Showing posts with label Pete tha Nut. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pete tha Nut. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Pete tha Nut


Pete tha Nut

VP candidate for Independent (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Arron Kenneth Rudeen (b. 1989)
Popular vote: 0 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Arron Rudeen of [Washington State trivia alert!!!] Lynnwood, Wash. filed as an Independent for President with the FEC on Oct. 2, 2015.

Rudeen, aka Dr. Haze aka Watchman, operated a company called Haze House devoted to merchandising music. One of the headliners in his talent pool was an artist called Pete tha Nut, who was also the ticket's Vice-Presidential nominee. Occasionally they would musically collaborate under the name Haze & Nut.

Apparently some of Rudeen's online campaigning has been lost to history, but a bit of his electioneering and platform can be traced on his Facebook--

Apr. 18, 2015
Pete Tha Nut for President 2015

June 18, 2015
I'm excited to announce that I'm running for president of the United States !!!! Pete will be running for office as Vice President and we will finance our campaign through Robo nut sales ... Dr.Haze for President

Oct. 2, 2015
You don't have to 35+ years old to run for president... I'm filling out the FEC and will be the youngest in U.S. History to run for office ... You just might see me in the news next week if my publicist does his work right

Oct. 4, 2015
Me & my guy in economics will be devising a plan That will drop the U.S. poverty and homeless rate to 0% and provide housing that will be supported by the output of income from new jobs - our end homeless initiative will render successful if I am elected President, thank you for your support in 2016 - Arron Rudeen

The projects are designed to keep people in the projects... My mom grew up in Seattle projects and I know that mouse trap all to well... We will change that and change that paradigm by shifting the economics around a bit so that they are in balance and influx with all other housing community's (rich or poor) ... Demolishing of old project housing buildings and construction of new and better housing throughout all 50 states will take a lot of time and work to accomplish, so that in it self will create jobs and opportunities and a economical boom for families kept in the projects... Transforming projects and lower income housing and integrating those community's into the rest of America will both help the working class - lower / non-income class out from the depths of ghettos and into the abundance that we all together share... Not no one simple solution can be applied to end poverty and homelessness but a multitude of individuals united or all under the help for fellow bothers and sisters will be more than enough to end the confusing conflict of those not prospering in our great nation... They say time is money... But we will take the time & spend the money 😉

So many of you were quick to point out that you think have to be 35 years of age to run for president.... but a quick google search of people like Linda Jenness will prove that such false beliefs are of the contradictory... Rendering it possible for me to file my FEC and Run for Office... if any of you so called "Americans" and "Dream Killers" what to point out false misconceptions surrounding our constitution be my guest... But don't do so thinking your defending our nation -

I've looked well into the Age Thing... Yes the Constitution says you have to be 35 in order to be president of the untitled states... However... I can still run  for office and will just have limited Ballot access in most states due to my age... as well as many instances were state senates as young as age 24 were honored office after intents scrutiny by the congress & constitution standards... in 1972 a woman aged 31 named Linda Jenness received 83,380 Votes despite her age and limited ballot access...
as of this last October 2nd 2015 I have become the youngest Presidential Candidate in United States History at just age 24
Despite The fact of the constitutional prerequisite age requirement of 35 for presidential office, I have both the GOD given right and the American Birth Right enabling me to Campaign for the White House even though I'm just only 24 years of age,
It will be legal for both me to run for office and for you to vote for me... as I have stated some states will not be able to to carry me on the ballot due to the current age discrimination, but will be in the majority of the states...
If I do win the elections my fate will be decided by congress and will be handled from that point on forward...
I do not wish to sit and speculate as that is neither appropriate or productive towards the desired outcome for my candidacy, however it is expected that others may do so in unusual case that is made by my age...
I would have made the decision not to move forward if I felt that I did not possess the unusual talent that had propelled me into Candidacy for President of the United States and if that same tenacity and spirit were not capable of taking me to the White House...
As I move forward with my campaign for President in 2016 I ask that you also move forward with me, with strength, in spirit, so when we stand for this great nation, it will be every time that we are unified in the name of the United States of America, not divided and disassembled...
I can not run this race alone, this race that I run Is for you...the Proud American, May the land you dream of for your children's children be a land one of prosperous proportions so that when when they look back to this generation, they will surely say that this is truly the land of the brave and the home of the free
My Name is Arron Rudeen, I am currently 24years of age and I'm running for President of the Untitled States of America, I am from the people for people  and with your help we will make it to the White House in 2016 - Thank You for support & Vote
- Arron Rudeen

