Showing posts with label Independent American Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Independent American Party. Show all posts

Thursday, November 4, 2021

William Alan Mohr


William Alan Mohr, May 23, 1959 (Grand Rapids, Mich.) -

VP candidate for Constitution Party (aka American Constitution Party aka U.S. Taxpayers Party aka Independent American Party aka Conservative USA Party) (2020)

Running mate with nominee: Donald Leon Blankenship (b. 1950)
Popular vote: 60,148 (0.04%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

In 2020 the Constitution Party was somewhat diminished from it's former self. It was no longer affiliated with California's American Independent Party and since the 2016 election a number of states walked out of the national organization. Plus, the party of Trump had co-opted and attempted to mainstream several of the Constitution Party's platform planks at least through rhetoric if not in action, stealing away potential voters from the third party.

West Virginia coal CEO Don Blankenship was nominated for President on the second ballot. This was seen as a mixed blessing by some. On the positive side he was a well known figure and had deep pockets, but on the negative side the reason he was well known was not exactly complimentary. He served a year in the Taft Federal Correctional Institution in California, convicted of conspiring to violate safety standards that led to the Upper Big Branch Mine disaster in 2010, killing 29 workers.

In marketing his book entitled An American Political Prisoner, Blankenship wrote on his website--

Over the past thirty years I have been threatened with death several times: had urine thrown on me: had eleven bullet holes shot into my office: had two cars smashed with ball bats and clubs while I was in them: been continually lied about: been the subject of several false books: been branded with multiple derogatory names: been sued numerous times: been slandered on national television many times: been subjected to continued ridicule by newspapers: been falsely accused of causing the Upper Big Branch (UBB) tragedy: been falsely arrested: endured a trial where I faced thirty years in prison for made up charges, and been put in federal prison for a misdemeanor.

Describing himself as "Trumpier than Trump," Blankenship had also made national headlines in his 2018 candidacy in West Virginia for the U.S. Senate due to his behavior some considered unprofessional and comments that were interpreted as crude.

There is probably some kind of metaphoric significance with the fact Blankenship filed for President with the FEC on Halloween, 2019 but I'll leave it to others to define it.

The Party's 40-page platform is too long to reproduce here, but their webpage does list their "Twelve Key Issues"--

States’ Powers
Everything not specifically delegated by the Constitution to the federal government, nor prohibited by the Constitution to the states, is reserved to the states or to the people.

Since the Constitution grants the Federal Government no authority over Education, the 10th Amendment applies. This includes funding.

Gun Rights
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Foreign Policy, Defense, & Terrorism
American government committed to the protection of the borders, trade, and common defense of Americans, with no entanglement in foreign alliances, is paramount. Any and all wars must be declared by Congress.

We vigorously resist the attempt by any government agency to nullify or reduce earned benefits to veterans and their survivors, including but not limited to, compensation, pensions, education, and health care.

The Constitution Party has long been the only national political party to stand firmly against the proposals for a “Pathway to Citizenship/Comprehensive Immigration Reform/Amnesty” that come out of Washington.

Treaties & Trade Deals
We believe firmly that any so-called free trade deals and/or treaties that usurp American Sovereignty and/or the Constitution are unconstitutional and we should withdraw from them immediately.

United Nations, Agenda 21, & Global Organizations
We vehemently oppose Agenda 21 and feel we should part ways with the UN and any other global agency that attempts to subvert American Sovereignty.

Religious Freedom
All Americans have equal right to worship according to their beliefs. Government is to be kept out of the religious realm.

Healthcare & Social Security
We believe in the privatization of Healthcare and Social Security, with Social Security being phased out.

We reject the notion that the Supreme Court’s decisions are binding as law beyond those parties to whom the case pertained. Activist Judges should be impeached, as permissible by the Constitution.

The federal government’s only responsibility in preventing drug abuse is to control our borders. Drugs are a state issue.

Running-mate Bill Mohr had been an active Republican until 2005 when he joined the U.S. Taxpayers Party in Michigan, the local Constitution Party affiliate.

In one interview during the campaign Mohr shared his thoughts on the COVID-19 pandemic--

The COVID pandemic is an opportunity for corrupt governors to grab power and money, and it's happening. I wish people could understand what’s happening. And although there is a virus, the actions being taken are not about the virus.

You don’t quarantine the innocent, you quarantine the sick and that didn’t happen here. We shut our government down, our country down. The mask thing should have been done a long, long time ago.

One more thing, the idea that you can’t buy and sell without a mask, that resembles the mark of the beast. That will be an easy step from the silly mandate to wear a mask into if you don’t have the mark of the beast you won't be able to buy or sell, this needs to be stopped here.

Blankenship/Mohr finished in 8th place nationally. They were on the ballot in 18 states and registered write-ins in several more. Strongest showings were in Utah (0.37%), Alaska (0.31%), Nevada and Idaho (0.22% each). It was by far the most dismal Presidential election result for the Party since their debut election in 1992.

Election history:
2006 - Michigan House of Representatives (U.S. Taxpayers Party) - defeated
2008 - Michigan House of Representatives (U.S. Taxpayers Party) - defeated
2010 - Michigan House of Representatives (U.S. Taxpayers Party) - defeated
2012 - Michigan House of Representatives (U.S. Taxpayers Party) - defeated
2014 - Michigan House of Representatives (U.S. Taxpayers Party) - defeated
2016 - Grand Rapids (Mich.) City Commissioner Ward 2 (Nonpartisan) - defeated
2018 - Village of Martin (Mich.) Board of Trustees At-large (Nonpartisan) - defeated

Other occupations: state chair of the U.S. Taxpayers Party, home maintenance and improvement

Mohr's son, Bill Mohr II also ran for public office in Michigan under the US Taxpayer's Party for university regent positions. The "Our Campaigns" website has blended the two into one politician.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Nathan Revo Sorenson


Nathan Revo Sorenson, January 15, 1959 (Yuba City, Calif.) -

VP candidate for Independent American Party (aka Independent) (2016, 2020)

Running mate with nominee (2016, 2020): Kyle Kenley Kopitke (b. 1957)
Popular vote (2016): 1,096 (0.00%)
Popular vote (2020): 762 (0.00%)
Electoral vote (2016, 2020): 0/538

The campaign (2016):

"Doctor Kyle Kenley Kopitke" of Flint, Mich. filed with the FEC for President running as an Independent on Sept. 17, 2015. The "Doctor" prefix is academic, Kopitke lists his public administration degree as being from the Capella online university, attained in 2015.

Kopitke, described in 2007 by the Attorney General of Nebraska as a "professional con artist," had a history involving setting up military museums in several states that authorities deemed to be a scam. One episode in this narrative resulted in Kopitke serving jail time in 2006 for criminal trespass. Kopitke was barred from ever forming a nonprofit corporation in Nebraska again.

He also unsuccessfully ran for various public offices prior to 2016 in Illinois, Utah, Florida, Hawaii, and Nebraska both as a Republican and Democrat.

In Sept. 2015 Kopitke started a campaign blog with the announcement--

President Kopitke 2016

Welcome to my daily Presidential Campaign Blog

Today, the 17th of September is Constitution Day; it is also the anniversary of my Baptism into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  Today, it is also the day I have filed with the Federal Elections Commission my Form 2 paperwork as a Candidate for the Office of President of The United States of America.  Please kindly remember me in your prayers.

In 1992, I defeated Hillary Clinton as I was outspent by the Clinton Campaign probably 20 to 1.  At that time, I was the State Director for the Jerry Brown for President Campaign during the Utah Democratic Primary.   

So, I am seeking to replicate my 1992 victory in Utah and expand it to the other States.
I am running as an Independent, so this means, that in November 2016, there will be Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton and Kyle Kenley Kopitke on the Presidential Ballot.

The reason I am running is because I see our Beloved and Inspired Constitution under attack; I am running to save the Constitution of the United States of America to the best of my abilities.  I am also running to the preserve Christianity to the best of my ability.  

