Showing posts with label Constitution Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Constitution Party. Show all posts

Sunday, August 23, 2020

James N. Clymer

James N. Clymer, May 4, 1948 -

VP candidate for Independent (aka Constitution Party) (2004)
VP candidate for Constitution Party (aka Independent aka American Constitution Party aka US Taxpayers Party aka Independent American Party) (2012)

Running mate with nominee (2004): Michael Anthony Peroutka (b. 1952)
Running mate with nominee (2012): Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (b. 1946)
Popular vote (2004): 2,899 (0.00%)
Popular vote (2012): 122,417 (0.09%)
Electoral vote (2004, 2012): 0/538

The campaign (2004):

After three consecutive runs, Howard Phillips declined to campaign for President in the 2004 election as the standard bearer for the Constitution Party. The torch needed to be passed.

Controversial Judge Roy Moore of Alabama toyed with the idea of running for President as the Constitution Party nominee, and it would have been his for the taking. But he decided to remain with the Republican Party.

Maryland attorney Michael Peroutka was drafted for the job, and he modestly said he would accept but would be willing to step down in the event another candidate with star power wanted the nomination. In May 2004 Peroutka was chosen, by default apparently since no Big Names stepped forward, and in turn he selected Chuck Baldwin, an independent Baptist minister, protégé of Rev. Jerry Falwell, and radio host in Florida. "The day that I received the phone call from Michael Peroutka asking me to be his running mate was one of the most shocking days of my life," Baldwin said, "Never in my wildest imagination did I anticipate such a call. I did not seek this position. I never saw it coming."

With no real competition in the form of a marquee candidate like Ron Paul or Pat Buchanan, the Peroutka/Baldwin ticket had the Right wing purists pretty much all to themselves, which might explain why they were one of the very few third parties to see an improvement in their percentages when compared to the 2000 election. They almost had some competition from a party splintered off the Reform Party in 2002 by Buchananites called the America First Party, but it imploded after a short time due to a fiasco involving the invitation and then disinvitation of Bo Gritz to speak at their convention. In 2004 the barely existent AFP endorsed Peroutka. Apparently the AFP is still around today.

The ticket was also endorsed by the white nationalist League of the South (designated as a hate group by the SPLC), the Georgia chapter of the Southern Party, and radio tabloid conspiracy host Alex Jones. They almost snagged Pat Buchanan's nod, but he eventually endorsed Bush and returned to the Republicans after leaving the Reform Party.

In the course of meeting filing deadlines before their actual convention, Party Chairman Jim Clymer was inserted as a stand-in name for Vice-President. He made it clear to the media he had no intention of becoming the permanent VP, "Michael Peroutka is running, I'm not."

It seems they were unable to replace Clymer with Baldwin only in Kansas, where the Peroutka/Clymer ticket finished 5th place out of five with 0.24% of the vote in that state. Clymer was also running as the 2004 Constitution Party candidate for the US Senate in Pennsylvania in a race won by Arlen Specter.

The campaign (2012):

Virgil Goode had covered several political affiliations by the time he became the 2012 Constitutional Party Presidential nominee. As a member of the Virginia Senate 1973-1997 and US Congress from Virginia 1997-2009 he started out as a Democrat, declared himself an independent 2000-2002, and joined the Republicans 2002-2010. He was defeated for re-election in 2008.

In most third parties someone with Goode's extensive public service in elected office would be a plus, but in the Constitution Party it could prove to be fatal particularly since Goode's voting record included supporting some neoconservative issues such as the Patriot Act and Bush administration military initiatives. However at the convention Goode was nominated over 2008 VP nominee Darrell Lane Castle. It seemed to be an indicator the Party was starting to mature as they were willing to embrace a true professional politician and all the real-life compromises that entails.

In a game of political musical chairs, Constitution Party 2004 VP and 2008 Presidential nominee Chuck Baldwin had rejoined the Republican Party about the same time Goode was leaving it.

Goode selected Jim Clymer, who was the outgoing national Party chair, as his running-mate.

Among other things Goode advocated the use of troops and walls to halt Mexican illegal immigrants from crossing the border, eliminating Obamacare, pulling the US military out of Afghanistan, ending free trade agreements, and replacing income and estate tax with sales tax.

But the press didn't really cover Goode's platform as much as they speculated how much his campaign was going to hurt Republican Mitt Romney. And for sure it seemed Goode spent more energy attacking Romney than Obama. News coverage of the Constitution Party's struggle for ballot access in the face of active Republican opposition (e.g. Pennsylvania) also overshadowed their message.

Nationally the Goode/Clymer ticket finished in 5th place and they did not end up playing the role of spoiler in any state that I can ascertain. On the ballot in 26 states and write-ins in 14 more, their strongest percentages were in South Dakota 0.65%, Wyoming 0.58%, North Dakota 0.37%, Idaho and Michigan and Virginia 0.34% each, Nevada 0.32%, Missouri 0.29%, Utah and Washington 0.28% each, Colorado and Tennessee 0.24% each.

Election history:
1992 - Pennsylvania Auditor General (Libertarian Party) - defeated
1994 - Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania (Constitution Party) - defeated
1998 - Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania (Constitution Party) - defeated
2000 - Pennsylvania Attorney General (Constitution Party) - defeated
2003 - Lancaster County Board of Commissioners (Penn.) (Constitution Party) - defeated
2004 - US Senate (Penn.) (Constitution Party) - defeated
<2013/14 - 2020> - Manor New East Precinct, Manor Township, Penn. Judge of Elections (Constitution Party)

Other occupations: attorney, Chair of the Constitution Party

Clymer is one of the few Constitution Party members  to win an elected office.
Goode endorsed Donald Trump in the 2016 election

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Charles Obadiah Baldwin

Charles Obadiah Baldwin, May 3, 1952 (La Porte, Ind.) -

VP candidate for Constitution Party (aka Independent aka Alaska Independence Party aka American Independent Party aka American Constitution Party aka Concerned Citizens Party aka US Taxpayers Party aka Nebraska Party aka Independent American Party) (2004)

Running mate with nominee: Michael Anthony Peroutka (b. 1952)
Popular vote: 141,751 (0.12%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

After three consecutive runs, Howard Phillips declined to campaign for President in the 2004 election as the standard bearer for the Constitution Party. The torch needed to be passed.

Controversial Judge Roy Moore in Alabama toyed with the idea of running for President as the Constitution Party nominee, and it would have been his for the taking. But he decided to remain with the Republican Party.

Maryland attorney Michael Peroutka was drafted for the job, and he modestly said he would accept but would be willing to step down in the event another candidate with star power wanted the nomination. In May 2004 Peroutka was chosen and in turn he selected Chuck Baldwin, an independent Baptist minister, protégé of Rev. Jerry Falwell, and radio host in Florida. "The day that I received the phone call from Michael Peroutka asking me to be his running mate was one of the most shocking days of my life," Baldwin said, "Never in my wildest imagination did I anticipate such a call. I did not seek this position. I never saw it coming."

Baldwin was a Democrat until ca1980, then an evangelical Christian Republican until 2004. He left the Republicans because he considered George W. Bush to be too liberal. He was also a rabid anti-Zionist, opposed neoconservatives and the "New World Order," and seemed to be in the 9/11 Truther camp to some degree. As Baldwin explained in July 2004, "... I could no longer in good conscience stay in the Republican Party. Therefore, earlier this year, I joined the Constitution Party. It is the only Party at the national level that stands for the fundamental principles upon which our nation was built. It is the only Party that truly shares my pro-life, pro-liberty, and pro-constitution convictions."

