Showing posts with label Toby Davis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toby Davis. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Toby Davis


Toby Davis, 1966 (Huntsville, Ala.) -

VP candidate for Prohibition Party (2012)

Running mate with nominee: Lowell Jackson Fellure (b. 1931)
Popular vote: 518 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Jack Fellure is a perennial candidate who has run for President in every election 1988-2020. It appears he entered electoral politics after he retired as an engineer. He had run for President in the Republican primaries since 1988 describing himself as "a total conservative with the Bible as my platform." The King James version to be precise. In 2000 he filed with the FEC as a Republican but did not actually run in the primaries.

Although Fellure was a write-in for President on sporadic ballots in the past, so far as I can ascertain 2000 was the first time he was still in the game in the general election past the primaries with a clearly stated running-mate, his brother Jim.

Some of his quotes and views recorded up to the time of the 2000 election:

He was anti-house husband, anti-abortion, pro-capital punishment, for outlawing the Communist Party, for outlawing homosexuality, supported balancing the budget, eliminate gun control, men should have short hair, opposed Rock music, Bush and Clinton have pushed a Marxist-Satanic New World Order agenda.

"We are losing a nation. The nation we knew was based on Christian principles that we are losing faster and faster all the time."

"I believe absolutely in the separation of church and state. I believe in freedom of religion. I merely believe this country must be guided by the Christian principles that made it great."

"We're being destroyed by atheists, Marxists, liberals, queers, liars, draft-dodgers, flag-burners, dope addicts, sex perverts, and anti-Christians."

In 1990 Jack Fellure said, "Sure, I don't have much chance in 1992, but intend to keep running the rest of my life or until I win. I figure I have six Presidential campaigns in me."

Fellure gained the Prohibition Party nomination in 2012, and time had not softened his rhetoric, as he was quoted by one reporter--

"Our country started off as a Christian nation [with] basic, fundamental Christian philosophy and principles, and we're so far off that now, we're not even close to that. And we're self-destructing. Unless the government of our nation, our society, gets back to those basic fundamental principles, we're going to continue to go down. We've defied the laws of God Almighty going and coming. We're even now—if you would believe—ordaining queers into the ministries and the churches." He added, "I'd make homosexuality illegal."

Fellure's campaign website, The Sword of 1611, spelled out his positions on the issues--

Jack Fellure For President of the United States 2012

Why You Should Vote For Jack Fellure For President of the United States 2012

“My Presidential Campaign Platform is the Authorized 1611 King James Bible. God Almighty wrote that Book as the supreme constitution and absolute authority in the affairs of all men for all time and eternity. It shall never be necessary to change it.

Quality leather bound copies of this Bible have been sent to the Presidential Office, the Supreme Court, the Senate, the House of Representatives, the National Republican Party, the National Democratic Party, and the Federal Election Commission.

Should I be elected to the Presidency, this Bible will be open on the desk in the White House Oval Office to Psalm 33:12, “BLESSED IS THE NATION WHOSE GOD IS THE LORD”, and also to II Samuel 23:3, “HE THAT RULETH OVER MEN MUST BE JUST, RULING IN THE FEAR OF GOD”. It shall never be closed during my tenure. I will take the inauguration oath of office with my hand on my Bible opened to Deuteronomy 28.

God Almighty, the creator and Holy Sovereign of the universe, ordained only three institutions on earth; the family, the church, and the civil government. He wrote one Book (the Holy Bible) to govern all three, making them equally responsible to that one supreme book of law.

Every basic truth and fundamental philosophy required for proper survival here and hereafter is contained in the Holy Bible. IT’S THE GREATEST SINGLE BOOK EVER WRITTEN ON HUMAN GOVERNMENT, and upon its precepts our nation was conceived, born and nurtured to become the greatest nation in the history of the human race. WE ARE NOW REJECTING THAT BOOK AND THOSE PRECEPTS.

Therein lies the eternal cardinal truth of why our nation continues to decay and deteriorate, morally and physically. Every failed civilization in recorded history rejected God’s moral laws first, and then collapsed physically. God will allow ours to be no different. We as a nation will either return to the Bible for divine direction or continue our human self-destruction. God provides no other alternatives. All men shall ultimately stand before a high tribunal to be judged by God and His Book with no court of appeals ever.

I encourage everyone to RETAIN, USE, AND DISTRIBUTE MY WRITINGS AND POSITION PAPERS FROM THE PREVIOUS PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGNS (1988 to 2012). THEY ARE ALL AS APPLICABLE NOW AS BEFORE. I haven’t shifted positions or altered course one iota. I never intend to, so help me God.

Yours for a nation under the authority of Almighty God, Jack Fellure United States Presidential Candidate 2012”


For : A National Return to reading God’s Book, the Holy Bible. This includes teaching the true Christian history and heritage of our nation in the public schools. It also includes bringing voluntary prayer and Bible reading back into the public schools.

Against : Abortion, and especially paying for abortions with government funding.

For : Leaders whose decisions are governed by what’s right or wrong rather than what is politically expedient.

Against : The Liquor Industry which is a detriment to our nation. Alcohol is America’s number one drug problem.

For : Balancing the Federal Budget. The Government must quit spending more than its income.

Against : Continuing to permit criminals to go unpunished.

For : Making Homosexuality illegal. This will stop much of the AIDS plague.

Against : Allowing Anti-American organizations, such as the American Civil Liberties Union and the Communist Party to continue their destruction of this nation.

For : Making Prisons into places of punishment instead of leisure.

Against : Moving our jobs and industrial production to foreign nations.

For : Capital Punishment. God Almighty mandated it.

Against : Every movement, effort, and person that would remove God from our national currency and declarations.

For : Getting the United States out of the United Nations (UN) and getting the UN out of the United States.

Against : The continued moral destruction of our society by the television and entertainment media.

For : Reducing the Tax Burden of the working American.

Against : The New World Order, Pornography, and Gun Control.

Mother Jones included Fellure in their article, "19 Wacky Presidential Candidates You've Never Heard Of"--

Fellure is a perennial candidate from West Virginia who has run for president as a Republican since 1988. This year, he switched his affiliation after winning the nomination of the anti-booze Prohibition Party, the country’s oldest active third party. Fellure’s platform is the Authorized 1611 King James Bible, the “supreme constitution and absolute authority in the affairs of all men for all time and eternity.” He seeks to protect the nation from a New World Order takeover orchestrated by “atheists, Marxists, liberals, queers, liars, draft dodgers, flag burners, dope addicts, sex perverts, and anti-Christians.”

The Prohibition Party 2012 platform was an extremely Right-wing Christian document, with a few exceptions such as "a moratorium on the construction of new nuclear power plants." Aside from the anti-alcohol emphasis, most of the platform could have easily been interchanged with the Constitution Party.

VP Toby Davis was a pastor in Mississippi. He was active in the national leadership of the Prohibition Party and helped bring the group into the online world. At some point between his 2011 nomination and Nov. 2012, Davis moved to Illinois.

It was not a stellar year for the Prohibition Party. Only on the ballot in Louisiana, they finished 9th out of 11 in that state with 518 (0.03%) votes.

Fellure was inducted into the Encyclopedia of American Loons in Aug. 2013.

Election history: none

Other occupations: pastor, private school headmaster

Joined the Prohibition Party in 2001.
Father of 7 children in 2012.   
Toby was the second third party VP named Davis born in Alabama. The first was Angela Davis, Communist Party USA VP 1980 and 1984.