Showing posts with label Scott Clayborn Falls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scott Clayborn Falls. Show all posts

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Scott Clayborn Falls


                                                               Robertson and Falls

Scott Clayborn Falls, February 23, 1969 -

VP candidate for Independent (aka Non Affiliated) (2008, 2012, 2016)

Running mate with nominee (2008, 2012, 2016): Platt Allen Robertson (b. 1971)

Popular vote (2008): 63 (0.00%)
Popular vote (2012): 45 (0.00%)
Popular vote (2016): ? (0.00%)
Electoral vote (2008, 2012, 2016): 0/538

The campaign (2008):

Las Vegas casino bartender Platt Robertson made the first of his three runs for President in 2008. Scott C. Falls of Denton, Tex. was his running-mate in all three campaigns. Robertson had previously lived in Denton.

Robertson used Myspace as an online campaign platform. Very little documentation from the 2008 electioneering has survived.

They were registered write-ins in Minnesota (zero votes) and Ohio (63 votes).

The campaign (2012):

In 2012 the campaign home address changed from Las Vegas to neighboring Henderson, Nev.

Robertson kicked off his campaign on Google Blogger (same format as I use on this blog) on June 22, 2011--

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Kicking off the campaign
My name is Platt Robertson and I am a Write-in Candidate for President of the United States. Along with my VP Scott Falls, we plan on helping you bring back America to the country we once remembered. Over the next weeks and months we will lay out our platform and discuss how our current path is not working. You can also follow us on Facebook under Robertson Falls or on Twitter @Robertsonfalls

Friday, June 24, 2011
Our campaign
Our campaign is pretty simple, just two guys who feel America needs our help. We are like a lot of you and are financially struggling these days. So we decided not to spend money on this campaign and to do everything through social media. This means that we won't ask for and don't need any donation for the campaign. The idea that Obama is trying to raise $1 billion for his reelection seems kind of silly. Besides a few stamps to mail off different forms to various states, we are completely independent. The only thing we ask of you, besides your vote, is to spread the word via Facebook, Twitter,...etc. I am looking forward to the next 1+ till the election and hope your along for the ride.

Platt Robertson

Write-in Candidate for President of the United States

Part of his platform was posted Sept. 27, 2012--

Below is the list of 10 laws I would pass under my administration.

1. Flat Tax - Simple and effective, will free people from the weight of the IRS

2. Glass-Steagall Act - Bring back the Glass-Steagall Act and shutdown the Wall St Casino.

3. Term Limits - 2 terms in the House and 2 terms in the Senate

4. Death Tax - Eliminate the Death Tax, the IRS shouldn't get you one last time.

5. NDAA - overturn provisions that destroy our rights

6. Net Neutrality - will keep the Internet free and equal for everyone.

7. Derivatives Act - Corralling these weapons of economic mass destruction.

8. Federal Student Loan Act - We have to quit crushing these kids with debt.

9. Audit the Fed - We have to pull the curtain back on our "national" bank.

10. Repeal Obamacare - We can do better than this piece of crap.

Robertson alone was a registered write-in in Delaware, Idaho, and West Virginia. Falls joined the ticket as a write-in in Minnesota, Montana, Ohio, and Washington. Robertson on Facebook said he was also registered in Nebraska, Oregon, Idaho, Iowa, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and West Virginia. No votes from any of the states were reported on sources I found although Robertson claimed 45 on Facebook.

The campaign (2016):

The campaign was back in Las Vegas as a home port in 2016. A look at the Facebook entries and memes especially from Falls reveal a strong partisan point of view supportive of Donald Trump.

In spite of their anti-Democratic Party views, Robertson also had a some problems with Trump. Here is his blog entry from Nov. 29, 2015 where Robertson is a bit reflective and weighs in on his competition--

 Why I'm running?? Hillary, Trump, and Bernie

I have been asked plenty of times why I have run for President in the past. In 2008 it was kind of a lark. I had a coworker back then that said he would vote for me if I ran. Having work elections before, I decide to do some research. With a little work, I became a official candidate in a couple of states. I did a radio interview and got some pub and that was fun. By the time 2012 came around, I had educated myself more on the issues facing us. People starting asking serious question when they found out I had ran for President and I wanted to give them the right answers. In 2012 I had formed some opinions and want to express those so I ran again. The reason I'm running this is simple. You people are actually think about electing Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, or Bernie Sanders for President of the United States.

Lets start with Hillary Clinton. I hear people all the time say they don't like professional politicians. So your telling me that the answer to career politicians is voting for Hillary??? The same Hillary that makes millions giving speeches about her 40 years in the political arena. She actually took money from Donald Trump when she was in the Senate. Talk about someone with skeletons in their closest, literally and figuratively. Finally, do we really want Bill around any more White House interns??

Some say we need an outsider like Donald Trump to fix things around here. So a man that grew up rich and became richer partially due to his ability to get politicians to do him favors is an "outsider." This guy brags about the empire he build but fails to mention the $1 million loan his father gave him to get started. Lets be honest, this guy has a reality TV show and was once in a WrestleMania. Is that what you want from a President. Also, can you elect someone with that kind of hair??

Lastly, the bell of the ball, Bernie Sanders. This guy thinks Socialism and more spending will fix everything. If only a country that is over $18 trillion in debt would just spend more things will be just fine. This coming from a guy that has only worked jobs in which he sucks off the taxpayers tit. I wish Bernie would tell us where this great Socialist utopia is that can be an example for us. I bet if you asked folks in Cuba and Venezuela about it they would give you a different opinion. With the success of the American experiment and abject failure of Marxism, how are we still having this discussion????

Hopefully over the next year I will present a strong enough argument to persuade you not to vote for these guys and give someone else , maybe me, a chance.

Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate  
Posted by RobertsonFalls 2012 at 12:37 PM

Robertson/Falls were registered write-ins in Alaska, Minnesota, and Washington. No votes were reported. Robertson said they were also registered in Alabama, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Vermont.

Election history: none

Other occupations: high school coach

From Tyler, Tex.