Here are some samples from Baldwin's 2004 entries in his Food for Thought column which also I think reflects the thinking within the Constitution Party at that time. You'll notice he is much harder on the situational ethics of Republicans and evangelicals than he is on the Democrats:

--It seems to me that, in the end, both parties are marching to the same drummer with only a slightly different cadence. The major difference seems to be that of control not course. Indeed, both parties seem headed in the same direction.

--Both Democrats and Republicans want the president to have fast track trade authority. Leaders from both parties support NAFTA, GATT, the WTO, NATO, the World Bank, the IMF, MFN for Communist China, etc. President Bush is currently pushing the New World Order envelope even further by promoting the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA).

--If President Bush is reelected in November, it is almost certain that he would re-institute the military draft and would even become the first President in U.S. history to draft America's daughters. In addition, Mr. Bush would, in all likelihood, appoint pro-abortion justices to the U.S. Supreme Court and would continue his unconstitutional, imperialistic propensities to unilaterally invade foreign countries without a declaration of war from Congress.

--While we are on the subject of judges, it did not help Chief Justice Roy Moore of Alabama one bit that there was a Republican governor in Alabama, that there was a Republican Attorney General in Alabama, or that there was a Republican President in the White House. But I can assure you that a Peroutka / Baldwin victory in 2004 would change all of that! In fact, my first recommendation to Michael would be that Roy Moore be his first appointment to the United States Supreme Court.

--President Bush has done as much or more to advance the homosexual agenda as did his predecessor, Bill Clinton. He has appointed many open homosexuals to high public office, as I am sure most all of you know.

Homosexuality by its very definition is fornication. Accordingly, in our military, in our law enforcement agencies, and in other high positions of trust, thorough background investigations are required as to the moral character and integrity of the applicant. I dare say that Bush's promotion of homosexuals to high public office not only violates the laws of decency and integrity, it also violates the laws of these United States of America.

Furthermore, Bush has not reversed Clinton's "Don't Ask ­ Don't Tell" policy allowing sodomites to serve in our armed forces. In fact, come to think about it, I can't recall a single executive order that Bill Clinton made that Bush has overturned. However, he did make a point to reverse Ronald Reagan's policy to take America out of UNESCO and put us right back in. The truth is, both President Bush and John Kerry support civil unions for sodomites. My dear friends, regardless of rhetoric to the contrary, that is not a pro-family position.

--If an American President was truly pro-family, he would never give favored treatment to homosexuals. He would, furthermore, uphold the constitutional provision that requires the President to ensure that every state has a republican form of government. This means he would never submit to tyrannical, activist judges who would attempt to redefine the family.

If an American President truly believed his oath of office, he would never promote the passage of unconstitutional, Orwellian acts such as the egregiously misnamed USA Patriot Act, which has done more to eviscerate the Bill of Rights, especially the Fourth Amendment, than anything that I can ever recall in my lifetime.

If an American President truly believed his oath to the Constitution, he would never invade another country without a formal declaration of war by Congress. The truth is, neither George Bush nor John Kerry has any intention of upholding his oath to the constitution, but you can be sure Michael Peroutka will!

--The blind loyalty of conservatives to President Bush defies logic, reason, Christian principle, and even old fashioned common sense. Conservatives, especially Christian conservatives, have become the largest group of naïve, nonsensical, non-thinking, easily duped people on the planet! It's embarrassing!

--The feminist movement of the past half-century has certainly contributed to the problem of poor male leadership. Yet, the truth is, if men were the leaders they should have been, the feminist movement would never have gotten off the ground. The feminist movement was really not a cause, it was an effect.

This lack of masculine leadership is easily seen in modern politics, but that, again, is but a reflection of the true problem. The real problem is men are not the leaders of their homes or of their churches. It is a sad reality that in America today, women are the heads of most families and most churches.

--The willingness of our political and judicial leaders to embrace homosexuality reveals their rejection of God's moral law and authority. It is no coincidence that within a matter of weeks after the White House and federal courts collaborated to remove the Ten Commandments from the Alabama Judicial Building in Montgomery that the entire nation would be embroiled in a fever pitch effort to legalize same sex marriage. God will not be mocked. When one sows to the wind, he reaps a whirlwind.

By accepting homosexuality, America is now fueling the flames of debauchery. When homosexuality is finally and fully accepted by American law, pedophilia and other more onerous behavior will not be far behind. As such, America is on the verge of a self-induced implosion.

--I charge G. W. Bush with posturing himself as a conservative while giving us bigger government than did even Bill Clinton. I charge him with creating the machinery with which a police state may emerge. Furthermore, I charge President Bush with attempting to take more freedoms away from the American people than any president in modern memory.

I also believe that Mr. Bush has redundantly violated his oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and that he has given nothing but lip service to the pro-life and pro-family agendas. It is also my contention that President Bush has jeopardized the security of these United States and has made a mockery of our nation's laws by his treacherous illegal alien amnesty proposal. He also lied to the American people by saying he supported the Second Amendment only later to endorse the Clinton gun ban.

Even worse, I charge Christian conservatives with willingly surrendering their independent thinking as well as their American heritage in order to accommodate President Bush and the Republican Party. I further charge them with selling their spiritual birthright for a mess of political pottage!

With no real competition in the form of a marquee candidate like Ross Perot, Ron Paul or Pat Buchanan, the Peroutka/Baldwin ticket had the Right wing purists pretty much all to themselves, which might explain why they were one of the very few third parties to see an improvement in their percentages when compared to the 2000 election. They almost had some competition from a party splintered off the Reform Party in 2002 by Buchananites called the America First Party, but it imploded after a short time due to a fiasco involving the invitation and then disinvitation of Bo Gritz to speak at their convention. In 2004 the barely existent AFP endorsed Peroutka. Apparently the AFP is still around today.

The ticket was also endorsed by the white nationalist League of the South (designated as a hate group by the SPLC), the Georgia chapter of the Southern Party, and radio tabloid conspiracy host Alex Jones. They almost snagged Pat Buchanan's nod, but he eventually endorsed Bush and returned to the Republicans after leaving the Reform Party.

On the ballot in three dozen states and write-ins in several more, the Peroutka/Baldwin ticket had their highest percentages in Utah 0.74%, Alaska 0.67%, Idaho 0.52%, Montana 0.39%, South Carolina 0.33%, Virginia 0.32%, Oregon 0.29%, South Dakota 0.28%, Louisiana 0.27%, and Wyoming 0.26%. With the exception of Oregon, these were all states where George W. Bush won with a comfortable margin. Baldwin was not on the ballot in Kansas, the stand-in running-mate in that state (what a strange phrase) was James N. Clymer.

I will continue the Chuck Baldwin story when the 2008 and 2012 elections are covered.

