Than $250,000 a Year & Pay For ALL the Governments Bills, As Well as Rest of the Worlds Views, Economies &/or Worlds Stock Markets that are All Falling Quickly Pushing Our Now Hugh Present NATIONAL DEBITS & (DOUBLE-DIPPING) RECESSION/DEPRESSION Into ALL TIME LOWS & SOON TO COME Will Be the "HYPER-INFLATION" of COSTS On ALL GOODS To ALL USA CITIZENS !!! And on the Now Appointed Super Comity of 12 Representatives "I PREDICT" will only accomplish MUCH More of the Same Dysfunctional Views/ Arguments & NO or LITTLE OTHER Results in FIXING OUR VERY BROKEN GOVERNMENT/PROBLEMS !!!

Soo, VOTE in 2012 WISELY for the Very Best People to Do the Best Jobs, for the Best Ways & Remedies to Accomplish the Best Outputs for All Our Futures & Generations to come ! No matter the Political PARTY's Name, whether they are labeled as Right or Left, Liberals or Conservatives, WHATEVER !!! Just use your GOOD Common Senses & VOTE for the Best People that Will look out for ALL the Right Interests of ALL their voting public views, voices & needs ... NOT just for the Rich & Big Business Interests of this Country... Government For The People, By The People !!!
P.S. Please Don't Even Consider the Ignorant & Wrong Facts Slinging Campaign Candidates !!! Like
Obama (a Muslim w/Socialist Ideals in Intentionally Corrupting the USA Economy), Bachmann (a Religious Fruit Cake w/Totally Non-Normal Ideals, Using Many Deceptions of Even Giving Any Real Answers to questions & Pusher of Constant Incorrect Stupid Facts), Perry (a Flat Liar of Truths on Most Texas Government Facts,  a Smug & False Faced Professional Politician of the Worst Kind, User of Power, Big Business Bribes & State Funds for his own behalf while leaving most Texas taxpayers to fend for themselves & will continue to do more of the same for the Total USA !).
Soo, You Don't Really have Much Good to Choose From in November 2012 & I FELL that I WILL  Probably WIN BY DEFAULT, by mostly just sitting back & leaving the others All to just stupidly defeat  themselves !!! ;~)))

The following Americans that I would like to PARTY with, to win votes of & serve for are these...
I'll start the list with "of course" all the already GREEN Minded & Hi-Tech Groups of USA peoples doing & working towards these same goals, they have already been walking the walk when it comes to living greener & hopefully they will support my efforts in this election run to better the entire country & economy...
1) Native Americans - They have been called & known as the "Red Peoples", But this is TOTALLY WRONG ! They are the TRULY "GREEN Peoples" ! They were here in the Americas for thousands of years & long before any of our forefathers even came on the scene some 3 hundred years ago...
Their ways & believes have always been for conservation, using only what was necessary from the mother earth lands to survive, they developed the best ways to plant crops, how to best use the animals, all parts & by products for tools, warmth & foods, use wisely & manipulate the waters to populate even the most uninhabitable arid areas of the US Lands in building canals, channeling rivers & much, much more... Still today they have these same believes & religions for the world, as do I.
2) The Younger Peoples of 18+yrs & Older - They are our future & need to start making the BEST Choices for All their own futures NOW, for here in the USA & living on this Earth... I Believe in Fighting for their Best Future & Helping them all surviving here on this small planet earth too...
3) The Baby Boomers - This is about one generation before mine, 5-10 yrs older, but they are a huge part of our population, they were on the right track, believing in making Love & Not War after all the conflicts, losses & hard times of their parents. They Bent our future into new directions, but did not turn it enough YET... I Believe in, relate to & live mostly in this group since I had married an older woman & have for the most part always related with its beliefs...
4) The Elderly - These are all our parents &/or grand parents that are all being shoved out of the system, present politicians are trying to vacate Social Security, Medicare & all other programs that they paid in for all their lives & now find themselves helpless to save & be cared for? This is Totally Un-American & we need to cut costs from government wastes & spending to save these programs, and for even the future generations ! This is now also affecting myself & I want to fight for us All, NOW to save these programs for All !
5) Gays & Lesbians - This is a very large group of people that have been deemed as outcasts by many of the general public because of many ignorant people & their varied religious beliefs, but they are All Americans, with equal rights of views & beliefs themselves. So, even though I am a Straight Man, I believe in Equality for All Americans in according to our US Constitution & Bill of Rights ! And I will Fight for these Same Rights Be Legalized in All the 50 USA States...
6) The Unemployed - This is a large group of Americans that I am now part of, it is a disgrace that US Businesses have been giving All our Jobs & Moneys away to other countries & peoples of the world, most of which don't give a Rats Ass as to the USA or it's peoples here... We need to bring these jobs & employments back to the USA & make ourselves #1 again, for we are All drowning in #2 right now! If you get my drift...
7) Truckers, Fishermen, Hunters, Rednecks, Country Folks, ETC. - Well these are MY People, I've been working & living in this group all my life.  It's most of the USA Hard Workers & the US Lifes Bloods, its the Low to Middle Class Americans that works for & supports the higher elite & the government, but many just get mostly calices, back aches, sore feet & low pays for their efforts... Many changes need to be incorporated & made in equaling out the burdens of these Americans in Supporting the Middle Class, Minorities & Poor, NOT the Rich for they can take care of themselves !
8) Our US Services Personnel - These are all the people that support & fight for All Our American Rights, but have for the most part, been getting the short end of the stick when it comes to getting proper care or support after their service ends. We need to Stop these Exploitations !
9) The Wealthy & Elites - I'll ask for their support, but I'm not to sure that I'll get it? Since they are the Most Un-Green, Wasteful, Totally Throw Away Part of our nation. They mostly don't care about the strife of our nation, except for how much of their moneys are lost or not making thru a poorer economy ? But, If they have any sense of reality, they will soon figure out that they need to make some drastic cutbacks & lifestyle changes really quickly or they will All be in the same boat with the rest of us soon, too !!! Be GREEN or You too will be Loosing All the Green $$$that you now have !

Ferguson had a 20 acre farm where he raised cattle and chickens. I cannot find any vote totals for him in the 2016 election. In 2018 Ferguson posted a video expressing interest in alleged chemtrails.

Election history: none

Other occupations: athlete, Olympic Games Gold Medal winner, insurance salesperson, Wheaties spokesperson, actor, television personality,

Jenner considered running for the US Senate in California in 2018.