Showing posts with label Joanne Parker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joanne Parker. Show all posts

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Joanne Parker


Joanne Parker, ca1963 -

VP candidate for United Fascist Union (2008)

Running mate with nominee: Jackson Kirk Grimes (b. 1950)
Popular vote: ? (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Jack Grimes made his third run for the Presidency in 2008, still as the leader of the United Fascist Union--

United Fascist Union
Statement of Candidacy
Jack Grimes' Statement of Candidacy

It is my intention to run for President in the election to be held in November 2008, because I believe we need more political movements in this country which should be every spectrum of the rainbow. I see not only a need for new grass roots movements in this country, but also, for the average man to step into the political arena and take an active role in government.

A Fascist candidate for President will shake up the driftwood and cause a few minds to get busy. We must break the two-party monopoly in conventional politics in this country if we are to preserve the American people's Freedom of Choice. We must create new political movements that the masses can polarize around if we are to keep the general public interested in politics, of those, surely one can be Fascist.

We must end the reign of terror of the capitalist elite, which has driven the middle-class to the brink of extinction and holds the poor down to a loathsome level where they are no better than medieval serfs. Corporate Statism, an economic system under which government and corporate interests cooperate with each other for the betterment and general welfare of the nation, whereby government makes a profit for the people instead of exploiting them is the perfect antidote to capitalism.

To correct the flaws in modern society the United Fascist Union recommends: Halting the monopolies on utilities; imposing a strict censorship on the press; halting urban sprawl; and enacting rules of public conduct which police would rigidly enforce.


Jack Grimes
Director & CEO of
the United Fascist Union

In a Dec, 2007 interview, Grimes was asked about his VP choice in 2008--

Q: Moving to your presidential run, how is the 08 campaign going? And a friend of mine wanted to know if you had a running mate.

A: I would say it’s too soon to say how it’s going at this time. You’re actually our first magazine interview. We’ve done no radio or anything. We wouldn’t expect to this soon. No, I have no running mate this time as yet. It will probably be Miss Parker because Mr. Rios, who was my running mate the last two times, is unavailable. We’ve lost touch with him to be honest with you and we don’t know where Eduardo Rios is if he’s interested. So it probably will be that Miss Parker will be my running mate. She is my real second in command anyway. She would not be my running mate the last two times because she thought it would hurt my chances of getting elected because of the rampant sexism in this country. So we had Mr. Rios, who was my third in command and legitimately entitled if she declined. But like I said, he seems to have quit on us.

Grimes' VP in 2000 and 2004 had been Eduardo Rios. But Joann "Sally" Parker, Grimes' long time political comrade, had definitely been identified as his running-mate for 2008. Grimes and Parker lived in Maryland at this time.

Reporter Rory Sweeney summed up the UFU platform for 2008--

A Universal Price Index that would regulate the cost of necessities. “It’s like rent control but it’s applied to everything across the board.”

• Institute a worldwide military dictatorship government, known as Nova Roma, that reforms society into a corporate structure, called Corporate Statism. “The people will be regimented, disciplined and controlled and they will stop thinking of themselves as individuals and act as components of the corporate collective.”

• Create a “Transferable Work Point Card” to replace currency. “We believe in workfare rather than welfare.”

• “Promote a revival of the Republican Commonwealth of Imperial Rome and stand against liberalism, public corruption, decadence and Democracy in all the evil forms they manifest themselves in.”

Grimes was quite adamant that he was a Mussolini type of fascist, not a Hitler type.

As in previous elections the UFU had to spend a lot of energy in denials that they were a put-on or a sick joke. It seems the ticket did not make any ballots or were registered as write-ins in any state, resulting in a grand total of zero votes being reported. In the event of their victory, there would have been a Constitutional legal problem since Grimes and Parker were both residents of the same state.

Election history: none

Other occupations: ?

Appeared with Grimes on the Jerry Springer Show in 1997.