Showing posts with label Bernard Sanders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bernard Sanders. Show all posts

Friday, November 12, 2021

John Edmund de Graaf


John Edmund de Graaf, August 26, 1946 (San Francisco, Calif.) -

VP candidate for Bread and Roses Party (2020)

Running mate with nominee: Jerome Michael Segal (b. 1943)
Popular vote: 5,949 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

The Bread and Roses Party was founded in 2018 by longtime peace activist Jerome Segal. Called "Maryland's Bernie Sanders" in his marketing, Segal announced he was running for President in Aug. 2019 and the following month filed with the FEC under the auspices of the new party. He pointed out he had no wish to act as a spoiler in favor of Trump and planned to campaign only in states that were reliably in the Democratic Party column.

The Party's platform and objectives were presented in several wordy sections on different websites, revealing a classic utopian "Socialist-lite" vision. The section that seemed like the most concise summary of the Party follows--

Key Elements of the Bread and Roses Program

The Two-Fold Core

1. Level the Pyramid
Vision -- A more equal society, one with far less disparity between winners and losers

Task: Re-Distribute Wealth and Income

    Every household will have a Corporate Stock Ownership Account. Over 20 years these will collectively come to hold 75% of all corporate stock. This will be achieved through wealth taxes, higher estate taxes, and stock purchases funded through financial transaction taxes.

    Parameters for earnings – We need to have this conversation. Proposal: No one should earn more than 20x the minimum wage.

    Multiple policies to achieve the re-distribution of Income so that the average after-tax income of the top 20% will be no more than 3X the income required to achieve a health and decency standard for viable simple living:

    Eliminating the income cap on payment of payroll taxes.
    Increasing marginal tax rates in the upper brackets.
    Enacting a progressive consumption tax.
    Increasing both the minimum wage and the Earned Income Tax Credit.
    Tax Elimination: Eliminating all taxation on those with incomes below a health and decency standard, including sales taxes, employment taxes and property taxes.
    A 2% wealth tax on great fortunes.
    Introducing progressive property taxes.
    Higher estate taxes, and closing loop hole for transfer of capital gains.
    Consideration of a modest basic income guarantee.

Additional Revenue to fund our agenda will come from:

    Reversing the Trump corporate tax cut.
    Enacting a “no-exemptions” minimum tax on corporate profits.

2. Providing a Simple Living Option with Life-long Economic Security
Vision -- A Simple Living Option:

For everyone to have the life-option of a secure income sufficient, through life, to live simply, with productivity growth channeled to expanding leisure to do that which is most important in life, each to their own drummer. For each, in turn, to contribute to society at their highest potentials.

Key Objectives:

    Guaranteed employment
    Adequate income levels through all life stages and health conditions
    Lowering costs of meeting basic needs
    Expanding Leisure

Measurable Progress:

Year by year reduction in Need Required Labor Time (NRLT) at both the minimum wage and the median wage level.

Policy tools:
* To help guarantee employment:

    A major expansion of the non-profit sector.

    Jobs programs to meet needs of the least advantages, and to address the global climate change crisis.

    Job sharing in periods of recession.

* To guarantee health and decency income:

 - Integrate a rising minimum wage with a rising earned income tax credit (EITC) to enable a health and decency standard of living.  

- Raise minimum social security retirement payments from present $11,000 to $18,000/year.

- Initiate a flow of income from universal share of re-distributed corporate stock.
* To lower the costs of meeting needs in housing, health, transportation and education, taxes, retirement:

- A Unified Medicaid/Medicare national system that provides public option for all, includes long-term care, determines costs on a sliding scale, free at the bottom, with highest level of total personal costs capped at 8% of income.

- Free education for each new generation, day care through college.

- Promote home ownership for almost all families, with the objective of debt-free ownership of simple homes; reform zoning restrictions to allow tiny homes on tiny lots; build low-income condos instead of public housing.

 - Experiment with free public transportation; research into new inexpensive electric vehicles.

- Progressive payroll and property taxes

On Apr. 30, 2020, Seattle-based author John de Graaf was announced as the running-mate.

de Graaf supplied this blog with a wonderful interview, posted on May 2, 2020--

Segal/de Graaf were on the ballot in Maryland (0.19%) and Vermont (0.02%). They did not appear to be registered as write-ins in any state.

Election history: none

Other occupations: author, filmmaker, activist, teacher

Full disclosure: de Graaf's film and book Affluenza had an enormous impact on accelerating my path in choosing a simpler and less consumer-based materialistic lifestyle.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

John Ellis Bush


John Ellis Bush, February 11, 1953 (Midland, Tex.) -

VP candidate for American Peoples Party (aka American Party) (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Roger Alan Hoover (b. 1951)
Popular vote: 0 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Roger Alan Hoover of New Port Richey, Fla. filed with the FEC for US President under the banner of the American Peoples Party on Oct. 31, 2016. Since he did not indicate on his form if he was running for the 2016 or 2020 election, the FEC defaulted to 2016.

Hoover introduced himself to potential voters on Facebook, apparently in the fall of 2016--

About Roger
I am a newly married candidate for President of the American States. If you write me in, HOOVER, I will work every day for you. Not collecting money, not selling Pooh hats, shirts, ties and whatever I think you will buy. I have invited the former NBA Basketball star, Bill Bradley to be my Integrity Ombudsman, if you know him or know somebody who knows him, please encourage him. This Hoover administration promises total visibility and I mean total, if I screw up, Rochelle will tell you how I screwed up, and then I will take the podium and answer questions every day and ask for your forgiveness. My mistakes will be mistakes of the head not the heart. Dick Cheney's were of the heart and he had to get a brand new one. That electric one was going to shock him into the next life. On Wednesday I have a meeting with a representative of the Communist Government of Vietnam. I am organizing a Forgive Me tour of Vietnam next August and September.  Command Sergeant Major Ted Daw will lead this delegation. This isn't like O'Bama. I killed more than 1,000 North Vietnamese civilians because my government told me to, not because I wanted to. If you knew me, you would know unequivocally this is true. I dropped Napalm on them in tunnels designed to protect them. Napalm is liquid plastic like Urethane mixed with gasoline. You may recall the young girl on the cover of Time magazine. I killed over a 1,000 of such girls, boys and men and women, all civilians. All burned to death with the burning gasoline clinging to their skin. So please America, let me apologize and let me begin to heal. All of Vietnam's, 80,000 soldier deaths and 200,000 suicide deaths were so Vietnamese children could make your Oneida silverware for a nickel less than when the factory was in New York on the Erie Canal. Maybe all of us should apologize, except Lady Bird Johnson RMK-BMJ sold to Haliburton in time for the Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan killing. General Eisenhower, we need your spirit now. I know John McCain is a lowly Ensign like 41 but I am promoting him to a 7 star General like myself and I guarantee upon my life, the mistakes of the past will not be repeated.

Hoover also claimed the late President Herbert Hoover was his uncle or great-uncle. One problem here is that the former President had one brother who was the father of daughters, not sons, meaning no one with the Hoover surname could be a nephew or great nephew of Herbert Hoover.

It would seem Hoover began his quest for the Presidency around June, 2016, if his Facebook entries are an indicator. It is difficult to ascertain how many of his statements were made as a form of jest. Hoover expressed a desire to have the following people as his running-mate: Bernie Sanders, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Mark Cuban, and Mark Zuckerberg. He also offered to be the running-mate for Sanders, Cuban and Hillary Clinton.

Some of the less obscene Facebook samples during his campaign--

June 2, 2016
Donald, you are too stupid to get any of this but I'll try, others will get it. When I read about your father, I fell in love with him. He is not happy with you, in fact every time you come on TV, he turns his head in shame. That's between you and him. When he made that $1,000,000 loan to you so you could start your business, I so wished my dad could have too. That's ok, my dad gave me the gifts of civility, compassion, empathy, etc. Donald, with all of your deft, all you have is debt, debt outpaces your equity, with all your debt you couldn't buy any of those even though your father was rich in all of them. Now our dads lunch daily in my room in heaven. Your dad has asked me to verbally body punch you until you can't take any more and I have agreed. GET OUT OF THE RACE YOU DUMB ASS! Even I don't want to see what I am going to do to you. Weak independent candidate my ass, my nickname is THE TASMANIAN DEVIL. You should jet down to Tasmania before you continue this folly. If you do drop out I will totally show you how to save your ass and return to relevance! You've been warned BLOW HARD!

