Showing posts with label Rational Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rational Party. Show all posts

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Deacon Newell Taylor


Deacon Newell Taylor, April 4, 1974 -

VP candidate for Veterans Party of America (aka Non Affiliated) (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Christopher Robert Keniston (b. 1971)
Popular vote: 7,202 (0.01%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Deacon Newell Taylor of Union City, Calif. registered as an Independent for President on Sept. 30, 2014. By the time Christopher Robert "Chris" Keniston of Vernon, Tex. registered with the FEC for President under the banner of the Veterans Party of America on Aug. 18, 2015, Taylor had changed course and was the VPA running-mate.

The VPA had been jump started from a previous attempt dating back to 2003-2006, at which time the Party experienced some kind of split and was absorbed, to a degree, by the Modern Whig Party. In 2013 it rose again and by the 2016 election had already elected a couple candidates to municipal offices.

Deacon Taylor's Presidential run from Sept. 2014 to Aug. 2015 seems to have been waged mostly on social media. I gather he was running under the name of the Rational Party. Some posts from that effort--

Facebook, Sept. 29, 2014
So the privileged in this world are mostly white.  Look at the first guy and tell me if that image does not sum up what we currently have in congress. [A photo of an obvious con artist is displayed]
I grew up as a farm kid in the northern Wyoming.  I believe I am duty bound to sacrifice everything to defend this nation against all enemies foreign and domestic.  
Right now the enemy I see are the war pigs.  The ones that call for war to destroy another culture because they want more money and power.  
I am nothing more than a humble servant and will forever try to leave everything I come in contact with better than when I found it.   
If I earn enough votes to be the next President then I will promise to use my knowledge, skills, and abilities to restore the balance of power in our government.  I also promise that I will do my very best to decentralize the power back out to the states as it was intended in the beginning.
A truly democratic republic is possible with a few major changes that will take at least 4 years to work through.  I promise to make the changes once I am in office.  I will not wait for a broken congress to rally behind the concepts.  I will help to restore the checks and balances that expose the corruption that plagues the current two party system and career political prostitutes.  
I am only one man, but I know that with the right support from the public that anything is possible.  Please let me know what you think we need.  I am going to represent those that vote for me.  I will not accept a penny from any corporate interest group.

Facebook, Oct. 5, 2014
They are all the same!  Political prostitutes working for the 1%.  They say whatever it takes to get elected and then have selective memory on what the voters want.
They hide behind riders on bills rather than approving a line item veto that would allow the public to know what they really stand for or against.
It is way past time we the people take back our government from the career politicians.  It is time for more than two choices.  
I am for the Rational Party a new party that is not red or blue we are purple.  We stand for the people.  Of the people, by the people and for the people.....I am running in 2016 for the office of the President of the United States.  
If you are like me and tired of voting for the lesser of two bad choices then help us over the next two years.  We aim to take the control away from the faux two party system.
They are all on the side of the 1% and then they use propaganda to control the emotions of the general public.  It is not rocket science it is social science.
We have all been fooled into believing that they career politicians are the only answer.  It is not just incorrect it is a form of insanity.  We keep doing the same thing election after election and expect a different result.  That is INSANE.
Time for a new choice a rational choice.  Please let me know what you want America.

One can see that starting around June 2015, at least on social media, Taylor began to gravitate to the Veterans Party of America and by August was asked by Presidential nominee Keniston to be the running-mate. Taylor's acceptance speech on Aug. 15, 2015 contained a bit of autobiography--

Thank you all for being part of our launch and taking the time to participate in this historic event, when the Veterans Party of America begins the process of returning the power of our government to its rightful owners: we the people. For too long this nation has been held hostage by a broken two-Party system. Tonight we are gathered to change the course of this nation. We are gathered to regain the trust of the American people. We are gathered to organize a campaign to restore this nation to its full glory. We are gathered to reaffirm our oath to defend and protect the Constitution and Bill of Rights as the foundations of our country. My time in the military taught me just how powerful a small group can be. I have seen small groups accomplish incredible things when they have a clear focus and great leadership. Our nation is looking for the kind of leadership that will inspire change. So, while the challenges we face as a nation are great, our strength as collective of Constitutional patriots is far greater. In the year 2000, my life sounded like a country song: my military career ended by a parachute accident, divorce, and my truck totaled! What I did not realize at that dark time was that this was all part of God's bigger plan. Through god’s grace, I put my life back together, got an education, and was inspired to start serving my community. First, by helping to organize a one of the first groups that transitioned into a chapter of the Student Veterans of America. Then, to organize several events, start and run a small business, work for large organizations, and help a local community college. I had finally found my true calling: service to others. Everywhere I went, I kept hearing the same message: "the nation is being torn apart". But what I could do about it? I am only one person. Finding the Veterans Party of America felt like I had found what I had been searching for – a place to serve and make a positive difference for our nation. After joining the VPA, I took on a leadership role and looked for additional ways to be of service. I am not a political animal; I don't have the pedigree that the DC circles expect, but I know that sometimes we are called to serve in ways that don’t always make sense. I know that through selfless service all things are possible. I pray that we all can have the guidance of our Creator as move in a common direction. I pray that through the grace of God we can restore the glory of this nation. I am blessed to have an amazing running mate, and a dedicated team, to work with. Thank you placing your trust in Chris and I. I promise to work hard to exceed your expectations. A quote from Thomas Jefferson’s collection: Non Solum Nobis, Sed Partiae! Not for ourselves only, but for our country!

On Sept. 8, 2015, Keniston put some of the philosophical differences between himself and Taylor in a positive light, apparently in response to some criticism--

Deacon Taylor agreed to be my running mate at my invitation. I was not compelled by anyone to make that decision. Had he won the nomination, I would have been honored to serve as his running mate.

I have observed and interacted with Deacon since I joined this party. I know him to be an extremely thoughtful, factual and principled man. His commitment to ethical representation and Constitutional government is no less than my own. We often look at things from vastly different perspectives. I am extremely grateful for that.

I do not want a monkey on a leash for a running mate. I do not want a partner who sees things as I do. I want a partner who sees what I am missing. I encourage Deacon to be himself, provided we remain aligned in our commitment to serving the American people.

Meanwhile, Taylor campaigned by touring the USA on a motorcycle.

The VPA presented itself as a centrist alternative, but a look at their stand on the issues revealed a decidedly conservative slant. They seemed slightly more moderate than the Republicans of 2016. The official platform included secure borders, a beefed up military, an increase of ICE agents, abolishing the US Dept. of Education, amend the Constitution to mandate a balanced budget, abolish income tax and impose a national sales tax, outlaw corporate and labor union campaign donations, pro term limits, and English as the official language. On the other side, they avoided taking a stand as a party on many divisive litmus test social issues.

If the VPA had a response to candidate and non-veteran Donald "Bone Spur" Trump's remarks about Sen. McCain, "He's not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured," I did not find it.

Keniston/Taylor were on the ballot in Colorado (0.18%) and Louisiana (0.9%) and were registered as write-ins in at least 10 other states.

Election history:
2016 - US President (Rational Party) - withdrew

Other occupations: US Army, Director of Sangfroid Inc., construction management, radio host

For the record, I voted for McCain in the 2000 primary, the only time I ever voted Republican in a Presidential primary or general election.