Showing posts with label No Party Affiliation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label No Party Affiliation. Show all posts

Monday, October 11, 2021

Benjamin Bridges Lewis


Benjamin Bridges Lewis, January 19, 1948 (Tallahassee, Fla.) -

VP candidate for Restoration Party (2016)

Running mate with nominee: James Dominick Carvin (b. 1958)
Popular vote: ? (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

James Carvin of Tallahassee, Fla. filed with the FEC for US President with No Party Affiliation on Mar. 7, 2016. He had announced his intention on Facebook, Feb. 22, 2016 and around the same time created the Restoration Party.

Carvin worked as an Uber driver. Jeff Burlew of the Tallahassee Democrat on Oct. 21, 2016 reported that Carvin was--

-- a self-described entrepreneur, theologian, writer and inventor, admits he has zero chance as an unofficial write-in candidate. But the colorful Carvin, who wears a top hat and rainbow suspenders behind the wheel of his 2009 Kia Rondo, says he’d make a far better commander in chief. And he insists he isn’t nuts for running in the first place. "What presidential candidate does not qualify as crazy?” he joked. “There’s a borderline between genius and crazy, and I’m perfectly comfortable dancing on that little tight wire. I have never been put in a loony bin — not yet.”

... Carvin is a native of Westchester County, New York, and is married with two sons. He has a wildly varied resume, from teaching at a South Florida school devoted to end times prophecy to making pies at Pizza Hut. He moved to Tallahassee in 2014 and now spends much of his working life giving rides to college students around campus.

A wordy candidate, Carvin spelled out his detailed stand on the issues in several online venues. Given the nature of his writing style and the limitations of the form, Facebook was perhaps not the most ideal soapbox but in sorting through his many posts the following entry seems to sum up his place on the political spectrum--

Mar. 3, 2016
Day 11: The past ten days I've spelled out my proposals and priorities as I will continue doing until election day so that you know what a vote for me represents. Today I am going to discuss the core values of my presidential bid and I will clarify why I am running. It is not a joke, though some first laughed. It is not to get attention as an egotist, though I know I can be prideful and arrogant. Neither is it because I am an opportunist, even if I am one. Nor is it even because I believe in my proposals, which I think are the right solution to our nation's problems and I think you'll agree.

I mentioned previously that I am a pragmatist. Pragmatism, politically speaking, refers to focusing on achieving short term goals rather than pursuing unachievable ideals. A write-in candidate does not expect to become the president of the United States. Seven states don't even allow writing in names on their ballots. Typically a write-in vote, where it is permitted, is an objection vote. It is an effective way of registering an opinion. By organizing a write-in campaign the goal, in my case at least, is to send a signal. If you find that the proposals I am outlining are not found in either the Republican Party Platform or the Democratic Party Platform, then I have a question for you. How would these policies ever get implemented? The answer is they can't. The reason is simple. The people do not possess the power to make it happen because certain existing powers stand in their way.

It is sad to think that in what we call a democracy, the people do not have the power to implement solutions that could fix what ails their country. Who holds the power in this country?

1. The very wealthy ... and this expresses in the form of ...
2. Special interests like big pharma, big oil, big retail, big banks, big insurance, big health, big telecom, big law, big food, big media, big military, big government, big crime, and big political parties.

Many people used to call this an industrial-military complex. Any way you look at it, it is not a Democracy. It is not even a Republic. It is an oligarchy. And that, my friends, is what is making it impossible to implement sensible ideas. If you are proud of American values and ideals, then you must make them a reality. Otherwise you are living a sham.

Now if you have been following me daily, you realize that none of these powers is my friend. It is my intention to restore small business to the many, wealth to the many and power to the many against the immediate interests of those now in power. Beyond this, I would like to restore vision to the many, peace and security to the many and hearts of gold to the many. Weary from the abuses we have been experiencing in a deteriorating society, many of us have become cynical. We've stopped trying. We've lost hope.

It might seem that a pragmatic approach to politics ought to involve working with the powers that be rather than against them. Actually, I am not against any of these things. In the long term, every one of these big entities except big crime and big political parties benefits more if the policies I am promoting are implemented. The rich will also benefit through the trickle up economics I will be advocating. And I will be harping much on that in the days ahead. But otherwise, what I want to focus on today is restoring power to the people, what that means and how that works. The reason I am running is in order to begin the process of restoring power to the people. Are you tired of feeling like a pawn in a game that is bigger than you?

Let's look at how all this works. First, recognize with certainty that the two dominating political parties, Republican and Democrat have fixed policies in their platforms. Americans are thus forced to decide on which group they agree with the most. Maybe they favor less gun control or more, maybe they're anti-abortion but against foreign wars. Maybe the opposite. The point is, this is all these two political parties are offering anyone. Unless they nominate someone who doesn't actually represent their platform, we wind up with the same old misrepresentation that we've been having since these parties were formed and that's not going to change. If you value change, then you've got to make change happen yourself. You are foolish to depend on centuries old political parties to make that happen. As soon as any moderate candidate gets elected, they are still beholden to the party that elected them. Therefore, what you get is the policies that platform promotes. They are puppet leaders.

There is nothing wrong with party platforms. The problem is there aren't enough of them. What we need is better puppeteers. We have two right now - a two party system, when what we should have is a hundred - a hundred party system and we need them to be free from the powers that be that are controlling them. In America we value choice so much that nearly half of us think it is even more important than the right to life itself. Isn't it ironic that we continue to limit our choices to two - election cycle after election cycle?

As a pragmatist I look for achievable goals. And now let me tell you a little something about myself. I am a taxi cab driver, or was but now I'm an Uber driver, along with being an inventor, an entrepreneur and now for the first time, a politician. I speak on behalf of the people from life on the street. I speak for the addicts who have entered my cab and become my repeat customers and friends and overcome their addictions. If nobody else knows that what seems impossible sometimes is possible, these people in successful recovery know.

There is a power of addiction that is going hand in hand with our addiction to all the big entities I've mentioned in today's post. In fact, I could just call the whole thing "big addiction." The American people have been stuck on it. My goal. My heart. My passion. My desire. My hope. My belief is that big addiction can end and become big recovery and big restoration.

Yet anyone familiar with addiction is aware that you've got to learn to let go. Let me talk about letting go. We pray for the strength to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things that we can and the wisdom to know the difference. That statement is like the pragmatist's motto. We let go of the things we can't change. Yet, if you think about it, the people that are praying this prayer are all addicts. You don't have to be a substance abuser to be an addict, by the way. You can be addicted to almost anything.

The word "addiction" comes from a Greek word meaning "oppression." A person who has never had a sip of liquor in their life can be oppressed by poverty, oppressed by class, oppressed by ideogy. Alanon attendees recite this same prayer at their meetings too. They recognize that some of the factors contributing to their relationship to the substance abusers they love is a form of addiction - things like the need for approval. They need to examine their own hearts closely through a deliberate and often heart-wrenching moral inventory in order to be restored to sanity.

This analogy, phenomenon actually, carries over to the world of big politics and the big entities that are presently in control of it. We can overcome any power, any big entity or small entity - one step at a time, one person at a time so long as we realize the need to take these deliberate courageous steps.

America is addicted, oppressed by a two party system and the first step is to admit we are powerless over this addiction and that it is making our lives unmanageable, recognizing it as such - it is a power too great for us to defeat without help and it is ruining us as a country. The second step is to believe that there is a power greater than ourselves - that there is help - and a third is placing trust in that help. From there we will courageously look at what our problems are. We will no longer hide from them. We will turn the music down that is distracting us and face them in all of their ugliness. And then we will take action to restore health and sanity to our world, each person doing their own part. We will no longer repeat the insanity of blaming others for our big problems even though an endless trail of blame is always easy to find. We will simply become the remedy. We will focus on what we can change individually.

So back to pragmatism. Each one of the big entities I've named, and others I haven't listed is oppressing us, blocking us from implementing solutions that would heal our nation, restoring us to sanity, peace, prosperity, proper management, sustainability, politics that are not always about blame, and universal dignity and respect in what our founding fathers referred to simply as, "brotherhood." No one looks at political campaigning these days and sees respect. They see nothing but blame and cut throat dysfunction in a realm without remedy. I come with the only right prescription for our country so far that I've seen - the one that addresses each of the true causes, having inventoried through them. I will now face them and challenge you to be courageous by joining me and doing the same. What exactly is it that I think I can change by running for president at this time? What are my immediate achievable goals?

My answer to that question is very reasonable:

1. Publish the inventory of problems I have identified and their solutions.
2. Ask for help in distributing these solutions proposed through funding and volunteer re-tweets, shares, group invites and cross-referencing. Check out the attached meme for examples.
3. Send a strong signal to the media and to the status quo by voting for me at the polls in November instead of the Republican or Democratic nominee, resulting in a historically high write-in response.
4. Determine what non-profit entities need to arise or be enhanced from such a response assuming significant support is generated after dialog with the developing community of supporters.
5. Consider creating a new party platform after the 2016 election. Since this would arise from the community rather than me, the platform would carry forward some or all of the proposals in my presidential platform, would set forth rules for nominating its own candidates, create a budget through member subscriptions and ongoing support and brand itself, doing all that is needed to compete withe the parties now dominating our political system. I think that laying the ground work for what I would call the "Restoration Party" is achievable through this campaign.
In short, nobody (including myself) believes that I or anyone else would be capable of effecting the changes I am proposing as a write-in no party affiliation candidate in 2016 but that is not my immediate goal. My goals are longer term but begin with these short term objectives - those listed above and I think they are achievable. Don't you?

If you are looking for a potential candidate for 2020, let me also be the first to tell you that although I am a Christian I have visited brothels and strip clubs, smoked marijuana, seen drug deals, made mistakes on my taxes, and plenty else that probably would discount me from passing a presidential vetting process, though the majority of it would not only be unproveable but untrue. One thing you will not find, however, is me lying about any of it.