I would not be running unless I saw in my mind’s eye that there is a possibility that I can win.  Now, the world is full of nay sayers, and those who brisk and chide when someone tries to do something.  They laughed at our Founding Fathers, at the Wright Brothers and at Columbus.   I am certainly not George Washington, or Wilbur or Orville or Christopher Columbus; I am just Kyle.  But Kyle is not going to sit by and watch the Constitution and Christianity get pummeled.

We have to Save our Earth; we have to Restore our Military; we have to Fix our State Department and Foreign Policy.  I hold the Triple Crown of Presidential Experience; a Veteran of The United States Army (Semper Ra); former President of an Environmental Group, and Classical Foreign Policy experience in The United States Peace Corps.

My campaign book “President Kopitke: Towards an American Renaissance” is online.

Another book online is “On the Trail with the History Detective: Did Joseph Smith, Jr. have more than one wife; A Scholarly Review.”  Based on my research, I found no credible evidence that Brother Joseph had more than one wife.  In the book I recommend changing the LDS Historical Department Edict of November 2014 that claims Brother Joseph had around 40 wives; he did not.   

I'll update this page with links and more info tomorrow.

Praise Ye The Lord,

Kopitke's blog revealed a strong anti-vax stance, as well as promoting conspiracy theories regarding HAARP, One World Government, New World Order, natural cures for cancer, the alleged assassination of Justice Scalia, the 9/11 attack, the 1941 Pearl Harbor attack, etc., with links to a variety of Right wing online sources.

Some samples--

"Why are so many American Natural Health Doctors who question the link between Cancer and Vaccines dying?"

"For the New World Order to achieve their dastardly plans of Global Domination, they need to destroy the Constitution and Freedom in The United States of America.  They are working on this through several tactics. One of these is destroying American Manhood.  It is important and vital for you to understand that these Gender Bending Feminizing Chemicals that are destroying American Manhood are intentional. If you think I am a quack; then research it on the internet for a couple of hours, and also view some Youtube videos; learn for yourself"

"Am I the only Presidential Candidate that is not a puppet of the 1%, and the Globalists of the One World Government of the New World Order?  If I am, then you need to take a good look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself why you are not standing with me to defend our Beloved and Inspired Constitution when she is under such a venomous attack by the New World Order.  Sharing posts, donations, gathering Signatures and volunteering to be a State Director or Co-State Director is what is needed of you.  Are you a sniveling little coward that masquerades as a Patriot?"

"Are the chemicals in underwear causing women to miscarry and develop Breast Cancer?  Why do the Democrats and Republicans just sit there and allow this; answer: Mega Political Donations.   Tell me just how you cannot realize that the Democrats and Republicans are addicted to greed and are just bought off?"

"Do you know what a FEMA Camp Name Gatherer is? Or what “Trolling for Patriots” is?  Probably, one of the fastest growing job segments of our National Economy, besides low paying part-ti9me jobs, are either Corporate, political or Federal Government paid persons who “fake” their identity online to promote the agenda of those who pay them.  This is a form of COINTELPRO.  I suppose that these are merely “Name Gatherers” that place your name of a FEMA “style” Camp List for future use.  While a few survived the World War II Camps, the Globalists of the New World Order, I suppose will not anyone leave alive."

"Did Nathan Rotheschild and the Federal Reserve create the world-wide Great Depression in the 1930s, or did it just happen?   It is said that President Kennedy was seeking to print up real US Treasury notes backed by silver.  One of the challenges is that it is reported that we have about $1.3 Trillion in coin and currency; the rest is just numbers on paper; where is the $19 Trillion National Debt?  As President Kopitke, I will seek to reform the Fed.  I have not seen a real plan to replace it that seems appropriate. I will seek some mid course corrections."  

"The Globalist One World Government tactic to make America drug addicted.  To achieve destroying our Inspired Constitution, the Globalists first have to destroy Christianity and the American Family.  They are doing this through the injection into American Society of drugs.  We can stop drugs coming into our nation but the Globalists need this to happen to create a weak America so they can have their satanic One World Government of a New World Order."

"Another Political Assassination?  The “timing” of the Wikileaks director’s death is questioned.  With 15 days left before the November Election, a key “Truther” who has a high level of accuracy has died.  Was he murdered to prevent further leaks, and/or “to send a message?”  The death of Gavin Macfadyen on October 23rd, 2016,  on follows the questionable deaths of John Jones, a key Wikileaks Attorney on April 16th, 2016, and another Wikileaks Attorney, Michael Ratner on May 11th, 2016."  

"Why does the Federal Government bring in immigrants with infectious diseases?  Because it fits their New World Order Agenda.   This is realy being done by Collaborators of the Globalist One World Government of the New World Order than have infiltrated our Federal Government.  And you cannot see this yet?"

"Vulgarity and swearing are the number one tool for the Globalists in destroying our Beloved and Inspired Constitution.  Please don’t swear.  Once people start swearing, the rest of their personal ethics go out the window.  If you love America; don’t swear.  Behind almost every divorce and broken home and broken family, and behind every drug addict; there is the path of swearing found.  Swearing and cursing are the foundation for all government, personal and corporate corruption.  You want to save America; don’t swear.  The most hideous form of cursing and swearing is in taking the Holy Name of God in vain.  Please don’t curse America and your loved ones by cursing in the Name of God."    

The running-mate was originally Randall Jay Bizzle of North Carolina, who had previously been running for President himself as a Republican before terminating his campaign in Feb. 2016. At that point he left the Republican Party and became Kopitke's VP. But something happened, and on Apr. 30, 2016, Kopitke revealed his new Vice-Presidential choice--

 I am pleased to announce Nathan Revo Sorenson has accepted a Call of Service to be my Vice Presidential running mate.  Nathan is the former Chairman of the American Independent Party.
 We are now beginning to collect Signatures in Colorado, Idaho, Mississippi, Arkansas and New Jersey.   If you live in one of these States please help us. If you live in another State, then please pray over making a donation of $10 or a tad more, so that we can hire someone to collect Signatures on your behalf.

Sorenson expressed a hope that in spite of Kopitke's unfortunate initials (KKK) the standard bearer could pull enough votes from the Left due to some of his platform issues to hurt Clinton's chances. However, at first glance it seems that the Kopitke/Sorenson ticket would be more likely to eat into Trump's conspiracy-based and anti-science support.

Kopitke/Sorenson were on the ballot in Colorado and registered as write-ins in Tennessee. In Colorado the team finished 10th out of 22 with 0.04% of the vote.

On Nov. 10, 2016 Kopitke reported--

We are now in 24th place for total nationwide Votes for President of The United States of America; as of today we are at 1,048 Votes.  One chart showed me in 23rd place, and another shows me in 24th place.  Both charts claim to be “totals” for the election.  I am so overflowing with joy that we went over 1,000 Votes.  Thank you forever.   You know the march continues.  We must stand up against the Globalists.  Have the Globalists taken over the Democratic and Republican Parties, and the Mainstream News Media?  GO back and read past editions of my Blog or visit my Youtube channel and you will learn.      

The campaign (2020):

Kopitke filed with the FEC as an Independent for his second run on July 16, 2019 although on his blog he officially launched on June 4. On June 18, 2019 he announced Sorenson was once again his running-mate.

In an interview in Oct. 2020, Kopitke's responses to a Vail, Colo. reporter included--

About 45 minutes after my son’s MMR vaccine, his precious mind was blasted into autism.  1 in 28 children now have autism; it is the vaccines.  My qualification is I understand our vaccines are not safe. 1 in 2 young adults have a developmental disability; it is the vaccines.  If you think injecting vaccines into your child that contain the DNA from pigs, mice, insects, dogs, and from aborted male and female fetuses; think again.  Other qualifications: United States Army; United States Peace Corps; Doctorate in Public Administration; donated kidney to my brother; Missionary 2 years in England for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  Former head of an environmental group.

Sadly, I am only on Colorado and Vermont.   I have faced a near total media blackout; I am the only Presidential candidate whose campaign website ( is banned and blacked out on “Facebook”; if you try and share on Facebook, you will be blocked.  Partly because I say the 11 words you cannot say: “One World Government”; “New World Order”; “Vaccines cause autism and SIDS.”  I also discuss the dangers of Common Core, and Chemtrails, and forced mandated dangerous vaccines, and also the need to close nuclear power plants.

