Friday, June 4, 2021

Rainbow Dash


Rainbow Dash, October 10, 2010 (Pawtucket, R.I.) -

VP candidate for Independent (2012, 2016)

Running mate with nominee (2012, 2016): Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria (b. 2010)
Popular vote (2012, 2016): ? (0.00%)
Electoral vote (2012, 2016): 0/538

The campaign (2012, 2016):

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic was an animated television series that ran from 2010-2019 and in part gained an unusual cult following from adults who call themselves "bronies" or "pegasisters." Even if you have have not been exposed to the TV presentations, it is hard to ignore the copious Internet memes and references to this franchise. The My Little Pony toy products originated with Hasbro in 1981, the multinational conglomerate based in Pawtucket, R.I. Their "4th Generation" of the line, launched in 2010, presented several new characters.

My formative years were spent on a farm where we raised Shetlands, so I know a bit about little ponies, but the equines in this series are more than earthly as they are gifted with magical powers.

American capitalism and fandom being what it is, of course this commercial interest would have fictitious candidates running for President as a promotional device. The central protagonist is Twilight Sparkle, aka Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria. From what I gather Twilight Sparkle is a winged purple unicorn who includes the fact she was a librarian in her crowded resume. I wonder where she attained her MLS? She also ran for President in 2020, but apparently without a Vice-President.

Her running-mate was Rainbow Dash, a blue pegasus who possesses the ability to somehow control the weather. Those voters who cherish some of the conspiracy theories regarding chemtrails, HAARP, weather modification by the government, etc., might point to her as conclusive proof of their dubious claims.

Twilight Sparkle was given some unwanted publicity in July 2016. During the Republican convention, Melania Trump gave a speech including phrases many listeners felt were basically a plagiarized version of Michelle Obama's 2008 Democratic convention speech. In true Trumpworld fashion, a barrage of denials were issued, including Sean Spicer quoting Twilight Sparkle in a bizarre attempt to deflect the facts. Shortly after that, Melania's speechwriter Meredith McIver admitted she had lifted Michelle's words for part of the speech, "This was my mistake and I feel terrible for the chaos I have caused Melania and the Trumps, as well as to Mrs. Obama. No harm was meant."

Dash also ran for US President in 2012, 2016 and 2020.

Election history:
2012 - US President (Independent) - defeated
2016 - US President (Independent) - defeated
2020 - US President (Independent) - defeated

Other occupations: fictitious character

I have never seen any episodes of this TV series so apologies to diehard fans for my less than detailed profile.
Rainbow Dash is not related the Sam Dash (1925-2004) chief counsel for the Senate Watergate Committee.