For the record, I remain faithful to my wife of 25 years despite much hardship and loss of health and have lived a life of constant service to others, being hurt plenty but never hurting anyone, including her. My entrance into houses of ill repute, as they are called, has been to retrieve my regular taxi clients, a number of whom remain close friends to this day and she knows by name. I am not a superhuman with complete mastery over the flesh like Jesus is thought to be but I am a mostly very decent man who wishes to challenge others to treat every person with respect, including those who by choice or force engage in taboo professions.

May I on that note add a pet peeve on their behalf? No one is allowed to use the N word because it hurts when it is derogatory. Stop using the B word and the W or H word for the same reason because they are derogatory toward women. You are not better than anybody else and use of those words is hate speech in plain sight. I am here campaigning because I wish to restore dignity to each person. Even jailed criminals who've had their rights taken from them are human beings. I have seen both men and women treat others as if they had no souls. There is no one without a soul. There is no one that is inhuman. The only inhumanity is the very attitude that regards others that way, whether they are of other belief systems, cultures, races, sexual orientations, abilities, classes or professions. I've seen the homeless treated with disrespect this way too. If this campaign was to successfully initiate a Restoration Party by this or any other name, such a view concerning human dignity would be among its core values. It's not just about tolerance. It's about dignity. As for me, and this certainly would not be required of other platform supporters, I believe in God. And I believe that God views each person with immeasurable dignity and respect because God made them each individually and loves them. I believe God knows God's work is excellent. We think we've made great progress with civil rights and tolerance, but we are still at the starting line.  

Therefore before attacking me for my faults consider your own. In the days ahead I will continue to lay out my specific proposals on every issue. I hope you can recognize that in every case I have offered sensible solutions with the achievable goal in mind of laying the groundwork necessary for the type of platform described above. It is not because I am playing some sort of game. This is the real thing. Thank you for your support in the coming days. This country needs your help. In the attached meme you will find a short list of things that each one of you, if you agree with these goals, can and should do.

James Carvin
2016 Presidential Candidate
No Party Affiliation

Carvin's posts did suggest philosophical alliances with a few conspiracy theories, such as Obama birtherism, existence of a Deep State, and the Clinton death list. Facebook would occasionally tag his posts with a fact check insertion, mostly involving claims regarding Hillary Clinton. Starting around Sept. 2016 Carvin began wearing an attention-grabbing top hat and colorful suspenders as part of his public brand.

The Restoration Party 2016 platform could be found on the Party's webpage--

Party Platform

The Restoration Party is both conservative and liberal. We believe in sufficient regulation on the one hand to protect the environment and the common good, but limited government for the sake of fiscal responsibility.

Our central purpose is the restoration of government back to the service of the people, government of, for and by the people and restoration to sanity. On issues between conservatives and liberals we listen to all sides. We are lobby independent.

Our core values are represented in the major acts of the Restoration Party Manifesto as follows:

    1. The Neutral Tax – turns all revenue generation over to the states and eliminates the 74,000 pages of IRS tax code. The states send a check to the Federal government for its services. Red states can have red solutions such as Reaganomics and blue states blue solutions like Keynesianomics if they choose. Each state will be unhindered by the changing of US presidents every four years. They will compete with each other to be the most favorable states to live in. The Neutral Tax is consistent with the philosophy of government that is by the people because it gives the states the ability to decide what is best.
    2. Neutral Health – there are many ways to improve the quality and reduce the cost of health care while ensuring that all citizens have coverage, especially the most vulnerable. Neutral Health lets each state make the decision as to what will work best within its own context and according to the opinion of its own voter base. Each state competes with other states on both health and taxation.
    3. Term Limits for Congress – we support a six year term limit for Congress members. Congress will not vote itself out of office so we will seek the second option of the fifth amendment for this and other measures to reduce term limits to six years. That way Congress won’t be campaigning while in office and their sole function will be to serve the public as they were elected to do.
    4. Anti-Corruption Acts – we will fight for the end of corruption in government. We will support an abridged American Anti-Corruption Act that is consistent with our Neutral Tax plan, implemented locally by state. It will eliminate the revolving door of hiring Congress members whose terms end for the lobbies they have helped. It will seek out the original intentions of the 1974  FEC laws and close loopholes for SuperPACs, PACs and lobby bundlers. It will seek to assist small donors and independents to have an equal voice in government. In this way government will be restored as a service to the people, of the people, by the people and for the people.
    5. The Equality of Influence Act – we will seek to break up the media monopolies through state initiated tax laws that generate subsidies for smaller media company start ups and independent voices in order to restore journalism to its original function of service to the people rather than service to the political parties and elites who own and secretively rule them.
    6. The American Prosperity Act – we will call for an immediate freeze on cost of living adjustments (COLA) for all government employees including Congress until such a time as the average and median wage of the private sector is equal to or greater than that of the public sector average and median wage. This includes benefits. This act will force the government to make America prosperous again and serve the people they are hired to serve rather than themselves.
    7. The Fiscal Responsibility Act – we will call for the ever-growing national debt, now at almost twenty trillion dollars to be paid off. America has not yet made the first mortgage payment on this debt. It is misleading not to include payment on this debt to our expense sheet in our government accounting. At zero percent interest a 30 year loan repayment is more than $600 Billion annually when amortized. At 3% the figure rises to over one trillion dollars annually. These figures need to be added to our annual budget on the expense side and never ignored again. Annual budgets must also be balanced. Working together with the Neutral Tax, each state must pay off their corresponding portion of this debt until it is paid in full. Fiscal responsibility will make America prosperous again by strengthening the US dollar, lowering the rate of inflation and increasing employment.
    8. The Better Voting Systems Act – We will advocate for better voting machines and processes so that elections can’t be rigged in the future. We will eliminate gerrymandering through a call to geographic, rather than geopolitical boundary making. We will call for range voting to replace plurality voting so that voters no longer have to choose between the least of two evils. We will seek to overturn the electoral counting system so that there is no longer a winner takes all system in elections. We will do this so that we can be represented by our government fairly, understanding that the two party system has neither represented us nor produced anything but tyranny for the American people.
    9. The Military Repentance Act – the purpose of the American military is defense domestic and abroad. As a superpower we have confused our economic interests with our geopolitical interests and we have cultivated enemies by meddling in regime changes. We must resist military engagement even when there is just cause except where America’s defenses are at risk. The Military Repentance Act is a comprehensive act that recognizes that America’s military and policing role both at home and abroad has not always had good results. Reparations are appropriate in many cases. Sincere apologies are called for. We need to admit that we have not been perfect and commit ourselves to service and healthy alliances that are not strictly for financial gain, as they often have been in the past. The Act will forbid the sale of weapons to any foreign government or private entity. The Act will also demand the permanent financial assistance of our veterans, especially those who are wounded, and their families as we owe a great debt of gratitude for their sacrifice for our country.

America will only be great again through repentance. We have blood on our hands. Our government has been self-serving. We need to be restored to a right relationship with our own people and with the world. It is simply the right thing to do. It is simply the right way to govern with justice. Being restored to fiscal responsibility, we will do what is good and right and create a better world. These are the core values of the Restoration Party as outlined in the Restoration Party Manifesto.

10. Having understood these values, each Restoration Party Member is asked to make a pledge as follows …

    "As I pledge my allegiance to the Restoration Party, I express my commitment to work to restore government to the people, for the people and by the people of America and to seek out and support representatives, policies and legislation locally and nationally to that end. I affirm that government must be limited in size so that it does not create a burden of debt and that its purpose is to serve the people rather than use them. I am proud to be an American not because America’s past is fully honorable but because I hold a vision for a future America that humbly progresses toward a better, more peaceful world, where hunger and homelessness are eliminated, where healthcare is affordable and available for all, where equality of rights and dignity is not just legislated but apparent in relationships, where our environment is preserved responsibly for future generations, where abundance is measured in terms of quality of life for all and not just the few, and where freedom exists in a balance for the common good and every citizen has a voice. To that end I will seek to break up media monopolies and end the two party system through every reform necessary while putting an end to voter fraud. I will no longer allow America to be a corporatocracy, aristocracy, oligarchy or plutocracy. I will seek term limits for Congress and to end systemic corruption so there is no advantage to career politics. I will demand that our government both live within its means and pay off its debts until it owes nothing. I will respect the separation of church and state and the freedom of speech and thought, while cherishing worthy values. I recognize that our past and present is in many ways dysfunctional and I will seek to restore our nation to sanity and to move step by step towards maximized awesomeness."

In a Sept. 10, 2016 Facebook post Carvin captioned a video with "I need to introduce my running mate." Benjamin B. Lewis is shown busking at night next to a sign proclaiming "Save the Clitoris" but then the camera pans away to record the numerous signs and stuffed toys festooning the singer's ancient Volvo station wagon parked nearby. Some examples of the vehicular public proclamations:

Circumcision creates killers
Jesus is Lord
Circumcision is evil
Circumcision causes brain damage
Work is for people who don't know how to fish
John 7:238:40- ...
Luke: 6,9
Face it-- abortion kills a person
Pray to end abortion
The Jesus is Lord Party
Lewis for President
Benji for President

Yes, Carvin selected a rival Presidential candidate as his running-mate, although it is not clear if Benjamin B. Lewis who was running under the banner of the Jesus is Lord Party was aware this honor was granted to him. Given Carvin's whole stage presence, it is also within the realm of possibility this Vice-Presidential choice was possibly made in the spirit of mock praise. Hard to tell.

Lewis had been a local public figure long before 2016 as an anti-circumcision activist along with his brother Van Lewis (1943-2011). Benjamin had been a long-time Scientologist before embracing Christianity.