June 4, 2016
Hi everyone, I forgot, the Secret Service monitors my posts, appears Donald is afraid I will get to him and hurt him. Disney shared my practice incident report with Donald which was accurate in all details, Donald my details are always spot on. I'll start off with a general statement and then move to specifics. I want no harm to come to Donald. If it does, it won't be at my hands. I like Donald and want to show him the way back to his Zen. Donald, I'll give you a hint, it involves making billions for you but DOES NOT INVOLVE HOTELS. You've been there done that. When I say, I'm coming for you, that's what all candidates say to each other, I did not say, I'm gunning for you. When I say I'm going to unleash a flurry of verbal body blows on you, I mean, sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you. I only have words for you Donald, but I have eyes for Milani. I only have eyes for her!

June 6, 2016
I will predict that Donald will not show his birth certificate. Who will give 5 million dollars to Creation Kids if Donald does not show his birth certificate . I wondered why Donald went so far off the tracks about President Barry Soetoro's Birth Certificate . It's because Donald knows the best defense is a strong offense. Donald knew that his Birth Certificate would come under scrutiny . He knew he could not withstand that. So thus the attack on President Soetoro. Donald pull up your Trump big boy panties and show us your original birth certificate. What was your given name Donald?

June 17, 2016
People who apparently live in LAX are asking me am I running as a Republican, a Democrat or an Independent. Due to the lack of communicative skills in Washington this is all I know. As of TODAY, I am running, Bernie is running, Mark Cuban is running, Hilclimber 3 Hotel is running and Donald is running. Who's on top, who's on bottom, who's power and whose passive, I have no idea. I can go with most match ups but there are some I can't, I won't. Oh, I left out The President. Can't serve any more terms, true but he can sacrifice 2 more. You see, Donald, the dumb ass he is was more concerned with where Barry was born rather than who was born. Barry Soetoto was on the b/s. But Barack Obama (a non person) has been allowed to serv. President Barry Soetoto hasn't served a day and is elegible for 8 years Presidential Candidate
Roger Alan Hoover also 8.
Now Dumb ass Donald has his own problems, born a twin Donald's heart failed, dad made the painful decision to save the boy with the girl's heart. Problem, the girl's birth certificate is the surviving one. The small hands, no blood while heart transplanted. He dumb ass, I gave you many chances to get out with dignity and a super income , now I never want to see your lying dumb ass. Why don't you make money for your supporters like  Warren Buffet.

June 19, 2016
Fathers Day Tribute to Herbert Clark Hoover, 31st President of the United States. Though I never met you, thanks for passing the presidential genes to me.   

To all of those doubters and haters who think I can't get elected and those that want to continue bullying me, Albuquerque YOU!
I love Muhammed Ali  and have since the Cashious days. I am dedicating the first year of my presidency to curing Parkinson's. It will be called whatever my hero wants it called to honor him and to make it easier for me to text.
HOOVER 2016.

Bernie, I'll run with you, top or bottom.  YES

Hilclimbrr 3 Hotel. Hillary, I don't know what I ever did to deserve this but if God says I must pay my debt, then I must pay it. Many love you, many love me, many loved Herbert Hoover 31, I'd rather win with a woman than lose with a man. Don't drag this out, give a quick answer, may I be your running mate, the man 2nd string banana Vice President?

June 29, 2016
I would be willing to leave Roe v. Wade in exchange for a national sterilization bill. All 12 year old girls would be sterilized unless they could prove they possess the Intelligence and compassion to become a mother. For the few that slip through the system, there's still the abortion option. That way a woman from age 12 and up can have unprotected sex to her heart's desire  knowing she's already "gotten rid of it".

July 9, 2016
All of you Facebook idiots. Pay attention, I'm only going to say this once. I am not sick, I do not have a mental illness. I have a brain injury that occurs when you napalm men, women and children. A BRAIN INJURY. Look it up in your "My little Pony" dictionary. Leave me alone if you don't know what an Albuquerque brain injury is!

July 13, 2016
I am a member of NRA. I support the 2nd. I am also an ordained minister running for nomination with Mark Cuban, I believe if we are elected, have all the guns you like. Modern bullets were not covered by the 2nd. The Product Safety Commission will rule them unsafe to humans and they will be banned and illegal. Mark and I are committed to stop murder, it's affecting recruiting at the Mavericks.

July 20, 2016
Mark Cuban and i are on the ballot in TN, i wonder about the other 49??

An open letter to ISIS. You have decided to fight the United States of America on a house to house guerrilla warfare basis plus cut the heads of little children off. Ok, game on, we accept your challenge. If Mark Cuban or Mark Zuckerberg and myself get on all 50 ballets as the American Party or if the fine citizens of this land write us in, this is what will happen my first day in office. We will begin to pay $100,000.00 in local currency to anyone who gives us the GPS coordinates of an ISIS members house. Once we have those coordinates we will send a $250,000 HELL FIRE MISSILE in your house. No one will survive, trust me, not your nana and not your precious bubala. We will gladly pay $350,000 to end your reign of terror and return our world to a peaceful coexistence. If we send a missile to the wrong house, ooops, our bad! You can not share this and live in fear the rest of your life or share it and help me get elected. Other postings at Roger Hoover, Paris, TN. Roger Alan Hoover and Mark Cuban.

So, America, you get to pick my Vice President. I love and respect each of these gentlemen equally. This may be the only race you truly get to decide. For President, write me in Roger Alan Hoover, great nephew of the 31st President, Herbert Clark Hoover, be sure and write in Roger Alan Hoover for President. Then for Vice President either Mark Cuban or Mark Zuckerberg, your choice.

July 26, 2016
NATO, yeah right!
How about USATO
HOOVER - Head of the American Party, write him in on November 8th.
Ivanka - Yes or No
As president in 8 years, you need to be decisive, right Neurosurgeon Ben Carson, I'm coming to you after Bernie, heads up, patients are coding!

Aug. 5, 2016
I have confirmed with the Federal Communications Commission that I am a qualified, bona fide, certified candidate for the office of the Presidency of the American States in accordance with:
Section 73.1940 of the United States Code [47 CFR Pp 73.1940]. I understand the atheists in the US Government do not believe in miracles but as my previous Post and Tweet state, God is still in the miracle business. Soon you will hear from a mostly deaf young man who will rock your world and light up Twitter.
On November 8th, as I celebrate my birthday in Italy with my Opus you will witness another miracle performed by the Supreme Court as they award me the Presidency as they did my predecessor President George W. Bush, {hi Laura} [hi President George Herbert Walker Bush] (I know Herbert was for my great uncle the 31st President but who is 'Walker for?, a Texas Ranger?) {hi Barbara - Bush Bush Clinton, yep time for another HOOVER} Barbara, is there any way you could talk JEB into being my VP, I really love him, he knows from the letters I sent him in Tallahassee, tell him the law suit over Jackson County wasn't personal, it was for the children, and I dropped it and you know why!
Ok, focus!! News networks, and I use the term loosely, I really mean lackies to the 6 companies that control US News and World

Reports, and I use the term loosely. If you continue to ignore my candidacy referenced above, you will be very foolish, because you will not have one employee approved for the White House Press Corps and I will hold a briefing every day at 5:30 Eastern that will run to 6:30 Eastern. YOU WILL NOT HAVE ONE PERSON ON THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS DETAIL.
Further, after consulting with my Summa Cum Laude from UT Law and that's not TEXAS, he states that I do not have to make myself available to any NEWS Network that does not offer me equal access, so guess what Albuquerque Hole, I will not talk to you after November 8th if you do not talk to me before November 8th. So go ahead PUNK, how many votes do you think you have out of the 8? I know I have 8 so go ahead PUNKS, MAKE MY DAY! Clint, Please no empty chair speeches, the girls thought it was creepy, put some of these NETWORK IDIOTS in that chair and go to town, I love your body of work!

Aug. 17, 2016
Is there any chance at all that one of the fine Generic Companies making meds for the VA. Let me just stop here and tell hill if she takes the job NO MORE GODDAMN GENERICS HILLARY, THAT IS YOUR LESSON ONE, LEARN IT WELL OR I WILL HIRE MONICA LEWINSKI AS YOU ATTACHE'. I think one of my medicines has been filled as Ambien instead of what it should be, how can we check that out and what does Hemoglobin have to do with any of this. IS SOMEONE ELSE TRYING TO KILL ME. Hey Secret Service I am a bona fide, qualified, certified candidate for President of the United States of America who polled much higher than trump or Xclinton last week on Twitter. What else do you want and engrave invitation.
Secret Service, if you are not too busy with the WHORES in Cartagena would you please come protect me?

I'm going to be making the oval office square, I'm not changing it just with me an old school guy who believes in honesty, integrity, honor other peoples property like Palestine and don't take a life, let God do it, eventually He will get around to every single one of us. Let Him decide the time. Allah really does know best. Love to all.