Election history:
2008 - US President (Constitution Party) - defeated
2012 - Lt. Governor of Montana (Republican) - primary - withdrew
2012 - US President (Reform Party of Kansas) - defeated

Other occupations: pastor, radio show host, columnist, editor, state chairman of the Florida Moral Majority

Baldwin briefly rejoined the Republican Party 2011-2015 and is now associated with the Independent American Party.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Harold Henry Dschaak

Harold Henry Dschaak, August 30, 1957 (Sidney, Mont.) -

VP candidate for Providential Party (aka New Awakening Party) (2004)

Running mate with nominee: Sterling David Allan (b. 1963)
Popular vote: ? (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Utah-based Sterling Allan appeared to have been scrambling to find a political and religious home through the 1990s up to 2004. Excommunicated by the LDS church in 1993, he developed his own theology/political philosophy. This included the Church of the Firstborn, Patriot Saints for the Kingdom of God on Earth,  Greater Things (Modern Parables for the Lord's People), Remnant Saints Inter-Continental Congress, and the Remnant Saints International Patriot Alliance.

In the 1990s he had run for state legislative office under the American Party ballot. But shortly after the turn of the century he decided to run for higher office. According to his own website his decision involved a complicated numerological system combined with the Bible--

Sterling D. Allan for U.S. President 2004 Foretold in Alphabetics Bible Code

Code predicts landmark 2004 race and possible surprise win.  Campaign to give U.S. citizens a choice of averting the path to destruction upon which they are currently set.

Overview of stance, purpose, and vision.

A revolutionary document of dire warning as well as a prophecy of hope.

        "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
        -- 2 Chronicles 7:14


by Sterling D. Allan
Sept. 27- 30, 2003


Around Sept. 22, out of the blue the idea came to me to run for President of the United States.  As far as the mainstream press is concerned, President Bush is running unopposed in the Republican Primary.  It seemed wrong to me that he should go uncontested, and if no one else was going to stand up to him, I would.  I agree with most of the Republican platform, to which the party gives but lip service, while their actions bespeak more of a move toward a cradle-to-grave socialist state.

I toyed with this idea for a couple of days, passing it by a few close associates.  After realizing that there are nearly a dozen other candidates in the Republican Party, who are virtually ignored by the press, I quickly came to the conclusion that I would have the same response from the media, and that my time would be best spent in other endeavors.  Another candidate [Derrick Christopher Johnson], who cites Ron Paul as on of two heroes of his in Congress, seemed quite close to me ideologically, so the idea of "making a statement", and "giving the people an alternative," was already covered.

Furthermore, as I reviewed the mainline candidates and qualifications of the typical successful candidate, and the political background and business experience usually found, the whole idea seemed ridiculous in the extreme.  Who would ever take me seriously?  I decided to stand down on the idea, though not abandon it for a later date when I have more experience and maturity.

However, in the next few days, I received a series of promptings that nudged me toward the idea that a run in 2004 was warranted after all; and not just warranted but mandated and foreordained as potentially one of the most pivotal turning points in the country's history.

He then goes on at great length to explain the Alphabetics Bible Code and how it predicts a President Sterling Allan elected in 2004.

Around 2002 he attempted to create a Draft Ron Paul for President in 2004 group. When the idea failed to launch he then started his own effort as a candidate for the Libertarian Party Presidential nomination, but that quest quickly shifted to the Constitution Party, and just as rapidly morphed into creating his own party. Originally called the New Awakening Party he finally settled on the Providential Party as a name.

An industrious contributor of multiple websites on Internet, Mr. Allan was not a practitioner of brevity. The Providential Party platform was quite lengthy. Generally promoting hardcore conservative views, it included:

We believe that the foundation of freedom is virtue, and that the ideal society based on freedom cannot exist unless its citizens are upright before God. Not only is it permissible for government and government officials to acknowledge divine providence, but it is crucial, if freedom is to be preserved. Furthermore, we believe that God will and does reveal his wisdom to man, and that seeking after such wisdom should be the objective of any one serving in any capacity, including government. To the extent that government officials are directed by God will be the extent that their policy will come into harmony with ideal principles of governance for the blessing and elevation of all mankind.

To avoid the possibility or question of fraud that come with mechanical or electronic voting devices, ballots should be counted manually in the local precincts according to standards that ensure accuracy and integrity. The electoral college should be who select the President of a nation and leader of the free world, so that the rural populations may be adequately represented rather than the urban centers of high population alone dictating the outcome. Government should not subsidize any candidates, nor dictate how any party operates, but shall only punish crime and fraud.

We believe that gambling is addicting and predatory upon the mathematically challenged, and that government should in no way sponsor this soft crime.

While men are generally uniquely suited to combat situations, we recognize that some women are bestowed with special gifts, abilities, and desires to serve in this capacity. Their assignments should not place them in situations with their male colleagues which invite temptation to transgress moral principles.

We believe that all life on this planet is sacred and should be approached with reverence, and that we will be held accountable before God for how we treat living things. We believe that pre-born children should be granted the same protections under the law as other human beings.

We recognize as the fundamental unit of society the traditional family with one man and one woman willfully united in a marriage covenant. So long as another individual's agency is not impaired or violated, government shall not play a role in punishing deviations from this standard. However, government officials have a right as citizens to admonish and reprove regarding immorality.

Government should play no role in retirement. This is to be handled solely by the private sector as a hallmark point of freedom -- respecting individual responsibility and and expecting but not mandating neighborly kindness.

Government has no role in health care except when criminal activity needs to be brought to justice. Regulation should be through private, optional certifications. In a free society, citizens take due responsibility for their own health, emphasizing prevention, and natural remedies, rather than blindly entrusting themselves to medical staff. The meeting of medical expenses should be taken care of privately, such as through family, coops, businesses, insurance and charitable organizations. Medical institutions freed from endless litigation, because patience take responsibility for their own health, would be more apt to use the windfall to reduce the cost of care and to pass any surplus on to patients less able to cover the cost of their care.

All teaching is related to basic assumptions about God and man. Education as a whole, therefore, cannot be separated from religious faith. We believe that parents have the primary right and responsibility to educate their children, and should be protected in their right to choose how their children are educated, be it private, professional, or home education. While society should encourage quality education for everyone, education should not be compulsory, and should be under the direction of private, local entities, not government. Religious instruction is allowed and even encouraged in schools so long as freedom of belief is upheld.

In Jan. 2004 Allan had created a long press release that touched on the topic of Area 51 and included:

He not only believes that the government is withholding information about the extent of its knowledge, but also that the government of the United States and other nations have actually formed compacts with certain extraterrestrial visitors, including such terms as trading of technology for rights to minerals as well as abductions for research or needed genetic material.

"They [the U.S. leadership] are behaving like dictators in this regard, acting outside of the knowledge and wishes of those who elected them," says Allan.

The Constitution calls for treaties to be made with the consent of Congress, and for such records to be a matter of public disclosure.

"They are not only violating basic human rights by granting such terms to these extraterrestrials, but they are acting contrary to the Constitution that they are sworn to uphold."

"We are not a bunch of imbeciles or sheep who cannot think or handle heavy matters. It is time for the United States government to come clean, admit to its violation of the Constitution in this regard, as well as its errors in allowing unethical practices to take place."


Not only does Allan look at extraterrestrial visits here as an obvious fact, but he says, "it is conceivable that within five to ten years we could have commercial flights to the moon that take ten minutes. A trip to Mars would take a day or so."

Allan is also in favor of forming a world government "but not based on socialism, which tends to be the thrust of the U.N., but one based on principles of freedom, with checks and balances on power."

