Showing posts with label Unaffiliated. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unaffiliated. Show all posts

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Victor Russell Tarbet Neves


                                                           Above, Neves ; Below, Burton

Victor Russell Tarbet Neves, August 25, 1965 (Salt Lake City, Utah) -

VP candidate for Unaffiliated (aka Non Affiliated) (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Jamin Lee Burton (b. 1980)
Popular vote: 1 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Jamin Burton posted the following entry on Facebook, May 20, 2016--

It is only half tongue in cheek (because I'm really going to do it) that I announce my candidacy for president of the United State of America.  I can't vote for any of the people currently running, but want to vote.  I need someone I  trust to act with integrity, and a conscience.  It also helps that I will not be on trial for a felony by November.  Victor Neves agreed to be my running mate.  We are running as unaffiliated and our platform includes basic decency towards other humans, government that helps people within the bounds of the Constitution, and telling the truth.  I'm writing myself in, not out of disrespect for the lives that guaranteed us our freedom and the right to vote; rather, because I can't in good conscience exercise that right to vote for any candidate remaining.

Do we have a chance of winning.  Not by any level of miracle that exists do I think we will win, but I will be able to sleep at night and will never have to admit that I voted for either of the power hungry, corrupt, dishonest individuals that are left in this race.

Burton, a piano tuner and high school band teacher in Wasilla, Alaska, created a campaign Facebook page that unfortunately no longer exists. On his personal site he presented what could be considered a political platform, Sept. 4, 2016--

I wrote the following op-ed with the intent of submitting it to papers; however, I discovered that it is about twice the allowed length for any newspapers I'm interested in submitting to, so. . . . Facebook wins.  Feel free to criticize, discuss, and share.....or if you are more inclined you can delete it or ignore it.

What Politics Should be About

At its most basic, politics is the utilization of power to influence the governance of a group of individuals.  Much has been written about politics, what it should be and what it should not be, what politicians can and cannot accomplish, what should or should not be done.  In the United States we elect people from among us to represent us and to serve in government.  We vote for both the person and the vision that they embody.   Or at least that is how it should be.  There are five parts of this system that have all but ceased to be reality in the United States.  This notion is in danger of being left by the wayside in American politics.  Too many people have been sold lies and stories for so long, that the system no longer resembles what was intended by our founding fathers, what it once was, nor what it should be.  It is not too late to create a revolution in politics that fundamentally changes the workings of government in America.  The five concepts that need to be resurrected are: we, people, represent, serve, and vision.

 WE, as in “We the people”.  The citizens of the United States are entrusted with the future of our nation.  We have been born into a society and time that knows no parallel in human history.  We are born with freedom, opportunity, and technology that is astounding.  We are also born with responsibility.  If we don’t pay attention to the governance of our country, than we will certainly lose that responsibility and the freedoms that it provides.  How many of us vote?  The numbers are staggeringly low.  Of those that vote, how many of us “hold our nose” while we vote for the “lesser of two evils”?  WE.  We the people must be involved.  We must know what our government is doing.  We must know who the people are that constitute our government.  We must educate ourselves to understand the world we live in, and the impact that government has on our lives and the lives of others around the world.  Then we must put this into action by making our opinions known, living according to our belief, and voting.  It is important to recognize that this power of “we” is a threat to those who see government as a means to personal power.  Our opportunity to vote is being curtailed whenever possible. We vote for ballot initiatives.  We vote for the retention of judges.  We vote for bonds.  We vote for people.

 PEOPLE.  Our votes do matter.  We are the ones that elect people.  That means we, as a nation, bear the responsibility for what and who our representatives are.  Each time we vote, we are voting for a person.  Too many times we are sold the lie that we have to vote for a platform, potential appointee, a party, or a single issue when really we are voting for a person.  The people we elect matter.  Do they have integrity?  If they don’t and we vote for them, then do we have integrity?  Do they understand the issues and ramifications of the issues?  Do they defend the Constitution and champion the needs of the people (It is possible to do both, despite what our two party system says).  If they don’t and we vote for them anyway, do we deserve to have well reasoned laws?  Do they have compassion?  If they don’t and we vote for them anyway, we will not have a compassionate system of governance.

REPRESENT.  We have a government that represents those who vote.  Too many people vote for a party, or vote out of fear of who the “other” side will nominate as a judge, or view electing a representative as a referendum on some existing or proposed law.  As a society and as a government we cannot endure ignorant voting or apathetic non-voting.  It may be painful and it may take time to correct things with in the system, but we can withstand that.  What we cannot withstand is a government that doesn’t represent us.  Who paid for a candidates advertisements?  What connections do they have?  What concessions to party have they made over principle?  Are they career politicians or are they working people from the community?  Those in power may claim that these questions are naive and that you must vote for or against a person based on their party or commitments.  In fact, they will make these claims, because it helps them maintain power and control.  As long we continue to believe them, they are right.  Remember, you are voting for one person.  Every circle you fill out or click on is a single vote for a person.  All of us are fallible.  Every politician will make mistakes.  This truth makes it even more important that the person you are filling out the bubble for really represents you by their character and vision?  Our government truly does represent us (or at least those of us who vote), and we are responsible for who is in office and what they are doing with that power.  The government truly reflects society.  If we want a government that serves the people, we have to be worthy of having one.  We need to serve each other and only vote for those willing to serve the people.

SERVE.  The government is supposed to serve the people and the common interests of the people.  Many times as a society we disagree about things.  The beauty of our system of government is that we can change.  People and organizations frequently and rightfully work to persuade us to make change.  We are a better country and society for that.  It takes time, patience, and hard work to implement change and that is a good thing.  It provides temperance and restraint and forces reflection and self-examination before change occurs.
If the government lives to serve us then it should do what we want it to do.  If it doesn’t, we can vote for new representatives.  Too frequently the people elected to represent us are more interested in retaining power, making money, and peddling influence than in really serving us..  They should be rolling up their sleeves, often literally, in their communities to make things work.  Fix that bike trail.  Donate to the new community center.  Read books to students learning to read.  Share talents in whatever field they have experience in.  Be with people young and old, healthy and sick.  They should be the example of service.
Leadership that is tainted with hypocrisy is never effective.  When laws benefit a lobby group, friends, campaign contributors, or politicians themselves, our system of governance starts to rot from within.  The people begin to be compelled to serve the government in opposition to the design of government.  Service requires action.  It requires sacrifice.  It requires vision.

 VISION.  Leadership has always been about vision.  Uniting people to work for common goals is not always easy.  America is a diverse.  We have different backgrounds, values, religions, cultures, races, genders, ages, ethics, and expectations.  Finding majority agreement is hard to do in small groups.  Forging a majority in a population of 300 million+ people is remarkably difficult and can be done in a few ways.  Compulsion, manipulation, and fear are the tools of tyrants.  Eliminating options (see this year’s Presidential candidates) so people buy into the erroneous idea that there are only two choices and they have to choose one side or the other is the oppression of the two party system.  Finding solutions that are truly creative and representative of the needs and goals of us all is the ideal that ethical government servants should adopt.  The issues debated at a national level are complex.  There are diverse possibilities and dangers that require listening, expertise, compromise, and understanding.  Agreeing on a desired result is difficult.   Competing philosophies on how to achieve the result further complicate things.  How does a leader effectively combine these ideals and put them to work?

 A leader must love his constituents.  There are many four letter words bandied about in modern political discourse.  The one that offers the most hope is probably the one least heard.  LOVE.  Genuine and sincere caring, compassion, concern, empathy, and love would change the course of political discourse.  We all have someone we love that disagrees with us about political ideas and when that love is stronger than the disagreement we find ways to compromise or agree to disagree.  We are honest with those we love.   We serve those we love.  We sacrifice for those we love.  We provide for the needs and for the future of those we love.  We care for those we love and we respect their opinions.  We faithfully represent the people we love and protect their rights and freedom.

Some will argue that this is too simple, too idealistic, dangerous.  Our present course is more dangerous.  The vision represented by love, integrity, and service is the counter culture to current politics.  We the people, must take an interest in our government.  We must vote for people that represent us.  We must serve each other and expect the government to do the same while representing our interests.  We must have a shared vision that isn’t afraid to love.

Victor Neves, Burton's running-mate, was also a band teacher and colleague. Neves lived in Utah, where the two apparently originally knew each other. The ticket was noteworthy for being a 100% LDS team and in many ways anticipated Evan McMullin's later entry into the race.

Burton/Neves were registered write-ins in Alaska (which does not report write-in vote tallies in a categorical way), and Utah.