Sept. 5, 2016
Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton, let's save the country any further division. Both of you DROP OUT OF THE RACE TODAY, LABOR DAY. Mr. Trump, you will be my Business Plenipotentiary with no salary but 10% of contracts and treaties, 20% of Whistle Blower (I have a big Blue Tarp one for you), you should make $100 Billion per year if not more. You will be my Business Plenipotentiary, please have Eric Trump look it up and read it to you.
Mrs. Clinton, I will pardon you of all crimes and misdemeanors 1 minute into my inaugural speech, you will be my Veteran's Plenipotentiary. Seven Star General John McCain and myself will accompany you on 416 Monday field inspections. Generals will fear your footsteps. After 8 years under my wing man, you will be the first woman president of the United States of America, I will work night and day to insure it. Come on team, play nice, it is my destiny to be  the 45th or 46th President, let's make it happen. It's good for me and it's good for America. It's very good for those that make it happen. I've shown you how. So, cast your vote for America.

Sept. 16, 2016
Birther Issue: Mr. Donald Trump, Eric Trump are your dad's hands so small he can't get his birth certificate out of the safe deposit box and publish it here on FaceBook? Come on Donald, were you born in the United States?

Oct. 7, 2016
If you don't think the billionairs like Warren Buffet and the Koch Brothers control US elections, consider this. I have made 2,000 FaceBook Posts and 1,800 Tweets and 27 videos since the election began. And I didn't say one newsworthy thing that a reporter somewhere would like to ask me about. Come on America, you are not as stupid as these Billionairs think you are, are you? On November 8th, 2016 when you go into the privacy of your voting device, write in the name HOOVER and show the people who stole this country from us, that we want it back and President Roger Alan Hoover, who cannot be bought for any amount of money is going to help us wrestle it out of your filthy, money grubbing, thieving hands once and for all. Reform will be the order of the day in addition to returning the USA to the most financially viable country in the world. Can I count on your vote America, it is my birthday after all. Give me the best present I could hope for and I will work every day of the next 8 years making your future brighter, your  children's future brighter, your grandchildren's future brighter and your great grandchildren's future brighter. Can you ask any more than that from me?

2016 was not kind to Jeb Bush, one of Hoover's desired running-mates. The son and sibling of Presidents, he was considered the dynastic front runner and strongest contender early in the primary season. Like many other establishment Republicans, he was steamrolled by an aggrieved wave of Right wing populism. Bush dropped out of the race on Feb. 20, 2016 and endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz. Of Trump, Bush famously predicted, "Donald Trump would be a chaos president. He would not be the commander in chief we need to keep our country safe."  Later he told the press he did not vote for either Clinton or Trump.

In the event of a Hoover/Bush victory the Constitutional problem of both candidates being residents of the same state might have been bypassed since it appeared Hoover was also resident of Tennessee.

Hoover did not appear on any ballots nor was he registered as a write-in in any state. In a Nov. 6, 2016 Youtube presentation he expressed a hope that Clinton and Trump would deadlock and as a result Congress would turn to Roger Hoover as the compromise choice.

Election history:
1994 - Governor of Florida (Republican) - defeated
1999-2007 - Governor of Florida (Republican)
2016 - Republican nomination for US President - defeated

Other occupations: banking, real estate, entrepreneur, Florida Secretary of Commerce

After being greeted with silence following what he felt was a stirring speech during the 2016 primary, Bush implored the audience with an exasperated tone, "Please clap." The moment went viral, much to the candidate's detriment.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg


Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, May 14, 1984 (White Plains, N.Y.) -

VP candidate for American Peoples Party (aka American Party) (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Roger Alan Hoover (b. 1951)
Popular vote: 0 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Roger Alan Hoover of New Port Richey, Fla. filed with the FEC for US President under the banner of the American Peoples Party on Oct. 31, 2016. Since he did not indicate on his form if he was running for the 2016 or 2020 election, the FEC defaulted to 2016.

Hoover introduced himself to potential voters on Facebook, apparently in the fall of 2016--

About Roger
I am a newly married candidate for President of the American States. If you write me in, HOOVER, I will work every day for you. Not collecting money, not selling Pooh hats, shirts, ties and whatever I think you will buy. I have invited the former NBA Basketball star, Bill Bradley to be my Integrity Ombudsman, if you know him or know somebody who knows him, please encourage him. This Hoover administration promises total visibility and I mean total, if I screw up, Rochelle will tell you how I screwed up, and then I will take the podium and answer questions every day and ask for your forgiveness. My mistakes will be mistakes of the head not the heart. Dick Cheney's were of the heart and he had to get a brand new one. That electric one was going to shock him into the next life. On Wednesday I have a meeting with a representative of the Communist Government of Vietnam. I am organizing a Forgive Me tour of Vietnam next August and September.  Command Sergeant Major Ted Daw will lead this delegation. This isn't like O'Bama. I killed more than 1,000 North Vietnamese civilians because my government told me to, not because I wanted to. If you knew me, you would know unequivocally this is true. I dropped Napalm on them in tunnels designed to protect them. Napalm is liquid plastic like Urethane mixed with gasoline. You may recall the young girl on the cover of Time magazine. I killed over a 1,000 of such girls, boys and men and women, all civilians. All burned to death with the burning gasoline clinging to their skin. So please America, let me apologize and let me begin to heal. All of Vietnam's, 80,000 soldier deaths and 200,000 suicide deaths were so Vietnamese children could make your Oneida silverware for a nickel less than when the factory was in New York on the Erie Canal. Maybe all of us should apologize, except Lady Bird Johnson RMK-BMJ sold to Haliburton in time for the Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan killing. General Eisenhower, we need your spirit now. I know John McCain is a lowly Ensign like 41 but I am promoting him to a 7 star General like myself and I guarantee upon my life, the mistakes of the past will not be repeated.

Hoover also claimed the late President Herbert Hoover was his uncle or great-uncle. One problem here is that the former President had one brother who was the father of daughters, not sons, meaning no one with the Hoover surname could be a nephew or great nephew of Herbert Hoover.

It would seem Hoover began his quest for the Presidency around June, 2016, if his Facebook entries are an indicator. It is difficult to ascertain how many of his statements were made as a form of jest. Hoover expressed a desire to have the following people as his running-mate: Bernie Sanders, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Mark Cuban, and Mark Zuckerberg. He also offered to be the running-mate for Sanders, Cuban and Hillary Clinton.

Some of the less obscene Facebook samples during his campaign--

June 2, 2016
Donald, you are too stupid to get any of this but I'll try, others will get it. When I read about your father, I fell in love with him. He is not happy with you, in fact every time you come on TV, he turns his head in shame. That's between you and him. When he made that $1,000,000 loan to you so you could start your business, I so wished my dad could have too. That's ok, my dad gave me the gifts of civility, compassion, empathy, etc. Donald, with all of your deft, all you have is debt, debt outpaces your equity, with all your debt you couldn't buy any of those even though your father was rich in all of them. Now our dads lunch daily in my room in heaven. Your dad has asked me to verbally body punch you until you can't take any more and I have agreed. GET OUT OF THE RACE YOU DUMB ASS! Even I don't want to see what I am going to do to you. Weak independent candidate my ass, my nickname is THE TASMANIAN DEVIL. You should jet down to Tasmania before you continue this folly. If you do drop out I will totally show you how to save your ass and return to relevance! You've been warned BLOW HARD!

June 4, 2016
Hi everyone, I forgot, the Secret Service monitors my posts, appears Donald is afraid I will get to him and hurt him. Disney shared my practice incident report with Donald which was accurate in all details, Donald my details are always spot on. I'll start off with a general statement and then move to specifics. I want no harm to come to Donald. If it does, it won't be at my hands. I like Donald and want to show him the way back to his Zen. Donald, I'll give you a hint, it involves making billions for you but DOES NOT INVOLVE HOTELS. You've been there done that. When I say, I'm coming for you, that's what all candidates say to each other, I did not say, I'm gunning for you. When I say I'm going to unleash a flurry of verbal body blows on you, I mean, sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you. I only have words for you Donald, but I have eyes for Milani. I only have eyes for her!

June 6, 2016
I will predict that Donald will not show his birth certificate. Who will give 5 million dollars to Creation Kids if Donald does not show his birth certificate . I wondered why Donald went so far off the tracks about President Barry Soetoro's Birth Certificate . It's because Donald knows the best defense is a strong offense. Donald knew that his Birth Certificate would come under scrutiny . He knew he could not withstand that. So thus the attack on President Soetoro. Donald pull up your Trump big boy panties and show us your original birth certificate. What was your given name Donald?