This is the only earth we have; we must take care of her.  As the former head of an environmental group, I am the father of the term “Climate Pollution” which is an alternative view against “Climate Change.” “Climate Change” is a tool of the One World Government & New World Order.  The Globalists have hijacked the true environmental movement.  My theory of “Climate Pollution” addresses the pollutions of nuclear power, fracking, the need to recycle, banning Roundup and other harmful chemicals in our everyday clothing and uses.  Banning GMOs.  The policy of “Climate Change” was created by Maurice Strong who is also the father of Agenda 21 (New World Order).   

America needs to Repent. We need to Repent as a nation and turn back to Jesus; only He can heal us.  We need to stop swearing.    We need to keep the Sabbath Day Holy by going to Church, and by not shopping.  We need to read from the King James version of the Holy Bible each and every day. We need individual and family vocal kneeling prayers. I also treasure, and am inspired, by prayerfully reading over the Book of Mormon.

In other sources Kopitke expressed approval of conspiracy theories regarding 5G towers, the 9/11 attack, and "fake news." His blog included--

"As your President I will remove Fluoride from our drinking water and food; Fluoride is not safe.  We need to remove Fluoride from our drinking water and food; it is not safe.  I am the only Presidential candidate calling for the removal of Fluoride from our water and food."

"The March of the Globalists towards a One World Government of a New World Order:  This is how they enslave us and keep their perpetual power and income.  Remember, the Globalists that support a One World Government of a New World Order are counting on you not to donate, and also to be only an “arm chair Patriot” where you just sit there and do nothing. Try volunteering and collecting Signatures for Ballot Access.  Tis up to you; act as becometh an American Man or lose your America.   Please also remember that swearing and vulgarity, especially Taking The Name of God in vain are tactical tools of the Globalists and their aim of their New World Order; don’t swear."

"Mainstream News Media supports microchipping of Americans; I will fight against it as your President."

"The Environment: To me, it appears, looking at it at the surface level, that the Globalists who support World Domination by a One World Government of a New World Order, where our God Inspired Constitution is destroyed, have hijacked the true Environmental Movement as a tactical plan for their World Domination.  As a former President of an Environmental Group (see, I am so sorry to see so many actual Environmentalists being duped and manipulated by the New World Order.   Instead of focusing on the core environmental issues of our day like moving away from oil under the ground to Hemp oil above the ground, or bringing forth real clean energy, or removing gender bending and cancer causing chemicals from our everyday products and vaccines, the New World Order Manipulators have the sincere Environmentalists running in the wrong direction. Classic “disinformation Campaign”; brilliant tactics by the Globalists and the 1%; we have to turn this around if we are going to save our Beloved Earth, which Almighty God has through His Infinite Goodness, given to us as Stewards.  One in six women should not be getting breast cancer; same with prostate cancer; we can remove these cancer causing toxins from our everyday products.  (Note from Kyle:  In addition, I will do all I can to remove dangerous LED and CFL lightbulbs.)  We must stop 5G."

"Chemtrails are real; what are they spraying us with; as your President I will stop Chemtrails by Kyle Kenley Kopitke, 19 October, 2019."

He also offered a long and detailed 100-step "Kopitke Containment & Eradication Solution Plan" for battling the COVID-19 pandemic, calling for measures requiring considerable government control.

On May 2, 2020, Kopitke issued the following statement:

The Lead Story: I need a new Vice Presidential running mate. Someone who will not drop out and who will have some time to devote to saving the Constitution.  Email me at if interested.  Please pray sincerely with Faith in Jesus that I can find a sincere Patriot.   I have absolute tragic news for you.  My Vice Presidential running mate has withdrawn. So I am looking for a new Vice Presidential running mate. All signatures collected in OH, NJ, ID, OR, FL, AR, CO are invalid. UT is still good though.  Again, Prayers I can find a Patriot.

The circumstances surrounding Sorenson's decision to drop out were never spelled out. By June 2020 Kopitke's new running-mate was Taja Yvonne Iwanow.

Apparently it was too late to remove Sorenson's name as the Vice-Presidential candidate in Colorado, where the ticket finished 11th out of 21 with 0.01% of the vote. Kopitke also was on the ballot in Vermont, but with Iwanow.

Kopitke filed with the FEC for the 2024 Presidential election on Nov. 25, 2020.
Election history: none

Other occupations: US Army, LDS missionary, bus driver

Sometimes listed as Nathan Re Vo Sorenson.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Scott Nelson Bradley


Scott Nelson Bradley, September 13, 1951 (American Fork, Utah) -

VP candidate for Constitution Party (aka American Constitution Party aka Independent aka US Taxpayers Party aka Independent American Party) (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Darrell Lane Castle (b. 1948)
Popular vote: 203,107 (0.15%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

In a convention process that apparently created division and rancor, the Constitution Party nominated their 2008 VP candidate for President in 2016. Darrell Castle's running-mate was Scott N. Bradley of Utah.

Among the many factors that tore the Party asunder was Castle's own on-off-on again availability. He was one of the contenders early in the game, but withdrew for health reasons. After his healing had taken place, he was willing to be back in the arena.

Idaho walked out and nominated their own Constitution Party ticket of Arlon Scott Copeland and John Richard "J.R." Myers, but Castle and Bradley managed to also be listed in the Spud State under the banner of "Independent."

Castle told one reporter: "This isn't the first time I've done this, but in all my time with the party, there has never been a political opportunity like this moment. I don't say this to be egotistical; I say this to be honest — this is the best two candidates for the Constitution Party that we've ever had. Scott and I understand the principles and can communicate them effectively. These two people that represent the Democratic and the Republican parties don't even have principles ... The problem with America is the same problem facing the rest of the world, and that can be summed up in two words: human nature. The Founders understood human nature. They understood that people are wicked by nature, and that wickedness has to be restrained. The states came together to form a contract, a compact, a written Constitution, to give the government 17 enumerated powers. It is the abuse of that power that has caused the problems we face today. Power itself has got to be limited, or it will burst its chains and terrible things will happen, and it's happening now everywhere we look."

At first blush the CP stand on the issues did not seem to be that far removed from the Republicans. If anything, the Trump Party appeared to have co-opted, at least in their rhetoric, much of the long-standing CP platform of theocracy, isolationism, and deregulation. One wonders why the CP did not endorse the Republican nominee. 2012 Constitution Party Presidential candidate Virgil Goode actually did just that.

But Bradley, himself a former Republican, told a reporter in May 2016, "It's an interesting phenomenon. People say to me a vote for a third party is a wasted vote, but you can look back at the track records of the two major political parties and see they're taking us down the same paths. It's really amazing to me that people say to me you have to vote for the lesser of two evils. I consider them to be the evil of two lessers."

The Castle/Bradley ticket finished in 6th place nationally with the highest number of popular votes to date in their Presidential election history. Some pundits felt that both the Libertarian and Constitution parties were beneficiaries of "Never-Trump" conservatives in 2016. They were on the ballot in 24 states and registered as write-ins in 17 more. They also cracked 1% a few times, with their strongest results in Alaska 1.21%, South Dakota 1.10%, Hawaii 1.03%, Wyoming 0.79%, Utah 0.71%, Idaho 0.64%, North Dakota-Washington-West Virginia 0.53% each.

Election history:
2006 - US Senate (Utah) (Constitution Party) - defeated
2008 - Constitution Party nomination for Vice-President - defeated
2010 - US Senate (Utah) (Constitution Party) - defeated

Other occupations: Utah Air National Guard, LDS missionary, executive at AT&T, administrator at Utah State University, Founder and Chairman of the Constitution Commemoration Foundation, author, lecturer

Winner of the 2006 election was Orrin Hatch.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Farley Merril Anderson


                                                      Anderson in a Ben Franklin costume


Farley Merril Anderson, August 16, 1956 (Ogden, Utah) -

VP candidate for Independent American Party (aka Independence Party) (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Rocky Giordani (b. 1949)
Popular vote: 2,752 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

This one is sort of confusing. All indications in the documentation points to Farley Anderson of Utah being the 2016 Presidential nominee of the Independent American Party. The Green Pages wrote, "On 7 November 2015, the Independent American Party nominated Farley Anderson of Utah for President. The party has not yet named their Vice Presidential nominee."