It is this body that he believes should be given power by virtue of representative government, to form treaties with extraterrestrial beings.

In December of 2001, Allan founded a world body ( to begin forging the documents that would comprise the constitution of a world government based on principles of freedom. He used the declaration of principles of that organization as his platform for his present run for the U.S. presidency.

Allan also is supportive of a quest for colonization of the moon and of Mars, "once technologies are in place for economical travel to and from." His reasons are not just to satisfy mankind's quest for a new frontier, but have thoughts of survival contingencies as well.

"The earth's geological record shows that the earth's poles have shifted many times. The recent mega cycle that the sun is exhibiting, as well as the recent activity of the Yellowstone super volcano, among other mega earth changes, bespeak the likelihood of a major calamity awaiting our planet. Biblical and other holy writings point to a time of great upheaval on earth."

Allan thinks that colonization's on the moon and on Mars "could help preserve mankind through these massive cleansings."

"However," he is quick to add, "individual uprightness before God should never be overlooked as the most important protection for spiritual survival."

In Feb. 2004, Allan wrote about the selection of his running-mate, (PNW trivia alert!!!) Harry Dschaak (pronounced Dee-shock) of Idaho:

I met Harry a couple of weeks ago when he phoned me, wanting to stop by and talk about a matter of high importance to him -- a subject [UFOs] that he felt was crucial in helping to enable the survival of our planet and species.  He happened to be driving a semi truck full of hay to my town from up in Idaho near where he lives.

I later learned that he actually accepted this particular hauling job when he learned the destination was Ephraim, Utah, where I live; seeing it as an opportune way to get down to visit with me.

He had found out about me because of a page he came across on my website.

Recently, Harry has learned to use the Internet, and has been getting a whirlwind education about what is happening behind the scenes in the shadow government of this and other countries.  Rather than stand by and watch things happen, he wants to stand up and make a difference in averting the destructions to which our world is headed at present.

The Allan/Dschaak ticket didn't really campaign in any traditional sense, owing partly to the immense amount of cash needed in order to electioneer. But according to one of their press releases, they did engage in a bit of political activity--

Congressional Hearing Requested for Area 51 Microbiologist
Senator Hatch, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman, has been approached about giving Dr. Dan Burisch a hearing regarding designer viruses, extraterrestrial interaction and treaties.

WASHINGTON, DC (PRWEB) April 21, 2004

Dan Burisch, a Ph.D. microbiologist presently in lock-down in Area 51 related black ops, who has expressed willingness to testify publicly, is one step closer to getting immunity and the Congressional hearing he seeks. Harry Dschaak and Sterling Allan, who met with Dr. Burisch on April 5 via an insider-invited breach of his lock-down status, traveled by car across the country to Washington D.C. and presented his case to several members of Congress two weeks later on April 19, 2004.

According to an earlier report about his readiness to disclose upon receiving immunity, Dr. Burisch has said he will answer all questions put to him if subpoenaed to do so.

Dschaak (pronounced DeeShock) and Allan focused their efforts on the office of Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah because of his position as Chairman of the Judiciary Committee. They also visited with the staff of other Senate members from Idaho, Utah, and Nevada, where Dschaak, Allan, and Dr. Burisch reside, respectively.

A Hatch staff member who met with Dschaak and Allan to be briefed on the matter, said this case would likely fall under the Select Committee on Security. Notwithstanding a full schedule, Senator Hatch did offer the courtesy of a quick stop in the conference room where the briefing took place.

The staff member informed Dschaak and Allan that there are thousands of cases vying to be brought into a Congressional hearing.

Allan said that this issue regarding Dr. Burisch is being watched by thousands worldwide and that he would be glad to commence a petition effort if that could help demonstrate the mandate that is behind this matter. Allan'’s petition basically offers people an opportunity to voice their support of subpoenaing Dr. Burisch’ for a Congressional hearing or other appropriate deposition.

The Burisch deposition would include producing evidence of deadly virus design, with a signature genetic sequence included that could unobtrusively prove the laboratory origin of the virus. These organisms are similar to HIV and SARS, which researchers such as Len Horowitz, M.D., have documented as having man-made, laboratory origins.

The testimony would also include a report of approximate one year period of time in which he was assigned to work on a living extraterrestrial being who offered himself as part of an agreed-upon exchange at S4 of Area 51 north of Las Vegas, NV.

He can also testify of human subjects he heard who were/are being held at S4 and being treated as laboratory animals against their will.

He also claims to have first-hand experience with working stargates. What form the evidence for such would take is yet to be determined.

Dr. Burisch also claims to be privy to work being done to capture the genetic components of an extraterrestrial disease and insert that into microbial vectors that can target human beings, which Dschaak compares to creating a Cholora-like epidemic of a deadly disease for which there is no previous immunity developed.

Perhaps the most crucial part of his testimony would regard his knowledge of a purported tau-IX treaty that exists between certain Extraterrestrial groups and a group of powerful, international, racist, elitist humans. This cabal has allegedly been using their tight control of Extraterrestrial information over the past half a century as a means of exerting extant control over affairs on earth, from government, to energy, to technology, and healing. Meanwhile, they mainly withhold these technological advances from the lay populous while personally benefiting from these things themselves. The treaty also purportedly provides allowances for transitive human abductions.

A professional investigative reporter, Linda Moulten Howe, in reporting on April 19 on the Dan Burisch situation among other secret ops relating to extraterrestrials, gave evidence that the secrecy was first put in place by President Harry Truman. This arose out of what could be considered to be benign intentions of shielding the lay public from what to him was a shocking situation in order to avoid mass hysteria and panic. From that time, the official stance of the U.S. government was to deny any involvement with or knowledge of Extraterrestrial beings. She argues that while some information may yet merit secrecy for purposes of national security because of its military implications, that world should at least be brought into knowledge of the general case of extraterrestrial interaction with earth.

Another researcher who has been reporting recently about Dr. Burisch, and received a dialogue communication as recently as April 16, is Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. He purports that there are many alien races that have visited or who now are occupants upon the earth. He wanted to know from Dr. Burisch if he had interaction with more than one species. Dr. Burisch reported that he had only interacted with one race, which was a type of a Gray called a J-rod; and believed there were three in all: two males and one female, the latter of which was allowed to return from whence she came. The males expired.

A research group, headed by Robert Wood, Ph.D., who is involved in proving the authenticity of some original MJ-12 (extraterrestrial-secret controllers) documents are presently now focusing on a recently recovered (was shredded) document that alleges to be communications between a present major world leader and Dr. Dan Burisch.

Though Dr. Burisch is now in even more stringent lock-down, with tight security around him, he has superiors on the inside who are in favor of disclosure. Back-door communications are still taking place. Allan predicts that the handlers will facilitate access to Dr. Burisch at such time as a subpoena may be produced for him to testify before Congress or other appropriate bodies.

According to Stephen Greer, M.D., head of the Disclosure Project, the case for secrecy is beginning to melt, as thousands of material witnesses are beginning to step forward. These include individuals from within the U.S. government including the military, CIA, FBI. Greer sees the Burisch case as a likely poster child case for the many scientists and operatives who have been involved in various facets of this "“kleptocracy," as he calls it. Greer asserts that this elitist clique does not want disclosure because the spin-off technologies that will be made available to the world will result in their loss of control because of the level of empowerment it will afford the lay citizen. "Each home could have its own power generation system that taps into the sea of energy that surrounds us. The problem of world hunger could be solved within ten years."

