Showing posts with label Glen Clay Higgins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glen Clay Higgins. Show all posts

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Glen Clay Higgins


Glen Clay Higgins, August 24, 1961 (New Orleans, La.) -

VP candidate for Independent (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Frank DeCota (b. 1956)
Popular vote: 0 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Frank DeCota of Southbridge, Mass. launched his social media campaign for President in Jan. 2015. His links usually led to sources such as Lou Dobbs, Ted Nugent, Glenn Beck, Victoria Jackson, Fox News, the NRA, the John Birch Society, and other conservative websites that were more esoteric. Some quotes from his Facebook as he electioneered 2015-2016--

I wont spend millions to go on vacation. And I wont have a wife and kids to protect or keep happy, or a live in mother inlaw, lol. Just think of how much I could save the tax payers !

[On Sen. Harry Reid] This POS says I am a domestic terrorist, and I say if anyone is a domestic terrorist it is him, this POS that has abused his power, betrayed the public trust, and violated his oath of office has the goll to judge me and other concerned citizens and Patriots. This poor excuse of a man has lied to the American People over and over again. This POS needs to be hung by the neck until dead, publicly and perhaps the others in Congress will get it ! Just sayin...

DO NOT COUNT ON Hillary going to trial or jail. Just as Pres Ford pardoned Nixon before he could be charged so will Pres Obama pardon Clinton et al before he leaves office. I would expect Obama to have a sore hand from signing so many pardons so as to protect her and himself from future accountability. Wanna bet?

Any good, decent, thinking person who is paying attention must see and realize that the Democratic Party and it's Candidate are corrupt. We as a nation must put our trust in Donald J Trump that he will work for the People first, that he loves America, that he is SINCERE and has changed some of his ways, and will do what is right for America over Party interests. We can only trust and take that chance, because the other option certainly will not only continue the corruption but expand it. If we learn that DJT lied or misslead us, we will string him up because he was our last hope and this election will be our only peaceful way to fight the corruption on both sides of the aisle and take our country back !

[On Putin] Seriously, take a look at this man. What I respect about him is he is doing what he must to protect his people and nation, unlike our President.

What we have running our country today is much like a criminal organization and in some areas affiliated with the real mob. These people are so corrupt it escapes comprehension. Our politicians and the wealthy special interests of international corporations have made many back room secret deals which in the end enrich themselves and screw the common man. These same people are responsible for stealing TRILLIONS of our tax dollars, selling our national resources and pocketing the money, stomping on individual rights of citizens, partaking in or facilitating the corrupting of other officials by blackmail, threats, or many other means to compromise and control others needed to carry out their crimes and get away with it, even murder. Do not think for one second that these people share the same values and morality as you or I, in fact they have no morality, just greed for power and money. With all the wealth and resources of this nation we the people should be doing a whole lot better than we are! So it should be obvious to most rational and critical thinking folks that we are being robbed and lied to, and being manipulated and it doesn’t matter what political party you’re in, what part of the country you’re from, what your office is, from the President to the Supreme Court, to the county appointed sheriff, many are acting on their own behalf and personally gaining in exchange for ignoring the Constitution and breaking the law, and most importantly breaking the public’s trust and violating your oath and honor. Everything seems to be geared toward a higher profit over decency and integrity oh and humanity. Most good folks are waking up to this sad reality and I hope they seek out the truth and rip off the hoodwink. It does come down to either maintaining the current level of corruption or increased levels versa cleaning house. If you think all is fine and I have over stated the problem, you must be in denial or are completely unaware of what’s been going on in the US for the last 5 or 6 decades and need to reach out and enlighten yourself, your life will depend on it. It really is time for We the People to act and to fight the corruption that controls our government and money and beat it back into oblivion and it is not going to fix itself. Corruption or No Corruption it really is that simple.