June 17, 2016
People who apparently live in LAX are asking me am I running as a Republican, a Democrat or an Independent. Due to the lack of communicative skills in Washington this is all I know. As of TODAY, I am running, Bernie is running, Mark Cuban is running, Hilclimber 3 Hotel is running and Donald is running. Who's on top, who's on bottom, who's power and whose passive, I have no idea. I can go with most match ups but there are some I can't, I won't. Oh, I left out The President. Can't serve any more terms, true but he can sacrifice 2 more. You see, Donald, the dumb ass he is was more concerned with where Barry was born rather than who was born. Barry Soetoto was on the b/s. But Barack Obama (a non person) has been allowed to serv. President Barry Soetoto hasn't served a day and is elegible for 8 years Presidential Candidate
Roger Alan Hoover also 8.
Now Dumb ass Donald has his own problems, born a twin Donald's heart failed, dad made the painful decision to save the boy with the girl's heart. Problem, the girl's birth certificate is the surviving one. The small hands, no blood while heart transplanted. He dumb ass, I gave you many chances to get out with dignity and a super income , now I never want to see your lying dumb ass. Why don't you make money for your supporters like  Warren Buffet.

June 19, 2016
Fathers Day Tribute to Herbert Clark Hoover, 31st President of the United States. Though I never met you, thanks for passing the presidential genes to me.   

To all of those doubters and haters who think I can't get elected and those that want to continue bullying me, Albuquerque YOU!
I love Muhammed Ali  and have since the Cashious days. I am dedicating the first year of my presidency to curing Parkinson's. It will be called whatever my hero wants it called to honor him and to make it easier for me to text.
HOOVER 2016.

Bernie, I'll run with you, top or bottom.  YES

Hilclimbrr 3 Hotel. Hillary, I don't know what I ever did to deserve this but if God says I must pay my debt, then I must pay it. Many love you, many love me, many loved Herbert Hoover 31, I'd rather win with a woman than lose with a man. Don't drag this out, give a quick answer, may I be your running mate, the man 2nd string banana Vice President?

June 29, 2016
I would be willing to leave Roe v. Wade in exchange for a national sterilization bill. All 12 year old girls would be sterilized unless they could prove they possess the Intelligence and compassion to become a mother. For the few that slip through the system, there's still the abortion option. That way a woman from age 12 and up can have unprotected sex to her heart's desire  knowing she's already "gotten rid of it".

July 9, 2016
All of you Facebook idiots. Pay attention, I'm only going to say this once. I am not sick, I do not have a mental illness. I have a brain injury that occurs when you napalm men, women and children. A BRAIN INJURY. Look it up in your "My little Pony" dictionary. Leave me alone if you don't know what an Albuquerque brain injury is!

July 13, 2016
I am a member of NRA. I support the 2nd. I am also an ordained minister running for nomination with Mark Cuban, I believe if we are elected, have all the guns you like. Modern bullets were not covered by the 2nd. The Product Safety Commission will rule them unsafe to humans and they will be banned and illegal. Mark and I are committed to stop murder, it's affecting recruiting at the Mavericks.

July 20, 2016
Mark Cuban and i are on the ballot in TN, i wonder about the other 49??

An open letter to ISIS. You have decided to fight the United States of America on a house to house guerrilla warfare basis plus cut the heads of little children off. Ok, game on, we accept your challenge. If Mark Cuban or Mark Zuckerberg and myself get on all 50 ballets as the American Party or if the fine citizens of this land write us in, this is what will happen my first day in office. We will begin to pay $100,000.00 in local currency to anyone who gives us the GPS coordinates of an ISIS members house. Once we have those coordinates we will send a $250,000 HELL FIRE MISSILE in your house. No one will survive, trust me, not your nana and not your precious bubala. We will gladly pay $350,000 to end your reign of terror and return our world to a peaceful coexistence. If we send a missile to the wrong house, ooops, our bad! You can not share this and live in fear the rest of your life or share it and help me get elected. Other postings at Roger Hoover, Paris, TN. Roger Alan Hoover and Mark Cuban.

So, America, you get to pick my Vice President. I love and respect each of these gentlemen equally. This may be the only race you truly get to decide. For President, write me in Roger Alan Hoover, great nephew of the 31st President, Herbert Clark Hoover, be sure and write in Roger Alan Hoover for President. Then for Vice President either Mark Cuban or Mark Zuckerberg, your choice.

July 26, 2016
NATO, yeah right!
How about USATO
HOOVER - Head of the American Party, write him in on November 8th.
Ivanka - Yes or No
As president in 8 years, you need to be decisive, right Neurosurgeon Ben Carson, I'm coming to you after Bernie, heads up, patients are coding!

Aug. 5, 2016
I have confirmed with the Federal Communications Commission that I am a qualified, bona fide, certified candidate for the office of the Presidency of the American States in accordance with:
Section 73.1940 of the United States Code [47 CFR Pp 73.1940]. I understand the atheists in the US Government do not believe in miracles but as my previous Post and Tweet state, God is still in the miracle business. Soon you will hear from a mostly deaf young man who will rock your world and light up Twitter.
On November 8th, as I celebrate my birthday in Italy with my Opus you will witness another miracle performed by the Supreme Court as they award me the Presidency as they did my predecessor President George W. Bush, {hi Laura} [hi President George Herbert Walker Bush] (I know Herbert was for my great uncle the 31st President but who is 'Walker for?, a Texas Ranger?) {hi Barbara - Bush Bush Clinton, yep time for another HOOVER} Barbara, is there any way you could talk JEB into being my VP, I really love him, he knows from the letters I sent him in Tallahassee, tell him the law suit over Jackson County wasn't personal, it was for the children, and I dropped it and you know why!
Ok, focus!! News networks, and I use the term loosely, I really mean lackies to the 6 companies that control US News and World
Reports, and I use the term loosely. If you continue to ignore my candidacy referenced above, you will be very foolish, because you will not have one employee approved for the White House Press Corps and I will hold a briefing every day at 5:30 Eastern that will run to 6:30 Eastern. YOU WILL NOT HAVE ONE PERSON ON THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS DETAIL.
Further, after consulting with my Summa Cum Laude from UT Law and that's not TEXAS, he states that I do not have to make myself available to any NEWS Network that does not offer me equal access, so guess what Albuquerque Hole, I will not talk to you after November 8th if you do not talk to me before November 8th. So go ahead PUNK, how many votes do you think you have out of the 8? I know I have 8 so go ahead PUNKS, MAKE MY DAY! Clint, Please no empty chair speeches, the girls thought it was creepy, put some of these NETWORK IDIOTS in that chair and go to town, I love your body of work!

Aug. 17, 2016
Is there any chance at all that one of the fine Generic Companies making meds for the VA. Let me just stop here and tell hill if she takes the job NO MORE GODDAMN GENERICS HILLARY, THAT IS YOUR LESSON ONE, LEARN IT WELL OR I WILL HIRE MONICA LEWINSKI AS YOU ATTACHE'. I think one of my medicines has been filled as Ambien instead of what it should be, how can we check that out and what does Hemoglobin have to do with any of this. IS SOMEONE ELSE TRYING TO KILL ME. Hey Secret Service I am a bona fide, qualified, certified candidate for President of the United States of America who polled much higher than trump or Xclinton last week on Twitter. What else do you want and engrave invitation.
Secret Service, if you are not too busy with the WHORES in Cartagena would you please come protect me?

I'm going to be making the oval office square, I'm not changing it just with me an old school guy who believes in honesty, integrity, honor other peoples property like Palestine and don't take a life, let God do it, eventually He will get around to every single one of us. Let Him decide the time. Allah really does know best. Love to all.

Sept. 5, 2016
Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton, let's save the country any further division. Both of you DROP OUT OF THE RACE TODAY, LABOR DAY. Mr. Trump, you will be my Business Plenipotentiary with no salary but 10% of contracts and treaties, 20% of Whistle Blower (I have a big Blue Tarp one for you), you should make $100 Billion per year if not more. You will be my Business Plenipotentiary, please have Eric Trump look it up and read it to you.
Mrs. Clinton, I will pardon you of all crimes and misdemeanors 1 minute into my inaugural speech, you will be my Veteran's Plenipotentiary. Seven Star General John McCain and myself will accompany you on 416 Monday field inspections. Generals will fear your footsteps. After 8 years under my wing man, you will be the first woman president of the United States of America, I will work night and day to insure it. Come on team, play nice, it is my destiny to be  the 45th or 46th President, let's make it happen. It's good for me and it's good for America. It's very good for those that make it happen. I've shown you how. So, cast your vote for America.