Election history: none

Other occupations: music/band educator, LDS missionary

Neve was registered as a Republican.
Tuba player.
Served his LDS mission in France in the 1980s.
Burton was the first baby born in central Utah in 1980.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Osborne Gallego Hart


Osborne Gallego Hart, May 9, 1952 (Buncombe County, N.C.) -

VP candidate for Socialist Workers Party (aka Independent aka Unaffiliated) (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Alyson Kennedy (b. 1950)
Popular vote: 12,465 (0.01%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

A Kennedy/Hart ticket sounds like a dream ticket for liberal Democrats in the 1980s, but in 2016 it meant Alyson Kennedy and Osborne Hart of the Socialist Workers Party.

In his most excellent Ballot Access News website for Feb. 13, 2016 Richard Winger reported and observed,"On February 12, the Socialist Workers Party announced that its 2016 national ticket will be Alyson Kennedy for president, and Osborne Hart for vice-president. This is only the second time that the SWP has nominated a woman for President; the first time was in 1972, when Linda Jenness ran. The Socialist Workers Party has now nominated a presidential candidate for 18 elections in a row. Besides the Democratic and Republican Parties, the only other U.S. political parties that ever did that were the Prohibition and Socialist Labor Parties."

In the course of those 18 elections the SWP had shifted their emphasis from Trotskyism to Castroism and in the process had experienced a number of splits and splinters. By the 2016 election the Party appeared to have stabilized, although others in the Left thought of it as an almost cult-like political entity with rigorous demands on their followers.

The SWP provided a campaign biography of Hart--

Osborne Hart, whose father was a career soldier, spent his youth traveling around the world with his family.

Since getting involved with the civil rights movement in the 1960s, Hart has been a lifelong fighter for Black rights. He’s joined struggles against police brutality and school segregation and the movement to bring down apartheid in South Africa and free Nelson Mandela.

He was politically active in the 1970s in the fight to end Washington’s war against the peoples of Vietnam and Indochina.

Hart joined the Socialist Workers Party in the mid-1970s and for decades has been part of helping to build and strengthen the labor movement. He’s lived in Atlanta, San Francisco, New York, Detroit and now Philadelphia and has worked in industry, including as a meat packer, steelworker, loading trucks in a TJX warehouse and on the railroads. He currently works at Walmart.

He joined actions in defense of United Steelworkers-organized oil refinery workers forced on strike in 2015, demanding workers control over safety to counter bosses’ speed-up drives, job cuts and attacks on unions.

Hart, 63, ran for mayor of Philadelphia in 2015, gaining a wide hearing among working people. He participated in protests against cuts in Medicare, demanding free, government-funded medical care for all; against police bru
tality and in solidarity with workers fighting concession demands by steel giant ArcelorMittal. He explained the need for independent working-class political action, urging workers to fight for a labor party based on the unions, to challenge the Democrats, Republicans or other capitalist parties.

Over the past five years, Hart has joined in building protests in Philadelphia against the relentless drive by state and city governments to slash funds for public education, with massive layoffs and spiraling class sizes. These moves have been accompanied by assaults on teachers’ and other school workers’ wages, pensions, health care and their unions.

Hart is active in the fight against government attacks and discriminatory laws against undocumented workers, protests against deportations and efforts to organize the unorganized.

He’s spoken out and built meetings in defense of the Cuban Revolution, demanding Washington end its 55-year-long economic embargo of the island and return the territory containing the U.S. naval base at Guantánamo to Cuba. He was part of the international movement that won freedom for the Cuban Five, revolutionaries imprisoned in the U.S. for working to defend their country’s socialist revolution.

He calls for the immediate release of Oscar López, a fighter for Puerto Rican independence framed up and jailed in the U.S. — much of it in solitary confinement — for more than 34 years.

Hart was one of the few third party VP candidates to take his campaign near my neck of the literal woods when he visited Olympia, Wash. Apparently the electioneering efforts up here paid off as The Evergreen State gave the SWP their highest popular vote percentage.

The Kennedy/Hart ticket made the ballot in 7 states: Washington (0.13%), Tennessee (0.11%), Minnesota and New Jersey (0.06% each), Utah (0.05%), Colorado and Louisiana (0.02% each). It was their strongest popular vote result since 1992. One wonders how much of that was due to the temporary migration of Sanders followers who felt disenfranchised.

Election history:
1976 - US House of Representatives (Ga.) (Independent) - defeated
2001 - Mayor of Detroit (Nonpartisan) - primary - defeated
2004 - US House of Representatives (Mich.) (Independent) - defeated
2006 - Governor of Pennsylvania (Socialist Workers Party) - defeated
2007 - Philadelphia City Council (Socialist Workers Party) - defeated
2008 - US House of Representatives (Penn.) (Socialist Workers Party) - defeated
2012 - US Senate (Penn.) (Socialist Workers Party) - defeated
2015 - Mayor of Philadelphia (Socialist Workers Party) - defeated
2017 - Mayor of New York City (Socialist Workers Party) - defeated
2018 - US Senate (Penn.) (Socialist Workers Party) - defeated

Other occupations: meat packer, truck loader, Walmart worker, railroad employee

Was a write-in in the 1976 election. Andrew Young was the winner.
Was a write-in in the 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2017 and 2018 elections.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Joseph David Moreaux


                                                  Above, Moreaux ; Below, Schriner and van clan

Joseph David Moreaux, September 16, 1981 -

VP candidate for Unaffiliated (aka Non Affiliated aka Independent) (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Joseph Charles Schriner (b. 1955)
Popular vote: 75 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Before there was the American Solidarity Party perennial Independent Presidential Joe Schriner of Ohio had been incorporating the concept of Catholic Social Teaching into his political platform ever since his first run in 2000. Billing himself as "Average Joe" and "Joe the Painter," he journeyed across America with his family in a recreational vehicle that was essentially a campaign billboard on wheels.

He filed with the FEC for his 5th run on Oct. 8, 2015. His running-mate was another Joe, Joe Moreaux of North Hills, Calif.

On Facebook Schriner posted what was basically a help-wanted ad, Aug. 16, 2016--

HELP WANTED:  Independent presidential candidate urgently seeking vice-presidential candidate of like mind.  Criteria: 35 or older; natural born citizen; have lived in the U.S. at least 14 years; reside in a state other than Ohio (where I'm at).  Note: My platform (across the board) matches up with Catholic teaching.  Message me, or contact me through our website.

Schriner actually had several responses. On Aug. 25 on his campaign website he announced the selection of Moreaux as his VP--

Drumroll (literally)…
Joe Campaign announces VP pick

Our vice-presidential candidate for 2016 is Southern California’s Joe Moreaux.  Our platform spins primarily around the principles of Catholic teaching and Joe is a veritable walking dictionary (or, okay, Google) when it comes to Catholic teaching.

What’s more, and even more important, he lives his faith.

For instance, he and his wife Carolanne have been married since 2004.  And they consecrated their marriage “… to Jesus through Mary via a method suggested by St. Louis de Montfort.”

When I heard that, the vetting process stopped and I simply said:  “You’re hired!”

Joe, whose heritage includes a Hispanic, French, German and Native American mix (covers most of the voting populace), is originally from the San Fernando Valley.  He said his heroes growing up were not, first and foremost, Dodgers players (although he is a fan); but rather his main heroes were:  “Mother Theresa and Pope John Paul II.”

And as coincidence would have it, his favorite band featured John, Paul… George and Ringo (aka The Beatles).  Besides being a manager with a firm that does flood restoration work – I would have sent Joe to Louisiana for the recent tragedy – he plays drums for a local band at night and on the weekends.

We figured this would save on money for a band at the Inaugural Balls.

Joe’s main issues:

He wants to tackle ending world-wide poverty, hunger, lack of clean drinking water.  What’s more, he and his wife have been involved with a street ministry to the homeless for years in California.

Joe also wants to see a dramatic increase in Restorative Justice in our prison systems, where inmates are rehabilitated on every level possible.

“We need to find the bridge between the entire “…lives matter” movements.  Seeing the plight of many inmates and the persecution of the poor and minorities breaks my heart,” said Joe.

He also believes “unborn lives” matter and he is adamantly opposed to abortion, which he sees as a “genocide.”  Joe also carries a “Consistent Life Ethic,” that sets him against the death penalty, euthanasia and unjust war.

Joe is also “pro-environment,” with an exponent.  

“My wife and I live a vow of simplicity and try to do our part to conserve water, recycle, eat organic, and be good stewards of the green and blue earth God gave us,” said Joe.

He added that he has both the Benedict medal and Jerusalem Cross tattooed on himself (this should help with the Millennial vote).  And he studies the Bible and Catholic Catechism daily.

He added that he decided to sign on with the campaign because:  “Joe Schriner has a broad vision rooted in common sense and wisdom, which appeals to the deep desires of the hearts of families and individuals, both nationally and globally.  America does not need a revolution… she needs a reawakening!”

