Sunday, May 10, 2020

Bill Carroll

 Jack Mabardy on the campaign trail

Bill Carroll

VP candidate for Independent (1996)

Running mate with nominee: Jack Mabardy (b. ca1947)
Popular vote: 1 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

In the documentary Why Can't I Be President, Framingham, Mass. proprietor of Town Taxi Jack Marbady is one of the subjects. Marbady, who had never run for public office before, had as part of his platform the urgent need for the government to develop a plan for an invasion by extraterrestrials:

If a UFO ever landed the situation would be complete chaos. I don't think the local authorities, the state authorities have the proper ability of dealing with such a situation. I really have no idea at all if these people are hostile or friendly but I feel that we should really look into this. I feel that the American people should be trained and conditioned in case the day ever avails where these devices do land in a local shopping center we would have a complete chaos situation on our hands if we do not train the American people.

His 36-point platform also included outlawing hunters, making abortion illegal, raising speed limits, enacting rent control, and using the military to fight crime.

Mabardy initially ran as a Republican in the Presidential primaries, but then continued his campaign as an independent or independent Republican. There is no information about Bill Carroll, his running-mate.

Registered as write-in candidates in Maryland and Utah and perhaps other states, the Marbady/Carroll ticket received a single vote in the Beehive State.

Election history: ?

Other occupations: ?

Buried: ?

Another mystery VP candidate.