The Party's Facebook post of June 11, 2016 reads, "Farley Anderson is running for president for the Independent American Party, as many of you know. I hope that you are at least considering voting for him this November. He is a faithful Christian, a strong constitutionalist, and is very knowledgeable. He has written several books, including 'The Restoration of Our Republic.' Again, please consider him when you contemplate how you will act this November."

Anderson's The Restoration of Our Republic was adopted by the IAP in 2013 as "its official plan and workbook." His "Proposed 28th Amendment" spells out how the Party stands on several issues--

Proposed 28th Amendment

The American Declaration of Independence Restoration and Recovery Act - (Draft)

By - Farley Anderson
Independent American Party
2016 Presidential Candidate

WHEREAS the United States has a founding document, The Declaration of Independence, and original intent, as iterated in the Federalist Papers puts this document as the prime document and interpretive filter for all law, Constitutional conception, and interpretation; and
WHEREAS The Declaration of Independence lists specific grievances which caused our forefathers to rebel from England; and
WHEREAS These grievances contain certain underlying principles for which England was in violation of, but which America defended through the War of Independence; and
WHEREAS Today the Declaration of Independence has been removed from its proper role and is no longer considered authoritative as part of judicial, executive, or legislative law; and
WHEREAS This neglect has been a major factor in interpreting away the original intent of the Constitution; and
WHEREAS this has contributed to the oath of office losing its meaning by many who take this oath; and
WHEREAS The People of the United States recognize and reverence The Declaration of Independence as the pre-eminent document in the rise of American prosperity, protection, and individual independence; and
WHEREAS the People of the United States have within their power and authority to amend the United States Constitution to rectify abuses and restore this document’s proper role;
NOWTHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT we as Americans under the banner of national unity, rule of law, equality, and representative government therefore come together to enact the following:
From this time forth the constitutionally-prescribed oath of office shall include the following words after the word Constitution… “and the principles of the Declaration of Independence.”
This amended oath of office shall be reissued to all public servants currently in office as well as for all newly elected and appointed representatives. Those who break this oath shall promptly be removed from office and be subjugated to prosecution for perjury. Furthermore, from this time forth, the principles of the Declaration shall be the foundational interpretive filter for the United States Constitution and all subsequent law. Congress is empowered with the responsibility to review, and cause to be removed from office oath-breaking federal judges.
The principles of the Declaration of Independence to be enacted upon retroactively are as follows:
1. The laws of nature and Nature’s God shall be applied equally to everyone including elected officials.
Thus all law will equally apply to everyone including elected officials, and any proposed legal exemption or exclusive jurisdiction of law is prohibited.
2. States are entitled to their separate and equal station, and likewise the people of these states are entitled to their separate and equal station. This equality includes the equal protection of “natural rights,” and disavows theft on an individual or collective basis.
The 16th Amendment is repealed
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 is repealed
The Affordable Care Act is Repealed
All regulatory agencies in which Duties, Imposts and Excises are not geographically uniform throughout the United States, such as welfare and redistribution of wealth programs, will begin a transition of termination, and will be eliminated altogether within 10 years of the ratification of this Amendment.
3. It is self-evident truth that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, which includes freedom of conscience. Thereby government encroachment on the free exercise of religion shall cease.
Taxation restraint upon political activism of churches shall cease
Force of law requiring a person or an independent establishment to violate their conscience in providing economic goods and services to other individuals or establishments shall cease
Atheism as the government prescribed religion shall cease, and it is thus reiterated that the U.S. Constitution only shall be the supreme law of the land
Let it be recognized that the Bible is an honored part of America’s birth and heritage
4. That the purpose of government is to protect the inalienable rights of all Americans to individual life—defined as human life beginning at fertilization, and ending at natural death—, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
The precedence established in the 1973 decision of Roe vs. Wade is repealed, and life, liberty, and property shall be protected, and not violated except within the framework of due process of law
In order to protect the sovereignty of the nation, state, and individual, legal immigration shall be enforced, and the borders of our nation shall be secure
5. A foundational natural law is that government derives its just powers from the consent of the governed, and not through usurpation or fiat authority.
Executive orders apply only to the executive branch, and not to the general population of American people
Homeland security and all other federal authority agencies shall enforce only those laws which fall under the proper, constitutional role of the federal government
States and local governmental jurisdictions have the right to nullify those laws which they interpret as being outside proper authoritative channels
It is reiterated that spying on American citizens without their consent is a violation of the 4th Amendment, and shall cease
Proper election procedures allowing only registered voters and honest counting shall be enforced
The 17th amendment, removing state representation, is contrary to this principle and is repealed.

Meanwhile, an ex-boxer and film actor named Rocky Giordani of Banning, Calif. filed with the FEC under the Independence Party in Aug. 2015. His campaign webpage included an autobiography as well his stand on the issues--

My name is Rocky Giordani and I’m running for president of the United States of America. Who am I? I am a sinner saved by grace. I am a father, an American, a conservative, a Husband and a Christian. I also happen to be a card carrying registered member of the Morongo Indian Nation. I live on the same Indian Reservation where my Grandmother was raised. Considering my income, my bank account, the value of my home, my neighborhood, my education, the schools I went to and by every other definition I am a regular middle-class guy. I grew up on the mean streets and back alleys that surround the beaches in Dogtown, Venice California.

My father died when I was seven years old leaving his wife with five children and no husband to care for them. If not for the Social Security survivor benefits I don’t know how my mother would’ve raised her children. Occasionally my mother worked in a beer bar because that was the only employment she could find or was qualified for. There were times when my dinner was the scraps that my older brother left in his plate. As a teenager I learned to hustle pool, shoot dice, play cards and do whatever else I could to make money and feed myself. I graduated high school alternately living in a pool room or in my mom’s garage.

I’ve been an athlete all my life. After high school I did a little boxing. I did odd jobs for local businessmen like collect money that deadbeats didn’t want to pay. For 50%, if you owed money, you were going to pay no matter what. I became a notorious thumper and a bit of a scoundrel but people in our neighborhood paid their debts. I did some work as a bodyguard sometimes for celebrities but mostly for neighborhood businessman with enemies.

I’ve probably been in 1000 street fights and both of my hands are broken into mere Meat Hooks. Now, I’m ready to throw elbows with the suits in Washington D.C.

We still have time to change our American situation and this is our opportunity we must not lack the will to do what must be done, and we must get it right this time. We need someone that can listen to the will of the American people and transform it into what will be our future.

Never underestimate the power of the free American people if they have the will to make a change. My past has prepared me for what needs to be done. People will ask us, “What makes you think that some middle-class guy from the middle of nowhere can be the President?” My question to you is “Who’s gonna stop me?”


Rocky Giordani is a "Constitutional Conservative".

Rocky is a survivor because of the Second Amendment and promises to insure its longevity.  
Tough on Illegal immigration... Tougher on securing the border and has a plan that will actually accomplish those solutions Immediately.
Takes a very hard stance on Fiscal responsibility and a balanced budget. He's the only candidate with an actual plan to reduce spending, balance the budget and payoff the national debt without cutting out Medicare or Social Security or taking a dime from any other program.
Emphasis on strengthening and rebuilding the Military. Our Military has been Emasculated. Rocky says "We must rebuild it and pass a bill that forever earmarks a percentage of the GDP for the military".
Prioritizes taking a blow torch to the "Progressive Tax Code" that we are burdened with and replacing it with a "Fair Tax" that is acceptable to everyone. Rocky is the only Republican candidate to put forward a tax plan that is not progressive.
He's also the only Candidate that actually has a plan to alleviate the strain of Obamacare on the economy immediately and then to end it... A plan that will work.
This Candidate believes that the devaluation of the American Dollar is a huge threat to our nation. It must be strengthened and he has a comprehensive plan to strengthen the dollar and make it once again a global currency powerhouse.
Has a common sense plan to deal with and wipe out I.S.I.S and Islamic extremism and Jihadists both foreign and domestic without risking American lives.

On Aug. 27, 2016 the Independent American Party held their convention and somehow Anderson was no longer the presumptive nominee. Giordani was the choice of the delegates and Anderson became the VP.