Oh, and besides all of this, we thought, well:  “Joe & Joe” would be easy to remember and all.

--Joe S.

Note:  Joe’s wife Carolanne also grew up in the San Fernando Valley and Joe and Carolanne met through a church music ministry.  (Carolanne has a great voice and will be singing the National Anthem at the Inauguration.)  Growing up, Carolanne was a gymnast, did karate, played soccer…  She also was involved with youth ministry that included outreach to the homeless.

“Carolanne strives to see her purpose in life through and eternal perspective and is my constant reminder to always trust in God – no matter what,” said Joe.

Carolanne’s favorite quote comes from Mother Theresa:  “It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.”

She is also continually inspired by St. Francis’s:  “Preach always, and only when necessary: use words.”

Carolanne is also a licensed insurance agent, a vegan – and loves cats.

We’re actually thinking about changing the national symbol from an eagle to, well, a cat – just for Carolanne!  LOL.

Schriner/Moreaux were registered as write-ins in at least 9 states. The bulk of their reported votes came from Ohio.

Election history: none

Other occupations: drummer, street minister

Moreaux currently manages Schriner's campaign Facebook account.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Bruce Kendall Barnard


Bruce Kendall Barnard, ca1958 -

VP candidate for Unaffiliated (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Ryan Alan Scott (b. 1981)
Popular vote: 754 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

"If Trump can make a mockery of this election, why not me?" asked Ryan Scott on his Indiegogo page requesting funds for gaining access to the Colorado ballot. Based in Middletown, Del., Scott's fundraising pitch included--

There's no secret that a lot of people are fed up with the 2016 Presidential election and it's not even really begun yet.  I follow politics, but more like a spectator sport.  You couldn't dream up the narrative, mis-steps, outrageousness, and pure comedy of the US political process.  It's the best form of entertainment.

On a practical level, though, a lot of people are pretty upset with the choice of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.  They're not exciting candidates.  There's talk of an independent running, but the time for a serious third candidate is already passed.

I know, because I looked.  Getting on the ballot in most states is really tough.  Colorado, though, will put any eligible person on the ballot for $1,000.  That's it.  No signatures or other qualifications.

I figured, why not?  This will be a great story to tell someday, plus, I went to high school in Colorado, much of my family still lives there.  My Dad could vote for me for President - how often can someone say that?

I also feel like it's a great statement of social protest.  I mean, if Donald Trump can run for President, why not me?  I'd certainly rather vote for me than any of the other options.  I won't win, of course - but that's the point.  These elections often just give us the illusion of control - why not make a statement about the futility of voting by voting for a guy who can't win?

The biggest problem is money.  I don't have $1,000.  I'm a stay at home dad, freelance writer, and pastor from Delaware.  I'm poor.  But this idea is a funny one and I went to the trouble to research it (I even contacted the Federal Election Commission to make sure it's both doable and legal - it is).

The challenge will be to raise all the money.  I'm asking for an extra $100 to cover most of the Indiegogo fees.  But, I think with your help and the sheer absurd humor of the idea, word can get around.  It's only 100 people giving $10 or a few more generous souls giving more.

I've set it up as a restricted campaign, so if we don't raise the total needed, no one will be out any money.  I promise not to waste your dollars.  It's name on the ballot or nothing in 2016.

On a personal level, I'm a registered independent who's never voted for a name on the ballot (mostly write-ins).  I could go through my political ideas, but that's pointless - this is just for fun and I'm not going to win.  You can learn more about me and connect on IG, Facebook or Twitter - all @ryanalanscott.

So, will you help me do this crazy thing?

Give to get Ryan Scott on the Colorado Presidential Ballot or at least share the link and spread the word.


Scott, an ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene, provided a follow up on his thoughtful blog, One More Thing, on May 24, 2016--

 It Started Out As A Joke...

 ... and I guess it still is. Ever the curious mind, when all this talk of an independent Presidential candidate took off with Trump assuming the mantle of presumed GOP nominee, I got curious what it would actually take to make a real run. Just to get on the ballot in most states is incredibly laborious. You need tens, sometimes over 100,000 signatures from registered voters in each state to make the ballot. The Texas deadline has already passed. No candidate getting in now could even win.

But in the course of informing myself on the process, I noticed a little comment at the bottom of the chart,

Two states (Colorado and Louisiana) allow independent candidates to pay filing fees in lieu of submitting petitions.

Louisiana still has a lot of hoops to jump through with their filing requirements, even if signatures aren't among them, but Colorado, ever the rebellious, libertarian state, has just a fee. For a scant 1,000 (nonrefundable - they make this very clear) dollars, any eligible candidate (35 years old, natural born citizen, and 14+ year resident) can have their name added to the ballot. There's a couple other hoops to jump through (see below), but all very doable.

I thought, "wouldn't it be funny to get my name on the Colorado Presidential ballot?" I mean, most of my family lives there. It would be cool for any parent to check the box next to their child's name when voting for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! I wouldn't win, obviously, but I don't think I'd want to anyway. Besides, I'm a little scared my Dad might vote for Trump if I don't present a palatable alternative.

That's a real issue, though - not so much Trump (although Trump is an issue), but there are tons of people out there who don't like either major party candidate, but still feel a real, deep compulsion to vote. Getting my name on the ballot gives people an alternative - and one that can maybe make them smile a little in the ballot box rather than groan.

The biggest problem, though: I don't have a thousand dollars - and if you think my wife is going to sign off on spending even $10 on this silly campaign, you don't know my wife. The solution: crowd-funding. I needed to set up a gofundme campaign, or something of the like to make it work. But I didn't think people would give $10 if they thought I was just going to pocket the money - so I had to find a site that allows you to set an all or nothing campaign. Indiegogo came out on top - this way, I either get to the full $1,000 or none of the donors pays a dime.

But before I could go about setting up the campaign, there was one little thing to take care of. Colorado's first step to filing is to declare yourself a candidate - and the Federal Election Commission has a long and lengthy, very technical, legally intimidating process for doing such. You have to register a campaign committee with names and social security numbers, etc - you have to have a Treasurer and file quarterly reports of receipts and expenses - not to mention all the laws a candidate for President has to follow. It's tough.

Then I noticed another little caveat at the bottom of a page - it said, unless you raise or spend $5,000, none of these requirements applies to you. I even sent an email to the FEC to confirm that if I only spent, say, $1,000 or so, I'd be free to get on the ballot without federal filing requirements. I received an email reply from one Mr. Christopher Berg, Public Affairs Specialist with the FEC confirming that my campaign could proceed.

The campaign was pretty easy to set up. I filmed a short video to introduce myself and the project (it sounds a little artsy because I tried Kickstarter first and got rejected... for not being artsy enough) and I shred the link a couple dozen times.

Within a few minutes, I had my first donation - from my Dad - what a vote of confidence.* I never expected to get donations over $10 - that seemed like the right amount for a project of this nature - and although 100 of those seemed difficult, I gave myself two months to pull it off (still giving me a week or so to get all the forms submitted for the filing deadline in Colorado). To my surprise, the next donation was $20, from a college friend I probably have not kept it good enough contact with over the years. Pretty cool. Then another friend gave $100 and I started to think this might really have a chance. Still 87 donations away from the goal, but it had only been two hours!

We left the next day for my sister-in-law's graduation and I try not to spend too much time on the internet during family gatherings, so when I awoke that Saturday morning to a text from my brother, I was till groggy and didn't quite understand what he said, "Jeremy gave you the $1,000."

After a few beats of confusion, I scrambled for my laptop only to find, indeed, my whole project was now completely funded - in just a few days.

You see, I have this cousin (well, I have a lot of cousins, but this one in particular), Jeremy, I've jokingly called the "black sheep" of the family - not because he's bad at all, really (he's not), but because he's so relatively normal - he just never seemed to fit in well with the rest of us odd, strange, people. His family lived farther away, we saw them less often - he's really the cousin I know least well.

Anyway, he's also the most famous person I know personally. Jeremy is the voice and co-writer of cinemasins. You and several million other people may subscribe to their youtube channel - you've probably seen one of the videos, at least. Apparently, this youtube thing is a going venture and he's got $1,000 laying around to fund a crazy joke (I think also his recognition of the humor in this whole attempted campaign betrays that perhaps the outsider aura he's gave off to my childhood self was a front, or perhaps a serious misinterpretation by me).

Anyway, the money is there - and I'm very grateful.

I let the $100 donor, Bruce Barnard, be my Vice President (Jeremy politely declined) and my brother Jordan is collecting the signatures of nine registered Colorado voters who would serve in the Electoral College, should I win the state. The only remaining hurdle is filling out the brief paperwork and getting it notarized.

