Monday, November 2, 2020

Election Day 2020!


The long slog is almost over and tomorrow will be Election Day 2020.

I very much want to express my appreciation for the third party VP candidates who honored this blog with their willingness to take part in informational interviews. Especially I would like to single out Mr. Enrique Ramos of the American Free Soil Party who was the first to agree to an interview and helped get the ball rolling. Also Heather Bradford (Socialist Action), Phil Collins (Prohibition Party), Rudy Reyes (Legal Marijuana Now Party), Amar Patel (American Solidarity Party), Eric Bodenstab (Unity Party of America), Blake Huber and Frank Atwood (Approval Voting Party), John de Graaf (Bread and Roses Party), Henry Jackson (Real Democracy Party), and Darcy Richardson (Alliance Party).  I hope you all found the 2020 campaign to be a positive and enlightening experience.

Not pictured is Edward Leamer, 2016 Independent VP who sat out 2020 but also provided an excellent interview.