Years later on Facebook Lewis recalled the episode surrounding his Presidential announcement--

Aug. 28, 2019
A FEW DAYS AFTER APRIL13th, 2014, I ANNOUNCED THAT I WAS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT OF THE USA AT A REST AREA ON AN INTERSTATE IN NEWBERRY, SOUTH CAROLINA. MANY PEOPLE SAID THAT THEY WOULD VOTE FOR ME. THEN TWO NEWBERRY POLICE OFFICERS CAME UP AND ASKED ME TO LEAVE AND I TOLD THEM THAT I WOULD LEAVE AND GO CAMPAIGN IN COLUMBIA SOUTH, CAROLINA. I WENT ON TO COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA & DEMONSTRATED AGAINST CIRCUMCISION WITH MY "CIRCUMCISION KILLS" SIGN. A DRUNK MAN VERBALLY ASSAULTED ME AND SAID HE WAS GOING TO "BEAT ME TO A PULP". I WENT TO A NEARBY POLICE STATION AND WHEN I TOLD THE POLICE OFFICER WHAT HAPPENED AND THAT THE MAN WAS DRUNK,AND MIGHT GET IN A CAR AND HARM SOMEONE, THE POLICE OFFICER ARRESTED ME FOR DISORDERLY CONDUCT!!! (he had seen my car with california plates on it and anti circumcision bumper stickers, i guess, because he said, WHY DON'T YOU GO BACK TO CALIFORNIA!!!). i spent the night in jail and was released the next day with an order to come back in august for a trial. when i came back in august, the judge said that charge had been changed to assault in the third degree. i requested  a jury trial. and a public defender. my request was granted, but i still have not been back for my jury trial. a jury trial would mean that what went on would be part of the public record. now i am wondering if my arrest was not only that i was demonstrating against circumcision, but also that i had announced that i was running for president as well. it is a strange country we live in, that mutilates over half of the boy infants by circumcision, and then arrests a person who is protesting this crime of child mutilation and then says that he assaulted a police officer. POLICE OFFICERS WEAR GUNS!!! I WOULD NOT DARE ASSAULT ONE!!! love much always, benjamin

Here some samples of contemporary statements made by Lewis on Facebook in the course of the actual campaign--

July 21, 2014
I am running for president of the united states of America. I am running on the jesus is lord party ticket. I might be the first write in candidate in the usa. never underestimate the red clay hills of Tallahassee or the leon lions or the fsu Seminoles. we are going to Washington. we are going to reestablish a government of the people, by the people and for the people, in the united states of America. the corporations and their puppets have been running the usa government for too, too long. their party is over. we are moving in and taking over!!! benjamin

Aug. 20, 2015
why i am running for president of the united states of america
by benjamin bridges lewis

i am a follower of jesus christ.

as a christian, i was given a prophesy to fulfill, as all christians are, in the book of revelations.
that prophesy is pretty simple.

the book of revelations states that and angel will come down from heaven, (that angel, i believe is the hole spirit), and form a great chain, (that chain is all disciples of jesus, all followers of jesus), and that chain of people will tie satan's hands, (and all who do the work of satan) and cast him into prison, (and those who do the work of satan, will be imprisoned also), and bring about 1,000 years of peace.

the holy spirit of truth and love, have lead me to believe that it is one basic tool that satan has been using for 6,000 years, to make mankind seem evil and bad: the circumcision of boys and girls.

the genitals of the human being, as created by god, are the only part of the human body involved with the creation of the future of the race.

it is only by the mutilation of those organs by circumcision of  young human beings, boys and girls, can you bring about the idea that people, who are a part of god's wondrous creation, are bad.

people are not evil.

it is circumcision of babies and children, that can so derange human beings, that you get the current chaos of the world.

many say to me: you think that circumcision is causing all of the problems in the world today?

i say yes!!!
if we will enforce national and international laws, that exist, that inhibit the assault and mutilation of the genitals of human boys and girls , euphemistically called circumcision, and jail those sick people who refuse to stop the bodily assualt on these children, we will get, (we will create), 1,000 years of peace.

i think that all people who are trying to stop the circumcision of boys and girls, are followers of jesus christ. for they have the heart and spirit of jesus in their very own makeup. i believe that these people had their names written in the book of life, before the foundations of the world were created.

the office of president carries much advisory weight in the world.

if elected, i will do all i can to call an end to the war currently being waged by adults of the bodies of the young by circumcision.

i will do all i can to make world literacy a reality for all people of earth.
i will advise all peoples of earth to read what jesus has said in the new testament.

if we fulfill our prophesy, we will create 1,000 years of peace, as is spoken of in the book of revelations.

if we do not, the future of this planet will be such, that you will not have to go anywhere to witness hell.

the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

jesus said that.

it is up to us, those who know that we must protect the children, who are our future, if we are to make it so.

please vote for me.

please ask others to vote for me.

it is up to us to create the heaven on earth, that our lord spoke of in the lord's prayer.

jesus fulfilled his prophesy.

we had best fulfill ours.

we have all we need, to make earth a heaven.

it starts with the

let's do it!!!

much love always,
 benjamin bridges lewis
aug 20,2015

Sept. 8, 2015

Sept. 9, 2015
by benjamin lewis

as i am applying for the job of president of the usa, i think that it appropriate to write a bit about how i view this job and its duties.

one basic job the president has, is to do all he or she can, to make the country safe.

what i hear other candidates talking about is bull sheet, and will NOT result in a safer usa.

to make the usa safe, (and the world), we must start by enforcing existing laws, on the books in the usa and in the international codes; and we must stop the most egregious crime being massively done on over 3 million girls from infancy to 15 years old, each year, in the name of the radical islamists "holy war".

3 million girls a year are loosing their clitorises and their prepuces, to the muslim madmen and women who will do anything to make islamic law, the law on planet earth.


the history of clitoridectomy and its relationship to the jihad (holy war), is simple, but needs to be understood in order to be effective in combating this most gross violation of the females involved, to the right of life (many hundreds bleed to death from the mutilation each year, many hundreds have excessive bleeding once a month when their period happens, many hundreds  die from fibroid cysts and cancer of the uterus due to a much greater risk at getting these afflictions due to the very nature of reduced sexual pleasure, reduced orgasmic ability, and the reduced circulation that happens in the uterus, because orgasms are a vital part of a healthy uterus.

many women, who may have been born with an orientation towards other women, are now, with reduced sexual capacity, altered for the sake of war, are now reduced to being the "sex slave " for a muslim man who has much money and many wives.

in order to eat, she has to become a part of a harem, such as osama bin ladin's father had (23 wives, all clitoridectomized, who produced 57 children for him (and the jihad), and he now has an estimated 500 grandchildren and great grandchildren.

what we have here, is the total perversion of sex, for the purpose of war.

sex was created by god, or nature, or both with two most basic purposes, and if children are not mutilated through circumcision, these two purposes are easy, (and pleasant to fulfill).


1. a most basic purpose of sex, is a means by which two human beings, finding themselves in such affinity with each other, that they find it totally impossible to express the amount of love they feel, with words, or music, or some other art form, and have a real need to "make love" to each other, in such a way that the partner will know how much the partner loves them, and the bond created becomes a lifelong loving bond into which children can be born into a safe secure and loving environment.

i believe that god (or nature, or both) loves us all, but loves children best of all.

if god love children best of all, should not we also?

2. sex has the purpose of bringing into being, new living beings, to continue the human race.

perverting sex, and making it into a tool of war, is the worse sort of perversion, as it was created for the purpose of love.

well, these two purposes are good.

think what it would be like to love someone very much, and to want to create children with that person and make love with them in such a way that they would "already know" , already, how much you love them, and have no body to make love with, or create a child with.

sex is a wonderful creation, when children are not mutilated through circumcision; when love is changed into pain, anger and betrayal by the means of circumcision, you are attacking that which god created for love, and putting in its place, pain, anger frustration and betrayal.

to understand clitoridectomy and the muslim world, you must understand, that the muslim brotherhood was founded in egypt in 1923 and its purpose was to fulfill mohammad's prophesy, that all peoples of earth would some day live under islamic law, not because they chose to, but because if they refused to, they would be killed.

the muslim brotherhood went into africa to find the most violent warrior tribes in africa, with the purpose of creating violent warriors, who would stop at nothing at creating an islamic world.

what they found was this.

those tribes that had the most violent  warriors, were those tribes that had a tradition of cutting the clitorises off of the little girls.

most women who are so mutilated, are not able to experience love on a biological level of orgasm. the prenatal lives of the unborn children  are devoid of love on this level. human empathy is low, therefore, a "no mercy" type warrior is being created from the womb.

this is the worst kind of biological warfare.

between 10% to 20% of the muslims fit into the category of radical.

peaceful muslims do not allow their daughters to be clitoridectomized.


we must get the radical muslims out of the usa by determining which muslim families are involved in this illegal activity, by doing medical exams on all female muslims in the country.

once identified, these people and their husbands and relatives must be formed into a peace corps, and sent to a muslim country, under the protection of united nations soldiers, to stop clitoridectomy in those countries.

we must concurrently stop circumcising baby boys in this country.

intact men, have never allowed their daughter's clitorises to be amputated,

it is only circumcised men, already sexually crippled themselves, that in their secrete hatred and animosity towards women, who should have protected them, that will allow such.

i have been joking and saying that if i am elected president it will bring a whole new meaning to god bless america.

i am not joking now.

god bless america if i am not elected.

i am the only candidate that knows how to lead america out of its current mess.