Some facts of history you should consider as to LBJ’s role in the Kennedy Assassination. Our President Johnson as soon as JFK was shot convinced a lot of good people to do bad/wrong things by convincing them they were doing right. Based on documents released, phone recordings released, and exposing witnesses and evidence once hidden it has been established that LBJ in his persuasive ways told key personnel, Warren Commission members, and even some media people, that it “very well could be the Soviets behind the assassination of JFK and if that gets determined it will lead to WW3 nuclear disaster, the people will demand it!” So based on this false story Chief Justice Warren and many others agreed to support the narrative of a crazed lone gunman, allowing evidence to be withheld and even altered to paint a false story. Even President Ford before he died, admitted to changing the official documents showing the wrong location of the bullet hole in JFK’s back to fit the lies. Many good agents, police, and reporters were told lies to get them to unwittingly obstruct justice, tamper with evidence, and intimidate witnesses.  My point is it was not and still is not uncommon for good people to be fooled or coerced into doing the wrong thing, thinking they are doing the right thing.

DHS is an arm of the CORRUPT OBAMA ADMINISTRATION and they have decided to "oversee" our upcoming Presidential Election. I have a very uncomfortable feeling about this and believe we should not allow this, somehow.

Don't you see it? The two Parties have ruined our representative form of government. It is the Parties that have created the gridlock and ineffective congress. They are more concerned with their power and control than with the people. It is the obligations of the Party that dictate their actions or lack thereof. To them it's all about money and power. They don't care about you or me. The Parties are controlled by extremes, special interests, donors, old scores and obligations. The only way to break the cycle, to force them to work together and on our behalf is to elect a non Party citizen for President. It's just common sense ! Frank DeCota for President 2016

[On Sen. McCain] I posted some time ago, long before Trump insulted him, that this man is a fraud through and through. I read many reports and testimony about him. He was a punk then and is now. It was HIS fault he got shot down, ignoring his low altitude floor, it was his fault he got injured, didn't take the trained position upon ejection, breaking his shoulders when ejected, not torture. Now listen to this newly discovered tape and guess what? Trump was right, he is NO Hero ! Just a spoiled brat of an Admiral and should never of been allowed in a fighter jet. If you take the time to research all of this you will discover the same.

WE WILL LOSE OUR FREEDOM TO CHOOSE what kind of life we want to live if the Globalists and the UN get their way! Believe it or not, the fact is the UN and its Globalist partners are conspiring to destroy the “American Way of Life”. The current administration is facilitating this UN/Globalist takeover of this country.  Agenda 21, and 30, along with the ushered in by Obama/Lynch Global Police Initiative, and many other plans and projects are all designed to strip away many of our American protected and God given rights as a free people. Once they have succeeded there will be NO other place to go. Right now if you choose to live in a socialist society you can move to one of many, or if you choose individual freedom and control of your life there’s good ole USA, this is the choice you will most certainly lose if the UN has it’s way. We should not accept or allow our way of life to be lessened and our standard of living lowered just to appease global financial plans. And that’s what it all will come down to, $$$$ for the few and struggle for the rest. This is real and going on right before our eyes and yet most can’t see it. We all know the bigger the government the more corruption, the more waste and fraud. The further away from you the governing body is, the less control you have, that’s why Brittan left the EU. We must never surrender our rights and sovereignty to a foreign power or any authority over the USA. Yet today our POTUS is systematically giving away and even selling our freedoms to the UN for the rest of the world to devour and force us to live as they do. Wake up my friends and at least get informed as to what is really going on here. Labels such as Nationalist are tossed around but in reality there is nothing wrong with loving your country, heritage, and way of life and protecting it as well! We need to begin the UNEXIT soon.

Trust me when I tell you that the global elite/ central bankers/ have already planned for this set back and they will sabotage the efforts to maintain a stable economy in London and attempt to create a fake financial disaster to bring Brit back into the EU. It's going get messy before it get's better.

Don't think for a second that there aren't those in our government who would set violence upon inocent people to manipulate the masses. It has been done. Prepare for a ramping up of shooting events and other crazy stuff over the next 5-6 months. The current powers that be are looking at the clock and can hear the final tick tick tick of their agenda.