Underlying all these researchers is a volunteer team of amateur researchers who have been following the Burisch story and who have been receiving a significant volume of insider-leaked covert communications with the intent of disclosure. Their forum, has recently become subject to junk message attacks to overwhelm legitimate messages.

Dschaak believes that the reason Dr. Burisch is being protected from being mortally terminated, despite his past disclosures and his intended future disclosures, which usually result in an untimely death sentence of the person making such sensitive disclosures, is because he is in process of developing technologies for those on the inside, which he alone is capable of furthering at this time. Dr. Burisch wants to make sure that these technologies are made available for peaceful purposes, and not for the furtherance of oppression.

Allan speculates that if they have their way, the elitists on the inside, who are working with a darker agenda-holding faction of extraterrestrial, would inoculate themselves with this particle of life and then eradicate billions of non-immune humans using the super disease.

The thrust of Dr. Burisch'’s present project, the Lotus Project, involves a "“Ganesh ParticleÂ" that holds promise for being able to efficiently heal damaged cells and tissue --– a "“fountain of youth"” kind of technology. According to Dschaak, "“Dr. Burisch has said that he has until March 15, 2005 to present a written paper fully describing this technology to those who are his handlers, who in turn begrudgingly answer to a shadowy elitist group, who allegedly have ties to a less benevolent faction of Extraterrestrial beings." Dr. Burisch's handlers are former members of the Committee of the Majority, who Dan refers to as Maji.

Allan and Dschaak reported to Senator Hatch's staff member that the window of time for calling a Congressional hearing for Dr. Burisch is therefore short. Many who have followed the secrecy behind the extraterrestrial question for the past half century posit that time is drawing near a critical point of no return if disclosure does not take place. Greer compares this to the "“D-1" stage of take-off for an airplane. "“You reach a point in which you either take off, or you crash off the end of the runway."

Dr. Burisch has already disclosed volumes of information. Video interviews with him are available, such as a 68-minute interview he did with Bill Hamilton on Sept. 18, 2002. Another, more professional video interview with Dr. Burisch by a former Fox news cameraman is in process of being released.

But there is some information that Dr. Burisch does not wish to disclose until he receives immunity. While he believes he can explain how in his mind he was justified in participating in these projects, he thinks that others might be quick to point an accusing finger, possibly wanting to charge him with war crimes. Until he can be protected from such charges, he does not wish to disclose certain of the facts he has at his disposal. Furthermore, he also does not wish to trample the oaths he is under; and a subpoena would provide him legal grounds to speak freely--– which he has repeatedly stated to be his desire.

He is not worried about death. Dschaak observes that Dr. Burisch faced the likelihood of an untimely death a long time ago and has made peace with his maker.

We already have a wealth of information from the testimonies that have been given by Dr. Burisch. He apparently wants to be able to get these other things out in the open as well.



Much of the information contained in this press release was obtained at the X-Conference held at Washington, D.C. April 17-18, 2004, organized by Stephen Bassett.

Allan did not gain access to any ballots, nor did he register or become a certified write-in in any state. So the votes the ticket did receive were lumped in the "scattered" or "other" category.

Someone identifying himself as Phil Smith, a West Virginian serving as Chairman of the Committee to Elect Sterling D. Allan for United States President, contributed a comment to Dschaak's blog describing the campaign Oct. 25, 2004:

Our Presidential candidate, for his part, has been keeping very busy with Pure Energy Systems (, spending his time working to bring alternative energy sources to the public instead of campaigning -- and that's fine with me. If only other candidates would concentrate their efforts on making this a better world to live in, instead of participating in a popularity contest, people like Sterling and Harry wouldn't feel the need to throw their hats into the ring.

Shortly after the election, Dschaak made this observation on his blog:

Well, according to the vote count, nothing happened. So is it safe to say that Sterling's detailed and indepth interpretaion of the Alphabetics Bible Code was off the mark? (scratching head). After looking at these three paste-ups carefully, I think the coded message that Sterling discovered and translated was something else. The Ancients were actually trying to get Sterling to run for President of the United (remnant) Saints of America and not the United "States" of America. (an honest mistake) That would only make sense as he IS their founder and one of their group leaders here in these Latter-Days.

Being a Vice Presidential candidate this past several months was alot of fun, as was voting for myself.

In 2016 Sterling Allen was sent to prison in Utah on a sentence of 15 years to life on multiple counts of child sex abuse.

Election history: none

Other occupations: farmer, dairy business, truck driver

Voted for Bush in 2000 and later expressed regret over it.

Friday, July 17, 2020

James Curtis Frazier II

James Curtis Frazier II, December 11, 1955 (Tulsa, Okla.) - 

VP candidate for Constitution Party (aka Independent aka American Independent Party aka Concerned Citzens Party aka Independent American Party aka American Constitution Party aka US Taxpayers Party aka Conservative Party) (2000)

Running mate with nominee: Howard Jay Phillips (1941-2013)
Popular vote: 97,104 (0.09%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

At their convention in Sept. 1999 the US Taxpayers Party changed their name to the Constitution Party (an alternative name that lost the vote was "American Heritage Party") and for the third time nominated Howard Phillips for President. His running-mate was Joe Sobran. US Sen. Bob Smith of New Hampshire had previously sought the US Taxpayers Party nomination for President after failing to gain much traction in the national Republican primaries. But shortly before the USTP convention he declared himself an independent candidate for President. That campaign came to an end quickly and he rejoined the Republican Party, endorsing Bush.

Phillips' chief opponent in securing the nomination was none other than his own 1996 running-mate, Herb Titus. Titus said that if he got the nod he would select (Washington State trivia alert!!!) Ellen Craswell as his VP. More on that later.

The Party platform included: anti-choice on abortion, opposed euthanasia, wanted to abolish the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Reserve, privatize Social Security, restrict legal immigration, promote states' rights, end US involvement in the United Nations-NATO-and World Bank, cutting the federal budget by 75%, eliminating Affirmative Action, and it declared a "full submission and unshakable faith" in Jesus Christ.

VP nominee Sobran was not without controversy. In 1993 he was fired from his position with the National Review by his mentor William F. Buckley with the chief charge being an anti-Semite but with assorted other unpleasantries tossed in. Although denials were made, shortly after the 2000 election Sobran was among the speakers at a Holocaust-denial group, making his earlier protestations somewhat disingenuous.

Sobran took a leave of absence from his newspaper column in order to run. In his Sept. 9, 1999 piece he quipped, "With a little luck I will be inaugurated as your vice president in January 2001. I look forward to presiding over the Senate and attending funerals of world leaders."

Sobran was back in the columns within six months. In early March he wrote: In life we sometimes do have to choose the lesser evil rather than the positive good. This is the basis of armed robbery. Forced to choose between your money and your life, you give the mugger your wallet. But though you walk away with relief that your life was spared, you'd be a fool to feel it was a profitable transaction for you. For conservatives who vote Republican, every election is like that.

By the end of March, Sobran had concluded running for office was more work than he bargained for and withdrew from the race. Sobran was eventually replaced by Dr. J. Curtis Frazier of Missouri.