The ticket held at least one event together--

Oct. 8, 2016
Bible & Gun Rally
Come support your 2nd Amendment rights
with like-minded people !!
4 TO 6 P.M.
on the front steps of the Utah Capitol
Salt Lake City - south side
*  Meet and Greet  *
Rocky Giordani & Farley Anderson
IAP Presidential and V.P. Candidates
Bring your Bibles and your guns (open carry)
to show President Obama
that UTAH conservatives DO love
their Bibles & their Guns !!

As Election Day neared, Giordani addressed his followers on Facebook--

Oct. 28
I'm leaving Utah guys... I'm finished here so I'm heading back to SoCal to see my family so, I'll be dark for awhile. I just wanted to tell my amazingly loyal friends and my wonderful family... Thank you... I mean from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
I got into the race very late... The Independent American Party held their convention on August 27th 2016.

We've accomplished a lot in 2 months. Thanks to loyal friends like you We've already gained enough support to get on the ballot in every state in 2020...
Not easy to do.
I wrote an open letter on the IAP website announcing that I was going to Utah because I was convinced that Utah was where we would start the conversation that would put an end to the broken 2 party system and put an Independent in the White House in 2020.
I stated that If I could win Utah it would make it likely that neither candidate would have the minimum necessary to win the White House and the election would be decided by the House of Representatives.
Now all of the other Independent candidates have followed me to Utah and we are now "All of us" making our stand in Utah.
I will always be proud of what I have accomplished in 2016 regardless of the outcome of the election.
Mostly I'm so proud of my friends for their support that I swear it breaks my heart to think that I might let you guys down.
I started this fight with the GOP and the DNC and I promise to keep fighting until the reason for fighting is gone.
Rocky Giordani
Independent American Party
Presidential Candidate
Proudly the first ever from Venice California
Also the first Native American as I am a card carrying
member of the Morongo Indian Nation

The Giordani/Anderson ticket were registered write-ins in Kansas and on the ballot in Utah, where they finished 7th out of 10 with 0.24% of the vote in the Beehive State.

If I am reading this right, Giordani embraced the "stolen election" conspiracy theory and actually moved to Costa Rica after Biden was elected in 2020. He advocated that Trump should declare martial law, applauded the pardon of Flynn, and felt the COVID crisis was "phoney."  

Election history:
2010 - Governor of Utah (Unaffiliated) - defeated
2016 - Independent American Party nomination for President - defeated

Other occupations: author, Independent American Party Executive Committee, Republican precinct chair (1991), Vice President of Mineral Resources International, owner of Replenishing Press, Founder/President of Liberty and Preparedness Institute, Founder of Utah Independence Project

Anderson is the father of 11 children.
BS, Oral Communications, Weber State University, 1980, the same school where the Weber Cooks series starring the dynamic Steven Eugene Reed were produced.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Kenneth L. Gibbs


Kenneth L. Gibbs

VP candidate for Independent American Party (aka Constitution Party of Oregon aka Independent) (2012)

Running mate with nominee: Will Christensen (b. 1937)
Popular vote: 4,456 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Will Christensen, an Arizona/Utah-based Amway salesman and perennial candidate was the Presidential nominee of the Independent American Party. In Aug. 2012 he was selected by the Constitution Party in Oregon, which was not affiliated with the national party in that year. His running-mate was Ken Gibbs of Fresno, Calif.

Along with several other states, the Oregon Chapter of the Constitution Party disaffiliated with the national party in 2006 when the latter decided that abortion could be permitted in cases of incest, rape, or if the mother's life was at stake. That was apparently way too liberal for Oregon members, so off they split.

Gibbs' path to the IAP was outlined in the campaign webpage--

Once becoming aware at the level of bureaucratic red tape affecting his own industry, Ken did what any sensible American would do; He got involved. Too much government was choking the life from the very industry that provided the life’s work. That must be stopped. Ken reviewed the Republican Party that he had belonged to for decades and found they were not even on the same page he was. Ken left the Republican Party and went Independent. He also joined the Tea Party Patriots and made his voice heard.

Watching the many in-justices and gross mismanagements of our present government, he found this simply rubbed against all he grew up believing. “God and Country, and the American Way must still mean something to folks?” So Ken decided that he would have to roll up the sleeves and help fix it. Along with his fellow Patriots of the Independent American Party, it was time to change things for the better.

The IAP platform included--

The Secretary of Defense will have the assignment to bring our troops safely, but rapidly, home from foreign wars. This will save trillions of dollars per year.

The Secretary of Education will have the assignment to transfer all educational control to the states or respective school districts while phasing out the Department of Education. This will save billions per year.

The Secretary of State will have the assignment to shepherd bills through Congress to: Halt all foreign aid, which is little more than international welfare. Withdraw from the UN, NATO, SEATO, NAFTA, WTO, IMF, World Court, etc.

The Attorney General will have the assignment to determine which legislation passed in the last hundred years runs counter to the Second Amendment. These laws will not be enforced by the Executive Branch pending remedial action by Congress. The Director of the BATF&E will be directed to transfer to the states such functions which are not counter to the Second Amendment prior to the Department being abolished.

Drugs, alcohol, & tobacco are state issues. The federal war on drugs will be terminated.

The Patriot Act and the National Defense Act of 2012 (NDAA) are clearly outside of the Constitutional authority of Congress, therefore they will not be enforced pending removal by Congress.

Marriage is a state or local issue. We will not enforce law that is outside of the Constitutional authority of Congress to pass.

The IAP had a "Coat of Arms" badge system, where actual badges sort of like merit badges awarded in Boy Scouts, were used as an incentive/reward device depending how well the recipient was able to internalize the Party principles and then become an activist. They had names like the Proud Patriot Badge, Praying Patriot Badge, Impassioned Patriot Badge, and badges named after colonial revolutionaries. In 2012 the Christensen/Gibbs ticket introduced something called a "Prayer Mission," emphasizing the pursuit of the Praying Patriot Badge which had the following requirements--
    Read the IAP Mission and Platform (
    Sincerely pray every day for 2 weeks about specifically the 1) principles AND 2) destiny of the Independent American Party.  As you pray, you are encouraged to ponder and search the scriptures for evidences of patriotism, and related principles.
    Advice on prayer (optional)
        Pray out-loud (Mark 11:23, Matthew 7:12)
        Pray with Faith (James 1:7)
        Pray specifically (Matthew 6:9-13)
        Pray “Thy will be done” (Luke 22:42)
        Pray in the spirit (Romans 8:26)
    Look up each of these scriptures on prayer

The Christensen/Gibbs "Dream Cabinet" as listed on their campaign webpage included--

Attorney General – Judge Andrew Napolitano
Secretary of Defense – Representative Allen West of FL.
Secretary of Education – Ezola Foster – President of Black Americans for Family Values, author of “What’s Right for All Americans”.
Secretary of Homeland Security – Stewart Rhodes (Founder of Oath Keepers)
Secretary of the Treasury – Ron Paul
Ambassador to the United Nations – John McManus (President of the John Birch Society.)

Other "dream" appointees for unspecified positions included Chuck Baldwin, Robert Bork, Jerome Corsi, Roy Moore, and "Members of the Austrian School of Economics."

Christensen/Gibbs were on the ballot in Oregon where they finished 5th out of 6, with 0.25% of the vote. They were also write-ins in 11 other states.

Election history: none

Other occupations: US Army, aerospace machinist, HVAC/R industry, computer consultant

Gibbs spent his earlier years in Florida.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Darrell Lane Castle


With Ron Paul

Darrell Lane Castle, October 11, 1948 (Kingsport, Tenn.) -

VP candidate for Constitution Party (aka Independent aka Alaskan Independence aka Reform Party of Kansas aka US Taxpayers Party aka Nebraska Party aka Independent American Party) (2008)

Running mate with nominee: Charles Obadiah Baldwin (b. 1952)
Popular vote: 195,186 (0.15%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Chuck Baldwin, the 2004 Constitution Party VP nominee, had told journalists that is was up to God whether or not he would run for President in 2008. In 2006 Baldwin told the Conservative President 2008 website, "In order for me to even consider running in 2008 would require several 'miraculous' signs of reassurance that, frankly, I cannot see happening. However, I am always open to God's will." As late as Mar. 25, 2008, Baldwin told The Miller Report, "I am very honored that anyone would suggest that I should be considered as the CP presidential candidate. There are many great people in our party that, in my opinion, are much more qualified than I am. I have always tried to be open to God's will. At this time, however, I have no inclination that this is God's will for me." In late 2007 Baldwin endorsed Ron Paul for the Republican Presidential nomination.

