Showing posts with label No Affiliation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label No Affiliation. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Sheila Marie Cannon



Sheila Marie Cannon

VP candidate for Independent (aka Non Affiliated aka No Affiliation) (2020)

Running mate with nominee: Deborah Ann Rouse (b. 1960)
Popular vote: 15 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Deborah Rouse of Athens, Tenn. jumped in extra early with the FEC to run in the 2020 election. Before the previous election was completed, she filed as an Independent on Sept. 26, 2016. On Aug. 1, 2017 she changed her affiliation to "Write-In" and named her running-mate, Tammie Jane Landreth. On Jan. 16, 2018 the VP was changed to Sheila Cannon.

A couple years ago or so I had engaged in a friendly email correspondence with the Presidential candidate in order to request an interview with Sheila Cannon of Michigan, which was refused for reasons unknown. We parted amiably. I recall there was a lot more information online back then than I can find today regarding the Rouse campaign, especially on Youtube. But if memory serves, Cannon was someone Rouse was acquainted with through her occupational life via phone contact.

I also seem to remember Rouse was a Christian who felt, regardless of the outcome of the election, she had been directed to run by God and/or Jesus.

Rouse's campaign website is still available but only offers a series of now defunct links and this very brief mission statement--

My only promise is, that I will not make any promises. As your President, I will enter the position with zeal and excitement, to better serve the people of the United States of America. "Hope" let's bring it back to America! God Bless The United States of America!

Rouse/Cannon were registered write-ins in at least 11 states.

Election history: ?

Other occupations: ?

Another mystery VP.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Sharon E. Marth

 above: 2017

Sharon E. Marth, February 18, 1952 -

VP candidate for Independent (aka Unaffiliated aka No Party) (2000)
VP candidate for Independence Party (aka No Affiliation) (2016)

Running mate with nominee (2000, 2016): Gloria Dawn Strickland (b. 1948)
Popular vote (2000): 100 (0.00%)
Popular vote (2016): 0 (0.00%)
Electoral vote (2000, 2016): 0/538

The campaign (2000):

Wisconsin resident Gloria Dawn Strickland kicked off her Presidential effort, which she called her "Good News Campaign," at the Million Mom March on Mother's Day 2000. The national event was mostly centered on advocating for tighter gun control.

Strickland had come into the independent category from the Republican side, having donated funds to both the 1992 and 1996 campaigns of that party.

Initially she had invited by letter (Washington State trivia alert!!!) Microsoft CEO Bill Gates to be her running-mate. In defending Gates against any government regulation against what she termed his "mental genetic material" she told the press, "Microsoft is his baby and the government should keep its hands off and I will fight it for him on the basis of Roe v. Wade."

When Gates failed to join the ticket, Strickland chose Sharon Marth of Carmel, Calif., a fellow artist.

The campaign had a webpage that summarized the platform: Wise Tax Reform. Reduce Income Taxes. Rebudget and Redistribute to Fund The Best National Health Care Insurance In The World. Election Reform: Eliminate Electoral College; Replace With One Person - One Equal Vote. Common Sense Handgun Legislation. Major Education Reform. Protect The Environment, Pure Food and Water. Protect Social Security/Medicare. Peace And Safety For All Americans.

Strickland, sometimes with Marth in the certification and sometimes not, was a write-in option in Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Utah, and West Virginia.

Of the 100 votes on the dot I counted, 80% of that came from Kentucky (0.01% of the vote in that state). 

The campaign (2016):

One secondary source mentions Strickland had started to campaign for President in 2004, but withdrew. In 2016 she was back, once again with Marth as a the VP. This time both of them were apparently residents of West Bend, Wis., which would have posed a Constitutional problem in the event of their victory.

Since her 2000 run the world of social media had become part of daily life and that seems to have been Strickland's campaign venue.

On Twitter she proposed: "I will create the Dept. of Peace & appoint a Secretary 2 coordinate efforts for peaceful resolutions 2 domestic & foreign disputes."

And on Facebook: "I am inviting all of my Facebook friends to visit my official Facebook page: Gloria Dawn Strickland for U. S. President 2016, and my channel on YouTube, and to visit me on Twitter ... Our campaign is called The Good News Campaign!  (Jesus was in a three-year campaign against the Roman Empire that was exploiting the people! We are facing many of the issues that he was working to overcome on behalf if the citizens. Almost 1/3 of the surface area of the U S is held in a Federal Trust for U S citizens, as beneficiaries. These federally held lands are immensely rich in natural resources and renewable energy resources. All U S citizens should be very rich. We need to make our public servants and our "federal trustees" accountable on behalf of the vast wealth owned by the citizens. Poverty is the number one problem in the U S and in the world. We should be leading the world in lifting our population out of poverty)."

The Strickland/Marth team were certified write-ins in Alaska and Washington but received no votes from what I can ascertain.

The ticket was invited to the inauguration ceremonies for President Trump although they could not attend. Instead Strickland hosted an event honoring Trump in Wisconsin.

Election history: none

Other occupations: artist, real estate agent

Marth appears to have been born and raised in Wisconsin but I cannot confirm.