Feb. 8, 2016
by benjamin lewis

these people running for president, (except me), are lieingt and saying they can make the usa safe.

they are FULL OF BULL!!!

do they talk about school shooters on campus!!!


i do, every day!!!

i tell students why their fellow students are getting killed by terrorists created in our own hospitals, iatrogenically, by our doctors circumcising 1.5 million baby boys a year. and the students are listening!!! setting the stage for their ptsd, which drives them to kill.

do they tell you that we MUST enforce us laws against clitoridectomy, to find out where the radical islamists are, in our own country!!! no!!!
why don,t they?

because they are brain damaged themselves from circumcision, or act brain damaged because so many american men are, they act out what is normal, or they are a woman, like hillary and carly, who are marri9edc to circumcised brain damaged men.

why am i different?

1). i know that i am brain damaged and why; but i am not stupid. i got what forrests mom said to him: STUPID IS IS A STUPID DOES.

2) i love my fellow human beings and am NOT out for power, but survival for the whole human race.

it would be stupid of me, NOT TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT, as no one else is talking about what would make us safer.

i am.

we must focus on making ever boy, infant and girl (B.I.G) safe from genital mutilation in the usa.

we must do this.

WE ARE CREATING OUR OWN PROBLEMS by circumcising our boys, BUT OUR ENEMIES (the radical islamists) are circumcising 3 million girls and over 6 million boys making the biggest most dangerous gang in the history of the planet. terrorists raised from the womb.

they talk about the heroin epidemic, but do they tell you that 85% of  the heroin comes fro afganistan and  funds terrorists?



June 16, 2016
by benjamin lewis

oh my god!!!

hillary and bill KNEW genocide was going to happen in rawanda and 1/2 million people were going to get murdered, (black lives matter to these two mass murderers, only if they live in the usa and can vote).


donald trump is a brain damged circumcised man who dramatizes his brain damage badly, BUT at least, he is not yet a mass killer,  if he becomes president, he may become one.

when it is times to vote, i am going to write my name on my ballot.


July 19, 2016
i am going to demonstrate at the secrete service office in tallahassee florida. i have been running for president since good friday 17april, 2014, when i announced to hundreds of people that i was running for president. this is longer than hillary or trump. i have campaigned every day since then. i have had hundreds of people say that they will vote for me, and i am the only candidate that is being vocal about the source of all the killing nationally and internationally, and am the only candidate calling for the surgeon general to call for a medical exam of all muslim females, in order to give them medical help, if needed and to locate the islamic radicals within us boarders. i am the only candidate that is calling for a halt of all circumcision of boys infants and girls, in order to stop the madness that this is creating.

circumcision is violence and is the source of the violence we are seeing.

we must end it.

benjamin lewis

The Carvin/Lewis ticket did not register as write-ins with any state. I infer, perhaps erroneously, that a Facebook post in late Oct. 2016 suggests Carvin was initially under the impression that simply filing with the FEC would be enough to have his write-in votes counted. In any event, the fact both candidates were residents of the same state would have posed a potential Constitutional problem.

Election history: Lewis made reference to having won some public office position in the past but was not specific.

Other occupations: activist

Carvin decided not to run in 2020. At some point it looks like the Restoration Party changed into the Visionary Party. Carvin's Restoration Party should not be confused with the Restoration Party ticket of Ernest L. Miller/Roy N. Eddy in 1976.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Sarah Louise Palin



Sarah Louise Palin, February 11, 1964 (Sandpoint, Idaho) -

VP candidate for Independent (2012)
VP candidate for Independent (aka Independent Party) (2016)

Running mate with nominee (2012): Michael Kazimer Baranowski (b. 1968)
Running mate with nominee (2016): Barry Lester Johnson (1950-2016)
Popular vote (2012, 2016): ? (0.00%)
Electoral vote (2012, 2016): 0/538

The campaign (2012):

Michael Baranowski, a Cincinnati resident who was a political science professor at Northern Kentucky University made an announcement (most likely tongue-in-cheek) on Facebook, Dec. 1, 2011--

I've decided to run for President. If elected, I promise to close our embassy in Iran (and, what the hell, in Cuba too). Sarah Palin will be my VP. We will seriously kick some foreign policy ass.

That post appeared to be the sole exploit of the Baranowski/Palin 2012 campaign. However, Baranowski did file with the FEC for US President on Feb. 13, 2016 under No Party Affiliation. Although I could not verify a running-mate for him in that one, on Mar. 26, 2016 Baranowski (a USMC vet) suggested himself as a potential VP for retired Marine General James Mattis in the event the latter decided to run for President.

The campaign (2016):

Barry Johnson filed with the FEC as an Independent for President on Aug. 5, 2014. He was originally headquartered in Junction City, Kan. but at some point relocated to Buffalo, Wyo.

Johnson launched an aggressive social media campaign, usually adorned in a cowboy hat with a crucifix attached in the front covering his long hair, a bolo tie, and a very serious demeanor. He also opened a campaign office in a stripmall in Junction City at the start of his campaign. In many cases his social media posts had links to Right wing polemicists and Fox News. Peppered in there were posts where the single Johnson was reaching out for female companionship. Some samples from his Facebook campaign site--

Aug. 26, 2014
Barry Johnson 2016 on YouTube
Please join Me in My Non-Establishment Campaign to restore Constitutional process and rights of "We the People"!
Cancerous Overbearing Overburdened MegaGovernment must be cut back by 80% in spending and agencies!
So America can Grow!

Aug. 30, 2014
You can afford a $5 donations Max.
Barry Johnson for President!
Barry Johnson 2016 on YouTube
To cleanup America!
Barry Johnson
General delivery
Junction City, Ks. 66441

Sept. 6, 2014
Barry Johnson for President!
Do not let Obama start one more War!
Do not trust the Status Quo!
Do not trust the machine!
Do not trust the BS NEWS!
Stop the Establishment of Hate!
Pull together for Peace!
Barry Johnson for President!
End game is Obama's and His Hidden AGENDA,  if HE can not get it one way He will get under the covers of War powers Act!

Sept. 10, 2014
My Non-Establishment Campaign for President!
Does not support Drones or bombing at this time.
But if ISIS or ISIL are a real threat in the Mid-east Israel and Saudi Arabia can form a Collation deal with There dirt!
Jordan Turkey and several others are fully functional and are capable.
Do not by anything that is advertised for Free on the News. Like IPhone, why support a product that get free advertising.
What is the news selling today!
    Can You find anything else that the News promotes for PROFIT?
    The Ebola story is chuck full of lying.
    But the current Pupit President ask for something like 30 million dollars.
    Leting the First Lady say what foods Owr Child should eat is unlawful!
    Please consider a $5.00 donations Max.
    My Campaign needs Your support to setup My Campaign needs.
    If You will support My Presidential Campaign please share this post and like it!
   My address is
      Barry Johnson 2016
      General Delivery
      Junction City, Ks.66441-9999

Starting in Oct. 2014 Johnson made cryptic references to how Obama "stole my blessings" somehow flipping the 2008 and 2012 elections. This very original election analysis would be a refrain for the remainder of his campaign--

Oct. 1, 2014
Mr. Bush,
Please come to Junction City, Ks.
You know the impact My Campaign made at Your Library.
O used Secret Service Agents to block My way as O stole My blessings. And again the Election flipped with Romney in a ten or twelve points lead!
You still have SS protection.
Ask what happened in front of Knotts Berry Farm on Hwy. 39.
Barry Johnson 2016
844 S. Washington St.
Junction City, Ks. 66441

Oct. 5, 2014
My Presidential Campaign is making a prediction.
 If the Prez. Is Seeing the Election going south for Democrats, He will call Marshall Law. Or very close to it.
 It is going to take a good Man, not part of the Status Quo!
844 . Washington St.
Junction City, Ks. 66441

Oct. 6, 2014
The last four America Presidents were and are barbaric!
Given to much power!
The consaqunaces of War are decimating America except for the extremely Rich!
 My Campaign for President will restore Peace by using the best plans.
Please consider supporting My Non-Establishment Campaign to restore Constitutional process and full vetting of all Laws.
844 S. Washington St.
Junction City, Ks. 66441

Oct. 9, 2014
Obama stole My blessings twice and flipped both Elections!
First the day before He went on Oprah, and blew Hillary out of the water.
The second time as Romney lead by ten or twelve points. He used Secret Service Agents to block My way. I tryed to get away but They would step in My path.
He slapped My shoulder and latter that day. He lead the Election!
I now run for President to reestablish Constitutional process rights and full vetting of all Laws
Barry Johnson 2016
844 S. Washington St.
Junction City, Ks. 66441

Oct. 16, 2014
The Election flipped when Secret Service Agents blocked My way at Knotts Berry Farm. Trying to cross the street the Agent on the same corner stood in My way. And would not let Me get to the button.
I said I did not want the President near me.
He said Barry I will take You to the ground.
I tryed to go to the left as the Agent blocked My way again, just then Obama slapped My shoulder.
 The out come the day and next was The Romney leading by ten or twelve points crashed! Romney's campaign never Recovered.
My Campaign will restore Constitutional process rights and full vetting of all Laws.
$5 donations Max so all can be part of Government once again.

Oct. 17, 2014
Obama is going to hit the bricks!
Stealing a Man's gift for God will get the better of You before it is over.
My gifts blessings were earned by Faith.
Faith that can restore Constitutional process rights and full vetting of all Laws.
Barry Johnson for President
Barry Johnson 2016
844 S. Washington St.
Junction , Ks. 66441
$5 max. Donations

Oct. 27, 2014
When Elected this President will replace every Ten Commandments knocked down. With a cast steel marker ten feet into concrete!

It looks very much like My Prayers did Eradicate Ebola.
Pray with Me now that the Lava flow stops!
Agree with Your Mate in Prayer
Pray for Godly People in Government
$5.00 donations Max
844 S. Washington St.
Junction City, Ks. 66441

Nov. 3, 2014
It is My Presidential Campaign position that picking on Tayloɾ Swıft Is an A Class 1 felony. Besides being Lame!
  Few Entrepreneurs are a clean and talented!
  Just sayin a step above does get ridiculed...