But God must have given him the sign in short order since Baldwin jumped into the race for the CP nomination on Apr. 10, 2008 right before the convention. Other contenders included "Mad Max" Riekse but it was the threat of Alan Keyes grabbing the prize that may have inspired Baldwin to run. Keyes, who had only recently left the Republican Party after continually failing to achieve elected office, was considered acceptably conservative on social and domestic issues but a total pro-war Neocon in terms of foreign policy. Baldwin handily won the nomination and selected Tennessee attorney Darrell Castle as his running-mate.

A major loss for the Constitution Party was in California. In that state the American Independent Party had been an affiliate of the CP since the early 1990s, but in 2008 the AIP split over Baldwin and Keyes. The California Secretary of State and subsequently the court backed Keyes, and Baldwin was forced to run as a write-in in the Golden State.

The CP had a few other stray ends in 2008. The Constitution Party of Montana, like several other state chapters across the nation at the time, had disaffiliated with the national party in 2006. It seems many state groups did not agree with factions of the national Party that abortion was acceptable in cases of rape, incest, or saving the life of the mother. Also in that same year they elected their first member to the Montana State House of Representatives. Meanwhile, across the country in Maryland, another state where the local Constitution Party took a walk, 2004 Constitution Party Presidential nominee Michael Peroutka jumped ship and considered himself part of the American Heritage Party.

Rather than support Chuck Baldwin, the official Constitution Party nominee in 2008, the Montana group on Sept. 5 filed the names of Ron Paul and Michael Peroutka as their ticket of choice. State Party Chair Jonathan Martin told the press, "Ron Paul did not seek it, but he did not oppose it. He allowed it." Ballot Access News reported, "Ron Paul was aware that the party planned to do this, and has said that as long as he can remain passive and silent about the development, and as long as he need not sign any declaration of candidacy, that he does not object."

It seems Rep. Paul had a change of heart and wrote in a letter dated Sept. 10 to the Montana Secretary of State, "It has come to my attention that I was nominated by the Constitution Party of Montana as its presidential nominee. While I certainly appreciate the Constitution Party of Montana’s nomination, and all the hard work of its members, I am writing to respectfully request that you remove my name from the ballot in Montana as I did not seek nor consent to this nomination." Paul's request was denied on Sept. 15 on the grounds he acted too late. Paul/Peoutka won 2.17% of the vote in Montana. Paul himself endorsed Baldwin.

Peroutka had also won write-in votes for President in Georgia, and Castle the same in Indiana.

In Kentucky, Baldwin's running mate was Robert E. Thornsberry.

On the campaign website, every policy essay began with a quote from Baldwin. Here are a few to act as a summation--

The Education of Young Americans
"If I were President, I would disband the Department of Education."

The Second Amendment Protects Our Liberty
"To help keep your family safe and your country free, go buy a gun."

A Free And Sovereign Republic, Not A World Empire!
"We will stop this international meddling...this international empire building. When Chuck Baldwin is sworn in as President of these United States the 'New World Order' comes crashing down!"

Freedom Of Choice In Health Care
"I strongly support the freedom of choice of practitioner and treatment for all citizens for their health care"

There Is Still Hope For America
"I am personally convinced that, as we get out our message is received by the people of America we will find a ready audience for our message of freedom and hope!"

A Strong National Defense For America
"We will have a national defense that is second to none, with armed forces that serve only under our flag, whose mission is to defend these United States of America!"

Personal Freedom In America
"Free people do not have to check in with government officials and show them their papers--that doesn't work in these United States of America!"

Preserving An Independent American Nation
"The globalists, with their ideas of a common currency here in the United State with a North American Union and a NAFTA Superhighway are after our sovereignty, our freedom and our national independence."

The Sanctity of Life
"I will use the bully pulpit of the Presidency to demand that Congress enact Dr. Ron Paul's Sanctity of Life Act which would set forth that every unborn child is a 'person' under the Constitution, entitled to equal protection of the law and therefore, no unborn child could be killed without due process of law."

The United Nations Will Have To Find A New Address!
"When I am President of these United States all funding for the United Nations stops!"

Baldwin's dislike for the Republican Party seemed to be even more passionate than his views on the Democratic Party. Some Baldwin quotes from different sources in 2008 campaign--

Republicans tout themselves as being “pro-life.” Yet, the GOP controlled both houses of Congress and the White House for six years and did absolutely nothing to overturn Roe or end abortion-on-demand. Under my administration, we could end legal abortion in a matter of days, not decades. And if Congress refused to pass Ron Paul’s bill, I would use the constitutional power of the Presidency to deny funds to protect abortion clinics. Either way, legalized abortion ends when I take office.
Source: Chuck Baldwin Live column: “If I Were President” , May 2, 2008

There is absolutely no reason for us to be dependent upon OPEC. There is enough gas and oil under the soil of Alaska (not to mention the Dakotas and the Gulf of Mexico) to meet the energy needs of the United States for the next 150-200 years. There is also no reason that gas should cost more than $1.50 a gallon (which is about what it was before Bush became President) ... We must begin drilling for the domestic oil that we know exists; we must build more refineries and nuclear power plants.
Source: Chuck Baldwin Live column: “If I Were President” , May 2, 2008

As President, I would end foreign aid. I would also end the current infatuation with nation-building, empire-building, and interventionism. America is not the world’s policeman. Neither are our military personnel the personal militia of the United Nations ... Remember that President Bush told the U.N. in 2003 that the reason we invaded Iraq was for the purpose of securing the “peace and credibility of the United Nations.” (I lie not; that is what he said.)
Source: Chuck Baldwin Live column: “If I Were President” , May 2, 2008

The Democrats basically want the illegals to continue to come across the border at will for the sake of getting votes. The Republicans, on the other hand, want the borders to remain open for the purpose of being able to obtain cheap labor. Regardless of the reason, neither major party has any desire to secure our borders.
Source: Charles Geraci in The Herald Journal, Cache Valley, Utah , Jul 5, 2008

Not only does the Bush administration not secure our borders and ports, it wants to provide a “path to citizenship” for illegal aliens. It allows tax dollars to be used to pay for illegal aliens’ education, social services, and medical care. It offers birthright citizenship for illegal aliens. And it prosecutes and imprisons Border Patrol agents for shooting (but not seriously enough to prevent his escape back into Mexico) a known illegal alien and drug trafficker.

No wonder the flood of illegal aliens has skyrocketed since George W. Bush became President. And is there anyone who does not understand that a John McCain Presidency will be more of the McSame? A McCain White House promises continued open borders and ports. Plus, McCain will also push forward with his plans to grant amnesty to illegal aliens. When it comes to illegal immigration, amnesty, etc., there will be no relief from an Obama White House. Both Barack Obama and John McCain are pro-open borders, pro-amnesty twins.

Source: Chuck Baldwin Live column: “Open Borders Prove” , May 23, 2008

Basically, the only difference between the Republicans and the Democrats today is that the Democrats want to tax and spend, and the Republicans want to borrow and spend. But both of them want to spend. They spend like drunken sailors, except that’s an insult to sailors because at least sailors are spending their own money.
Source: Charles Geraci in The Herald Journal, Cache Valley, Utah , Jul 5, 2008

Secret ‘suspicious activity reports’ filed by financial institutions and reviewed by teams of agents spread around the country. The American people are largely unaware that they are now living in a universal surveillance society. Virtually every major financial transaction--as well as much of their travel--is reported and monitored by the federal government. This total surveillance system, that began in earnest under Bill Clinton’s administration, has mushroomed into a ubiquitous and finely tuned science under George W. Bush. Dare I say that Dubya’s neurotic fixation with spying on ordinary citizens rivals Comrade Stalin’s paranoiac obsession with a total surveillance society?