TO ALL WHO READ THIS: Because I care, and I see so many being mislead, I felt it necessary to point out a proven fact about Facebook, that today 75 to 80 % of what is posted is made up BS. Don't be fooled and then made to look like a fool by sharing such crap. Learn to evaluate the source. Your welcome, this has been a public service announcement.
PS: I am not in that high percentile, lol.

Does anyone else other than me and a few others believe that all these mass shootings and the assasination of Police Officers are being planned, and orchestrated by some evil people with bad intentions? It is creating great distrust and division and anxiety amoung all of us. I think we as a nation and people are being played and manipulated by some dark forces, it's not like it hasn't been proven that a few lives never stopped bad people from justifying killing inocent people for their own purposes. Do NOT believe it couldn't be.What say you?

Really sick of all the bogus sites and BS reports from fake news sites or the continued sharing of old stupid fake stories, stupid memes, just shake my head within a minute of being on Fb. It's sad that people get their jollies by spreading bs. TOO MUCH BULLCRAP ON HERE !!!!!!

If you don't realize that the United Nations has become nothing more than a platform for the elite to usher in a One World Governemnt and Currency and force the US to conform to International Controls and Interests over the interests of the American People, you are not paying attention! The IMF gives itself complete immunity in every menber nation agreement, of which we the US are a member. Remember a couple years ago, that head of the IMF was accused of assaulting the maid in the hotel in NYC ? And NOTHING happened to him? That's because he has complete "immunity" from anything he does. This is just one small example of the many things being done quietly and hidden with the complicitness of the so called Press. Sorry, got side tracked, back to the UN, it's bad, and we need to get out of the UN and get the UN out of the US !

SO SAD, Supreme Court Justice Scalia just died. How convienent for this administration. I sure hope they look deep into the circumstances of his death. He was a great Constitutionalist!

For those of you who have been following this situation in Burns Oregon you should know this but for those of you still unaware of what is really going on let me say this: Our so called free Press, the mainstream media, the networks and cable news channels have violated the very trust and freedoms we afforded them in our Constitution! They have facilitated the blocking of truth and events that are way more important to our future and liberties than the phoney dog and poney political theater they are using ALL of their air time on. I am sick of being lied to and mislead and if ever there was a more blaten example of it you can see it in this case in Oregon. As I have posted before, SHAME ON YOU ! I will never watch these so called news channels ever again because you and I will not be properly informed by them so why waste your time! We need to hit them where it hurts and that's their ever so precious ratings! We need to BOYCOT these false proffits of information and truth. It's a sad thing for this country that we the people can not rely on our Press to tell us the whole truth and nothing but the truth!

Patriots remember, remember those who have sat quietly or worked against us for soon all of a sudden the cowards and traitors will see the tied change and pretend to be on our side. They will come out of hiding or claim they were trying, but if we know not who they are today, we should not accept them later.
I am a Veteran and Biker, I am a man of Honor and Integrity. I will always be straight up with the American People ! I will not be intimidated or bullshitted by anyone and I will at the same time restore honor, respect and class along with common sense and accountability to the govt.. Check me out here on Facebook and share my posts so others may discover a real citizen who will represent the people before any Party interests or special interests. Thanks for your support ! Frank DeCota for President 2016 NO PARTY at the top!

Just to let you know, the things you see and hear on the TV about the election this year, the Presidential election, is all scripted and designed for your viewing. This political theater put on by the two political parties and the mainstream media is to make you think you have choices between their offering of candidates. The problem is we have depended on this theater to give us the best options for candidates, and it hasn't done so in many years. You as a citizen do have real choices, you have the real power with your vote. It only makes sense to reject the established yet failed arena that we have accepted in the past and find a better, more real candidate who will do what is really needed. Frank DeCota for President 2016  Because their way has stuck it to us for too long!