Sept. 16, 2016
Birther Issue: Mr. Donald Trump, Eric Trump are your dad's hands so small he can't get his birth certificate out of the safe deposit box and publish it here on FaceBook? Come on Donald, were you born in the United States?

Oct. 7, 2016
If you don't think the billionairs like Warren Buffet and the Koch Brothers control US elections, consider this. I have made 2,000 FaceBook Posts and 1,800 Tweets and 27 videos since the election began. And I didn't say one newsworthy thing that a reporter somewhere would like to ask me about. Come on America, you are not as stupid as these Billionairs think you are, are you? On November 8th, 2016 when you go into the privacy of your voting device, write in the name HOOVER and show the people who stole this country from us, that we want it back and President Roger Alan Hoover, who cannot be bought for any amount of money is going to help us wrestle it out of your filthy, money grubbing, thieving hands once and for all. Reform will be the order of the day in addition to returning the USA to the most financially viable country in the world. Can I count on your vote America, it is my birthday after all. Give me the best present I could hope for and I will work every day of the next 8 years making your future brighter, your  children's future brighter, your grandchildren's future brighter and your great grandchildren's future brighter. Can you ask any more than that from me?

Facebook gazillionarie Mark Zuckerberg, one of Hoover's choices in his multiple running-mates, was ranked the 10th most powerful person in the world by Forbes magazine in 2016. One would wonder why he would accept the demotion of being Vice-president, or even President for that matter. In any case Zuckerberg was below the Constitutionally mandated age of 35 in 2016 and would have encountered a problem there in the event of an electoral victory.

Hoover did not appear on any ballots nor was he registered as a write-in in any state. In a Nov. 6, 2016 Youtube presentation he expressed a hope that Clinton and Trump would deadlock and as a result Congress would turn to Roger Hoover as the compromise choice.

Election history: none

Other occupations: Facebook co-founder, philanthropist

Some might say that frequently mentioning former President Hoover as a campaign tactic is not exactly positive salesmanship.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Robert Monroe Singleton


                                Above, Gojira and Robert Singleton ; Below, Monroe Singleton

Robert Monroe Singleton, August 19, 1970 -

VP candidate for Peace Party (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Monroe Pierce Singleton (1933-2016)
Popular vote: 0 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

A gentleman in Columbia City, Oregon with the 2/3 Presidential name of Monroe Pierce Singleton filed with the FEC early in 2016 under the banner of the Peace Party. This organization did not appear to be related to the previous Peace Party created in Oregon as a vehicle for Ralph Nader's 2008 Presidential run in the Beaver State.

Singleton's campaign was mostly waged on Facebook. Some samples--

Feb. 15, 2016
After watching the political debates and finding no interest in world peace among the candidates I am declaring my candidacy for president of the United States.
Most of the republican candidates are war hawks with a rating on the war hawk scale of 1 to 10 a 9+. Hillery has a questionable 7 and Bernie  is uncommitted
I qualify under the requirements of the constitution having been born in SPRINGVILLE UTAH October 27 1933. In addition I have been married for 62 years to Louise Knight.  I owned my business and retired after over 40 years. I fathered six children but did not measure up very well as a Dad.
I will be limited financially having only my social security and refusing the super pack money that is bound to be offered, My friends and any other may send a donation of not to exceed $100.00 to the Peace Party, PO Box 526, Columbia city, OR 97018.  I will deposit all money into a trust account at St Helens  Community Federal Credit Union.
My son Robert Monroe Singleton will be my running mate.

In 2016 it looks like VP Robert Singleton was [Washington State trivia alert!!!] a resident of Vancouver. The running-mate's comment on this announcement: "Is the world ever ready for brutal honesty, honestly. In world full of brutality it's time for honesty. Now say that five times fast."

The earliest example of a father-son ticket I can find is Jack Richard Moore with his son Jay Richard Moore for VP in the Common Man's Party (1988, 1992). There was also Darth Vader/Luke Skywalker (Sith Party 2000), James Louis Dezort/James Fredrick Dezort (Independent 2008) and Jeffrey Anthony Wu/Jeffrey Michael Wu (Independent 2016).

Feb. 16, 2016
The state of Israel was established May 14, 1948 under directions of the UN with specific partitioning between the new state and the indigenous population called Palestinians
After the WW-2 the European Jews were not wanted by most countries. The world Christians doctrine required that the Jews  return and rebuild Solomon's temple before Jesus returned. The Muslims had a Mosque on the temple mount creating a point of tension and erupting in several armed conflicts.
Israel, being backed by the USA continues to  occupy  Palestinian territory in violation of UN resolutions. They were given nuclear capability by the USA a weapon of mass destruction which prompted other nations to want them.
I support the right of a nation to defend itself but any nation willful violating international laws should be considered a rouge nation.
When I am elected president Israel will be informed that they will not get any part of the 4 billion $ that, The US has been subsidizing their economy, 25% of which has been military hardware, until the Palestinians land has been returned and their refugees returned. The money can be best used for the benefit of  U. S. economic problems.

Feb. 17, 2016
There is no verifiable evidence that there is a god. There is no verifiable evidence that there is no god. Each position requires faith in that which is unverified. The one thing that is verifiable is that there was a creator. Until the purpose of the vast complicated universe is found, the nature of the creator will not be known or the purpose of everything within. We were all created by the same creator and are therefor all distant cousins.
I have read the bible, taken courses on it from high school to collage. I have read the Qur'an the Hindu Gita and have skimmed native American culture, Buddhism and find that they all are saying the same thing, different words but the same thought. Some Christians handle poisonous snakes, burn crosses and kill abortion doctors. Some Muslims blow themselves up and Jainism won't walk on grass for fear of killing a reincarnated relative bug.
There are extreme views taken in every religion based on a cherry picking of the scripture. Conversely the Qur'an's admonishment  "do not go beyond the mark" is good advice. Treat others with respect rings through every scripture.
The constitution separates church and state by law but it does not take religious belief out of the people. Various religious beliefs influence the outcome of legislation and peoples view of the world.
When elected president I will ask the Pope and Dalai Lama to head up a world conference of religious leaders to discuss ways of unifying the religions in a peace effort.

Feb. 21, 2016
The most important thing a president can do when making decisions is to make right decisions. There is a formula  that.a life should be based on.
1- Being right in the logical sense satisfies intelligence.
2- Being right in the expedient sense avoids judgmental mistakes.
3- Being right in the moral sense satisfies conscience.
These three kinds of right comprises absolute right.
Dwight D. Eisenhower lied to Nikita Khrushchev when ask if US was flying spy planes over Russia. Gary Powers was shot down killing any small hope of ending the cold war.
Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1953 approved  the CIA backed coup to overthought the democratically elected government in Iran for control of their oil. This eventually lead to the hostage crises and Ronald Reagan selling arms for hostages and lying about it.
Richard Nixon's plummer  needs no elaboration on.
George W. Bush started a war, violating all three rights. He didn't verify WMD. He jumped in with on understanding of, and little concern for the problem that was created.

Feb. 23, 2016
I am a veteran and I am proud of the hero's who put their lives on the line,sacrificing their health, limbs and minds. I am disgusted at the way our military and political leaders are using us to sell their endless war to the unsuspecting public.
The U.S. has not been in a defensive war since WW-2. The rhetoric used is a giveaway. Emotion trumps logic as any life insurance salesman knows as he paints the picture of the the husbands body being hauled away. The same kind of rhetoric is used, "we want to thank our heroes for defending our country and keeping us safe", as they go down the fear list  to make their sale.  Weapons of mass destruction, terrorists 1- Taliban, 2- Al-Qaeda, 3- ISIS and prior was Communism.
A cause has to stand alone, it is not made worthy by the heroism of the participants. A war can't be made valid with the blood of those shedding it. A soldier is a hero but you don't have to be on the winning side to be one.

Mar. 10, 2016
I just got notification from the Federal Election Commission (FEC) that I am now registered. The next step is to request my name being placed on each state ballot for the November election.

Apr. 11, 2016
Any person wanting to be president as a prize or for their legacy and a spot in the history books is doing it for the wrong reason and would never admit it. How to judge?
I don't want to be president but will do the OJT job if elected. There is no instruction manual for that office and I've never had one for any job that I've had, including the US Army. There is a risk with any choice and there is a price for voting or not voting.
Vote your choice next November!