Nov. 9, 2014
I am Praying for a total collapse of all the Muslim Brotherhood.
From the top down ever Person Law and way!

Dec. 12, 2014
Remember The Tea Party movement is funded by Democrats!
Barry Johnson for President

Dec. 16, 2014
Is there any Lady single in North America

Jan. 14, 2015
Hannity You want Barry Johnson 2016 on YouTube
Get the Staff on My Campaign
Christian Conservative will to let God Lead America!

Apr. 6, 2015
I brought rain to Texas.
I can to California
I just need to Talk to someone on the ground There The Governor would be best
Barry Johnson for President

Apr. 10, 2015
God Is still in the Business of Creating.
I know because I help Him do it
Barry Johnson for President
You will know soon the difference

Apr. 24, 2015
My Campaign for President is not In Favor of George Soros in any way.
Barry Johnson for President on YouTube

Apr. 30, 2015
Quite simply We need to return to old America

May 29, 2015
My Campaign for President is over.
This is one of a few Public Notices

June 28, 2015
Evert time I am Hacked My will grows stronger.
I am running for President.
Both Parties have failed and are like a train wreck on both sides of the tracks.
I ask all God fearing Americans to go Independent for one Cycle. So both Parties can find There Way once more.
It will take an Outstanding Outsider ro restore due process.

June 30, 2015
Barry Johnson for President
Obama used My Blessings to flip both Election.
I have used then to
Stop Ebola and Hysteria
Stop Disney Measles and Hysteria
Stop Jade Helm it Texas with flood
Bring rain in Az Ca Nm Tx and Kansas
 On a Personal note the second flip happened as Romney lead by 10 or 12
 Mid noon You said.   Something is wrong
Romney's lead is gone but Obama leads but there no numbers.
 Type it in to follow up
   God alone will restore America
     His Servant all ways Barry Johnson

Sept. 25, 2015
God is truly use Me to restore Peace in the World.
Barry Johnson for President
$5 max. donation
844 S. Washington St.
Junction City, Ks. 66441

Oct. 15, 2015
As You can see Trump uses My Moto
Just as Obama used My Blessings to flip both of His Elections and Yes it does matter.

Johnson put most of his energy into Twitter after mid-Nov. 2015--

Nov. 16, 2015
Does anyone understand the U.N. brings unrest to Depopulat the World

Nov. 20, 2015
God turned away 8 Hurricanes
God alone can turn America to Peace
This Nation is failing
We must Pray

Dec. 2, 2015
They shout climate Change
But the real truth is a far greater danger!
Big bloated Government
Only cut in spending...

Dec. 17, 2015
Ask Putin why He wants Trump

Dec. 22, 2015
Avoid the Trump Trap
He is breaking ice for Global Bill
Only One Independent earning WTP's

Dec. 23, 2015
Liberal's have elevated Terrorism to Religion, because of Money!
$5Max Donations can change the  balance of power.

Jan. 24, 2016
Trump is a brutal Man
No Bible or Decorum in Him
I run to support all We The People

Feb. 20, 2016
Trump will burn up way before He is Elected

Mar. 24, 2016
My Brother tryed to kill Me last night
Locked in My room felt lkis a hammer hit My ribs hard
I make this record so He will be caught

Mar. 30, 2016
Vote for no golf
Vote Johnson
Please Retweet

Apr. 12, 2016
Guns R not the Problem
Liberal courts
Violence in Movies games

May 11, 2016
Any Lady single in Wyoming
Love to buy You dinner

Johnson's health began to seriously decline as the campaign entered the final quarter--

Aug. 20, 2016
I have been very sick
But My smile returned this Morning Barry Johnson for President

Oct. 3, 2016
Very Pleased half way done with Cancer treatment, can report great Progress! God is good all the time! !!  !!!

Oct. 16, 2016
Trump ratchets up 'rigged election' claims, which Pence downplays
How can Don be President
Not trusting the Election

On Jan. 5, 2015 Johnson indicated former Gov. Sarah Palin was "my first choice for VP" and provided a link to her pontificating on Fox. Palin had been Sen. McCain's running-mate in 2008 and conventional wisdom has it that her lack of administrative experience combined with extreme pandering to the Christian far Right was one of the major factors in the Republican ticket's defeat that year.

Johnson was certainly not the first obscure Presidential candidate to select an unwitting celebrity or famous political figure as a running-mate. Given her iconic status with Tea Party conservatives, it is surprising no previous Independents had "nominated" her earlier. Palin probably had no idea she was "running" for VP a second time.

During the course of Johnson's campaign, Palin's stint as a pundit for Fox came to an end in 2015 when her contract was not renewed. Also in that year her book Sweet Freedom: A Devotional was published, a work linking Bible verses with politics.

In Jan. 2016 she endorsed Trump but interestingly that action did not later translate into a Cabinet or executive appointment. Some pundits felt Trump's hypersensitive reaction to criticism would not have tolerated an outspoken woman like Palin in his ranks, especially one who would have distracted the media spotlight and attention he so much craved.

Johnson died in Buffalo, Wyo. a week after the election, Nov. 15, 2016. If the Johnson/Palin ticket had emerged victorious on Election Day, the Electoral College would have faced an interesting set of decisions.

Election history:
1992-1996 - Wasilla, Alaska City Council (Nonpartisan)
1996-2002 - Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska (Nonpartisan)
2002 - Lt. Governor of Alaska (Republican) - primary - defeated
2006-2009 - Governor of Alaska (Republican)
2008 - US Vice-President (Republican) - defeated

Other occupations: Chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, sports reporter, author, political pundit, reality television host

PNW trivia alert!! In 1984-1985 Palin was known as Sarah Heath and attended the University of Idaho in Moscow. At that same time I was working 7 miles away as a faculty librarian at Washington State University. Who knows? I could've bumped into her at Gambino's, the Nobby Inn, or Bookpeople.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Wes Powell


Wes Powell

VP candidate for No Party Affiliation (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Neven Lee Gibbs (b. 1953)
Popular vote: 0 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Sgt. Neven Lee Gibbs Fr. (aka Mister Rock and Roll), a resident of Spanaway, Wash. filed with the FEC on Oct. 17, 2015 with No Party Affiliation. He had actually started his Presidential effort much earlier. Gibbs' personal Facebook account kicked off the campaign with a post on Aug. 24, 2013. In it he includes his fellow musician Wes Powell of Phoenix, Ariz. Powell would become the running-mate--

Wes Powell and several other people have convinced me.  Here is my write in candidacy for President of the US.
My platform:
I'm going to piss off at least half of you.
The other half will probably have no clue as to what I am up to even when I explain it.
The angry half will include anyone in Congress with more than one term in office.
I will not send the military anywhere that I wouldn't go to do a job I wouldn't do.
I will have a comic doppelganger answer all questions at news conferences.
I will at least be entertaining.
I'm not promising anything to anybody.
I will keep in mind what Will Rogers and Mark Twain have said about politicians at all times, especially when dealing with them.
I don't play golf.
I don't own any guns solely for the purpose of hunting.  The NRA will explain that.
I will go fishing occasionally.
When it comes to US allies they will be happy.
When it comes to US enemies...Homey don't play dat.
Reason, what the US was founded on.
If anyone has any questions about my positions on your personal pet peeves or agendas.  See above or refer to the US Constitution for answers.
This has been a political announcement and isn't endorsed by anyone.

The subsequent comments on that post included exchanges between Gibbs and Powell giving the reader more an idea of their combined political views--

Neven Lee Gibbs
Did I mention that I'm qualified for the job? I have the paperwork to prove it.

Wes Powell
Even if you have the paperwork, the right will demand... the PLACENTA.

Neven Lee Gibbs
The US Treasure has a bond on me traded in Mutual Funds based on my Birth Certificate. I'm busy collecting as much of it back now.

Neven Lee Gibbs
Wes, I'm pretty sure even Jesse Venture would support me.

Wes Powell
Probably. But Donald Trump and Joe Arpaio would demand video of your birth.

Neven Lee Gibbs
I don't know about Donald but I've had coffee with Joe. One out of two. You handle Trump.

Neven Lee Gibbs
I'll try to avoid comments about Orangutangs missing a patch of back hair.

Wes Powell
I don't know if I'd get along with Trump. I think I'm a better businessman because my businesses help people and I've had 4 less bankruptcies. He thinks he's better because he can still borrow money. It'd be an uncomfortable thing.

Neven Lee Gibbs
There may be an opening in the position of the department of Labor. Something that rebuilds the middle class and local industrial base.

Wes Powell
That would be Socialism. It would work but we can't have that sort of thing.

Neven Lee Gibbs
Not socialism. Capitalism by choice. Either pay them or I'll tax the crap out of ya. Easy choice, pay goes up, profits go up, debt goes down, taxes go down. The Tito plan. Near zero income tax. The USSR hated him but couldn't afford to get rid of him. He sold them all Yugos.

Wes Powell
I was being facetious. šŸ™‚

Neven Lee Gibbs
I like it when a plan comes together. Facetiousness will be part of cabinet policy.

Wes Powell
Right wing people drive on interstate highways, fly on planes that don't crash into each other, listen to the radio on separate frequencies, stop at traffic lights, enjoy the most expensive military in the world, light grills without the propane tank blowing up, drink water that doesn't kill them, take approved prescription drugs, and live on Social Security... then call catching up to the rest of the world in civilized health care "Socialism".

Wes Powell
Comedy gold... if they couldn't vote.

Neven Lee Gibbs
I'd let the Teamsters figure out a national health care plan. Then let the penny pinchers make Lincoln cry until it was affordable. Some where in there is a balance. National vote. Then I can't be blamed for it.

