Saturday, August 1, 2020



VP candidate for Feline Party (2004)

Running mate with nominee: Tabby
Popular vote: ? (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

The Feline Party appears to have been created circa 2001. As the name suggests, both candidates were cats-- Tabby and Goldie.

The Party website had this statement on their splashpage: "Tabby and Goldie are advocates of recycling glass, paper, cans, and other materials... but not animals! Pets are for life.. do not throw them away... and reduce litters by spaying and neutering your pets!!"

Embedded further into the website, an address by Tabby goes into further detail of the campaign's mission:

My fellow Americans,

I shall be brief. My goal may seem simple, as it can be summed up in only one word, but it is extremely complicated: Peace. I am sure that is what everyone wants, peace on Earth, goodwill toward men. But today I ask for peace toward all creatures. Cats, dogs, birds, fish, kangaroos, everyone. My goal is to tear down the walls that divide humans and all other animals, to unite us.

How might we do this, you ask? By making animal cruelty laws more severe, by funding shelters so they can be no-kill, by treating us like the intelligent creatures we are. We have feelings too, yet our voices go unheard.

I will be blunt: we will not see a feline president in my time, or ever. But that will not stop us from spreading our message.

Support Goldie and I, support the Feline Party, support peace for all creatures!

Naturally due to their species, age, and shared state residence, there would have been some Constitutional issues in the event of a Tabby/Goldie victory.

Election history: none

Other occupations: cat

Buried: ?

It is probably best they were never on a debate stage with the Hamster Party 2004 candidates.