Sunday, March 28, 2021

Bo Gingrich


Bo Gingrich

VP candidate for Unaffiliated (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Charles David Limbaugh (b. 1960)
Popular vote: 56 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

David Limbaugh (not to be confused with the conservative polemicist with the same name who is the brother of the late political entertainer Rush Limbaugh) provided his autobiography on the 2016 webpage of his Presidential campaign--

"I was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama. We moved to Smyrna, Tennessee my sophomore year of high school. I went into the Army National Guard after high school, becoming an Avionics Radar Repair Operator (35-R).  When I turned 20 in 1980, I was hired by a small computer company, M&S Computing. By 1982, I was sent to the Netherlands with my wife and young, army-paid-for, son. We had a daughter while we lived for 2 and one half years in Holland. We returned to the United States and I remained in the CAD/CAM industry until 1992, when I began working in the printing/reprographics industry for the next 17 years. I have been involved in Customer Support and Engineering for 30 years. It landed me in the IRGA Hall of Fame. Being President is Customer Support on a grand scale but as someone who was on call 24/7/365 for 30 years I look forward to doing that.  Father of three great kids and grandfather to ten beautiful grand kids."

Limbaugh, who in 2016 was a high school teacher in the subject of U.S. Government and U.S. History, filed state by state as a write-in. Normally a Republican, he decided to run after Kasich and Cruz dropped out of the race, "Trump's not a Republican. Trump's just an idiot wanting to be president. And I don't want an idiot to be my president ... Basically, I just wanted to let people know there's another answer out there. I'm just trying to educate people."

Limbaugh's platform included--

"After we get elected, we plan to do the following: Propose the 28th Amendment - Abolish the Electoral College. We are in the 21st Century.  YOUR Vote should count! If you live in a RED state your vote counts no more than if you live in a BLUE state.  With our current system, a handful of states determine YOUR President. ​​Someone agrees with me on this, Richard Dawkins: Electoral College Is Viciously, Unnecessarily Undemocratic."

"Eliminate the Federal Department of Education - The United States Constitution does not give the Federal Government the power to run public education. Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment covered Civil Rights and Integration, but not LOCAL commitment to Education."

​​​​​​"Do What is Right. Raise taxes on the One Percenters - Not to Redistribute Wealth, but to FIX our Nation. Research the entire tax code for fairness and equity."

"Manage our Money as if it really is OUR Money. Pay our Bills. Reduce our Debt. We need to repair our infrastructure.  Get Citizens United V FEC​ Reversed!"

"No Wall Needed. This country has always been a promised harbor for others."

Limbaugh had two running-mates. Bo Gingrich of Alabama was the name registered as VP in most of their states, and David Looper was the VP in Montana, perhaps others. Early in the election year the Limbaugh/Gingrich ticket was touted, but as the season progressed the publicity had a focus on Limbaugh/Looper so I'm not sure what the deal was with that. The Limbaugh/Gingrich ticket was considerably more moderate than if the team had been made up of the most more famous gentlemen known by those surnames.

Election history: ?

Other occupations: ?

Another mystery VP.