Apr. 20, 2016
Out of thousands of years one important precept has evolved. It is not new. It as old as history. Zoroaster taught it in Persia three thousand years ago. Lao-tse , the founder of Taoism, taught it. Buddha preached it five hundred years before Christ.The sacred books of Hinduism taught it a thousand years before that. Jesus taught it among the hills of Judea and summed it up in one thought.
"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."
This is probably the most important rule in the world!

Sadly, Monroe Singleton died Apr. 28, 2016 before he had a chance to gain ballot status or even register as a write-in. He was a student of Eric Hoffer and it would have been interesting to read Singleton's take on the final three months of the 2016 national election.

Election history: none

Other occupations: ?

Additional Washington State trivia alert!!! Monroe Singleton once lived in Montesano, Wash., which is our county seat here in Grays Harbor County.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Edward Charles Stowe


Edward Charles Stowe, August 31, 1976 -

VP candidate for Independent (aka Independent Republican) (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Deshon Porter (b. ca1973)
Popular vote: 0 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Deshon Porter, based in Missouri, is a perennial candidate for a variety of offices. In 2016 he had a rather tentative run for the Presidency as evidenced by the headline on his campaign website, "Deshon Porter 2016?"--

Thinking about running for president 2016 ?
I am a online radio show host of the big d zone and the big d zone news But I love to run for office in 2012 I ran as a write in candidate for Boston city council as a write in candidate. Even though it did not work out in 2012 or when I first ran for president in 08 I will try again and keep trying untill I am elected! Americans need another choice to vote and I will do my very best to serve this great country! I  want run for president of the united states of america. It is time for a third party candidate that will be in touch with the voters.
As President one of my goals is to work on a help our veterans now bill this bill will ensure that veterans get the help they need when they come home from serving our great country.

Our Disabled Americans should not be forgotten as well better ADA laws bullying will be outlawed in every state.

Porter announced his Presidential run on Facebook, Nov. 14, 2013--

new campaign manager David Feickert press director Andrew Ray Bong running mate VP candidate  Edward Stowe  a great team for 2016! deshon porter 2016!

His electioneering on Facebook lasted from Nov. 2013 to Sept. 2015, when he dropped out of the race. Although he identified as a third party candidate on his campaign website, he thought of himself as running for the Republican nomination as well--

Jan. 4, 2014
BREAKING NEWS UPDATE BIG D COUNTRY! I have decied to do the big d zone news crossfire and interviews during the big d zone mix of talk and music only and will just help manage the news station. I can still let the news station air the crossfire and interviews that I put on my show but I will not be on the air with excat fm radio news wroldwide . The big d zone is a different show and is not to be a copy cat! but there are places that want me to be ! I will not talk about the same subject for 3 months people will stop tuneing in to the show! entertianment is one of my dreams and I will be DARN if anyone take my dream away from me! I AM NOT HERE ON THIS EARTH JUST TO EXIST TILL THE GOOD LORD CALL ME HOME NO I HAVE A JOB TO DO HERE! ONE TO BE A SHOW HOST TWO TO BE A GREAT HUSBAND SOMEDAY THREE TO SERVE THE PEOPLE AS PRESIDENT OR OTHER OFFICE! IT IS NOT OVER TILL I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan. 24, 2014
I am planing to start back up my campain for president in 2016 we must first meet as a team only then we will have another meeting on the air to get goals out there as we start things from getting more interviews  to team players and to who will do special campain shows we will be haveing more meetings

Oct. 2., 2014
Ok in 2016 I am running for president what are the main issues you want me to take up? my main platform is helping our veterans so they would never have to wait for the service they fought for. college students not giving up on their dream helping the disabled to have better jobs. letting people on social security have a better savings account did you know that we are not allowed to have more the $2,000 in the bank if single married is $3,000 we can not live off of that?

Dec. 5, 2014
Ok so they will not cover the little guy running for president right ? well I guess now that I am on I heart radio and tune in stitcher and can dorants on KCAA. I  guess I will be forced to make the announcement yet again about 2016! wow! do I have to let them know about 2020 run as well early?

Dec. 30, 2014
Do anyone mind a president who can not finish college due to lack of money force to jump hoops I thought I will tell you if I am never going to finish college do not get mad at least I tried.

Mar. 30, 2015
My name is Deshon Porter I am 41 from Springfield MO I am married to a wonderful woman Donnell Porter. I am running for president  in 2016.  I am GOP  and Springfield tea party member. I stand for Israel  we should help them. and the right of the poor  middle class disabled persons college students veterans.  I am for a balance budget   but not on the backs of the poor or the disabled. The way to do it is with less aid meaning money to other countries, just give them military  aid and supplies but no money we need the money here. stop bailing out banks and help out the people. A veterans now bill to help new members and veterans not after they come from training or war but when they say yes to serve our great country, when they serve so do their families serve as well. Colleges need to stop raising the price to go to school making it harder to get a degree. I want to say yes this country is a christian nation!  I am pro life pro a real marriage between a man and a woman. I have more to say in the next coming weeks

Apr. 1, 2015
On April 24 or the 26 I will make my announcement plubic about my  Presidential run in 2016.No one is talking about my run for president in the main stream news . This must be made known that I am very serious  about this! Why do they not see that I will make a difference by throwing my name into the hat as they say? As a careing American Christian I will stand for Isreail , college students will be able to get a degree people who serve our great country will not wait to get the help they need to help their families. Standing for real marriage between a man and a woman! People who are disabled will not be forced to get a low or almost no paying job we deserve the same chance to work at a better paying job. No employment testing people need jobs now! We can have a balanced budget but not on the backs of the poor middle class ! Only give help to other countries by military aid and goods not in money we need the money right here! We must take a stand to get our country back!

Apr. 10, 2015
This is a reminder that on 4/26/20155 at 7 pm I will put in my bid to run for  president of our great country!  It is time to let the world know about my intentions on running for the GOP nomination for president of the USA . We need a leader who is a christian I will share my vision for our great country. This election is more important just to only be for the big name candidate.It is time for the people's voice to at last be heard.

May 4, 2015
There been a big mistake a few weeks aga I announced that I am running for president of the United States the it comes to my surprise that when another candidate announced that he is running it say he is the only African American running in the race!not true.

May 27, 2015
Who cares anymore about the media keep saying that there is now 6 GOP candidates running for President let the record show that on the big d zone I announced  but that is OK. You know I have the best citizens of big d country. Me and the princess have to get to two bad  days in June before we can get to the best day in June next week we Will be engaged for one happy year. At least my princess did not overlooked me. Thnk ypu my sweet Donnell Porter for never giving up on me. One day the media will not overlook me or my princess. With the lord  on our side we are winners    Meida will know that we are news as well. So I do not carei if I get overlook I have the Lord my pincess and the best citizens on the inernet radio so there !

June 15, 2015
To the media who do not know about my announcement on the show  and still not recognize me as a republican candidate for President THERE IS 12 NOT 11 !!! IDIOTS !!! I WILL BE DRAFTING MY VETERANS. NOW TO PROVE THAT I A M VERY SERIOUS ABOUT THIS I WILL BE DOING SPEECHES ON THE SHOW!!! AGAIN THERE IS 12 REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES NOT 11 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RANT OVER!!

Sept. 16, 2015
I still have time to run for congress instead of running for president. Iwill not get notice.

Sept. 20, 2015
First Radio show host then bakers  Deshon Porter forced to drop out of the president race due to same sex marriage anger. Kim Davis  who didn't give marrage to same sex couple due to her christian belief's and now DR. Ben Carlson! Just because he said that Muslims shouldn't be president now they want to silence him to? What is wrong? They the Muslims tried to  stop people from saying pork or pig because it offending them Carlson have just as the same rights as Donald Trump have. I thought we lived in a country that it is OK to agree to disagree, now people are killing dreams just because of a belief? The bakers have had the right not to bake a cake for a same sex wedding but now they lost their bakery You mean to tell me that you can not even say a certain group shouldn't be president and they will tell you not to run? I can say that Donald Trump is too rich to be president he is a billionaire and already successful he don't need to be president. Well Carlson have The same freedom of speech as all Americans that lives in this country! To DR. Carlson please keep running for president don't let the status quo and the Muslims silence your voice our country need you. Stand up for your rights to free speech.

Sept. 22, 2015
I thought that I was going to run for president in 2016 instead I dropped out angry with the Supreme Court in June deciding to side with same sex marriage . that same day as the ruling I got so angry that I quit and announced on my radio show. But I Still wanted to run for office and make a difference in the state of  Missouri. So I found out that I am of age and can run for Congress. The 7 district where me and my princess wife  live in is held by congressmen Billy Long. I hope to win his seat it is time for a outsider to represent our district our rights and freedoms. Yes I have no experience in office but I am a citizen of this country and I care I watch the news pray and I want to do something about what our district is going through.  Slogan serving God first then country.Here is the new campaign website.