Now, I have to say, this is sometimes a bit embarrassing - like yesterday, when they called a nice woman at my local bank back early from lunch to notarize my form - having to explain the whole story in brief and apologize for interrupting her lunch was awkward. The tension was broken, however, by my four year old daughter yelling, in the bank, near the top of her lungs, "No, don't do it, daddy, don't run for President!"

But run, I will. I'm too far in to back out now.

Over the course of the next six months or so, I'll put together a few videos or something to try and make people laugh and, who knows, maybe catch some viral mania. I'm not trying to win and I don't expect to. I just wanted a funny story to tell for the rest of my life, but, to be honest, it would be kinda awesome if a bunch of strangers actually found out about this whole thing and got my votes to double digits.

So if you have friends or relatives in Colorado. Encourage them to vote. Help me get to 7th place in the Colorado election for President. I feel like 7th would be a real achievement.

*Pun intended.
Posted by Ryan at 8:15 AM

Scott's running-mate Bruce Barnard was a fellow Nazarene pastor who was residing in New York City.

The Scott/Barnard ticket did indeed find a place on the Colorado ballot, where they placed 14th out of 22 with 0.03% of the vote. They were also registered write-ins in New York and Delaware.

Election history: none

Other occupations: college administration, Nazarene pastor

Was bestowed with the title of Kentucky Colonel.
Supported Biden/Harris in 2020.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Daniel Lee White


Daniel Lee White, May 1981 (Chicago, Ill.) -

VP candidate for Independent (aka Non Affiliated aka Unaffiliated) (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Michael Lynn Smith
Popular vote: 9,335 (0.01%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Just to spice things up for us researchers, there were two gentlemen named Michael Smith who filed with the FEC as Independent candidates for the 2016 election. The first was Michael Smith of Plymouth Meeting, Penn. who filed with the FEC on Oct. 8, 2015. The second, and the one being covered in this profile, was Michael Lynn Smith of Colorado Springs, Colo. who filed on Mar. 31, 2016. His running-mate was Daniel L. White of Plano, Tex.

Smith/White provided biographies on their campaign website--

About Mike Smith
Presidential Candidate

Mike Smith is a husband, father, small business owner, and independent candidate for President of the United States. He is married to his high school sweetheart Kari, a school nurse, and they have four boys: Lookens, Kensley, Caleb and Jake. Mike has founded two law firms, one in Tennessee and one in Colorado, and he has helped hundreds of clients either start their small business or plan their estate.  In 2006, Mike served in the White House as an intern in the Presidential Personnel Office where he provided assistance to an office responsible for recruiting executives to serve the President in the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, and the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Mike believes that American values will not survive without the leadership of wise and principled patriots. He wholeheartedly agrees with Ronald Reagan who said that, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” The desire to hand down such freedom to his four sons and the realization that the remaining presidential candidates are ill-prepared for that task, compelled Mike to enter the 2016 race as a citizen statesman. Mike believes that America has reached a tipping point and its only hope is ordinary Americans, who believe in the ideals of one Nation under God, getting involved in the political process from the White House to the state house to the schoolhouse.

When he is not running for President or hiking one of Colorado’s 14ers, Mike can be found at one of his kids sporting or school events, fly-fishing, playing pick up basketball at the YMCA, or camping with his family in the Rocky Mountains.

About Daniel White
Vice Presidential Candidate

Daniel White is a small business and immigration attorney who is the principal of Legacy Law Firm in Dallas, Texas. Born in Chicago, Illinois, Mr. White spent most of his youth in Dallas where he was first introduced to legal practice and government service while working as an administrative intern at the United States Attorney’s Office as a high school and college student.

Mr. White attended Texas Tech University, where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English with a concentration in Technical Communication and a minor in Communication Studies. As a college student, Mr. White was actively involved in numerous organizations and philanthropic activities, most of which he held positions of leadership. Mr. White served in the following capacities:

▪ President of the Texas Tech University Black Student Association
▪ President, Vice President, and Treasurer of the Eta Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
▪ President of the National Pan-Hellenic Council of Texas Tech University
▪ Director of Cultural Diversity for the Texas Tech University Student Government Association
▪ Director of Diversity Initiatives for the Chancellor’s StudentFirst Committee
▪ Associate Justice of the Texas Tech University Supreme Court
▪ Columnist for the University Daily Newspaper – Texas Tech University’s official newspaper publication
▪ Pianist for the Texas Tech University Jazz Band
▪ Mr. White attended law school at Liberty University School of Law in Lynchburg, Virginia, where he had the opportunity to be the law school’s first African American graduate. Additionally, he had the opportunity to serve in the following leadership roles:
▪ President and Senator of the Liberty University School of Law Student Bar Association
▪ Director of Business Affairs, Liberty University Moot Court Board
▪ Dean’s Founder’s Scholar
▪ Inspiration for The Daniel L. White Scholarship – awarded by Liberty University School of law to the incoming minority student that best exemplifies the example set by Daniel L. White, specifically as “leader, servant, diligent student, and inspiration to others.”

Daniel White began his legal career as an Assistant State’s Attorney with the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office. As a prosecutor handling criminal, traffic, and DUI cases, Mr. White tried well over one hundred bench and jury trials in the branch courts of the First Municipal District, as well as in the Fifth Municipal District in Bridgeview, Illinois. In 2010, Mr. White went into private practice, serving clients with matters related to criminal/traffic/DUI law, immigration law, small business law, and minority business certification law. Mr. White also serves as an adjunct professor for the Liberty University Online Graduate School of Business, where he teaches a course titled “Legal Issues in Business,” as part of the MBA curriculum.

Daniel and his wife Equasta, a project manager for a national healthcare company, have two children.

Their platform was an interesting combination of Protestant Right of center views sprinkled with some social justice concerns normally claimed as the exclusive property of the Left. Their foreign policy was very much in the philosophy of Neocon Republicans. Smith's campaign website included the following--

I am a strong advocate of the constitutional right to free exercise of religion. I also know that there are many Americans who follow the religion of Islam. For those who exercise their religion through peaceful worship, the American dream and the protection of American law should not be diminished one iota. However, whether we like it or not, whether we want to admit it or not, we are at war with Radical Islamic Terrorism. More specifically, we are at war with Apocalyptic Islam. Apocalyptic Islam adheres to a genocidal eschatology, or end times theology, which desires to hasten the arrival of the Mahdi, the messianic figure who will establish a global Islamic Kingdom and impose Sharia law. This evil theology is metastasizing like a cancer in the Middle East, threatening our national security and the security of our allies in the region. It cannot be defeated by sporadic bombings. It must be eradicated.

ISIS, also known as IS or ISIL, has declared a caliphate in Iraq and Syria in order to create chaos and carnage, preparing the way for the Mahdi’s return. These radical jihadists have been raping, enslaving, torturing, and beheading Christians and Muslims throughout the region. In the U.S., The FBI is currently investigating ISIS cells in all 50 states, and FBI Director James Comey describes the terror group’s presence on our homeland as a “chaotic spider web.” ISIS inspired attacks have occurred in San Bernardino, Dallas, Philadelphia, and New York. Since 2014, ISIS has conducted or inspired over 70 terrorist attacks in 20 countries, including the recent attacks in Paris, Brussels, and Turkey. Their ultimate goal is to destroy civilization as we know it.

Apocalyptic Islam poses an imminent threat to our individual safety and national security. As Commander in Chief of the greatest military in the history of the planet, I will make it my top priority to destroy Apocalyptic Islamic Terrorists and keep the American people safe.

Smith/White were on the ballot in Colorado and Tennessee and were registered write-ins in 16 additional states.

Election history: none

Other occupations: attorney, teacher

The bulk of their votes came from Tennessee, which is possibly Smith's home state.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Brandon Russell


Brandon Russell

VP candidate for Unaffiliated (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Dustin Alan Baird (b. 1980)
Popular vote: 9 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Dustin Alan Baird, an IT specialist from Layton, Utah filed as a "write-in" for President with the FEC in Aug. 2015. His running-mate was Brandon Russell. I could not locate any primary documents related to their campaign but secondary sources suggest Baird's political views were on the conservative side of the spectrum.

Registered as write-ins only the State of Utah, the Baird/Russell ticket received 9 votes.

Election history: ?

Other occupations: ?

Another mystery VP

Friday, April 9, 2021

Edward Emery Leamer


Edward Emery Leamer, May 24, 1944 (La Crosse, Wis.) -

VP candidate for Kotlikoff for President (aka Non Affiliated aka Independent aka It's Our Children aka Unaffiliated) (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Laurence Jacob Kotlikoff (b. 1951)
Popular vote: 3,574 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Boston-based economist Laurence Kotlikoff filed with the FEC on May 11, 2016 on his second quest for the US Presidency. In 2012 he had attempted to gain the nomination of the ill-fated Americans Elect project and was also a contender for the Reform Party nomination. In 2016 he ran as an independent under the Kotlikoff for President banner and chose fellow economist Ed Leamer as his VP.

