Showing posts with label Independent Statesmen Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Independent Statesmen Party. Show all posts

Saturday, January 2, 2021

David Lee Ion


David Lee Ion, July 22, 1951 (Seattle, Wash.) -

VP candidate for Independent Statesmen Party (2012, 2016)

Running mate with nominee (2012, 2016): William Benjamin Nees (1947-2020)
Popular vote (2012, 2016): 0 (0.00%)
Electoral vote (2012, 2016): 0/538

The campaign (2012, 2016):

Bill Nees of Valdosta, Ga. had overcome a hard luck background including a stint in the military that did not turn out so well. At some point his life began settling down and as he described in his autobiography--

I started asking questions to myself about the course America was heading towards. Something was happening, I wasn't sure what but something was wrong. While listening to Paul Harvey one day talking about the forefathers I got interested in the Constitution.
     Constitution study kept me pretty busy, but there was still something missing in my personal life. One day I accidently wandered down a path till the path forked in different directions. As I stood there looking at the left fork it was a continuation of the path I was on I didn't want to continue. I looked to the right and saw a different way of life that seemed strange to me. I had my doubts about that fork, because I knew people that claimed this path in the public, but they refused to claim the same path in their private lives. I also knew in my heart that I didn't want that path. Being the free spirited person that I am I looked straight ahead and figured I would blaze a new trail. As I stood there analyzing the future of nothing but emptiness as far as I could see. Looking down at emptiness as far down the road as I could see! I came to the conclusion that I had blown it. It was here at this road fork that I said to myself, "Bill you blew this one didn't you!"
     This voice came to me and it said, "Yea Bill, you did!" That voice had more love in it than ten mothers could give one baby. It was there at the road fork that Christ and I laid the Constitution down and brought in the King James Version of the Holy Bible and started studying. It was then I learned that life is not about me but a life of self discipline with an invisible God leaving me with the free will to choose the right or wrong path to take. My whole world took on a different meaning. With a lot of study and practice I discovered that the Constitution of the United States of America was supporting Free Will with Law and Order in Society. Thus supporting the same guidelines for Our Great American Nation. A Founded Free Republic: Of, By and For the People!
     This is my conclusion! Philosophy cannot be separated from man and man cannot be separated from government. Religious Belief, Morality and Knowledge are prerequisites to a properly self-governed society.

The platform of Nees' Independent Statesmen Party was a bit lengthy but could be boiled down to a Christian Constitutionalist view. Some samples--