Wes Powell
They blame Obama for male pattern baldness, impotence, and the weather. You'll still get blamed for it.

Neven Lee Gibbs
"I'm going to piss off at least half of you." Got that covered.

Wes Powell
[Thumbs up]

Although Powell's role as Vice-Presidential nominee was minimal, it became clear in his Twitter account after 2016 that he was on the other end of the political spectrum than the standard bearer on many issues.

Gibbs' 2016 campaign, using the slogan "Had Enough Yet?" set up a Facebook Presidential site embracing a few conspiracy theories (e.g. the "Clinton Death List/Body Count") and expressing views usually associated with the Right of center. Some samples--

Sept. 11, 2013
Today, with some difficulty, I learned that 21 to 25 Muslims made it to the million Muslim march today.  Last estimate by Law Enforcement, park department in and around Washington DC has the number of Bikers at over 1 million.  Radical Islamists attempted to hijack the Biker and supporting websites plus made false news announcements that the Bikers were in support of the Muslim march.  They failed.  The Bikers will be in town, from all over the country and parts of Canada, for 3 days.  
Sharia law violates the US Constitution and State Laws.  Part of the Muslim Brotherhood and Al kaida plan for a world caliphate is to remove the US Constitution and any other country's constitutions that protect the rights of the citizens as one of the major blocking points to their plan.  One look at Egypt shows how badly that plan is going.  Australia and the EU have my sympathy.  Besides...Turks have told their government "I want a cold beer on a hot day.  You aren't going to take that away from me."
What is the point?  Simple.  Just because you can't stand to see someone else have a good time isn't going to stop them from doing so.  Well, good luck to the Muslims who can separate the Gabriel from the Satan passages in the Koran and have learned to play well with Christians, Jews, Atheists and Pagans.  As to the others.  Say hello to "Atlas" when it comes for a visit.  Turning sand to glass in a minute.  Just a probable projected future from various sources.  Negotiate, educate and thump only when necessary.

Sept. 21, 2013
Sometimes I get the idea running around my head that there ought to be an open season on politicians.  Say maybe starting around the time their ads first show up on TV to November 2nd.  At least then you'd know the survivors are either smart, fast or really lucky.  Could be a good thing.  Term limits wouldn't be a problem either of course.

Jan. 3, 2014
Apparently there are at least three rebellions in progress.  One against the Globalist agenda, which is going against the Globalists.  Thank China.  Their self control of their market and economic influence helps everyone else fight back with their wallets against control of the money, water and food.
The second so far is another American Revolution.  Peacefully so far.  Talk about throwing a monkey wrench in the works of politics. It works because of the estimated 317.3 million Americans, it only takes 6% of the armed American populace to remove and replace the government by force of arms.  Which makes compliance with the will of the People a necessary appeasement.  So that is around 298 thousand+ who act, with another 800,000 people who will follow them is a considerable inspiration for the Government to behave.
The third is worldwide as everyone from Atheists to Zen Buddhists are rebelling against Islamization of the world.  This is going to get bloodier until those Westernized, modernized Muslims are the only ones left and the intolerant participants are dead.  Kind of like how Judaism and Christianity modernized to the point of being passably acceptable by most folks.

Jan. 30, 2014
Wes Powell from Wes Powell music is up for the Vice President position.  What more could you ask for?  Musician with some hoot n holler about what's wrong!

Mar. 5, 2014
I'm carefully considering as part of my platform to have a special penalty for being stupid.  Not handicapped or impeded by an impairment or injury.  Just doing something stupid.  Get 50 citations for being stupid in one year and survive, the perpetrator will be required to wear a T-shirt to warn others of the danger.
Now as to the next part.  A living wage supports the economy.  A stagnated wage doesn't.  However, when the government imposes excessive taxes plus mandatory employment, it defeats the idea of a successful capitalistic society.  Therefore care must be applied in convincing the 1% with all of the money to put it back into circulation.  A Healthy economy requires a flow of currency from the top back to the bottom providing a living wage.  Without this feature, the economy falters, the Triangle of social structure turns upside down.  See the French Revolution as an example.  There is a real easy way to do that.
Thirdly, there is an imminent threat to a free society that is an impedement of advancement.  Unless Islam adapts to accept people of different faiths as equals then it has no place in the 21st Century or beyond.  This is the sociological fact of the meeting of restrictive tenets of Islam and Sharia when it intermingles with a free society.  Should those who follow Islam give up the political and warfare part of the Koran and the creativity suppressing parts of Sharia.  Then it will not survive as the simple fact.  There is only so much crap any single person will put up with.  This is not Islamophobia as I actually have no problem with the religious part.  But that "Kill them where you find them" political and economic warfare parts can go suck on the end of a barrel.
One need only examine the history of Islam and apply what Aisha told Mo about "Allah changes his mind to suit your convenience."

Apr. 13, 2015
Pestering CNN and Fox news with comments on their pages.  Neither one of them have bothered to call me.

May 22, 2015
Received the pamphlet for getting on the Washington State Ballot.  Need to hold a convention.  There won't be one.  
Have party electorates - at least 12 - sign a document.  There won't be any convention electorates since there won't be a convention and the only party will be after my election.
Have to have 100 convention attendees sign a document to prove they showed up.  Which they won't be able to do because there won't be a convention and...well, the party will be at the White House after I'm elected.
Then there's the 1,000 signatures required to get on the ballot.  So I'm going to need some volunteers to go round and collect 1,000 signatures from people who have had enough.  Any volunteers?
I also need my picture took and send a statement and bio for the voter pamphlet sent out to voters so they'll know who I am.  For as long as they can remember.
Also supposed to take out an ad in a paper announcing my candidacy.
I sent an E-mail back asking how many of the two party restrictive spaces I can fill in with "N/A."

July 31, 2015
And the campaign is going smoothly.  Sarcasm not withstanding.  Me vs Hillary?  I have nothing to hide, except that one thing because I hate the sounds of men crying and women screaming.  Me vs Trump?  We actually agree on a number of issues.  Me vs the rest?  Pffft, like they have a chance.

Aug. 1, 2015
Presidential goals:
By end of Year 1:
Secure the Border using the Military within the duty clause of the Constitution. Charge countries for the return of illegal immigrants or send them to other countries in need of labor aid to rebuild and establish viable communities, like Syria and Iraq.
Establish a board utilizing Labor and Industry leaders to develop a sound economic plan to rebuild the Middle Class within 2 years.
Destroy Da'esh and their creators/controllers.  Eliminate Transnational/Global cabals that seek to reduce the human condition to that of economic slavery.  Rebuild the "American Dream." by established means and existing agencies.  Clean up Government - both open and covert sides.
By end of Year 2:
Fix the Affordable Care Act.working with Congress in accordance with the Health and Welfare clause of the Constitution.
Rebuild national industrial capabilities by direct and indirect control of abandoned industrial facilities.
"Sell here build here." policy in foreign trade.  At least a 50/50% in fair trade agreements.  Include like kind policy with American trade.  Price balancing in tariffs on imports.
Advancements and establishment of viable mental health treatment centers, remove public stigmas against PTSD, improve Veteran help with Governors and Mayors - increased availability of information and guidance in Veteran's care. Improved Veteran care with removal of unqualified and poor quality care providers and administrators. Improve the care of the People in accordance with the Constitution.  
By end of Year 3:  
Work with Congress to establish a Point Of Sale tax with the removal of the Income Tax.  IRS reduction to needed levels through transfers to other agencies and retirement.
Review laws and rules regarding the quality of the land, waterways and land. Protect the small farmer and ranchers. Establish proper care and treatment of livestock - Happy cows taste better! - Work to remove stupidity in the arguments on gun control.  Re-establish State Militias under Governor/National Guard guidelines.  
By end of Year 4:
Reduce government spending.  Work and establish National debt payoff.  Establish State level and non-federal reserve controlled banks with viable sustainability.  Remove US financial control from transnational foreign controllers.  Reduced taxation leading to more tax payments from greater individual wealth growth in living wages and spending.  (near 0 income tax worked for Tito and Yugoslavia. Doh!) Continue the above, prosecute divisive elements that seek to divide the American people within and if necessary, covert means where ever they are.  Complete plan to aid in the development of Native American status.  Record the languages of the First Peoples.  Record the full histories and cultures of the First Peoples.  Improve Space Travel and complete the Reagan plan to defend the Earth and Sol system from hostile Aliens based on solid research and international co-operation.  Just because an alien race is more advanced doesn't mean they are more civilized.  See history of our planet.
End of Year 4;
Go fishing.  Let some other person have the job.

Sept. 3, 2016
Newsies have finally admitted, the Fourth Wall (a theatrical term for the audience) has been broken.  The Non-Affiliated Candidate.  Instead of the 2 party system being plagued by the 3rd party.  Now people have a 4th choice.
I am not alone as a non-party affiliated candidate. There are more of us out there who have had enough of political parties. Groups like the Democrats and Republicans in charge of their parties. Not specifically the followers, but the ones running the political circus.
These are the two groups who are responsible for the gerrymandering of voting districts. Having the dead turn up to vote.  Finagling the voting machines, hanging chads, push polling and the like.  
Had a call from one of these groups about the Governor choice for Washington state.  When asked if I'd vote for the Democrat or the Republican choice and I said "Neither."  The pollster pushed for a choice between the same two candidates again. Again I said "Neither." and he hung up.  
You people out there.  You are the reason the Fourth Wall has been broken.  The disgruntled voter. The nonvoter.  The sidelined and marginalized voters.  Plus people like me who have had enough and are standing up to the power brokers.  
Together, We the People, can take back our voting rights.  We can take back our country from those who think we are all ignorant sheep who will come when the bell rings.  Wake up your neighbors, friends and weird relatives.  Break the 4th wall and ruin the plans of the Globalists, the lobbyists and power brokers.  Stand up with me and tell them to shove their plans for a world of two classes up their collective Whazoos.  Help yourself to be more than what they have planned.