You and I are constantly being watched, listened to, monitored, taped, and stalked by our own government. So, do any of us really believe that we still live in a free country? A Chuck Baldwin Administration will bring an immediate end to the surveillance state.

Source: 2008 Presidential website,, “Issues” , May 27, 2008

I opposed the preemptive invasion of Iraq, and I continue to oppose the occupation of that country. I believe the Bush administration was untruthful about the motivations for going to war with Iraq and continues to deceive the American people to this very day.
Source: Chuck Baldwin Live column: “Strictly Personal” , May 9, 2008

Baldwin/Castle placed third in Utah with 1.26%. They were in 4th in Idaho (0.72%), Alaska (0.51%), South Dakota (0.50%), Oregon (0.42%), Nebraska (0.37%), West Virginia (0.35%), and Mississippi (0.20%). They were in 5th place nationally, on the ballot in 37 states where they were one of only six tickets with the theoretical potential of gaining enough Electoral votes to win. Baldwin was also a write-in in the remaining states except for Oklahoma, North Carolina + the District of Columbia. In spite of losing the California ballot placement, 2008 was their highest national popular vote up to that time, and their second highest percentage.

Darrell Castle would be the Constitution Party Presidential nominee in 2016.

Election history:
2012 - Constitution Party nomination for US President - defeated
2016 - US President (Constitution Party) - defeated

Other occupations: US Marine Corps (Vietnam War), attorney, board member of the Conservative Caucus, US Taxpayers Party Elector 1996

Personal trivia- Given Mr. Castle's birthplace and surname, it is highly possible we are distant cousins.
Was trained in the Marine Corps by Oliver North.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

James N. Clymer

James N. Clymer, May 4, 1948 -

VP candidate for Independent (aka Constitution Party) (2004)
VP candidate for Constitution Party (aka Independent aka American Constitution Party aka US Taxpayers Party aka Independent American Party) (2012)

Running mate with nominee (2004): Michael Anthony Peroutka (b. 1952)
Running mate with nominee (2012): Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (b. 1946)
Popular vote (2004): 2,899 (0.00%)
Popular vote (2012): 122,417 (0.09%)
Electoral vote (2004, 2012): 0/538

The campaign (2004):

After three consecutive runs, Howard Phillips declined to campaign for President in the 2004 election as the standard bearer for the Constitution Party. The torch needed to be passed.

Controversial Judge Roy Moore of Alabama toyed with the idea of running for President as the Constitution Party nominee, and it would have been his for the taking. But he decided to remain with the Republican Party.

Maryland attorney Michael Peroutka was drafted for the job, and he modestly said he would accept but would be willing to step down in the event another candidate with star power wanted the nomination. In May 2004 Peroutka was chosen, by default apparently since no Big Names stepped forward, and in turn he selected Chuck Baldwin, an independent Baptist minister, protƩgƩ of Rev. Jerry Falwell, and radio host in Florida. "The day that I received the phone call from Michael Peroutka asking me to be his running mate was one of the most shocking days of my life," Baldwin said, "Never in my wildest imagination did I anticipate such a call. I did not seek this position. I never saw it coming."

With no real competition in the form of a marquee candidate like Ron Paul or Pat Buchanan, the Peroutka/Baldwin ticket had the Right wing purists pretty much all to themselves, which might explain why they were one of the very few third parties to see an improvement in their percentages when compared to the 2000 election. They almost had some competition from a party splintered off the Reform Party in 2002 by Buchananites called the America First Party, but it imploded after a short time due to a fiasco involving the invitation and then disinvitation of Bo Gritz to speak at their convention. In 2004 the barely existent AFP endorsed Peroutka. Apparently the AFP is still around today.

The ticket was also endorsed by the white nationalist League of the South (designated as a hate group by the SPLC), the Georgia chapter of the Southern Party, and radio tabloid conspiracy host Alex Jones. They almost snagged Pat Buchanan's nod, but he eventually endorsed Bush and returned to the Republicans after leaving the Reform Party.

In the course of meeting filing deadlines before their actual convention, Party Chairman Jim Clymer was inserted as a stand-in name for Vice-President. He made it clear to the media he had no intention of becoming the permanent VP, "Michael Peroutka is running, I'm not."

It seems they were unable to replace Clymer with Baldwin only in Kansas, where the Peroutka/Clymer ticket finished 5th place out of five with 0.24% of the vote in that state. Clymer was also running as the 2004 Constitution Party candidate for the US Senate in Pennsylvania in a race won by Arlen Specter.

The campaign (2012):

Virgil Goode had covered several political affiliations by the time he became the 2012 Constitutional Party Presidential nominee. As a member of the Virginia Senate 1973-1997 and US Congress from Virginia 1997-2009 he started out as a Democrat, declared himself an independent 2000-2002, and joined the Republicans 2002-2010. He was defeated for re-election in 2008.

In most third parties someone with Goode's extensive public service in elected office would be a plus, but in the Constitution Party it could prove to be fatal particularly since Goode's voting record included supporting some neoconservative issues such as the Patriot Act and Bush administration military initiatives. However at the convention Goode was nominated over 2008 VP nominee Darrell Lane Castle. It seemed to be an indicator the Party was starting to mature as they were willing to embrace a true professional politician and all the real-life compromises that entails.

In a game of political musical chairs, Constitution Party 2004 VP and 2008 Presidential nominee Chuck Baldwin had rejoined the Republican Party about the same time Goode was leaving it.

Goode selected Jim Clymer, who was the outgoing national Party chair, as his running-mate.

Among other things Goode advocated the use of troops and walls to halt Mexican illegal immigrants from crossing the border, eliminating Obamacare, pulling the US military out of Afghanistan, ending free trade agreements, and replacing income and estate tax with sales tax.

But the press didn't really cover Goode's platform as much as they speculated how much his campaign was going to hurt Republican Mitt Romney. And for sure it seemed Goode spent more energy attacking Romney than Obama. News coverage of the Constitution Party's struggle for ballot access in the face of active Republican opposition (e.g. Pennsylvania) also overshadowed their message.

Nationally the Goode/Clymer ticket finished in 5th place and they did not end up playing the role of spoiler in any state that I can ascertain. On the ballot in 26 states and write-ins in 14 more, their strongest percentages were in South Dakota 0.65%, Wyoming 0.58%, North Dakota 0.37%, Idaho and Michigan and Virginia 0.34% each, Nevada 0.32%, Missouri 0.29%, Utah and Washington 0.28% each, Colorado and Tennessee 0.24% each.

Election history:
1992 - Pennsylvania Auditor General (Libertarian Party) - defeated
1994 - Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania (Constitution Party) - defeated
1998 - Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania (Constitution Party) - defeated
2000 - Pennsylvania Attorney General (Constitution Party) - defeated
2003 - Lancaster County Board of Commissioners (Penn.) (Constitution Party) - defeated
2004 - US Senate (Penn.) (Constitution Party) - defeated
<2013/14 - 2020> - Manor New East Precinct, Manor Township, Penn. Judge of Elections (Constitution Party)

Other occupations: attorney, Chair of the Constitution Party

Clymer is one of the few Constitution Party members  to win an elected office.
Goode endorsed Donald Trump in the 2016 election

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Charles Obadiah Baldwin

Charles Obadiah Baldwin, May 3, 1952 (La Porte, Ind.) -

VP candidate for Constitution Party (aka Independent aka Alaska Independence Party aka American Independent Party aka American Constitution Party aka Concerned Citizens Party aka US Taxpayers Party aka Nebraska Party aka Independent American Party) (2004)

Running mate with nominee: Michael Anthony Peroutka (b. 1952)
Popular vote: 141,751 (0.12%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

After three consecutive runs, Howard Phillips declined to campaign for President in the 2004 election as the standard bearer for the Constitution Party. The torch needed to be passed.

Controversial Judge Roy Moore in Alabama toyed with the idea of running for President as the Constitution Party nominee, and it would have been his for the taking. But he decided to remain with the Republican Party.

