Showing posts with label Pedro Rafael Pierluisi Urrutia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pedro Rafael Pierluisi Urrutia. Show all posts

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Pedro Rafael Pierluisi Urrutia


Pedro Rafael Pierluisi Urrutia, April 26, 1959 (San Juan, P.R.) -

VP candidate for Independent Republican (2012, 2016)

Running mate with nominee (2012, 2016): Pogo Mochello Allen-Reese (b. 1971)
Popular vote (2012, 2016): ? (0.00%)
Electoral vote (2012, 2016): 0/538

The campaign (2012):

Persian Gulf War veteran and former exotic dancer Pogo Mochello Allen-Reese of Texas, a self-described "Slave of Jesus," made his first run for President in the 2012 election. His running-mate was Puerto Rican politician Pedro Pierluisi. Allen-Reese's stage name had been "Patriot Prancer." He was a commercial truck driver and an anti-abortion activist.

Allen-Reese mentioned his VP a couple times in Facebook--

Dec. 28, 2011
It is time to have our FIRST Puerto Rican Republican Vice President!

Jan. 3, 2012
Patriot Prancer Made it to Des Moines IA! A Truck Rear-ended a Car rubbernecking watching me Patriot Prance with OLE GLORY near the GREYHOUND Station!
 I am just like the Throughbreed Horse Secretariat! I may start from behind and WILL finish with the TRIPLE CROWN: Public Servant, President & Commander-in-CHIEF! GOD is on OUR SIDE! MY V.P. Pierluisi has to get BUSY! Time is wasting!

Pierluisi was the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico, i.e., the island's delegate to the US House of Representatives. How Allen-Reese felt connected to him and whether or not Pierluisi agreed to be the VP is unknown. In any case, Pierluisi would not have been able to vote for himself even if the ticket did make it to the ballot (they did not) and there is some question if he could legally assume office.

The campaign (2016)

Allen-Reese once again chose Pierluisi as his running-mate for the 2016 election. He filed with the FEC in Jan. 2014 as a Republican under the auspices of the Reese Pierluisi committee. A Facebook entry early in the campaign read--

Nov. 7, 2013
I am back down to $4345.91 in personal campaign expenses.  Had to take out all my cash back payments.  This would have been double counting.  The FEC sent me a dictionary of New Forms 1 & 2 to complete.  It is a paperwork NIGHTMARE.  Will have to consult with my RUNNING Mate and Harvard Attorney Congressman Pedro Pierluisi. Help me get through this log jam mess.  Glad We are starting 2 years in advance!

Included in Allen-Reese's list of qualifications was that he "visited the birthplaces of both Presidents Washington and Lincoln."

As a warmup to the big election, Allen-Reese ran for Mayor of San Antonio in 2015 where he engaged in vitriolic personal attacks against some of his opponents. During one of the debates he simply got up and walked out. He placed last out of 14 candidates with 29 votes. His Presidential campaign apparently continued after the mayoral sidetrack, but not with the previous vigor.

Some of Allen-Reese's proposed Presidential appointments--

White House Chief of Staff - Haley Barbour
Attorney General - Pierluisi would also hold this position in addition to VP
Equal Employment Opportunity Commissioner - Julian Castro
Under Sec. of State - Edward Cox (Nixon's son-in-law)
Sec. of Commerce - Warren Buffet
Under Sec. of Labor - James P. Hoffa
Sec. of Hospitals and Health and Physical Education - Bobby Jindal
Sec. of Health and Physical Education - Arnold Schwarzenegger
FCC Chair - Oprah Winfrey

Election history:
2009-2017 - Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico (New Progressive Party)
2021-     - Governor of Puerto Rico (New Progressive Party)
Other occupations: attorney, Puerto Rico Secretary of Justice, Acting Secretary of State of Puerto Rico, De Facto Governor of Puerto Rico (2019),

Pierluisi endorsed Biden in 2020.