Oct. 5, 2015
I wish folks would get of the age kick... That's been challenged years ago by folks like Linda Jenness in 1972 ... The real problem is you been indoctrinated into a false paradigm comprised of capitalists who make money from you, your labor & your children since the day you were issued your S.S. Number ... So when a much competent young man such as myself steps forward in the elections the reaction is the same... "You must be 35" ... How ever it takes Bold individuals to stand out from this false paradigm and away from such deception and into true leadership in which he showcases his deprecation of thought from that common individual mind set and questions and entertains in the mind truth and only absolute truth... Not that of misunderstood traditions.
I have made it this far... What other man, woman may showcase otherwise that I am incompetent to be President - what fortunes can they foresee and predict to be? If it is my age alone then Discriminate me and that alone but do not bastardized my American Birthright until I am put before congress to testify and explain myself, bare witness to this great nation and it's people for my actions
With My papers filed and my application accepted I am officially in the election race and a recognized Candidate for the presidential office of the United States of America.
Thank you all for your support, with you the true American we will have liberty & justice for all - Arron Rudeen

Oct. 8, 2015
No one will take away your right to bare arms as long as I'm breathing... You have my word

Water fluoridation & Aspartame and all that money from such works will be ceased... No one will profit from such poison

Oct. 11, 2015
My neighbors son was training to be a sorcerer ... When I found his book on summoning Demons I casted this abomination straight back into the either ... Can't believe who lives next door to you until it's almost to late
Know your enemy & Love your neighbor - don't suffer a witch to live or a sorcerer - necromancer or a medium or communicator/seeker of "Familiar Spirits" or idolators or any practitioners of witchcraft
For who can truly control the demons ??? Alester Crowley couldn't do it... What makes any other man able and willing???
Cut the doorway - close the circle and cleanse the space all you want but they will get so out of control one day you will end up like my neighbor did... Driven to complete madness were suicide is the only way out - these demons will torment and keep antagonizing your soul until it's time to die... These forces you can't control and you have NO BUSINESS with such forces ... If you feel otherwise then prepare for eternal death soon... Your time to suffer in the lake fire will be soon upon you faster than you got into witchcraft
If you are into this stuff and can't      Get out then message me for specific instructions on how you can rid yourself from this stuff for good so it does not keep coming back !!!
If you, a friend or your family, or anyone you know is into or dabbles in the dark arts of witchcraft and spirit summoning or just needs a kick in the pants into the right direction before it's too late please don't hesitate to  ask me - message me and find out what must be done so that this out if your life and for good
Remember to let no man deceive you and that this wicked world full of foul and filthy works shall pass -
If you just don't care and are tolerant of such filth than may the Holy Blood LORD JESUS CHRIST have mercy on your Reprobated mind
- May God be with us all during these paralleling days ahead
- Arron Rudeen

you know the Illuminati out here getting ready to round you all up in F.E.M.A. Camps... don't act like yall won't still be watching football 10 years from now in a nice cumfy FEMA couch lol... you know damn well what im talkin bout lol (NOT FUNNY)

I will be giving back and recognizing the native community's throughout the 50 states that will give back significant portions of land to them - also working on reparations for African Americans who provide records dating back to their ancestry to plantation work as a indentured servant as well as other aspects that meet the requirements for receiving reparations with my economics guy... If elected president best believe we see more money than #Trump has ever seen

Oct. 12, 2015
We got great new economic polices in place... Some which will be published in the manifesto and others announced around Primary... Let's just say if elected president we won't have to deal with Rothschild central banking and the Zionist controlled credit unions

This small and ruthless international clique know as "Zionist" most commonly referred by the un-initiated as the "Illuminati" are capitalists comprised into all forms encompassing world Governments, Hollywood and entertainment (Music,Movies Games ETC..) Freemasonry - News and The Media -
ending both the central bank and Zionism capitalism that threaten our economic system and keeps the American public docile and always working in the paycheck paradigm are to be one of my top priorities if elected President and to establish new laws and regulations and a new banking system backed by the economical output of this nation and it's work.