Oct. 30, 2016
The race is winding down to the last minutes.  Voter fraud.  Soro's says the Electoral College is already bought and paid for.  Real polls say Trump in a landslide.  DNC has been oversampling favorable voters and feeding the main stream media.  Some groups claim that if either Trump or Clinton are elected there will be Civil War.  Accurate polls put Clinton in third place behind Jill Stein.  With all of that.  I voted for the most honest person I know of in this race to the White House.  Myself.  So y'all can't piss and moan to me if everything goes South after this election.  I Stood UP did the right thing.  What did you do for the Republic?

By May 2017 Gibbs was already running for the Presidency in 2020 but did not file with the FEC although he tried to rally supporters to do so for him. Shortly after the 2020 election he announced he was running again in 2024. No running-mate was named in 2020 and so far not for 2024. He appears to have accepted the Trump alleged "stolen election" scenario and after 2016 his campaign posts had less original expository writing but instead included more memes echoing personal attacks against Democrat leaders and citing polemic-oriented articles from far-Right conspiracy websites such as Epoch Times.

Election history: none

Other occupations: musician

Washington State trivia alert!!!!

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Magdalena P. Morales


Magdalena P. Morales, January 2, 1972 -

VP candidate for No Party Affiliation (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Mitchell G. In-Albon (b. 1962)
Popular vote: 24 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Mitchell In-Albon of Phoenix, Ariz. filed with the FEC for US President late in the game, Oct. 15, 2016, under the category of No Party Affiliation. His running-mate was Magdalena "Maggie" Morales of Laveen Village, Ariz. In-Albon was involved in the telecommunications industry.

In-Albon's campaign webpage was minimalist but cut to the chase and offered job-seeking voters an incentive to support his candidacy--

Make America Stronger Together

We want the most qualified members in our administration.

If you are interested in a cabinet position or any of the 3000 other jobs that can be filled by Presidential appointment.

Click for list of positions
[link led to a GPO website with the text of United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions (Plum Book), 2012]

Please send us an email with position desired and what you bring to the team.

His Facebook campaign posts filled in a few more details--

Oct. 26, 2016
We are the “none of above vote” If you don’t like the other Presidential candidates, we would be honored to have your Vote we are official write-in candidates in Arizona In-Albon Morales Just write in “In-Albon Morales” on your ballot. For more info and links

Nov. 7, 2016
We are official write in candidate for those that do not want to vote for Trump, Hillary or the 'other' candidates. If you have already made your choice, we do not want your vote. We began our campaign to help raise the awareness to register votes for people that would say “why should I vote this year, I don't like either candidate”; this was a way to help get them to vote. There are other positions to vote for sheriff, county recorder, county attorney, congress and other ballot issues but because some don't like the presidential candidates they said they would not vote. We want everyone to vote just make a choice.

In-Albon/Morales were registered as write-ins only in their home state of Arizona, which would have posed a potential legal problem in the event of their victory since both candidates were residents of the same state.

Election history: none

Other occupations: School finance manager, data systems administrator at Phoenix School District

In-Albon attended Trump's Inauguration in 2017.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Keisha Lanell Merchant


Keisha Lanell Merchant, June 2, 1974 -

VP candidate for Unaffiliated (aka Non Affiliated aka No Party Affiliation) (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Laio Chantelle Morris (b. 1968)
Popular vote: 11 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Laio Morris of Richmond, Va. filed with the FEC on Dec. 21, 2015 as an "Unaffiliated (Write In)" candidate for President. According to her Facebook page, she began her campaign in Feb. 2014.

Morris' campaign webpage was headlined:

Laio THE Manager,
President?  YASSSSSSSSS!

Her platform:

I recognize the Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and The Declaration of Independence. Do they ALL need to be rewritten? Perhaps. Let's survey the PEOPLE.

Every single child should be privy to the best education possible. I promote advanced education for anyone capable of learning at a faster pace. Students should be required to learn at least 5 different languages including English, Spanish and French. Teachers' salaries definitely need to increase dramatically. I support students being required to wear uniforms coast to coast, tastier healthier meals including breakfast, lunch and snacks, time for meditation/prayer, laptops for low income households, book bags with wheels, coats and lessons being streamed live during inclement weather.

Disconnecting someone's utilities due to non-payment should be banned. Alternate energy sources are a must: solar, wind, water, possibly the conversion of organic wastes and biofuels, along with the use of coal, oil and natural gas.  There's no free lunch but there IS FREE ENERGY--let's use it!

I support clean air, let's GO GREEN!  And let's clean up our water supply!  Too much lead and other cancer causing agents.

Responsible budgeting is paramount. Cost effectiveness and critical need should play a key role. If our country is currently spending $3.72 trillion on federal programs and services a year and only generating $2.165, we must fix the problem.

I support being neighborly; however, sometimes it's best to mind your own business, whether it's next door or abroad. While it's good to have allies, can anyone really be trusted? Let's make sure the US has everything it needs and is well protected and then worry about other countries. We can consult and share, no problem--take care of home first.

Our government should be for the PEOPLE--not just those who funded their campaigns and retirement packages. Elected officials and lobbyists can not create and control situations that only benefit them.

Jobs should be offered to American citizens first---BOTTOM LINE! Outsourcing should be a last resort.  If they can't vote in America why should America be their source of income!  Take care of home first!

Border security is a must, but not for the purpose of keeping desperate people out who want a better way of life.  The illegal importation and exportation of deadly drugs and weapons of mass destruction should be prohibited. Human trafficking, black market economy and terrorism is NOT ALLOWED. All information regarding our safety should be considered.

Everyone should be entitled to receive medical/dental/vision care--it should be based on income. Holistic/alternative medicine should be the choice of the person receiving the service provided. Citizens must be proactive.

This is a tricky one.  A women's body is just that--her body. While I do not encourage abortion, I know some women get raped and some women's lives are compromised by pregnancy. Ultimately, GOD IS THE JUDGE! I DO NOT SUPPORT THE DEATH PENALTY! The LGBT (lesbians, gays, bi-sexuals and trans-gender) citizens should have the same rights as anyone else.

Let's bury the name and change it to CONVENIENCE FEES! Let's base these fees on income.

*$5,000/MONTH (supplemental income for those who are working, in school, has a business/wants a business , disabled or handicapped--certifications in consumer counseling, budgeting, investments and money management required)
*ABOLISH THE CREDIT SYSTEM (equifax, transunion, experian)
*DEBT ELIMINATION (wipe all credit clean)
*MINIMUM WAGE INCREASE (raise minimum wage to $15/hour, WORK LESS, GET PAID MORE.  including inmates-why should citizens foot the bill for criminals-why should the prison system and all of it's affiliates continue to get rich at our expense?)

*legalization of cannibas
*pet as dependents
*no suspensions of drivers or professional licenses when child support is owed (HTF can anybody pay their child support if their right to drive is suspended-LET'S BE REAL)
*innocent until proven guilty
*violent people should not be allowed to live with non violent people (they really need their own island)

Meanwhile, in Apr. 2014 Keisha L. Merchant (aka Marshawnt Keyshay aka Coach Kay) announced she was running for President. Like Morris, she also used social media as her main campaign device for her Diversity Management Party. She presented a mixture of philosophies that included anime, Christianity, New Age (note the following reference to Louise Hay), game theory, and a promotion of her coaching business Miaa Tipx Corps, the latter of which was a central theme in her platform as presented on her campaign blog--

What I will bring to the table if elected with my Administration Team, Gift giving Ambassadors and Volunteer Task Force that will work along side with Congress and the U.S. Government among other allies globally:

To turn poverty into paradise through building our infrastructures by the focus on these issues:

Commerce using my system in Miaa X Corps to build poverty stricken areas with a new banking system that consist of a trading system called the giving system and store house. People in each community are given a distribution system that make sure each population is sheltered, fed, clothed, trained, and covered with legal services, medical assistance, and education that will keep each community equal though recognized all communities are not equal. This banking system will be the liason to the employer and the employee as an advocate for economic justice and economic regulation, to file complaints, grievances, and stand in the gap by giving access to services through gift giving. This system will be built by trained volunteers who want to give back to the community. All resources will be donated, recycled and rebuilt.

Defense using my system of Miaa X Operations. This operations will build a special service team that will be the negotiators. Trained staff of volunteers that will be called into duty to go into the global communities to build relationships with leaders, negotiate treaties of union. These treaties will be enforced through negotiations, having discussions at the round table. Using the theory of the Double Swing Communications Model by, Muneo Yoshikawa, Each change agent and agency will be a volunteer service in this operations to overcome the five dysfunctions of a team, the theory of decay, Patrick Lencioni. They will build by coaching, inspiration and motivation to use the techniques of transformative leadership to know as a situational leadership approach mix with style leadership approach into theories of managing teams. Dictators or any tyrants that cannot change by laying down resistance to the global initiative of The State of Union to be unionized through the model of care ethics by Patricia Hill Collins. The enforcement will be through discourse and conversations as to the model of Muneo Yoshikawa strategies of success and Maslow’s Hierarchy, motivational model of success.

Education using my system of Miaa X Education: to build the poverty stricken areas and wealth systems cross training for rehabilitation into diversity management. This model is called Judment in managerial decision making by Bazerman and Moore, that will include theories of overcoming heuristics and bias, and how to be an effective decision maker. This cross training system will revisit all communities to educate and re-educate all citizens through the virtual reality experience into how to use gaming and simulation to build the mind, expand the horizons of each decision maker. This process will be an incentive program to give tax breaks to all citizens who participate, and those who do not have taxes a stipend to do the programs annually. If the stipends cannot come through the government programs, this will be solicited among the Gift Giving Ambassadors to adopt the program.

