Showing posts with label Thomas Alfred Ducro Jr.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thomas Alfred Ducro Jr.. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Thomas Alfred Ducro Jr.


Thomas Alfred Ducro Jr., November 17, 1959 (Ohio) -

VP candidate for Independent (aka Non Affiliated) (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Douglas W. Thomson (b. 1953)
Popular vote: 6 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Douglas W. Thomson of Cincinnati and Thomas A. Ducro Jr. of Loveland, Ohio ran as a write-in ticket in 2016. Both were registered as Republicans. Thomson filed with the FEC on May 31, 2016 as an Independent under the committee name of Cincinnatus 2016 Friends of Thomson-Ducro.

Thomson's campaign website is still available but only in a partial way. From what I gather, Thomson's platform was sort of a small government Christian-based set of policies. He supported Brexit, felt building a wall between Mexico and the US was a poor solution to illegal immigration, and did not seem to have much use for the major candidates. Here are a few of his surviving campaign blog entries--

Requiem for the Rule of Law
July 8, 2016 / douglaswthomson   

This week the rule of law died.  When the FBI Director failed to recommend an indictment against Hillary Clinton despite overwhelming evidence of criminal conduct, it was a monumental pronouncement that the rule of law no longer applies to the ruling elite.  Much as the major banks became too big to fail during the last economic crisis, certain members of the ruling elite are now too big to jail.

We have now come full circle. The foundation of our system of justice occurred on the fields of Runnymede when King John signed the Magna Carta and acknowledged that even the king was subject to the law.  Now the presumptive Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, skates without repercussion and will likely end up as our next President.

We have only ourselves to blame for this. The Clintons would have been dispatched decades ago by a moral and righteous people.  Instead of relegated to a life of exile and disgrace they live lives of extreme luxury with a home in the Hamptons funded by speaking fees and shakedowns to the Clinton Foundation.  At the time of the impeachment of Bill Clinton, those who sat in judgment had piles of their own dirty laundry which precluded taking action which would have saved the Republic from its current sorry state.

With Hillary getting a free pass to the Presidency, those who think they are so clever are only accelerating the Republic’s demise.  If the rule of law no longer applies to the ruling elite, just who does it apply to?  Does it only apply to the little people like you and me?  Lets think about this.  If the ruling elite think they can act with impunity, then how about their staff?  How about people below them?  At some point the little people will conclude there is no merit in obeying the law if their leaders fail to follow suit.  Instead of exhibiting a solid moral core our leaders have become a septic ball of puss which will infect the body politic.  While anyone in the medical profession knows that a septic infection is difficult to get rid of and sometimes is fatal, it can be beaten.  In this case the American people need to make up their minds that they will no longer tolerate this nonsense and elect leaders who believe that we are a nation of laws and that reverence for the law is a necessary foundation for a stable Republic.

Douglas W. Thomson, Independent Candidate for President

Could The Solutions to our Problems Be Spiritual?
July 9, 2016 / douglaswthomson   

This Fourth of July we celebrated the birth of our nation on Lake Michigan.  We were treated to beautiful sunsets and a fireworks display over the lake from our neighboring community of New Buffalo.  While this was far geographically from the tragic police shootings in Dallas, events  like this have a way of being always present in your mind.  Since this campaign is based on finding solutions, I have some thoughts and solutions for the multitude of problems we now face.

Could the source of our problems be found at a deeper level?  Are we busy treating the symptoms but not the cause?  On the Fourth of July we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence which is the birth certificate of our nation.  We often hear the ringing words by Thomas Jefferson:  “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”  These words affirm that there is a Creator who is the source of all.  He is a creative God and from him emanates all rights and life.

We now sing with gusto “God Bless America” which has become our informal national anthem, but do we truly mean these words?  If we truly want God to bless us, wouldn’t it make sense for us to seek his will and do it?  My take is that this nation is seriously off track.  Others agree.  Over the weekend I read the book, The Harbinger, which while fictional is based on current events.  The basic thrust of the book was that God allowed the events of 9/11 to occur as a wake up call to this country.  These planes stuck at the heart of our financial and military centers.  In essence God is giving us an opportunity to turn to him.

The history of Israel is instructive for us currently.  As Israel continued its downward slide into apostacy and moral decline, God sent repeated warnings.  The people simply could not believe that God would ever abandon them.  After all they were his chosen people and God resided in the temple.  This was a wrong conclusion.  God removed his protective hedge and permitted the sacking of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple by the Roman legions.  We cannot afford to make that same mistake.

There is a promise in scripture for how to heal this country and it is contained in 2 Chronicles 7:14.  “If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land.”   Let’s consider acting on this promise and seeking a true cure for our nation.

Douglas W. Thomson, Independent Presidential Candidate

The Cry of My Heart
October 11, 2016 / douglaswthomson   

This campaign season cannot end soon enough.  Each of the major campaigns continues to focus on accusations and not solutions to our nation’s problems.  The cry of my heart is for a leader who:

    Views the office of the Presidency as a matter of public service and not as a platform to enrich themselves;
    Implements policies to help the average American and not special interests;
    Puts the nation on sound financial footing and not saddling future generations with debt that cannot be paid;

    Tells the truth.  We Americans can handle it;
    Is honest;
    Is faithful to their spouse.  Vows at the alter mean something so does the vow to uphold the office of the Presidency;
    Obeys the law.  The laws apply to all and not just the average citizen;
    Enforces the laws of the land and not just those the President agrees with;
    Works with all branches of government and doesn’t attempt to create laws by Presidential edict;
    Works to unite the nation toward shared goals;
    Runs the office with integrity.
    Serves as a moral example;
    Works to make the nation as “a light on a hill” and not a bully on the playground.
    Positions the nation for the long term.

Hopefully someday a leader will emerge who employs these virtues as this is the cry of my heart.

Thomson and Ducro were registered as write-ins in Alaska and Ohio. Since both candidates were residents of the same state there would have been a potential Constitutional  problem in the event of their victory.

Election history: none

Other occupations: health care administrator, board president of Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy

Alaska did not report write-in votes by name of candidate, so the ticket possibly had a higher tally.