In Nov. 2015 Porter endorsed Dr. Carson for President. In Feb. 2016 he backed Sen. Cruz.

On May 29, 2016, Porter offered this reflection--

I wish I could have stayed in the 2016  race ! Would have gave voters another choice on the ballot. We are forced to choose between Trump for the Republican side and maybe Hillary Clinton?  Come on Bernie Sanders!  I wanted Ted Cruz to stay in for he is a Christian! We don't have the lesser of two evils at all. What would it be like if I was elected President? For starters there will be no plan parenthood ever, no more killing of innocent babies. No doctors would be allowed to do that at all. Second I would do is choose a new head of the VA to help our veterans get better treatment here in our own country to let veterans go to any hospital for care. To help them to stay in there homes and not be put on the streets. We must end homelessness and poverty. People who have disability shouldn't have less money forced to fend for themselves they must have a cost of living increase. Just like our seniors have to choose between food and medicine they should have more money as well. We need a better trained military not weakening. How by cutting the raises of Congress and the Senate. The IRS is gone there will be a simple tax return  all college loans will be forgiven  for the department. Education will be closed there will be another opportunity for aid for college one way is to make college free if not a four year college at least a two year college and make scholarship easy to get for deserving students don't make them jump hoops. Schools will be given back to state and local government only ,  Homeschool with be a right! Health care  Obama care is a thing. of the past   there will be Porter care my wife Teri Donnell Porter who will be a wonderful first lady  will be in charge of  the Porter care team that will  bring our healthcare system back into shape. Pre existing condition will still qualify for Porter care. NASA will be back in full capacity but not sending people to Mars there is no way to come back or  people will die along the way. Let's send them to planets other than the moon that is close to earth. We will stand by Israel and help our Jewish friends for if we do we will be blessed if not we will be cursed. No more inaugural events in cold weather it should be done  in the spring time. When the weather is nicer. War should only come to another country under Congress vote not till then we send troops into harms way for our freedoms.

In a Youtube presentation June 18, 2016, Porter sort of re-entered the race when he said he was open to having delegates in the Republican, Democratic, and Green parties cast their votes for him at their conventions. He also stated he was running for President in 2020.

In the general election of 2016 he voted for Jill Stein of the Green Party. Porter also announced shortly before the election he would be running for the City Council of Springfield, Mo.

Running-mate Stowe's Facebook indicated support for the Electoral College, a celebration of gun culture and fishing, and defending what he described as the "Confederate battle flag." Stowe lived in Maysville, Ark. and backed Trump in 2016.

Election history: none

Other occupations: truck driver

In a bittersweet postscript, Porter had married in 2014 but became a widower Aug. 28, 2016.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Friend down in Atlanta, Georgia


Friend down in Atlanta, Georgia

VP candidate for Independent (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Eric S. Nagel (b. 1979)
Popular vote: ? (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Eric Nagel, a tech company employee in Kenmore, N.Y. filed as an Independent candidate for US President with the FEC on Apr. 13, 2015.

The candidate answered "I really don't have any" when asked about his platform issues by WGRZ in Aug. 2015. He added, "You always hear that anyone can run, and I was sitting at my computer one morning answering email and just thought, let me see how hard this is. Twenty minutes later, I was a presidential candidate." And he foreshadowed, "It's gonna be neat, like my kids tell their teachers that 'my dad's running for President', and I kind of did it for that just so that I can say, as part of family history, that I ran for President."

His campaign Facebook page did indeed include some platform issues plus a few opinions, including--

June 9, 2016
Well crap, I was hoping Bernie Sanders was going to endorse me. Time for plan B.

Aug. 18, 2016
'Deez Nuts' puts Federal Election Commission on bozo patrol
Rash of bogus presidential candidates taxing government resources

Nov. 6, 2016
Vote #Nagel2016 and I'll eliminate #DaylightSaving before we spring forward next year. (Since my plan of springing forward 12 minutes every weekday at 4:48pm and falling back 1 hour every Saturday night is too complicated for many)

In terms of a running-mate, Nagel said, "Your running mate cannot be from the same state... (but) my friend down in Atlanta, Georgia, said he would run and bring the Southern vote together. Maybe it's a North/South ticket."

Nagel and his VP did not appear on any ballots nor were they registered as write-ins in any state.

Election history: ?

Other occupations: ?

Another especially vague mystery VP along the lines of "Neighbor of Nicholas C. Kratsas," the running-mate for the Truth and Freedom Party (1988).

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Karen Redleaf Schraufnagel


Karen Redleaf Schraufnagel, July 10, 1963 -

VP candidate for Socialist Action (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Jeffrey Mackler (b. 1940)
Popular vote: ? (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Socialist Action was founded in 1983 by a group that had been expelled, or resigned in protest, from the Socialist Workers Party. In turn, SA has seen several splits within their own ranks during their nearly 40 year history. Outside sources have generalized SA as a Trotskyite party.

Although the group had been involved in the election process to some degree at local and state levels, it was not until June 2016 they offered a national ticket. Jeff Mackler, a California retired teacher, union activist, and 2006 SA candidate for the US Senate was nominated for President. His running-mate was Minnesota-based Karen Schraufnagel, founder of Minnesotans Against Islamophobia. Mackler was also the party's National Secretary.

The 2016 SA platform--

1) Abolish the U.S. war machine now!

    Bring all troops home now! Close all U.S. foreign and domestic military bases. End all military spending now – not a penny for war!
    U.S. out of the Middle East!
    No to U.S. overt and covert wars, drone wars, oil wars, privatized death squad wars, sanction and embargo wars or wars for the re-colonization of Africa.
    Abolish NATO and all other imperialist military alliances!
    Self-determination for all oppressed nations and peoples.
    Self-determination for Puerto Rico. No to imperialist-imposed austerity in Puerto Rico. Abolish Puerto Rico’s debt to U.S. banks and speculating hedge funds.
    Self-determination for Palestine! End all U.S. aid to apartheid Israel. For a democratic, secular Palestine with the right of all Palestinian refugees to return. Solidarity with Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns.
    U.S. hands off the Cuban Revolution.

2) Immediate conversion to 100% renewable power: sun, wind, geothermal and micro-hydro! Keep all fossil fuels in the ground!

    Guarantee jobs at top union wages for all fossil fuel workers during and after a just and rapid transition to clean and renewable energy systems.
    Immediate conversion to carbon-sequestering agro-ecological farming.
    Immediate halt to expansion of all new fossil fuel extraction and transportation projects
    100% tax on all fossil fuel corporations. Zero profits for the polluters.
    Close down and dismantle the fossil fuel industry, from extraction on up.
    Dramatically expand mass transit – for the least mobile first; reverse urban sprawl and unsustainable development patterns. Remediate and expand our forests, wetlands and natural eco-systems.
    For an immediate cleanup of Native American, African American and Latino communities that have been victimized by environmental racism.
    No to nuclear weapons. Close all nuclear power plants now.
    U.S. reparations and zero interest loans to neo-colonial and island nations suffering from climate change due to past practices of the major industrial and imperialist nations.

3) Jobs for all at top union wages!

    Shorten the work week by 25 percent with no cut in pay so that everyone can work and enjoy more free time. Modern technology should benefit the 99 percent not the boss class one percent.
    Create a massive public works program to provide jobs at top union wages through building homes, converting to 100% renewable power, expanding mass public transportation, constructing hospitals, parks, schools, and other social necessities. Priority should be given to projects where they are most needed—especially in Black and Latino communities.
    Raise all pensions, Social Security benefits, unemployment and disability compensation, welfare, and veterans benefits to top union wage scales and protect them with cost-of-living escalator provisions.
    For $15 and a union now as a first short step on the road to a much higher minimum wage to sustain a quality standard of living.

4) Quality health care, education and housing for all as basic rights!

    Close down the profit-gauging “healthcare” insurance companies and establish a single-payer system in rapid transition to a universal and free national system, that is, socialized medicine.
    Use the savings towards provision of quality health care for all and retraining insurance workers for new jobs.
    Free quality public education at all levels from the cradle to the grave.
    Cancel all student debt.
    Void all drug patents to cut public costs to a minimum.
    Cancel all medical debt.
    End all home foreclosures.
    Establish and expand rent-control to combat the mass-displacement of poor and oppressed communities through gentrification.
    Massive government funding to repair, modernize, and build homes – starting where need is greatest.

5) End the racist, slave labor for profit prison-industrial complex!