Kotlikoff described his history with Leamer--

I first met Ed in 1973 when I started graduate school in economics at Harvard where Ed was serving as a young professor. Even though he was a professor and I was a student, we instantly became friends and have remained extremely close friends over the years. In 1975, Ed left Harvard for UCLA. I joined him there as a post doctoral fellow in 1977. I headed to Yale in 1980, but the three years with Ed were an exceptional education in how to pose and answer economic questions. Ed and I have spent the intervening years discussing economic policy problems and solutions. We are of one mind on our domestic problems and foreign policy challenges and how to address them. This includes the paramount importance of fixing our institutions from the ground up and placing our children's welfare at the center of all policy discussions.

Other than Leamer as VP, Kotlikoff's dream team would have raided the US Senate in several cases. His first picks included--

Sec. of Defense: John McCain or Lindsay Graham
Sec. of State: Robert Gates or Dennis Ross
CIA Director: Diane Feinstein
Sec. of Homeland Security: Rob Portman
Director of OMB: John Kasich
Sec. of Health and Human Service: Bernie Sanders
Sec. of Commerce: Mitt Romney or Bill Gates or Michael Bloomberg
Sec. of Interior: Marco Rubio
Sec. of Agriculture: John Thune
Sec. of HUD: Barbara Boxer
Sec. of Transportation: Kelly Ayotte

For more information on this campaign I would direct the reader to my interview with Dr. Leamer from nearly two years ago--

The ticket made the ballot in Colorado (0.01%) and Louisiana (0.05%) and were registered write-ins in at least 26 states with the potential of well over 270 Electoral College votes. Interestingly, nearly one third of their votes came from write-ins in Texas.

Election history: none

Other occupations: economist, teacher, author, editor, speaker

Princeton (B.A., mathematics, 1966), University of Michigan (M.A., mathematics, Ph.D., economics, 1970).

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Raymond Charles Casper-Kacprowicz


Raymond Charles Casper-Kacprowicz, September 7, 1941 -  

VP candidate for We the People (aka Independent aka Unaffiliated aka Non-Affiliated-Independent aka America Before Party) (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Sheila Telles Tittle (b. 1952)
Popular vote: 14 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Sheila "Samm" Tittle, a businesswoman from Fredericksburg, Va. had run for President in 2012. Her 2016 campaign began immediately after the 2012 election as she led her followers in prayer via Youtube and filed with the FEC on Nov. 11, 2012. She also expressed Birther sentiments on Nov. 26, 2012 when commenting on the election results: "Samm Tittle WAS CHEATED OUT OF HER CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS with a fraudulent presidential candidate in 2008 and now 2012 with no Birth Certificate and we all know he was born in Coast Province Hospital in Mombassa Kenya. Thereby cheating Samm Tittle out of her right to be the NATURAL BORN CITIZEN of the United States of America's President. You know people. You know Lawyers. The Electorate keeps yelling that it is IMPERATIVE that this man be stopped before he absolutely destroys the United States of America."

Tittle filed for 2016 as a "Non-Affiliated-Independent" and used the campaign committee name of "Madame President Tittle."

Her platform was just as conservative as in 2012 except she seemed more vocal regarding conspiracy theories and implying she was endorsed by God--

Facebook Sept. 2, 2015

Facebook Aug. 12, 2016

Facebook Oct. 24, 2016

A writer named "Mindwafers" while listing some third party candidates wrote a summation of Tittle's campaign in Medium that included the following--

Samm Tittle- Your Friend’s Mother Who Complains About Illegals And Makes You Uncomfortable

I swear I’ve met Samm Tittle a number of times. She’s certainly nice, offers you cookies, asks about your mother. But every once in a while, you get her going about politics, then it becomes a squirm-filled 5 minutes that seems like 5 years as she goes off on the Mexicans and the blacks and any other type of colored person whom she’s never met outside her suburban fortress.

Weirdly enough, Tittle is the one candidate on this list that has the potential to catch on. Her views aren’t too far outside the Republican mainstream and adheres like a cardigan sweater to the fringe right (who are slowly becoming the mainstream).

Her 2016 VP was officially registered as R. Charles Casper-Kacprowicz, aka Charles Kacprowicz aka Raymond Casper of North Carolina. If anything, he appeared to be even further to the extreme Right than Tittle and had been active under the radar of national media in working to enact the Christian nationalist agenda chiefly via the route of a united effort through state legislatures, as outlined in his Amazon biography--

Charles Kacprowicz is the founder of CITIZEN INITIATIVES. He has been working to restore our Constitutional Republic (under Article V) for 41 years through Single Issue Amendments to the Constitution either through Congress or State Legislatures. The Countermand Amendment is his top priority because it will restore our Constitution and Republic by allowing States to countermand and rescind laws and regulatory rulings that are burdensome to citizens and businesses w/o altering our States Rights or civil liberties in the Constitution. The Countermand Amendment is a tool for Legislatures that will create a functional and Constitutionally correct balance of power between the Federal government and the States. Charles has been fighting for the Unborn Child’s right to life since January 22, 1973. After hearing the news that the Supreme Court made elected abortions legal in its Roe vs. Wade decision, he addressed an outdoor audience at Akron, OH on January 23, 1973. His message before the first elected abortion was performed: “We must overturn Roe vs. Wade! . . . We must not give American woman the right to decide who lives and dies in America”. He has authored multiple position papers, the UNBORN CHILD AMENDMENT, THE ELEVENTH NATION – America Identified In Prophecy, RECLAIMING AMERICA thru Single Issue Federal Conventions and COUNTERMAND AMENDMENT The Missing Piece in the Article V Puzzle. Charles has appeared on hundreds of radio/TV talk shows. He conducts prophecy seminars, has been the guest speaker before 200+ audiences, lobbied Congress on behalf of the Unborn Child Amendment and Late Term Abortion Bills twice vetoed by President Clinton, and has received support from United States Senators, United States Representatives, State Legislators, Church leaders and Pro-Life Groups. He hosts the weekly COUNTERMAND AMENDMENT REPORT on He has served in the Church as Preacher, Elder, Deacon, Teacher, Jail Ministry Director and Youth Director. Charles has been recognized by Entrepreneur Mag. for creating one of America’s top 500 entrepreneurial co's, been licensed by NASD and been awarded “Authority Author” status by Ezine Directories. Charles has been married for 50 years. He has two sons and nine grandchildren. He’s a graduate of California State (Government/Political Science), with 4 ½ years of post graduate work at Loyal Law School and Moody Bible Extension Studies. He also served honorably in the U.S. Navy.

During the campaign Casper-Kacprowicz promoted the idea Obama would use martial law to postpone the election.

Shortly after the election Casper-Kacprowicz explained the reasons for his VP run to his followers--

Friends, two months ago I agreed to run as Samm Tittle’s Vice Presidential candidate as an Independent candidate.  My focus was on the Electoral College process, not the popular vote.  As a Vice Presidential candidate I would also have an unusual opportunity to promote the Countermand Amendment.  Three weeks ago I was invited to speak at the National Press Corp at Washington, DC.  I was permitted to speak for30 minutes about the importance of the Countermand Amendment.  

There was little chance that the Tittle ticket would receive a great many votes, but it was plausible that it could deny Hillary Clinton Electors in a few States. In such a case either Trump would reach 270 or there would be a runoff monitored by Congress.  The Electors would then decide who the President would be with each State having one vote.  

Now that Trump won and the 2016 Presidential campaign is over, it is time to focus on the Countermand Amendment.  Remember, we have sponsors in 33 States, 11 States are preparing Applications on Congress for the 2017 legislative sessions and 1 State has already passed the Article V Application on Congress and Delegate Resolution.  As a result of Donald Trump’s victory Democrats are going to be more receptive to supporting the Countermand Amendment in order to Countermand Federal encroachment that is offensive to them.  WE NEVER HAD A BETTER CHANCE TO SEE THE COUNTERMAND AMENDMENT RATIFIED BY THE STATE LEGISLATURES.

I am certainly not an expert on Constitutional law, but I would think Article VI of the Constitution is pertinent here, which states in part--

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

and, as if in anticipation of all the theocratic activists, the Article also states--

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

The ticket received a reported 12 write-in votes in Arizona and one each in Kentucky and Utah. They did not exactly set the world on fire.

Election history: none.