Health and Human Services using my system called Miaa X, the Phoenix Ways System: This is the system that will use alternative medicine breakthroughs to set up clinics, and camps as a holistic approach into health and wellness. It will be an incentive plan for medical doctors to expand their horizons and the communities to build their skills in finding more ways to build longevity, and increase immortality through decreasing mortality rates through alternative medicine as a second hand system. This will train all healers to work in this system as an alternative approach to the health industry as a Holistic Therapy system for those who cannot afford the health care system, and choose a natural approach to heal, restore, regenerate and rebuild their lives. Louise Hay will be one of many experts used as a model for this system. Technology created for this system will be used to build this second hand system to compliment the other systems, but a free access to all these systems under my Administration season. And encouraged beyond my terms if not elected or fulfilled terms as a leader.

Homeland Security, using my system called Miaa Tipx the Avatar System, will be the second hand agency to cross train the Homeland Security system. This system will be an auditing system to the Homeland Security system. This system will work under cover to research and investigate any practices, policies and procedures that will cause weak, defective and decay in the lives of sustainable living in each household. It will not be used to socially control but as a recommendation, it will be used to give free access to strengthen all areas of safety and security systems in our communities at large. These recommendations will be exposed by a third party to separate the two entities from disclosure. This will allow citizens to have a track record and projections of Red zone behavior, Red zone situations, as such, each person have the opportunity, and free access to be defensive drivers of their own future. It is the second hand system to the Homeland Security system that give citizens access to their own defense systems through knowledge. Knowledge is power. Those who do not have access to training and resources to protect their own livelihood. This system will also build agencies in these At-Risk communities to give alternative strategies for safety and security for its residents.

Justice using my system called Miaa X Restorative Justice System will be the second hand agency that will be volunteered task force to become officials and advocates: representatives of those who do not have the skills to do the research, have access to justice, and submit proposals, plans, strategies, and step by step operational implementation structures that give all citizens access to restorative justice. The route to change management and diversity management rather punishment and capital punishment. The access to overcome dysfunctions and the opportunity to develop, grow and evolve from one location to the next location. This system is designed to send in professional, trained researcher professionals that build daily operational values working with their clients to ensure rehabilitation, track records of their work, activities, and the access to the right resources to manage their lives under regulation, so when integration happens, the client will have a higher percentage of success rather failure. On all levels of behavior and science of behavior, neuroscience will be one of many models used to rehabilitate, give alternative therapy and integrate interactive approaches into each client requesting restorative justice as a means to change and management of self-autonomy, self-actualization and self-organization. Cases like Trayvon will not happen using this system.

Labor using my system called Miaa Tipx X Corps using this apprentice section approach model will allow all citizens to have access to job training, coach, and teams as support systems for employers and job opportunities. Never again, will any citizen have to work under a union or any one without the support structure equivalent to the best support structures in comparison. This alternative system will allow each community have free access to resources and support systems to ensure equality and equal distribution for their labor and volunteer work. Membership to this Corps system will provide free access to intervention practices of professionals as a liaison, mentor and professional representative that will use all documentation as a track record and published work to expose all activities that are considered defective and Red zone materials that employers are ignoring. The client will be trained to overcome any dysfunction and defective approach by becoming Green Zone teams.

Issues of the State using the Miaa X system that allow the C3R3 System of a conflict resolution matrix for all states to be regulated through a volunteer task force that will audit their processes, practices and policies, report it publicly and become a neighborhood watch for all states and their leadership teams to keep communities healthy, sustainable and free access to Maslow’s Hierarchy system model of motivation by each household. It will send recommendations, warnings, and caution notices while building a case of justice and claim. This will allow the connection for State and Federal to work in the Green Zone networking system for all affairs to cooperate instead of defects of competition. The Federal will also be monitored and researched by this volunteer task force, neighborhood watch to keep all systems in balance through models of Maslow’s Hierarchy as a needs assessment one formula.

Issues of Interior using the Forestry, Recreation, Resource Management system called Miaa Tipx Ops as to urban eco-systems and urban management that allows a second hand operation to systematic regulate stronger alliances with Native Governments to rebuild unions and restoration treaties of sovereignty and land management, waste management and beautification of all lands, giving free access to all residents under proper technology for security and safety with proper techniques of alliances with all tribal communities. It is the operation system that work along side with all departments and governments to ensure conferences and initiatives that keep our communities in Green Zone behaviors. (Which is a collective network that ensures 100% healthy sustainable, resourceful distributive network support system that allows people to develop at their own pace, while giving access to support, creative resources and maintenance of all resources for access to all populations.)

Issues of Treasury using Miaa Tipx X Investments is a system used along side as a secondary system which is a volunteer task force that will build the budget, build marketing and advertisement strategies, communication systems, technology to rebuild our Green Zone world that allow more productivity and healthy stewardship of our financial(s) paying off debt, negotiating better cost and pricing, and distribution of access to capital through ending low access to bidding wars. Keeping a task force teams to be a neighborhood watch to find all corporations and government systems accounting practices, and policies of spending and regulating spending through research and reporting to the public on access to defensive survival guides that will be readily available via film, video and digital. Secure data bases that report all documentation of research and investigations and advocacy for policy change, law enforcement and legal structures to manage regulations and delegations for Red Zone behaviors.

Issues of Transportation using Miaa Tipx Technology and Transportation systems that will build innovative futuristic collaborations for all populations to have access to better communities that are built with a better blueprint of the States transportation system through research, collection of data and transformation phases to bring all states as one community with many levels and access through safe and secure transportation systems and technology that will be an addition to the car industry, train, metro and bus, airplane and other formulas of transportation from each location. This system is a reporting system for all documentation in my Administration public forum along with other forums as a third part non-partisan access to all information that will be unbiased. Main mission to give access to a collection of all data reported.

Issues of Agriculture, using Miaa Tipx Green Ag Living System will be another second hand agency that will be a volunteer task force that will collect all data from all properties and businesses that do our agriculture to investigate practices, policies, daily operational value within the internal and external culture whether public as to environmental injustices or to privately, labor injustices that create our new world resources. This resource, people management system of the largest industry will focus on better practices, multilevel and multidimensional access to technology, management and resource management, organization and distribution systems that decrease waste and increase access to all populations without the reckless approach to stewardship of all environments. Providing better practices for preserving earth, the planets as a neighboring citizen and access to the universe.

Issues of Veteran Affairs using Miaa Tipx XOP defense will be another volunteer services that will train and provide access to soldiers and their families communities and those who have access to intelligence of military, martial arts, defense, into the world of global initiative of stronger technology, communication systems and negotiation systems into strategy and global green zone structures and infrastructures as hydro galaxies. Finding the balance into equality and equity using better strategies to meet the demand of defense and freedom. These advocates and representatives will provide contract opportunities for Veterans and their communities also will provide access to documentation for building cases, grievances, hardship and other mediums that need support structures for these communities in abilities.

These volunteer task forces will be commissioned as officials of the Global Initiative to Restore citizens and the America Dream by making it accessible to all communities and regulations through documentation, reporting, and uncensored. It will be the Administration that work beside the government and our American Policy to ensure effectiveness and efficiency to the untimely accounts of our ever changing policies, practices and procedures. It will be called the Double Shift Access System, as to the Woman status in the household. The mother and the professional status. This system will become the double shift model for the country working beside my Administration Team to build a stronger world while my leadership transform through one mission, transforming our poverty into paradise. No one should be left behind. We all were born to sit at the table of restorative justice, happiness, health and security, safety and unity. Now it is my opportunity to build the country that serves all communities equally.

I have considered my Presidential Platform as Non-Partisan and Independent. I will not be running as a Democrat or Republican, any party but Diversity Management Party. This will allow people to know that we can all participate, engage, and develop our lives with one solid technique that is Green Zone behavior and practices through uncensored reporting, support structures that give equal distribution using the social evolution matrix for adaptive management systems that I have created through the Miaa Tipx Model of Leadership and Influence, along with Organizational Leadership structures integrated and interactive operations. Miaa Tipx is a mathematical formula that was designed by my professional research and development designing properties. This is an intellectual property that will build our country through equality mathematics and infinite processing mathematics.

My platform is 100% virtual reality, telecommunications and 100% mass communications, new media and filming, broadcasting. 100% virtual reality world tours. It will all be documentation of all my speeches, appointments and interactions will all be documentation for public use. Access starts with uncensored, uncut and raw real time recording. In order to make a difference it must begin with the Head of Affairs candidates. (May 26, 2014)

My decisions as a President if selected will be based on the readiness of change we are as a people and team with leadership to leadership model of equality, access to resources, management and good stewardship, then the right decisions can be made in our performance and access to sustainability. Until then, my decisions or any candidate decisions will be defective and ineffective for we did not have access to excellent standards, quality control and proper treatment to all populations in our American Dream.

At some point in 2016 it looks like Merchant withdrew from the Presidential race and became Morris' running-mate.

The Morris/Merchant ticket were registered as write-ins in Alaska, Idaho, Illinois, Montana, and West Virginia. 10 of their 11 reported votes came from Illinois.

It appears the ticket was headed for the 2020 election as well, with Merchant listed as the VP in 2017 (aka "The Kalo Team") in their promotional material. However, Morris and Merchant seemed to have experienced some sort of disagreement by 2018 as Merchant was definitely running for President on her own, again. In July 2019 Merchant had announced, "I am running for President in the elections for the rest of my life."

Election history:
2016 - US President (Diversity Management Party) - withdrew?
2020 - US President (Diversity Management Party) - defeated
2024 - US President (Diversity Management Party) - pending

Other occupations: author, life coach, motivational trainer

PNW trivia alert!! Merchant seems to be a resident of Oregon, in the Albany area.