In May 2000 Phillips indicated he would be willing to step aside as the Presidential nominee in favor of Alan Keyes if the latter wanted it. Keyes, an extremely Right-wing Christian, was making a remarkably resilient campaign in 2000 in the Republican Presidential primaries. But, the switch in standard bearers never took place for the Constitution Party.

In June 2000 there was another twist to the Constitution Party campaign. A group within their ranks felt the platform and leaders were not pushing the Christian angle enough and so they split and formed the Christian Liberty Party. They had their start by using the already existing American Heritage Party (the same name that had been rejected earlier by the former US Taxpayers Party now known as the Constitution Party) as a foundation.

The American Heritage Party, now called the Christian Liberty Party, spelled out their Christian nationalist origins on their website:

Establishing a National Party: Building an Ark

The vision for a national Christian Liberty Party was birthed in Washington State in the Spring of 2000 when the original Washington state American Heritage Party recognized the need for a unified national and distinctively Christian party. This would be a party unlike any other in American history, free from entanglement with secular politics-as-usual and defensive-minded conservatism. No stone was left unturned in searching for a genuine Christian alternative and the philosophy, method and approach a Christian party must take to avoid the pitfalls of secular politics.

The Washington state party envisioned a national political party with the following distinctives:

    It would develop a comprehensive, unified national vision.
    It would acknowledge the Bible as a blueprint for political action.
    It would identify Biblical principles undergirding the party platform and program.
    It would hold members accountable to their subscription and leaders to the party vision and principles.
    It would develop character, leadership and scholarship qualifications for candidates and party leaders.
    It would charter local Voter Clubs to inspire, educate and mobilize members for the work of renewal in our nation.

Now for a slight detour. Remember the earlier mention of Ellen Craswell? She had been a Republican State Legislator here in Washington and in 1996 ran for Governor in that party against Democratic King County Executive Gary Locke without any pretense of being anything other than what she was-- a member of the evangelical Right wing. She was crushed in the general election.

In 1998 Craswell's husband Bruce ran for US Congress in Washington's 1st District as a member of the American Heritage Party against Republican incumbent Rick White. Bruce Craswell's impressive 6.1% of the popular vote result was enough to derail White's re-election, handing the victory to the Democrat who is now our current Governor-- Jay Inslee.

End of detour, back to the main topic--

J. Curtis Frazier, who had run for the US Senate in Missouri two years prior under the US Taxpayers Party banner, was selected as a stand-in VP nominee after Sobran bailed. In early Sept. 2000 he was chosen as the official running-mate.

With Frazier quotes like this, it is difficult to understand why a Christian splinter group left the Constitution Party: "All life, liberty and property are protected because the Constitution is rooted in Biblical law ... There is no question whether abortion is legal or not. Abortion is illegal under Biblical law."

2000 was one of the poorer results for the Constitution Party, probably due to Patrick Buchanan's presence in the race. I count the Phillips/Frazier ticket in 40 states plus five registered write-in jurisdictions. Their strongest percentages reveal a national rather than regional appeal: Connecticut 0.66%, South Dakota 0.56%, Utah 0.35%, Mississippi-Wyoming 0.33% each, Louisiana 0.31%, Idaho-Pennsylvania 0.29% each, Montana 0.28%, Alaska 0.21%, California 0.16%, Arkansas 0.15%, Oregon 0.14%, Minnesota-North Dakota 0.13% each, Kansas-South Carolina 0.12% each, Nevada 0.10%.

Election history:
1998 - US Senate (Mo.) (US Taxpayers Party) - defeated

Other occupations: physician, Missouri State Constitution Party Chairman, editor of "These Truths" newsletter, member of Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, member of Gun Owners of America, member of The Conservative Caucus, member of Separation of School and State Alliance.

In the 1996 election for Washington State Governor I wrote-in my father's name.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Michael Joseph Sobran Jr.

Michael Joseph Sobran Jr., February 23, 1946 (Ypsilanti, Mich.) – September 30, 2010 (Fairfax, Va.)

VP candidate for Constitution Party (2000)

Running mate with nominee: Howard Jay Phillips (1941-2013)
Popular vote: 923 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Although withdrawn VP nominees normally are not included in this blog, Joe Sobran of the Constitution Party somehow still managed to be on the official ballot in one state for the 2000 election and gained some popular votes, so he is counted as among the third party Vice-Presidential candidates as far as my definition goes.

At their convention in Sept. 1999 the US Taxpayers Party changed their name to the Constitution Party (an alternative name that lost the vote was "American Heritage Party") and for the third time nominated Howard Phillips for President. His running-mate was Joe Sobran. US Sen. Bob Smith of New Hampshire had previously sought the US Taxpayers Party nomination for President after failing to gain much traction in the national Republican primaries. But shortly before the USTP convention he declared himself an independent candidate for President. That campaign came to an end quickly and he rejoined the Republican Party, endorsing Bush.

Phillips' chief opponent in securing the nomination was none other than his own 1996 running-mate, Herb Titus. Titus said that if he got the nod he would select (Washington State trivia alert!!!) Ellen Craswell as his VP.

The Party platform included: anti-choice on abortion, opposed euthanasia, wanted to abolish the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Reserve, privatize Social Security, restrict legal immigration, promote states' rights, end US involvement in the United Nations-NATO-IMF-NAFTA and World Bank, cutting the federal budget by 75%, eliminating Affirmative Action, and it declared a "full submission and unshakable faith" in Jesus Christ.

VP nominee Sobran was not without controversy. In 1993 he was fired from his position with the National Review by his mentor William F. Buckley with the chief charge being an anti-Semite but with assorted other unpleasantries tossed in. Although denials were made, shortly after the 2000 election Sobran was among the speakers at a Holocaust-denial group, making his earlier protestations somewhat disingenuous.

Sobran took a leave of absence from his newspaper column in order to run. In his Sept. 9, 1999 piece he quipped, "With a little luck I will be inaugurated as your vice president in January 2001. I look forward to presiding over the Senate and attending funerals of world leaders."

Sobran was back in the columns within six months. In early March he wrote: In life we sometimes do have to choose the lesser evil rather than the positive good. This is the basis of armed robbery. Forced to choose between your money and your life, you give the mugger your wallet. But though you walk away with relief that your life was spared, you'd be a fool to feel it was a profitable transaction for you. For conservatives who vote Republican, every election is like that.

By the end of March, Sobran had concluded running for office was more work than he bargained for and withdrew from the race. Sobran was eventually replaced by Dr. J. Curtis Frazier.

Yet, the Phillips/Sobran ticket remained on the ballot in Kentucky, where they placed 7th out of 7 with 0.06% of the popular vote in the Bluegrass State.

Election history: none

Other occupations: journalist, columnist, radio commentator

Buried: Andrew Chapel Cemetery (Fairfax, Va.)

Believer in the Oxfordian theory that Edward de Vere actually wrote the plays attributed to William

Friday, April 24, 2020

Cyril William Minett

Cyril William Minett, January 23, 1930 (Haywood County, NC) - September 29, 2006 (Texas?)