Maryland attorney Michael Peroutka was drafted for the job, and he modestly said he would accept but would be willing to step down in the event another candidate with star power wanted the nomination. In May 2004 Peroutka was chosen and in turn he selected Chuck Baldwin, an independent Baptist minister, protƩgƩ of Rev. Jerry Falwell, and radio host in Florida. "The day that I received the phone call from Michael Peroutka asking me to be his running mate was one of the most shocking days of my life," Baldwin said, "Never in my wildest imagination did I anticipate such a call. I did not seek this position. I never saw it coming."

Baldwin was a Democrat until ca1980, then an evangelical Christian Republican until 2004. He left the Republicans because he considered George W. Bush to be too liberal. He was also a rabid anti-Zionist, opposed neoconservatives and the "New World Order," and seemed to be in the 9/11 Truther camp to some degree. As Baldwin explained in July 2004, "... I could no longer in good conscience stay in the Republican Party. Therefore, earlier this year, I joined the Constitution Party. It is the only Party at the national level that stands for the fundamental principles upon which our nation was built. It is the only Party that truly shares my pro-life, pro-liberty, and pro-constitution convictions."

Here are some samples from Baldwin's 2004 entries in his Food for Thought column which also I think reflects the thinking within the Constitution Party at that time. You'll notice he is much harder on the situational ethics of Republicans and evangelicals than he is on the Democrats:

--It seems to me that, in the end, both parties are marching to the same drummer with only a slightly different cadence. The major difference seems to be that of control not course. Indeed, both parties seem headed in the same direction.

--Both Democrats and Republicans want the president to have fast track trade authority. Leaders from both parties support NAFTA, GATT, the WTO, NATO, the World Bank, the IMF, MFN for Communist China, etc. President Bush is currently pushing the New World Order envelope even further by promoting the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA).

--If President Bush is reelected in November, it is almost certain that he would re-institute the military draft and would even become the first President in U.S. history to draft America's daughters. In addition, Mr. Bush would, in all likelihood, appoint pro-abortion justices to the U.S. Supreme Court and would continue his unconstitutional, imperialistic propensities to unilaterally invade foreign countries without a declaration of war from Congress.

--While we are on the subject of judges, it did not help Chief Justice Roy Moore of Alabama one bit that there was a Republican governor in Alabama, that there was a Republican Attorney General in Alabama, or that there was a Republican President in the White House. But I can assure you that a Peroutka / Baldwin victory in 2004 would change all of that! In fact, my first recommendation to Michael would be that Roy Moore be his first appointment to the United States Supreme Court.

--President Bush has done as much or more to advance the homosexual agenda as did his predecessor, Bill Clinton. He has appointed many open homosexuals to high public office, as I am sure most all of you know.

Homosexuality by its very definition is fornication. Accordingly, in our military, in our law enforcement agencies, and in other high positions of trust, thorough background investigations are required as to the moral character and integrity of the applicant. I dare say that Bush's promotion of homosexuals to high public office not only violates the laws of decency and integrity, it also violates the laws of these United States of America.

Furthermore, Bush has not reversed Clinton's "Don't Ask ­ Don't Tell" policy allowing sodomites to serve in our armed forces. In fact, come to think about it, I can't recall a single executive order that Bill Clinton made that Bush has overturned. However, he did make a point to reverse Ronald Reagan's policy to take America out of UNESCO and put us right back in. The truth is, both President Bush and John Kerry support civil unions for sodomites. My dear friends, regardless of rhetoric to the contrary, that is not a pro-family position.

--If an American President was truly pro-family, he would never give favored treatment to homosexuals. He would, furthermore, uphold the constitutional provision that requires the President to ensure that every state has a republican form of government. This means he would never submit to tyrannical, activist judges who would attempt to redefine the family.

If an American President truly believed his oath of office, he would never promote the passage of unconstitutional, Orwellian acts such as the egregiously misnamed USA Patriot Act, which has done more to eviscerate the Bill of Rights, especially the Fourth Amendment, than anything that I can ever recall in my lifetime.

If an American President truly believed his oath to the Constitution, he would never invade another country without a formal declaration of war by Congress. The truth is, neither George Bush nor John Kerry has any intention of upholding his oath to the constitution, but you can be sure Michael Peroutka will!

--The blind loyalty of conservatives to President Bush defies logic, reason, Christian principle, and even old fashioned common sense. Conservatives, especially Christian conservatives, have become the largest group of naĆÆve, nonsensical, non-thinking, easily duped people on the planet! It's embarrassing!

--The feminist movement of the past half-century has certainly contributed to the problem of poor male leadership. Yet, the truth is, if men were the leaders they should have been, the feminist movement would never have gotten off the ground. The feminist movement was really not a cause, it was an effect.

This lack of masculine leadership is easily seen in modern politics, but that, again, is but a reflection of the true problem. The real problem is men are not the leaders of their homes or of their churches. It is a sad reality that in America today, women are the heads of most families and most churches.

--The willingness of our political and judicial leaders to embrace homosexuality reveals their rejection of God's moral law and authority. It is no coincidence that within a matter of weeks after the White House and federal courts collaborated to remove the Ten Commandments from the Alabama Judicial Building in Montgomery that the entire nation would be embroiled in a fever pitch effort to legalize same sex marriage. God will not be mocked. When one sows to the wind, he reaps a whirlwind.

By accepting homosexuality, America is now fueling the flames of debauchery. When homosexuality is finally and fully accepted by American law, pedophilia and other more onerous behavior will not be far behind. As such, America is on the verge of a self-induced implosion.

--I charge G. W. Bush with posturing himself as a conservative while giving us bigger government than did even Bill Clinton. I charge him with creating the machinery with which a police state may emerge. Furthermore, I charge President Bush with attempting to take more freedoms away from the American people than any president in modern memory.

I also believe that Mr. Bush has redundantly violated his oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and that he has given nothing but lip service to the pro-life and pro-family agendas. It is also my contention that President Bush has jeopardized the security of these United States and has made a mockery of our nation's laws by his treacherous illegal alien amnesty proposal. He also lied to the American people by saying he supported the Second Amendment only later to endorse the Clinton gun ban.

Even worse, I charge Christian conservatives with willingly surrendering their independent thinking as well as their American heritage in order to accommodate President Bush and the Republican Party. I further charge them with selling their spiritual birthright for a mess of political pottage!

With no real competition in the form of a marquee candidate like Ross Perot, Ron Paul or Pat Buchanan, the Peroutka/Baldwin ticket had the Right wing purists pretty much all to themselves, which might explain why they were one of the very few third parties to see an improvement in their percentages when compared to the 2000 election. They almost had some competition from a party splintered off the Reform Party in 2002 by Buchananites called the America First Party, but it imploded after a short time due to a fiasco involving the invitation and then disinvitation of Bo Gritz to speak at their convention. In 2004 the barely existent AFP endorsed Peroutka. Apparently the AFP is still around today.

The ticket was also endorsed by the white nationalist League of the South (designated as a hate group by the SPLC), the Georgia chapter of the Southern Party, and radio tabloid conspiracy host Alex Jones. They almost snagged Pat Buchanan's nod, but he eventually endorsed Bush and returned to the Republicans after leaving the Reform Party.

On the ballot in three dozen states and write-ins in several more, the Peroutka/Baldwin ticket had their highest percentages in Utah 0.74%, Alaska 0.67%, Idaho 0.52%, Montana 0.39%, South Carolina 0.33%, Virginia 0.32%, Oregon 0.29%, South Dakota 0.28%, Louisiana 0.27%, and Wyoming 0.26%. With the exception of Oregon, these were all states where George W. Bush won with a comfortable margin. Baldwin was not on the ballot in Kansas, the stand-in running-mate in that state (what a strange phrase) was James N. Clymer.

I will continue the Chuck Baldwin story when the 2008 and 2012 elections are covered.

Election history:
2008 - US President (Constitution Party) - defeated
2012 - Lt. Governor of Montana (Republican) - primary - withdrew
2012 - US President (Reform Party of Kansas) - defeated

Other occupations: pastor, radio show host, columnist, editor, state chairman of the Florida Moral Majority

Baldwin briefly rejoined the Republican Party 2011-2015 and is now associated with the Independent American Party.