My fellow Americans, I am on that wall! I am standing guard in the watch tower. I see the slow yet methodical approach of our enemy. I hear the warnings of the past. I read the warnings and indicators from our fathers, I see how most are distracted and blind to the advance of tyranny. I wonder to myself, how close will they get, how loud will the warning need to be, before all good citizens stand against the forces determined to control you? But I also see from my post signs of infiltration and subversion from inside our walls. It is our duty, our heritage, our obligation, as citizens to not only honor those who gave their lives for us but to our own self preservation and to our real freedom! If we the People do not stand against these forces hell bent on destroying our way of life, then nobody will. You think it's not that bad, that many are over reacting, that you don't see or feel it, well join me on the wall and you will see it, you just have to look and know which direction to look. Our biggest threat and weakest link is from within.

What's going on here with the current administration is the furthering of the progressive, wealthy globalists, socialists, and UN elitist agendas, one of which is to ban all privately owned small arms, and the only thing in this entire world standing in their way at this moment is the armed American citizen. The other is to install a world government and world currency using the IMF and its the Congress that is responsible for preventing that but have been corrupted and or compromised. I implore you to get informed, recognize the signs and prepare to defend your God given, and Constitutionally protected rights to freedom and self defense. I am not some nut out there, it is becoming very obvious.

Some people are so stubborn and or so afraid to acknowledge the obvious truth that surrounds them, they will actually attack the person trying to inform them. Instead of responding with a counter observation, because there is no counter truth, they resort to name calling like a child. They don't want to have to see the truth, they don't want to have to acknowledge the truth because they would have to admit they were foolish to believe the lies, and they would have to leave their "safe place" and take action. So sad.

Does anybody not see that since Obama became President the world has gone to shit along with the country as well? Do you not see how for the last 7 years we have become a nation divided by race, religion, class and politics? At what point do you admit to yourself that you have been lied to and the promises he made were all broken? Do you not read his writings and hear his words? Do you not understand he does not love America or it's principles? That he was brought up with an anti-American belief? Maybe you wanted to believe in him, maybe you believed he would change things for the better. Can you set your pride aside and recognize the reality of what is going on? If we do not join together as Americans and resolve to fix this country first, we will no longer be able to help anyone else never mind ourselves. Just because the truth is hard to accept, just because there is so much hate and destruction going on around the world, and it would require you to take a stand, is no reason to abandon common sense and refuse to see this administration for what it is. Stop being a victim of the biggest con going. You know things are not right, do something!

Why I think I would be a good President. First I recognize the problems we face today as well as the problems in our government. I see the lack of transparency and honesty in the current administration as well as past administrations. I spend a lot of time studying what is going on here and around the world.  
When I was fresh out of high school I was approached and recruited by a Military Intelligence rep. After taking many tests, that I was told I scored very high on, above average, and several interviews I decided to join and serve my country.  I attended the US Army Intelligence Center and School in Arizona, and studied as an Intelligence Analyst graduating as an Analyst. While I was serving I studied many subjects like Strategic Intelligence, Safeguarding Defense Information to name a couple. I was granted a Top Secret clearance and at one of my posts was appointed as a Classified Document Custodian. My office at that time was a Vault with many safes containing classified documents along with Nuclear codes. I also performed many other functions because of my position of great trust. I served as an Operations Security NCO, and a Counter Intelligence Specialist. I was and am very proud of my service and consider myself very patriotic. Since that time I have had many different kinds of jobs, several in the security and protection fields. I have always had an interest in our government and national and World affairs. I remember being glued to the TV (skipping school to watch) and watching all of the Congressional Hearings on Watergate.  I love watching a good hearing. I also worked for the Army as a civilian and as a contractor so I understand how the government works. I value Honor, Integrity, and honesty. I am not an angel or free of misdoings but I know the difference between right and wrong and good and bad and as all public officials should be, I would expect to be held to a higher standard and would cultivate such an environment in my administration. I am considered a good leader. Besides learning to lead in the Army I also became the leader of a great organization of 600 people, for over 20 years, most of which were volunteers, for an annual event for thousands. I do understand and value what people can bring to the table and how to take advantage of that and them.
I have had many a job that required hard work, both mental and physical, I know what it is to work hard.
I have also learned to appreciate the real and important things in life and do not need or want a lot of “things” to be happy. I am not easily impressed or intimidated. I do not fear “fear”. I have stood up for what I believed to be right and just at great risk and in the face of threats to my own safety. I learned what respect is all about and learned you can not demand it or expect it, but you must earn it.  I hope this provides you with a little of who I am and why I have the confidence in myself to do the job we need doing. I hesitate to blow my own horn because I truly believe it’s more about you the citizen than me and look to serve the citizens of this great country in an honest straightforward way.