Oct. 13, 2015
if elected president... individuals who are caught faking and staging being homeless and soliciting the public for money will be illegal and will be jailed up to 8 years and given a home LOL ... no scammers and free loaders on my watch ya feel me... the real individuals who face such a stark reality will be rehabilitated into the new economy

Oct. 18, 2015
One day I'm called anti-Semitic for not tolerating Zionism in our military and Press news media
... The next day Im considered  a practical hero cause I refuse to see children die and will run for president to stop it...
They say put your money where your mouth is... But I'm going to make sure that all Zionist owned media & military Etc ends by the year 2020... Gotta have that #2020 Vision

With my committee gearing for new economics policy, new education reform, Zionism and freemasonry out of government & military and the press, how to go about the process to correctly decriminalize Marijuana at the federal level, The restoration Act of 2017... This committee has started from a movement of just myself and a few individuals and is growing every day... The Arron Rudeen For President 2016 Committee going to get things done with the peoples

Nov. 18, 2015
***Pedophile Alert***
All Pedophilia & Non 21+ Pornography will end... and any one who stands against me and defends these perverts and all of  pedophila that degrade our youth will be no more!!!!
All these "pornographers" and "production studios" and "Actors" will be looking for real jobs!!!!!
Sexual exploitation and perverse pedophilia of our children ends here!!!!!
Others may give up our youth to these monsters and beasts !!!!!
For if you stand on anything remotely sacred...  it will 1st be our children, then 2nd!!!!! Their children for generations to follow... and it will be those generations that have a family unaffected by this disease...
Those who focus on their genitals rather Than this nation will be the real terrorist!!!! no More 911 rape reports!!!!
The only reason a human acts a monster is because we allow the laws of the land to enable it so....
So as your commander in Chief I will not stand as your voice and your leader and allow such an industry to be in business!!!!
God almighty willing in 2020 this Babylonian cancer will be teared away from the youth of our great nation and will never again make perverse income from our children !!!!!!

Dec. 5, 2015
TRUMP is not for the working class citizen.... the day I heard him ridicule the common working individual and the immigrant who starves and strives to get just barley by was enough for me to say... Ive had it with this man and his insults and how he has hypnotized the common worker... soon after I filed my form to run for your president, if one man such as myself can stand up then I hope you can to... all you have to do is back me up and I will have your back in these elections... rather you are a republican or democrat, you are first a hard working American ... and if your not a citizen then I know you work hard to be... we will work and labor together or we can permit the continuation of false dialectics to overwhelm our being so that we remain docile and obedient to these monsters like trump... I'm not asking for the working persons vote...I'm questioning if you are ready to stand up with me and that, the answer to this question is reflected in our Nations flag.
Thank You & GOD BLESS us all - Rudeen

Dec. 13, 2015
The Zionist have influenced our government directly since 1991 with Public Law 102-14 signed by Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush
.... but you are just a Goyim so these Talmudic laws wiz past your tiny Goy brain and it's "back to work" with you

Rudeen released a campaign autobiography in Nov. 2015 entitled Work of my Youth. After his initial burst of energy the campaign seemed to fizzle out by the start of 2016. Generally speaking, Rudeen is correct when he says a candidate does not have to be age 35 or above in order to run for President. His cited example of 1972 Socialist Workers Party nominee Linda Jenness (and her underage running-mate Cleve Andrew Pulley) were indeed on the ballot in 18 states and the District of Columbia. However, the ages of the candidates proved to be a problem in terms of ballot access for Indiana, New York, and Wisconsin. In those three states the SWP ticket consisted of the older Evelyn Reed and Clifton DeBerry.

A Rudeen/Pete tha Nut victory would have encountered a potential additional Constitutional hurdle in the event of their victory since they were both residents of the same state.

Election history: none

Other occupations: musician, Haze Houze A&R Vice President

Haze Houze has been dissolved and Rudeen is now involved in promoting the concept that we are living in the End Time.