Other occupations: US Navy, author, founder of Citizens Initiatives, preacher, radio talk show host

Casper/Kacprowicz's name changes are a bit of a mystery.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Nathan Daniel Johnson


Nathan Daniel Johnson, June 15, 1976 -

VP candidate for Independent (aka Non Affiliated aka Better for America aka Unaffiliated aka Courage Character Service aka Independence Party) (2016)

Running mate with nominee: David Evan McMullin (b. 1976)
Popular vote: 723,081 (0.53%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Donald Trump's takeover of the Republican Party in 2016 while basically transforming it into his own personality cult was the basis for the exodus of longtime establishment members of that organization. Stalwart Republicans (many of them Neocons) and influential conservatives such as President Bush I and II and son/sibling Jeb and Marvin, Carly Fiorina, Lindsay Graham, John Kasich, George Pataki, William Bennett, Bill Brock, Bill Cohen, Robert Gates, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Tom Ridge, William Ruckelshaus, Brent Scowcroft, George Schultz, Christine Todd Whitman, Paul Wolfowitz, Larry Hogan, Brian Sandoval, Rick Snyder, Jon Huntsman, Wlliam Milliken, Marc Racicot, Mitt Romney, Arnold Schwarzenegger, over a dozen sitting Republican US Senators, over 30 Republican members of the House, Slade Gorton, Barry Goldwater Jr., J.C. Watts, Bill Kristol, Sam Reed, Chris Vance, Steve Schmidt, Rick Wilson, Glenn Beck, Meghan McCain, Michael Medved, Tom Nichols, P.J. O'Rourke, Jennifer Rubin, George Will, and Meg Whitman (just to name a few) all refused to endorse their Party's nominee. A few of them left the Party entirely while others such as Sen. Graham did an about-face and became loyal Trump collaborators after Jan. 2017.

Some of them, such as President Bush I, Powell, and both Whitmans endorsed/voted for Hillary Clinton. Others endorsed Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party or Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party. But the most unusual and spontaneous of the Never Trumpers was Evan McMullin who had gained the endorsement/vote of US Senators Lindsay Graham [!!!], Jeff Flake and Mike Lee, also Slade Gorton, Bill Kristol, Sam Reed, and Meghan McCain among others.

McMullin was a former CIA operations officer and staff member for the House Republican Conference. He announced his run late in the game, Aug. 10, 2016 and scrambled to gain ballot access in as many states as he could. He was printed on the ballot in 11 states and was a registered write-in in 24 more, giving him a far-fetched potential of 310 Electoral College votes. McMullin filed with the FEC as an Independent on Aug. 15, 2016.

Some of his statements during the campaign indicate he saw himself as the only true conservative Republican in the race. McMullin certainly was no fan of Hillary Clinton, who he called "corrupt," but Trump received the most criticism--

--"And I stand for limited government and for individual liberty, and I saw in this election that the choices that the two major party candidates offered, as well as other candidates in the race, weren't sufficient or weren't adequate for our country and for the American people. So a couple of months ago, I decided seeing that no one else would get into the race to offer the American people a better choice, I decided to get in and try to do just that."

--"Well, I think Donald Trump is just not trustworthy whatsoever. I mean, he has spent his entire life being in favor of late-term abortions and opposed to the Second Amendment and has even spoken in favor of single-payer healthcare, even in this election. He's defended Planned Parenthood, even in this election. And Donald Trump is not someone who can be trusted. This is a man who does not stand for anything other than himself."

--"The notion that he would appoint Supreme Court justices who are constitutional conservatives, I think, is a real stretch to put it mildly. He's also said his sister would make a great justice. And she is certainly not a constitutional conservative. She's quite liberal, in fact. He's just not somebody who has any credibility on these issues. He is a big government-type of person, just like Hillary Clinton. And I am, I believe, truly the only conservative in this race."

--"I know dictators and authoritarians when I see them, and Donald Trump is one of them. I will do everything in my power to prevent him from becoming president of the United States."

--"Donald Trump appeals to the worst fears of Americans at a time we need unity, not division. Republicans are deeply divided by a man who is perilously close to gaining the most powerful position in the world, and many rightly see him as a real threat to our Republic."

--"I am unknown because I've avoided the limelight so that I could serve. In the case of Donald Trump, he has avoided service so that he could seek the limelight.

--"Trump has never sacrificed anything for this country, and in fact, he has attacked people who have. It just makes me sick to my stomach when I see him attacking the mother of a fallen hero or John McCain. It just makes me sick to my stomach that this guy thinks he's prepared to be commander-in-chief."

--"I think Utahns - and I won't speak for all Utahns - but my sense is that they have real issues with Donald Trump's lack of decency, with his bigotry, the way he's divided this country. That's not the Utahn way. I think they have issues with his attacks on religious minorities."

--"The idea that Donald Trump is a conservative is a complete farce. He is a conman who pretends to be a conservative."

Although Mindy Finn was McMullin's official running-mate, it was the "placeholder" name of Nathan Daniel Johnson that appeared on printed ballots in every case.

The idea of a placeholder VP has been a common element of third party Presidential electioneering for many decades, thanks mostly to the Byzantine laws of many states that are designed to prevent ballot access for those opposing the two major parties. But apparently the idea was new to McMullin's staff, who spelled out the Johnson-Finn problem on his campaign website--

Vote for Evan McMullin and Nathan Johnson
Friday, October 21, 2016 Posted by John Claybrook

Over the past week, we’ve been told by thousands of people that they are casting their vote for Evan McMullin. We are so incredibly thankful for these patriotic Americans standing up for what is right.

In this time, we’ve also received a lot of questions, which is understandable because what we’re doing has NEVER been done before.

The questions usually are:

    If Evan McMullin is on the ballot, why is his running mate Nathan Johnson?
    If I’m writing in Evan McMullin, for Vice President, do I write in Mindy Finn or Nathan Johnson?

Here are a few clarifying points:

    Almost every state requires a name for Vice President when qualifying for ballot access or verified write-in status.
    Almost all of these deadlines passed before Mindy Finn joined the ticket.
    Nathan Johnson is a trusted friend of Evan’s who was willing to fill in as a temporary placeholder in order to give voters across the nation a chance to vote for Evan McMullin.
    Therefore, if you are voting for Evan McMullin, write-in “Nathan Johnson” as the Vice President, because that is how our paperwork was filed with states and votes will be counted.
    In the event that the race is pushed to the U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Nathan Johnson will resign and be replaced by Mindy Finn.

Sound crazy? We’ll be the first to agree with you! But please do remember that this is an unprecedented three month presidential campaign gaining tremendous momentum all across the nation.

We could be the first campaign in 48 years to win an electoral vote outside of the two party duopoly.

This has taken creativity and a deep desire to give the American people a candidate worthy of this great nation.

So, during early voting and on November 8, either vote or write-in “Evan McMullin” and “Nathan Johnson.”

Our nation deserves better!

Nathan Johnson turned out to a very mysterious figure and McMullin shared precious little about this temporary VP, leading some to believe he had a fictitious character as a running-mate. "He’s somebody I’ve known for years and who I trusted to play this role as a stand-in, in this position for the paperwork, but not be otherwise involved," said McMullin.

Johnson, of San Diego, really existed. Part of his life experience dated back to Utah, where one would assume is where he met McMullin. Before his identity was ascertained and verified, his mystery was a  brief social media sensation.

Although the McMullin/Finn ticket did not officially garner any printed ballot votes, the McMullin/Johnson team placed 5th nationally, finishing in third place in Idaho and Utah, two Mormon strongholds. In Utah, McMullin finished with a whopping 21.54% and in Idaho with 6.73%. Other states where he topped 1% were: Minnesota 1.80%, Virginia 1.36%, Kentucky 1.18%, Arkansas 1.17%, Colorado 1.04%, South Carolina 1.00%.

Election history: none.

Other occupations: US Army, legislative assistant for the Pharmaceutical Care Management Association, consultant with Morgan Borszcz Consulting

Not to be confused with Andrew Nathan Johnson, Prohibition Party VP for 1944.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Roger Matthew Kushner


Roger Matthew Kushner, July 12, 1946 -

VP candidate for Independent (aka Non Affiliated aka Unaffiliated aka Honesty Reparations Education no Deficit Party) (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Cherunda Lynn Fox (b. 1962)
Popular vote: 233 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Cheruda Lynn Fox of the Detroit area filed for President with the FEC as a Republican in May 2014. She amended her status to that of a Non-Affiliated Independent in Jan. 2016. Her running-mate was Dr. Roger Kushner of Bloomfield Hills, Mich., who Fox described as "My Ob/Gyn." He did not appear to be active in the campaign.

On her Facebook page, Fox linked to a large number of Tea Party/conspiracy links and added some cryptic comments of her own--

Sept. 14, 2016
I am a Independent, with 381 electoral votes.  More than Trump or Hillary, so I have already won.  President Fox  or Madame President is what you can call me.