-We claim that our religious heritage, the traditional family, patriotism, and our unalienable rights are under attack; that our educational, economic and social institutions, and use of natural resources, have been perverted by those who would destroy our way of life; and that our Constitution of the United States of America, republican form of government, national security, and national sovereignty are hanging by a thread
-We believe that religion is basic to good government. We believe in keeping religion in government, while keeping government out of religion.
-We affirm that the Constitution of the United States of America makes no reference to "separation of church and state." We support the original meaning and intent of Jefferson's separation of church and state, which prohibits the government from establishing a national religion (e.g., Church of the U.S.), and prohibits government intrusion into religion. We maintain that government has violated both intents by its nationwide promotion of Secular Humanism (declared by court decree as a religion), and by court decisions which limit the free exercise of religion.
-We believe the First Amendment protects the right to publicly acknowledge God, pray, read the Bible, display the Ten Commandments, etc. in all public buildings, and to freely exercise our various religions, without government interference.
-We recognize the Bible (America's first school textbook) as the primary source of principles upon which our laws and Constitution of the United States of America are founded. We fully support our national motto "IN GOD WE TRUST" and oppose any efforts to remove it from our coins and currency. We oppose removing the name God, or references to Him, from buildings, songs, historical documents, or from the Pledge of Allegiance.
-Paganism. We oppose Secular Humanism, paganism and Satan worship, not in terms of freedom of speech, nor as an attack on religious beliefs, but in terms of the ultimate negative impact upon families, communities, the survival of our Nation, and the erosion of those principles and values which have made this Country great.
-We oppose homosexuality, same-sex marriages, sexual exploitation of children, fornication, incest, beastiality, sodomy, adultery, pornography, etc., and deem them threats to traditional family values and as abominations to the Creator.
-We see perversion and immorality as the primary cause behind the fall of all great nations. We maintain that People engaging in acts of homosexuality have no special legal rights or privileges, and those living in such relationships have no legal familial rights or privileges, such as adoption of children and legitimacy of marriage.
-We favor informed and responsible voting. We also hold that continuing to vote the status quo will perpetuate the same corruption, advance the overthrow of our Constitution of the United States of America, and guarantee the surrender of all rights, liberties and national independence to the tyranny and despotism of the U.N. and the controls of economic globalists in any new world order.
-We believe that our educational institutions must be founded upon faith in God and upon moral law, and a respect for all religions without advancing or suppressing any. We urge the elimination from our schools of Secular Humanism, which undermines faith in God, religious loyalties and family values, and attempts to eradicate all concepts of right and wrong by claiming there is no God to account to. We favor teaching abstinence from all sexual activity outside the bonds of marriage.
-We assert that there are no provisions for federal or international involvement in schooling or education found in the Constitution of the United States of America. We favor abolishment of all federal and U.N. education programs that have a mandatory effect in the United States, and any organizations which usurp parental or local control, and favor the repeal of all legislation for such. We therefore call for the abolishment of the U.S. Department of Education.
-We support English as the official national language, and favor nonfederal funding of bilingual tutors to assist as needed. We favor eliminating from the school curricula all grants, controls, mandates or agendas sponsored or promoted by national or global organizations.
-We maintain that the Internal Revenue Service has used its powers arbitrarily, punitively and tyrannically to harass and sometimes devastate honest tax payers. We favor eliminating the IRS and repealing the 16th Amendment, thus restoring the original Constitutional scope and intent of taxation.
-We consider gambling as a threat to the financial stability of the home. We oppose government sponsorship, involvement in, or promotion of gambling, e.g., lotteries, or subsidization of tribal casinos, etc.
-We declare the Panama Canal giveaway as unconstitutional and illegal, and demand its return. It is a risk to national security since both ends of the canal are now under Red Chinese military presence. It is a Constitutional requirement that the federal government protect the states from foreign invasion, both military and illegal alien.
-We reaffirm to the world our declaration of permanent independence and sovereignty as a free nation, and our unalterable opposition to the current movement toward a one world government, New World Order or Globalization. We assert that the consequences of implementing the New World Order or Globalization will be the loss of our national sovereignty and independence, the permanent surrender of our God-given rights and freedoms, the end of personal sovereignty and agency, and a life of slavery and oppression under tyrants and despots.
-We favor the immediate withdrawal of the United States from the United Nations, and the immediate removal of all United Nations presence from the United States. We oppose participation in a global army, global taxation, international criminal courts, and all forms of tyranny, foreign or domestic.

Nees' running-mate was David Lee Ion of Houston, Alaska. As Ion explained it on the campaign's webpage, he and Nees met online in a community of like-minded people, "I met a man named Bill Nees and we conversed many long hours during the last two years. Then one night he announced that he felt God had directed him to run for President of the United States. The next night, he ask me if I would consider running-mate as his Vice President. I had no problem answering yes to his question and accepted the challenge. We are running under a new independent party write-in ticket called 'Independent Statesmen'. We are going to do our best to guide this country back the way the Founding Fathers and Constitution intended it to be. The Original Intent, Sources, Meanings and Applications of the original charter of the instrument contract of government constructed by We the People, 'Of the People, By the People, For the People' by men of vision whom spoke of this constitution serving 200 to 300 Million Freemen! They had An American Vision, do you?"

In a section on the site called "Transparency Disclosure," both candidates share more information than we wanted to know. Among the documents displayed are birth certificates (a common practice among Right wing candidates who embraced "Birtherism," although Nees/Ion did not state as much directly), drivers licenses, and criminal records. In the case of the latter, Ion shared a rather extensive and colorful rap sheet.

Ion, by the way, was born in [Washington State Trivia Alert!!!] Seattle.

The Nees/Ion ticket made a dramatic change during the heat of the 2012 campaign season--

Campaign News Announcement . . .
--- IMPORTANT, TAKE NOTICE: as of 7/29/2012 --- Do Not Cast Your Vote for Bill Nees in 2012 !
Vote for "Bill Nees" in 2016 before they bring the country to it's Knees.

    Hello America, this is Bill Nees,
    I have decided not to continue running in the 2012 election. It is very important to recognize that the Obama Administration must be removed from High Office. I feel if I keep running for 2012 I would be taking away important votes that could help accomplish this important task. Do not worry; I have decided to continue to run this campaign full force for 2016.

And so the ticket began their 2016 campaign before the 2012 election had even taken place.

As it turned, it does not appear the Nees/Ion ticket was registered as a write-in in any state in 2012 or 2016. In the event of their in 2016 victory, Ion would have assumed office after the death of Nees, Oct. 20, 2020.

Election history: none

Other occupations: US Marine Corps, musician

Moved to Alaska in 1976.