Thursday, September 24, 2020

Orenthal James Simpson

 Jerry Carroll

Orenthal James Simpson, July 9, 1947 (San Francisco, Calif.) -

VP candidate for Independent (2008)

Running mate with nominee: Jerry Leon Carroll (b. 1945)
Popular vote: 0 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

The perennial candidate who calls himself Jerry "Mr. President" Carroll first ran for President in 1980 as near as I can tell. He once expressed a desire to "become crowned emperor of Earth by all the peoples of Earth."

It is little difficult to decipher his platform but it seems he might be something of a Christian nationalist and survivalist. Apparently he lays claim to being the "mole" that exposed Jim Jones' People Temple cult. He also said he was, for two years, the Public Relations Man for the National Security Agency [!!!]

Carroll was a registered write-in in Montana, Utah, and West Virginia where he had a reported combined total of zero votes. In Utah he was listed with a running-mate as Carroll and Simpson.

"Simpson" was none other than celebrity football player, actor, and accused murderer O.J. Simpson. Carroll had attempted to reach Simpson for confirmation, according to his FEC filings. During the course of the 2008 campaign Simpson was in court on charges of robbery and kidnapping in State of Nevada v. Orenthal James Simpson, et al.. He was sentenced to 33 years in prison on Oct. 3, 2008.  

Election history: none

Other occupations: football player, actor, prison inmate

Simpson's reaction to being the VP is unknown.