Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Levi Moore Cunningham

Levi Moore Cunningham, September 11, 1956 (Jefferson County, Ky.) - December 30, 2009 (Texas?)

VP candidate for Independent (1992)

Running mate with nominee: James Wellington Wright (b. 1940)
Popular vote: 23 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

James Wellington Wright and his running-mate Levi M. Cunningham were write-in candidates in Texas only. Apparently they were both residents of New Caney, near Houston. They garnered a whopping 23 votes. In the event of their victory there would have been a Constitutional problem as they were residents of the same state.

Why they ran and what they stood for could not be discovered.

Election history: none

Other occupations: US Army 1974-1976

Buried: ?

Another mystery candidate, except that for purposes of Pacific Northwest trivia we know that Cunningham lived at one time in Oregon.