Like I say, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it's a friggen duck! This POTUS is a communist and hates America ! That is why he said he wanted to "fundamentally transform" it.

52 Years ago today our government lost it's honor. A handful of people in the govt. along with a group of men without honor who kill for money stole virtue and innocence from us. Some who participated in the cover up after the fact believed they were doing the right thing, not questioning orders and believing it was to protect the nation from outside forces. Those in charge used their position and other's faith to hide the real truth about what happened. I have been a student of JFK's assassination ever since I got involved with the second official investigation back in 1978. Since then much new info has come to surface from documents released as late as 1998. I am totally convinced that the truth is still unknown by most and our country will never return to it's honor until the truth comes out. I can not understand how anyone or any agency can still justify holding back the truth. For too long this nation has yielded to family pride and legacy held by the Kennedy family and it's control over vital information. JFK was a great man and deserves to have the truth be told. Too many who were involved and responsible have had their reputations protected and guarded all for their own reputation and legacy. It's time we get the truth and let the chips fall where they may. What is more important for this nation, our false images of some still alive and many that have passed, or the truth?
Here are some facts most are unaware of yet proven by documents and testimony: 1. JFK's throat wound was an entrance wound. 2. The Secret Service destroyed evidence in the limo. 3. Oswald was a CIA operative when he defected to Russia and was a paid informant for the FBI when he returned. 4. The CIA had a contingency plan to eliminate the POTUS and after JFK fired Dulles and his second, they initiated that plan. 5. The General (#2 at CIA) that JFK fired, his brother was mayor of Dallas. 6. There were 2 other attempts on JFK's life just before Dallas. 7. Richard Nixon as VP was in charge of the secret army that the CIA had built and trained to overthrow Castro and was employed to carry out the assassination. RFK destroyed crucial forensic evidence. There is so much more to reveal.

It's simple, ASIMILATE OR LEAVE ! Otherwise why are you here?

It is so obvious that this President of ours has a hidden agenda. In his own words he has told us how he feels about this country and his support of Islam. He has lied to the American people over and over. My question is what is going to take for ALL Americans to see the obvious? He has emboldened criminals, extremists, jihads, and thugs. He is trying to force the American people to see history differently, and to accept cultures and lifestyles most do not want. If you don't see this then you are blind, wilfully or by ignorance. He did say "I want to fundamentally change America" well, what the hell did you think he meant?

Is the American culture that bad, that we are just going to let it be destroyed by those in office? What was so bad about it that we are letting it die?

The justification for not wanting a Muslim for President is very simple and obvious. To be President you must swear to uphold and defend the US Constitution, which would be completely in conflict if you believed in and followed the Quran. A devout Muslim believes Sharia and Jihad to be above our Constitutionally protected rights of Free Speech and Freedom of Religion, just to name two. Dr. Ben Carson was correct.

Though I like his frankness, the problem with Trump is he is used to and therefore expects things to happen based on his say so. In the private sector he is in a position to get his way because he is paying for it. In the public sector and in government, it doesn't work that way. Just because you want or command something to happen, you must get others to agree and act on your behalf. That's how our system of governance works. Today there are a lot of those you need in your corner, in our legislature, to accomplish anything, that will stand in his way just to prove a point. Ask the current POTUS. With due respect and consideration I will work with all members of Congress and demonstrate the difference of what is in their best interests vs. the People's. As a complete independent without Party politics in the way, I can accomplish that. When I speak it will be you speaking!.
Am I wrong?

America today. If you don't realize the attempted take over by Islam your an idiot!