VP candidate for Populist Party (aka America First Party aka Independent aka Constitution Party) (1992)

Running mate with nominee: James Gordon "Bo" Gritz (b. 1939)
Popular vote: 107,014 (0.10%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Prior to running for President the flamboyant and always controversial James "Bo" Gritz (rhymes with "rights") was a soldier during the Vietnam War, followed by POW/MIA activist efforts, followed by embracing a long list of conspiracy theories. His life story could be a novel, except some would ask would it be like Elmer Gantry or instead like Heart of Darkness? At first he had alliances across the political spectrum especially after he exposed Reagan administration figures involved with drug trafficking and also after he later opposed the 1991 Gulf War, but as the Left learned more about his connections with the extreme Right, Christian nationalists, Holocaust deniers and his personal homophobic, anti-Semitic views, they backed away.

In 1988 Gritz had been the Populist Party VP nominee but dropped out. As he later told the story:

I was invited by the Populist Party in 1988 to share my POW experiences. I accepted the paid invitation to speak. Following my talk, I was told they planned to run James Traficant [D-Ohio] as their presidential candidate. I knew and respected Traficant. They asked me to be his running mate. After lunching with Traficant, I consented. My name was instantly accepted by the delegates. It wasn't until the next day that they rejected Traficant in favor of David Duke, whom I did not know.

I immediately informed the leadership of my withdrawal, but was urged to first meet with Duke. Photos were taken and we spoke briefly. I found Duke to be a brash, untraveled, overly opinionated, bigoted young man and resigned as a non-member candidate. Duke was furnished with another running mate who appeared on the voting ballot with him.

He began his 1992 run by attempting to gain multiple nominations. He ran in the Independent Voters primary in Massachusetts and his name was entered for nomination with the American Independent Party, the American Party in South Carolina, and the US Taxpayers Party. In each case the winner was Howard Phillips. In Minnesota Gritz was identified as the nominee of the Constitution Party, so perhaps he did manage to affiliate with another party in that state but information regarding that ballot line is difficult to find. Gritz was officially given the Populist Party nomination in May 1992. He said he was approached by the Party leaders much earlier and he accepted on the condition that he was the sole author of the platform.

The Populist Party platform included: eliminating the Federal Reserve, eliminating the IRS, balancing the federal budget, revoke the 17th amendment and have members of the US Senate elected once again by state legislatures rather than popular vote, end foreign aid, oppose the "The New World Order," workfare instead of welfare, stop illegal immigration, restore states' rights, stop all farm foreclosures, rescue the remaining POWs, cut the pay of all elected and appointed officials, diminish the power of the judicial branch, and recognize that America is a Christian nation. The campaign slogan was "God, Guns, Guts and Gritz."

Gritz's running-mate was Cyril "Cy" Minett, who served as a USAF fighter pilot in Vietnam and had been retired since 1974.

Minett predicted dire consequences if the Populists failed to win. "This is our last chance. If we don't get it done in 1992, very likely what's going to happen is that George Bush is going to declare a national emergency. They're going to suspend the Constitution, and then the fat is in the fire."

The running-mate believed, as did many in the Populist Party, that there was a conspiracy by the combined forces of the Trilateral Commission, Council of Foreign Relations, the media, and major corporations who were really operating the levers of power against the interests of the average working person.

According to one report, Minett "also believes there are 10 regional governments organized, with an appointed leader chosen and answerable only to the president, that are ready and waiting for their place in international power." If I am connecting the dots correctly, each "appointed leader" would possibly be an alien somehow associated with Hatonn. Now it gets interesting--

The writer Adam Parfrey, in an Apr. 8, 1993 piece for the San Diego Reader, related this story regarding Gritz and Minette:

On various weeks of the 1992 campaign, the Weekly World News supermarket tabloid showed candidates Clinton, Perot, and Bush shaking hands with a space alien. Bo Gritz may have been the only candidate to actually attempt to enact such an event. Apparently, his vice presidential candidate, Cyril Minett, had convinced Gritz in the midst of his campaign to fly to the Tehachapi Mountains north of Los Angeles to meet with Hatonn, the eight-and-a-half-foot reptile-like Commander from the Pleiades.

Recalls Gritz, "We got to this little storefront, and Cy says, 'Now, I just want to verify this. Hatonn himself is going to walk in and meet with us?' And a person said, 'Yes, he'll be here momentarily.' I had this vision in my mind of a person in a lizard suit walking across a parking lot, but momentarily [a woman who] calls herself Dharma sat down at the table and said very quickly without any fanfare, 'I am present.' And I thought, 'Shoot, we got a channeling thing going on here.' Cy said, 'Are you eight and a half feet?' She said, 'No, no, I'm actually nine and a half feet.' " 

So there you have it.

Gritz himself subscribed to numerous conspiracy theories, just to name a few: JFK's death was a coup involving very complicated connections -- Jonestown was a government project gone wrong -- FEMA has concentration camps -- The AIDS virus was invented in government labs -- The barcode is somehow connected with Satan -- We will all eventually have microchips embedded in our right hands -- Armageddon will come in 1996.

In August 1992 Gritz made national headlines when he successfully negotiated a peaceful settlement in the Ruby Ridge incident. A hero to some, Gritz became unpopular with others. He told Parfrey, "The Aryan Nation people were mad. They wanted Randall Weaver dead. They would have had their martyr. The media was mad. They wanted the Weavers up there in that little clapboard cabin as nothing but charred bones. That would have made a wonderful story. The truth is, a number of Weaver's neighbors were mad because they hated Weaver for whatever reason. A lot of people were mad because Weaver came out of there alive. And it just happened to be my misfortune that ... I got the Weaver family out alive with no more bloodshed."

Although Gritz was a natural in terms of gaining publicity, even some of his admirers were shocked at how naive he was politically. His expressing an open admiration for the criminal and unstable James Traficant serving as an example or choosing to address a small rally rather than appear on TV with Larry King where millions would hear his message. Being an outsider of the politico class does have a certain attraction for some voters, but demonstrating an inability to learn the game presents huge obstacles. Still, in spite of this handicap, the Populist Party Presidential ticket did surprisingly well even with Ross Perot sucking all the oxygen out the room for several other third parties.

The Gritz/Minett team placed 5th nationally with the most support coming from Mormon strongholds and the Far West. On the ballot in 18 states they finished 4th in seven of them: Utah (3.84%), Idaho (2.13%), Louisiana (1.04%), Montana (0.89%), Nevada (0.57%), Arizona (0.55%), Alaska (0.53%). They also were certified write-ins in about 17 other states, doing particularly well in that format in Wyoming (0.28%) and Oregon (0.10%)-- high percentages for write-ins.

Election history: none

Other occupations: US Air Force (1954-1974), editor of Aerospace Safety Magazine, flight instructor, emu rancher and exotic sheep raiser, author 

Buried: Ridgeview West Memorial Park (Frisco, Tex.)

Trivial Washington State trivia. When Kevin Harris was airlifted out of Ruby Ridge, he was taken to
 Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane, where I was born. Well, actually I was born in the old previous
Minett attempted to be granted a Sovereign Citizen type of status in a Texas court in 1994.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Maureen Kennedy Salaman

Maureen Kennedy Salaman, April 4, 1936 (Glendale, Calif.) – August 17, 2006 (Atherton, Calif.)