    End the racist school-to-prison pipeline.
    Build schools, not jails.
    Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, Oscar Lopez Rivera and all political prisoners.
    Abolish the racist and classist death penalty.
    Prosecute and jail killer cops
    De-criminalize all drugs. Take the profit out of drug trafficking. End the racist “war on drugs.” Massive investment in restorative justice, mental health, and drug treatment services.
    Rapidly empty the prisons while immediately organizing quality, humane rehabilitation facilities to rebuild ruined lives.
    End “zero tolerance” school policies. Cops out of the schools.
    Abolish racist “money ball” extortion schemes including defendant-funded court proceedings, mandatory court surcharges, fines and fees.
    Abolish all racist exclusionary election laws.
    For Black and Latino-organized control of Black and Latino communities. Police out of Black and Latino neighborhoods.
    Reparations for African-American, Puerto-Rican, and Mexican-American communities in compensation for wealth stolen over centuries.

6) Immediate amnesty, legalization and equal rights for all immigrants. End the racist, Islamophobic “War on Terror!”

    End all deportations now!
    Repeal all anti-immigrant legislation.
    Close down ICE
    Demilitarize and open the borders.
    No to the surveillance, persecution, demonization and government-orchestrated frame-up trials in Muslim communities in the U.S. and worldwide.

7) Abolish all racist, sexist and homophobic discriminatory laws and practices!

    Equal pay for equal work.
    Affirmative action with quotas to remedy past discrimination and prevent future discrimination.
    To assure economic independence for women, government-financed, free 24-hour child-care centers and maternity leave with full pay. Guarantee the right of every mother to raise a healthy child.
    End violence against women and the LGBTQI community.
    Repeal the Hyde Amendment. Free unrestricted abortion on demand.
    Reproductive justice now. End coercive contraception projects targeting low income women and women in prison.  End the criminalization of pregnant women.
    Free Purvi Patel.
    Ban workplace and housing discrimination and adoption restrictions based on sexual orientation or gender identity
    Outlaw discrimination by businesses or employees based on sexual preference or gender identity
    Repeal all local, state and federal discriminatory laws against LGBTQI people.
    Quality safe housing for youth and workers facing discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

8) Defend civil liberties! Abolish the “national security” state!

    End all government surveillance. Abolish the National Security Administration and all other secret and repressive government spy agencies.
    Repeal the Patriot Act and all other anti-democratic legislation.
    End all restrictions on the right to organize, assemble, and protest.
    Stop the persecution of all whistle blowers like Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden!

9) For a democratically-planned socialist economy where the banks, basic industries and all natural resources are the collective property of working people – the 99 percent – and democratically operated for human betterment not the individual profits of the one percent

    Tax the rich and their corporations, not working people! End corporate bailouts! [Note:$32 trillion in corporate bailouts was granted to corporate America in the years immediately following the 2008 economic crash. See Project Censored Report. For every dollar paid in taxes by U.S. corporations $27 is granted back in government subsidies. See: 2016 Oxfam Report.]
    Close all tax loopholes for the rich. Nationalize all illegally “offshored” corporate profits.
    For a steeply-graduated progressive income tax!
    100% tax on all incomes over $300,000. Zero percent tax on all incomes under $50,000.
    Low interest, long-term government loans to protect small farmers gouged by banks and food trusts.
    End all military and military-related spending: Use the money saved towards a massive public works program and to fulfill the demands above.

10)  For working class political action independent of and against the twin parties of capitalism

    For a united, democratic and fighting labor movement that champions the economic, social and political interests of all working people.
    For a Labor Party based on a revitalized, democratic, and expanded labor movement allied with the oppressed and exploited.
    Organize the unorganized 90 percent! Repeal Taft Hartley and all other anti-union legislation.
    Open the corporate books for union inspection!

Vote Socialist Action! For a workers government and a fully democratic society of, by and for working people and the oppressed! Abolish capitalism! For socialism!

SA did not place a high priority on the nuts and bolts of traditional campaigning, such as making an effort to attain ballot status or even become a registered write-in. They appeared to be more involved with feet on the ground demonstrations, gathering petitions, panel discussions, and other more grassroots methods of political warfare. Hence, no votes for Mackler/Schraufnagel were officially reported.

Mackler, who also ran in 2020, was cautiously endorsed in both elections by the Freedom Socialist Party. Their Oct. 17, 2016 essay supporting the SA ticket does help the uninitiated identify and differentiate the nuances of progressive parties in that year--

This Year of the Detestable Election, exercise your democratic rights with a protest vote!

October 17, 2016

Once again, the U.S. two-party system has left us with two horrible choices.

Playing on people’s fear and resentment over acute social and economic problems, bombastic bigot Donald Trump has positioned himself as an anti-establishment populist. But he is an enemy, not a friend of the people – a braggart about his sexual assaults and an inciter of violence against Muslims, journalists, and whatever group is the current target of his poisonous diatribes. He has made himself the focal point for a dangerous right-wing movement that could end up laying the ground for fascism.

Thus, the pressure to vote for Hillary Clinton as the “anybody but Trump” candidate is tremendous. And Clinton’s bid for the presidency is a historic one, which she promotes largely with claims to be an advocate for women and children. However, her record and her party’s record show that these claims are false, as are her other promises to workers and oppressed people.

While her husband was in office, Clinton supported the destruction of welfare, the anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act, and racist crime bills that led to the largest increase in incarceration under any president in history. During the years she served as the only woman on Walmart’s Board of Directors, she did nothing while the company waged war on attempts to unionize its employees, many of them on food stamps. As Secretary of State, she was responsible for much of the suffering internationally caused by U.S. wars, occupations, and trade policies. And these examples barely scratch the surface of her pro-corporate credentials.

As a feminist organization, the Freedom Socialist Party (FSP) abhors the sexism against Clinton, including Trump’s misogynist bullying. But there’s no way we could support her for president. The truth is that the “lesser evil” is a myth and a scam, one that keeps the country’s people trapped in a downward spiral as the Democrats and Republicans both keep moving rightward. The most effective vote in November is a protest vote — and, fortunately, there are socialist candidates running who are well worth supporting.

Cast Your Ballot for Working-Class Champions Who Stand for Real Change

FSP is offering critical support to Socialist Action (SA) write-in candidates Jeff Mackler for president and Karen Schraufnagel for vice president. Their far-reaching platform includes abolishing the U.S. war machine; getting rid of racist, sexist and homophobic laws and practices; providing amnesty and equal rights for all immigrants; and defending labor. However, FSP is critical of such things as SA’s opportunism in the anti-war movement, where it has opposed taking an anti-capitalist stand, and its position on Syria, which underestimates the role of genuine popular revolt there.

SA’s Syria position comes close to that of two groups whose candidates FSP is not recommending, Workers World Party and Party for Socialism and Liberation, which go farther than SA by supporting dictator Assad on the false grounds that he is “anti-imperialist.”

The Socialist Party (SP) and Socialist Workers Party are also fielding candidates, but their programs suffer in comparison to Socialist Action’s — and, in SP’s case, their electoral representatives don’t seem bound to a party platform in any case.

The Bernie Sanders campaign raised important reforms and the earnest hopes of many supporters. At bottom, however, it was never more than a vehicle for the Democratic Party to hold on to progressive voters. Now some Sanders enthusiasts are turning to Jill Stein of the Green Party. But Stein’s solutions — like making “Wall Street, big corporations, and the rich pay their fair share of taxes” — are a pallid answer to a fundamental crisis of the profit system.

The Libertarian Party of Gary Johnson, meanwhile, attracts interest because it purports to stand for individual freedoms, but its basic support is for the capitalist freedom to exploit without fetters of any kind.

It’s Time for an Independent Labor Party

Whoever wins the election, everyday people are in for a continued rough ride, with fights looming against everything from union-busting to environmental despoliation and killings by police.

Our fights should include ending the two-party lockdown of U.S. elections. We need reforms that would give minor parties a chance — changes like eliminating the myriad of restrictive ballot access laws (see Seven steps for ballot access reform) and instituting instant-runoff voting and proportional representation.

These reforms would help to make possible what we need more than ever — the development of a mass anti-capitalist party that truly represents the working class, especially its lowest-paid and most-abused members. An independent labor party based in the unions, but representing both organized and unorganized workers, could fight in the here and now for things like full employment and universal, not-for-profit healthcare. It could also be a huge step toward upending the whole exploitative system that depends on this two-party scam for its survival.

Enough of the trap of “lesser-evil” voting!

Election history: none

Other occupations: founder of Minnesotans Against Islamophobia

Schraufnagel gave this blog a nice plug when I interviewed SA 2020 VP Heather Bradford in 2019.