Her campaign webpage included this autobiography--

          I am running for the 45th President of the United States of America. I am a Independent. I already have 200 electoral votes. I am 54, African American and American Indian. I have 19 Years of education. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice. I worked on my Masters in Criminal Justice and I attended Cooley and Wayne State University Law School.  With my children we have 109 years of education to devote to solving the problems of America. My parents were Margaret and Howard Fox. My mother died when I was 8, on 4-20-1970. My father abandoned me when I was 11, on 1-11-1973, he died 33 years, 10 months later on 11-11-2006. He never made his wife Romestine Looney-Fox take care of us.  They were in agreement on that. She cared for her ganddaughters instead. We never lived together again as parent and child. I raised myself. I graduated from high school in 2 1/2 years when I was 16, enrolled myself in college and found a full-time job at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Michigan within a week of graduation. I am retired from the State of Michigan. I was hired at 18, in 1980. I was a Protective Services Worker, who protected  and repaired the damage of children from abusive situations forced on them through no fault of their own.  
         The economy was given to me due to the treason, genocide and traitors welcomed on American soil by the Bush's (Republicans) and Clinton's (Democrats) due to my divorce 4-8-88. I released 2 Trillion in 2009, it didn't move the economy at all. The only people who had money were the banks. I was approved for a loan, but it wasn't funded. Which means the banks had money, but they weren't sharing.  I couldn't put anymore in. Barack doesn't have a reputation for honesty. I've never met him.
I released 4 Trillion in October 2014 when I announced my Presidential candidacy. The current economic recovery is due to me. Still, it is not enough. I believe we can do better.
         Reparations as a National Economic program will get all Americans the economic prosperity we deserve.
         I am so grateful that I have a reputation for honesty, trustworthiness and putting the American voter 1st.
         I am the only one who knows what happened. I am the only one that can fix it.  
         I must  actually do the job of the President myself. The power and prestige associated with the Office of the President makes the people I pick drunk on power, they are ungrateful and forgetful of the reason they are there. That's why it's been 28 years. 28 YEARS!!!  I have to do the job myself if I want it ever to get done.
         We will make history on several fronts. Write My Name In. Thank You In advance.

Fox had a lengthy statement on policy, here are some selections--

Bureau of Women Affair's (BOWA)
This is a new federal agency.
If you have a issue with wage disparity, you can come to BOWA.   They will coordinate all the departments in the federal government necessary to get to the bottom of the issue, Department of Labor, EEOC, FBI, CIA, IRS, Homeland Security, Attorney General, etc. and they will make the necessary referrrals for you and then they will track your progress.  These cases will stay open up to 30 years, the majority of a woman's worklife or child-bearing through college-aged children years.
We also do divorce relocation services. Divorce affects more than 50% of our population and our failure to address it has given home to Treason and Genocide and Terrorism in Our Great Nation.  We will deal with it now.  We will help divorcees find employment, housing, schools for the children and help with state court hearings requesting permission to remove the children from the State.  We will issue federal child support warrants and will fire any IRS employee who pulls the stops on income tax returns for arrearage or illegally grants a hardship waiver.
 This will save our country from divorce burns based in Treason, Genocide and Traitors.  BOWA will save us the great cost of wars, damage to our 3 branches of government and laws that are more taylored to our enemies interest than ours. The cost to our National Security will decrease and our personal safety will increase dramatically.
Acts of terrorism on American soil will cease to exist as their will be no home given to traitors.

The head of the agency will report directly to the President, me.

-So any threats to our National Security can be dealt with immediately without delay.   
 -It will also diminish the likelihood that a non-custodial parent will build their new  life with unjust enrichment stolen from our government and delivered through our government (postal service) build on the backs of their existing children to provide for their future children.
 -The rule applies you can only have the children you can actually afford.
 -Stealing from you current children will cost you any future you had planned.
 -American can't afford your Treason against your own seed, our Treasury and our Soveignity.  
​Know this when you create your first child,  so there will be no misunderstanding of the United States of America's policy.

BOWA will enforce this policy as long as Divorce is legal in this country and Treason is not.
BOWA is a equal opportunity agency and it will service divorced custodial parent men with these same issues.

That divorced couple fighting in the picture are siblings.  They have been, along with their older sister,  the victims of  a Treason, Genocide and Foreign Traitors in America divorce burn every day of their natural lives in America.  Their fathers, stepmothers and a fake step-grandmother, their friends and families and the Republican and Democrat Party thought they would ruin these children from birth.  If it wasn't for me, they would have.  They wanted to teach innocent newborn babies a lesson their entire life about their parents legal divorce.
 Almost 30 years now

     You can also come in to have a sex discrimination issue referred.  We will make the appropriate referrals and then we will track and follow-up, coordinating  with our various federal agencies.​


Only the Bush's/Clinton's could turn a divorce into decades of Treason on American soil.

BOWA will guarantee that a divorce will never lead to treason in America.
The Fox Administration will guarantee...  
It will never happen on American soil again.

The Clinton's could have freed our hands from this Treason and Genocide, 21 years ago, but they didn't.

The only way out:

1.  If  you use your hands to write my name on the ballot and make me President.
2. If   I  commit the same crimes (Genocide, Treason and Mail, Identity and WelFare Fraud) that was commited against me and America to trigger an investigation.

Since the Clinton's allowed the federal judges to be blown up in Oklahoma when the federal judge in Detroit ACTUALLY ALREADY CAUGHT THEM 4-14-95.

The Clinton's created domestic terrorism on American soil.

They let it happen.


Use your hands to write my name in on your ballot on November 8, 2016.

Cherunda Fox
Fox for President

​A Nationwide Economic Program
The program issues 400,000.00 per person to any person who can prove the had a ancestor that was an involuntary slave in America.

1. 100,000.00 must be used to build or purchase a home.
2.  100,000.00 must be used to start a business that employs Americans.
3.  100,000.00 must be invested short-term (10 Years )
4.  100,000.00 must be invested long-term (30 years)

Program particpants will no longer be eligible for any form of welfare with the exception of Unemployment and Social Security based previous employment.

Due to the fact that program participants have no investment firms, nationwide construction companies, office supply companies or banks, any person of any race, creed or color who uses their corporation to help participants fulfill program requirements can participate as vendors.

Classes at the Commerce Department, IRS and SEC are required prior to the issuance of any reparations disbursements.

The program will be paid for by illegal aliens at a cost of 400,000.00 per person over a 60 year period.  During at which time they will be issued provisional U.S, Citizen status with supervision,  pending the completion of payments.

This program will solve many issues in our nation.  It will end racism, sexism and terrorism in our society by paying a 150 year old that promotes economic stability, equality and the security of our nation while producing hundreds of millions of jobs from coast to coast in the process.

My motto, "A job in every pot."

1 Trillion to our K-12 Children
I will place 1 Trillion in our schools.   20,000.00 per student.  The upper end public schools only spend 13,000.00.   The cost to the taxpayer, absolutely nothing.  
There will be speciality schools who train doctors. lawyers, accountants, engineers, skilled trades, etc.  with local school board input.  Schools will be able to build million dollar science labs,  hire law professors or whatever is needed.

What are you good qualities, Cherunda Fox?
I can fix any problem that you have.  That's my gift.  I consider myself a person who can triumph over any situation in this lifetime.  I learned this skill when I was on my own from 11 to 18.  I believe I should be celebrated for the life skills I acquired that allowed me to keep a roof over my head, clothe and feed myself, way before I was supposed to.

I managed to acquire summer school tuition so I could graduate early.

I didn't know how to cook, clean or wash clothes, but I taught myself over the years.  

I went to school and was in the top 10% of my class, without anyone to come to parent teacher conferences for me.  
I got a co-op job when I was 15, at school, recieved class credits and a little cash.
                                                                                                                                                I paid lights, gas, phone. water and taxes for 7 years.

I graduated from High School in 2 1/2 years.

I enrolled myself in college and found a full-time job within a week of graduation.

My father was a milllionaire so I couldn't falsify the FAFSA.
He and his wife wouldn't help me because I wouldn't sleep with him.  

I paid cash each semester with a payment plan.

I had from the beginning of each semester to the end to pay off my tuition bill, or else I couldn't register for the next semester.

Hint, hint, Malia Obama.
I paid off my parents mortgage, right on schedule when I was 17.  
I had enough college credits to start with the State at 18.

I passed out welfare to families with up to 4 generations of welfare cases.
That's how I met Beatrice Thomas, my dad's last wife?
She is 2 years younger than me.
She and her grandmother were my clients, after her mom didn't want her, while her great-grandmother was alive.
4 generations.