VP candidate for Populist Party (aka Independent aka American Independent Party aka Conservative Party aka American Populist Party aka Constitution Party) (1984)

Running mate with nominee: Robert E. Richards (b. 1926)
Popular vote: 65,328 (0.07%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

The far-Right anti-Establishment group Liberty Lobby had served as a haven for opponents of Communism and big government since the 1950s. It was also a safe place for anti-Semites, tax protesters, white supremacists, Holocaust deniers, the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, Posse Comitatus, John Birch Society members, Christian nationalists, and alternative medicine advocates who opposed "Big Pharma." In an attempt to soften the image and broaden their appeal they took a distinct small-l libertarian populist stance in the 1980s and formed the Populist Party.

This Populist Party had no relation to the party of the same name that existed nearly a century earlier, but their platforms did share a nationalist / anti-immigrant / pro-tariff policy with racist undertones. The newer version of the Populist Party also opposed the personal income tax and advocated the elimination of the Federal Reserve. The original Populist Party was aiming for the agricultural labor force where the modern Populist Party was trying to connect with an angry white lower middle class that felt abandoned by the major parties. And they denied they were racist or anti-Semitic in spite of the track record of many leading Party activists.

Their 1984 Presidential nominee was Bob Richards, a noted pole vaulter and decathlete in the Olympic Games 1948-1956 (and first athlete to appear on the front of a box of Wheaties), and VP nominee was Freedom of Health Choice activist Maureen Kennedy Salaman. Both were celebrities in their own professional territories but neither had run for political office before-- but they were photogenic like right out of a 1950s toothpaste ad, and knew how to work with the press.

Acting as an umbrella party for the extreme Right in many respects, the new Populist Party absorbed what was left of the American Independent Party and ran under that label in California and Rhode Island. In Kansas it was with the Conservative Party, in Wisconsin the Constitution Party.

It could be argued that by 1984 the Republican Party itself had co-opted a lot of the issues previously advocated by Christian nationalist political parties of the past, except in more subtle ways. One major difference from the Reagan administration and the Populist Party was the latter's antipathy toward large corporations and desire for the U.S. to stay out of foreign military conflicts.

Salaman's place on the ticket is interesting and challenges the notion that New Age-type beliefs are strictly in the realm of the Left (although in her case the same sort of modern metaphysical notions and disdain for professional expertise were adapted to fit into a Christian model). She was continuing to promote distrustful views against the medical establishment that were expressed earlier in the 1950s and early 1960s by the American Vegetarian Party, particularly with 1960 AVP running mate Christopher Gian-Cursio. Today we see this same subculture expression in the anti-vaccination movement.

Salaman actually lacked any accredited education in the field of nutrition but she was a master in promotion and activism. The Internet-based ("Your Guide to Quackery, Health Fraud, and Intelligent Decisions") has included her in their profiles of subjects.

The Party did not give itself a lot of time to campaign as third parties go having named their ticket in August. But it was enough of a spell for Richards to start distancing himself from the Liberty Lobby and claim they had little influence, a move that did not sit well with a segment of the Party base.

The Populist Party was on the ballot in 14 states, with Salaman as the running-mate in all but West Virginia where Charles Perry was the VP. They placed 6th nationally, which was fairly amazing considering how far they came in such a short time. In two states where they ran under the names of "host" parties they placed 3rd: Kansas (Conservative) and Rhode Island (American Independent). Strongest popular vote percentages (and the party they were listed under on the ballot) were in Idaho 0.56% (Populist), California 0.41% (American Independent), Kansas (Conservative) and North Dakota (Populist) 0.35% each, and Washington (Populist) 0.30%. All of them states west of the Mississippi River.

Election history: none

Other occupations: nutritionist, alternative medicine lobbyist, author, lecturer, publisher, television and radio host, President of the National Health Federation

Buried: Oak Hill Memorial Park (San Jose, Calif.)

Findagrave lists her burial place in two different cemeteries in California both called "Oak Hill
 Memorial Park."
Buried in the same cemetery as Sylvia Browne, William Henry Eddy, and Paul Masson.
Her son Sean David Morton, an alleged psychic and "America's Prophet" is currently serving time in
 federal prison for various financial crimes including tax fraud.
Member of the Knights of St. John.
According to her daughter, Salaman was a member of the John Birch Society.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Eileen Mary Shearer

Below: The Utah ballot line where the AIP was known as the Independent American Party

Eileen Mary Shearer, December 24, 1920 (Detroit, Mich.) - December 20, 2003 (Lemon Grove, Calif.)

VP candidate for American Independent Party (aka Conservative Party aka American Party aka Independent aka Independent American Party aka Constitution Party) (1980)

Running mate with nominee: John Richard Rarick (1924-2009)
Popular vote: 40,906 (0.05%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

In keeping their tradition of nominating Southern politicians with a segregationist history for President the American Independent Party selected former Rep. John Rarick (D-La.) in 1980. Listed as a the second most conservative Democratic member of the House between 1937-2002, the transplanted Hoosier now in Louisiana had connections with the White Citizens' Council, John Birch Society, and Liberty Lobby.

Rarick had been an open supporter of the AIP since George Wallace's run in 1968 and easily won the 1980 nomination over Percy Greaves, who was already the Presidential candidate of the American Party. Eileen Shearer, wife of AIP founder William Kennedy Shearer, was chosen as the VP.

According to Shearer the AIP elders were gathered in the wee hours in a Sacramento hotel room trying to select a running-mate when Rarick turned to her and said, "Eileen, I want you. Let's show 'em we really believe in equal rights for women."

"I thought he was kidding," Shearer related, "I hadn't even considered running. And if he wasn't kidding, I didn't see how I could accept. Why, I hadn't in fact taken a dress to the convention. I didn't think I'd need one."

She said, "My gosh, John. I don't even have a dress for the main event." He said, "Aw, that's all right. I never saw a vice-president in a dress anyway."

Shearer recalled, "How could I refuse a vote of confidence like that?"

The AIP 1980 platform included favoring a balanced budget and high tariffs, limited federal regulations, cuts in public welfare, opposition to busing, opposition to abortion, eliminate the draft, end personal income tax, no Equal Rights Amendment, protecting unions, encouraging domestic oil production while developing alternative energy resources, supported restricting immigration, opposed the UN and SALT II and giving away the Panama Canal. Although Reagan was in line with many of their policies, they did not trust him to follow through. The AIP in 1980 went to great pains to claim their racist days were over and now they were a populist party "taking the yoke off middle-class Americans" according to Shearer.

In addressing the two-party system Shearer told the press, "No matter what the administration is, policy doesn't change. We keep floundering in the same old waters. And that's why the two-party system as we know it is going to shatter. Nothing handed down by God says we have to have two parties, the Democrats and the Republicans. I'd like to see some distinct parties where you've really got a choice. It's coming. You'll see ... John Anderson's meteoric rise shows how people are searching for a vehicle to express themselves. There's going to be a realignment in this country, and we are going to be in a strong position after that."

On the ballot in eight states they had their strongest popular vote results in Alabama 1.12%, Rarick's home state of Louisiana 0.67%, Idaho 0.24%, and South Carolina 0.20%. After this election the AIP faded away as a national party (although remained intact in California, sort of) and became absorbed into other political movements.

Election history:
1976 - American Independent Party nomination for Vice-President - defeated

Other occupations: real estate

Buried: Glen Abbey Memorial Park (Bonita, Calif.)

Cousin to Sen. William F. Knowland.
Previously a Republican.
Came to California in 1939 to become a singer.