Do you value what you have? Do you want to protect what you have? Are you aware of what is brewing that threatens what you have? Don't want to think about having to defend or fight for what you have? Knowledge is power ! Knowledge can provide you with the ability to keep what you have. I'm not some crazy guy on the fringe, I just happen to have the time and skill to see what is brewing. Trust me when I tell you, there are people in our government and in International banking and Business that are conspiring to take from you what you have. There is a plan in place to strip us of our freedoms and rights. Ignore it at your own peril. The only way we can prevent this plan from coming to fruition is to NOT elect a politician, especially anyone from the current Party field. They have all been bought! Wake up my friends before it is too late!

Let me enlighten you. You may not recognize or realize the dangers just down the road, but your children will and your grandchildren will ! You may not be attacked on the street tomorrow, you may not be told to be silent when you speak up, but your children will. You may not understand the long term war and intentions on our country or way of life, but your children will bare the pain, confusion, lower standard of living, and oppression you were too afraid or selfish to prevent. If you don't inform yourself and admit what is really going on in this country you will be letting your children down. You have prepared and dressed them for sacrifice to the Political Elite, but hey, things are just fine at the moment, right? The indicators are everywhere, you just have to look.

Isn't it interesting that all of a sudden there are all these Muslims and Muslim groups all over the country showing up and demanding things and expecting us to accept their way of life in our country? I guess we now know where all the so called moderate and peace loving muslims are ! They have been quietly coming, reproducing, and positioning for our President to give them the green light. It's going to be very difficult to regain our heritage once they can out vote us. And just like with being labeled a racist for disagreeing with Obama, now we are Islamaphobes ! Ok I will take that ! I am an Islamaphobe ! Does that change or negate the truth? I think not.

I don't necessarily subscribe to any particular "religion" however, if it's ok for others to slander and insult one religion or belief like Christians, then it's ok to slander and insult others, like Islam. Am I wrong? Everybody is afraid of the results of insulting Islam, cowards I say! Just because they will kill you for doing it reminds me of history and like many have said, "I would rather die on my feet, then live on my knees" I will NEVER submit to Islam and I will take every opportunity I can to "slander the Profit Mohammed until they no longer pose a threat to our way of life. So Mode It Be.

Like and share if you agree and want to insult radical muslims and our President.

The closest I could locate to DeCota selecting a running-mate was this Facebook post where he attached the following to a news item regarding the possible entry into federal elected office by Clay Higgins--

May 11, 2016
I would be honored to have this man as my running mate! You can believe and trust him.

In 2016 Higgins made his first bid for US Congress and was successful. A law enforcement officer, he was not without controversy. He had a history of alleged unprofessional behavior as he bounced from job to job. Higgins was accused of police brutality, bullying suspects, lying during internal investigations, using his position for personal profit while grandstanding and showboating as the "Cajun John Wayne," and according to Salon, using "his government email account during work hours without the permission or knowledge of his supervisors. Higgins also appears to have attempted to conceal his earnings from the IRS in order to avoid wage garnishment for unpaid taxes. Whether those actions constitute tax fraud is unclear."

None of this seemed to matter to Louisiana Republicans, who sent him to Congress even though he was not a resident of their Congressional district. His tenure in Congress has been as tumultuous as his law enforcement career. As political commentators have noted, Higgins has no need to reach out beyond his base in order to continually be re-elected. In his capacity as Congressman Higgins has threatened death to protestors. He has addressed rallies organized by white supremacists, neo-fascists, Oath Keepers, and militia movement activists.

Higgins might have been unaware he was a desired VP for an Independent Presidential campaign. It does not appear DeCosta registered as an official write-in in any state.

Election history:
2017-present - US House of Representatives (La.) (Republican)

Other occupations: US Army, car dealer, law enforcement

The Southern Poverty Law Center included Higgins in their 2019 article entitled "Meet the members of Congress who traffic in hate and extremism," along with Matt Gaetz, Kevin Cramer, Marsha Blackburn, Josh Hawley, Greg Gianforte, Ted Cruz, Steve King, and Mark Harris.