Saturday, May 18, 2019

Thomas Earle

Thomas Earle, April 21, 1796 (Leicester, Mass.) – July 14, 1849 (Willow Grove, Penn.)

VP candidate for Liberty Party 1840

Running mate with nominee: James G. Birney (1792-1857)
Popular vote: 6,797 (0.31%)            
Electoral vote: 0/294

The campaign:
The single-issue anti-slavery Liberty Party was lost in the shuffle during all the excitement of the Van Buren-Harrison fight. In this election Birney was out of the country in England from May 11-Nov. 24 and Earle in his only campaign ever for public office made just a few campaign appearances in his home area.

The Liberty Party was on the ballot in 10 states, gaining more than 1% in only New Hampshire (1.45%) and Massachusetts (1.28%). In Pennsylvania their meager showing of 0.12% was enough to be a potential spoiler but it would not have had an impact on the final outcome. In 1844 the Liberty Party had gained steam and would be a force to be reckoned with.

Election history: none

Other occupations: journalist, attorney, member of the Constitutional Convention of Pennsylvania 1837, anti-slavery activist

Buried: Woodlands Cemetery (Philadelphia, Penn.)

His great grandson George Howard Earle III was Governor of Pennsylvania 1935-1939.
Was a Democrat before joining the Liberty Party.
An active Quaker.