I was a woman's civil  rights leader at 11.
I am proud that I did not compromise my stance on insest.
That made my life hard with the unbelievable amount of women in my father's life  who were with him due to the incest that I refused.
Had I had sex with him, he would have raised me until I was 18.
I just couldn't.
I made it in spite of my parent's illegal acts toward me.
I am very proud of being able to navigate an impossible situation.
I can help anybody in America with their situations.
I am going to help the 99% up to where we should be if we had politicans who cared about their constituents.  
I have stamina and resolve that would break the average person.  
I am proud of my accomplishments.  
I want you to be proud of them too.
This kind of determination is rare.
Something that needs celebration.
Not many people can do it.
With a healthy respect for anyone who respects me.  It happened to me, so I know how to solve it.  Someone saw my fortitude and decide treason was the only way to break it.  I think not.
It is the centerpiece of this campaign.
Removing famous politicans who are traitors against the United States.
That's what I bring to the table, along with:

    35 to 70 Million new jobs
    8.5 Trillion in investments for Wall-Street
    Buy America Programs

​Revitalization of the American Auto Industry
Urban Farming
Regional Minimum Wages
400,000.00 in Reparations for former slaves
Paying off 16 Trillion of the National Debt
Adding 1 Trillion to Our Nation's K-12 classrooms
Revitalizing the Rust Belt
Virtually Eliminating Crime by Blacks in America
Fixing Our Criminal Justice System
Increasing Home Ownership
Increasing the Manufacture of Goods in the United States
Changing our Economy back to a Goods Oriented Economy
Initiate Aggressive Policies Eliminating Racism and Sexism In America
Being Honest as long as National Security Is Not An Issue
Hold the World Accountable for Their Part In the Treason
Achieve Full Employment
Fix Our Safety Nets
Tweek The 1st Amendment's Bias Coverage
End the Postal Service Financing of Treason in Our Country
Making sure Parents can Provide for their Children
Guaranteeing Investment in America Corporations that Provide American Jobs.
That's just for starters.

Any bad qualities:  Urinary tract Infections , is not a bad quality but a health issue.
Any Solutions:   My Ob/Gyn is my Vice-President.  That should solve that issue.

Humans aren't perfect, but I am not a crook, or a racist and I have the American voters interests at heart.
I am very honest.  
I won't lead you on. I won't mislead you.
Don't let my inept competition lead you astray.
By trying to define me by my health in one hateful word.
They have no policies for you.
You get nothing for your vote, other than their happiness, as usual.
They are jealous.
Look at all the good.
Before you judge me.
I have been training for this job since I was 11.
Any problem you have, I can solve it.
I am here for you the voter no special interests groups or lobbyists allowed.
Let's get to it.
Fox for President 2016

Fox v. Clinton
The Women Candidates
Fox is the winner hands down.
Fox's health is treatable, their is no cure for Hillary's Parkinson's.
Fox's policies put the American voter first, Hillary's polices put the 1% first.  
Fox answers only to the voters, Hillary answers only to the 1%.


Reparations that Invest in the American Worker
Fox says YES, Hillary says No.
Fox wants the American voter happy, the 99%.
Hillary needs to send your jobs overseas to please the 1%.

Foreign Policy
Maine registered voters are sleeping on the ground, while non-citizen Somali's are walking around them with 600,000.00 of the citizens money in their pockets.
Fox says No, Hillary said Yes as Secretary of State.

Voting Rights
Hillary is intimidating and threatening voters into voting for her. Fox is a woman whose family suffered incredibly through genocide murders  and treason on American soil the Clinton allowed foreigners to commit against Fox in violation of the 14th Am.
Fox genuinely cares for Americans.  Hillary pimps Americans, 45 Million so far.
Fox wants Americans to vote for the person who will do something for them.
Hillary stole from  these voters by giving jobs away to Canada and Mexico through NAFTA, so all she has to offer is threats.
Fox wants voting rights exercised, Hillary illegally intimidates voters.

Fox's programs don't cost the American taxpayer 1 thin dime.
Hillary's programs come with a heafty tax increase to the American taxpayer.

Fox's programs increase employment at a minimum by 125 million from reparations.
(Small Business and 30, 40, 50, and 60 dollar @ hour jobs)
Hillary doesn't know how to create jobs through fairness.

Women's Rights
Fox doesn't discriminate against women.
Hillary discriminates against Fox racially and sexually.
Hillary makes party members go against their own interests in reparations.
Fox created the Federal Bureau of Women's Affairs (BOWA) to combat defacto sex discrimination.
Hillary violates her attorney oath to uphold the Constitution by discriminating against women.

Regional Minimum Wages
It costs more to live in new York than it does in Mackinaw Island, Michigan.
I will have the Commerce and Labor Departments Institute Regional Minimum Wages based on the Cost of Living in that Area.
Thanks, Pretty Museum Lady.

United States Treaties With The American Indian Tribes
I will personally read every treaty ever signed with the Indian Nations of America. I am looking to see if the United States kept their promises in a offer, acceptance and  consideration, contractual way.

Hispanic Leadership Program
With Hispanic Women leading the population growth in America.  I want to train their children in leadership of America.  In 27 years, Hispanics will be the majority in this country and I want them to be ready.  I will head the program and train a few children personally myself

Buy America Program
Commerce Department Incentive Program to stimulate and promote American made Goods.
Americans will recieve a rebate with their yearly tax return for buying American products and keeping their neighbors employed and off of welfare.

1 Trillion to the Schools
I am placing 1 Trillion in the schools, 20,000.00 per student and all teacher expenditures on students will be 100% reimbursed. No cost to the taxpayer.
Not 1 thin dime.

The 1st Amendment
The freedom of the press.  The Press in America is racist in violation of the 14th Am.  Content will be free,  just like the airwaves are.  Avereo v. ABC will be reversed.  The press is trying to elect a white President, while clearly I am the best choice, although I am not white.  

The Supreme Court
My appointee is a Hispanic/Italian Michigan Graduate from New York.  She is 31 years old. No politics, no history, only beholden to the voters of America.

I have many more great policies.

Well, we can stop here.  
My policies cream Hillary totally.  
This is a Job.
She is entitled.
I am hungry.
I will deliver for you.
I am you, the 99%.
She will deliver for the 1% against you.
She doesn't care about the Am. Indians, Hispanic, Public Schools, or Your Jobs, Your Unions, Your Bank Account Balance, Just hers is all that matters.

The only person that should vote for Hillary in America is Hillary.

Everybody else, come with me.  I will take good care of you.

Fox for President 2016

The Fox/Kushner ticket were registered write-ins in half the states with the potential of 281 electoral votes, so they had a slightly (emphasis on "slightly") higher possibility of winning the Presidency than most candidates in their category. But it is also a reflection on the determination of this campaign. Their largest chunk of reported popular votes came from Georgia, where 78 voters wrote them in on the ballot.

Since both candidates were residents of the same state, there would have been a potential roadblock with the Constitution in the event of their victory.

Shortly after the election Fox had some cryptic comments on her Facebook posts--

Facebook, Nov. 14, 2016
I saw Barack on TV and my sister at the grocery store.  I watched her for about 15 minutes before I said hi and took her basket.  Apparently, the Democrats lost 990 seats while they were excluding me from my blessing the last 7 years and they want to kill me.  2 things.  1st you tried to kill me on 6-14-16 with rat poision on my nephew's birthday cake.  That didn't work.  I suspect his wife.  2nd you talked about how I smelled during menopause using it as a reason to exclude me from my blessing and apparently ever time you did God took a legislative Seat from you somewhere in America for a total of 990. Judge not, lest yea be judged, applies here.
I am not a Democrat, you made me sick, bankrupted me, never had the FBI arrest anyone on my behalf, stole my inheritance with a bogus marriage license, never ever arrested any judge the breached the Constitution on the bench and starved me whenever you could and then when I offered you 400,000.00 in reparations, a home built from the ground a business and 200,000 of that in stock market investments, 35-50 million factory and steel mill jobs back, you voted for Hillary instead of me and the icing on the cake, my visit to the White House was cancelled while  by Michelle's hateful black ass,  you slaughtered my family and made my enemies rich from my blood. Yet you say I am ungrateful, really? This is how it got that way, I never met Barack, he just uses me for the best things this life has to offer, Now we are beginning to understand each other.  Isn't understandings great?

Facebook, Dec. 19, 2016
The electoral college voted Trump in today.  I am with the Republicans, I gave them 991 seats before this election but I can't help but wonder if Trump will be assassinated or will America be involved in a nuclear war started by Hillary? Or will she be appeased with Committee Hearings or Court Hearings will be absolutely meaningless in the next 4 years?  If 2 is lying, 2 should pick out their casket. I wonder who will inherit from 2? 2 is finn to get paid, today's satellite news.

Fox filed with the FEC for President in the 2020 election as a Republican in Mar. 2017. She filed for the 2024 election as a Republican on Nov. 10, 2020.

Election history: none

Other occupations: obstetrician/gynecologist

Stay tuned.