Saturday, February 27, 2021

Marjorie J. Kern-Marshall


Marjorie J. Kern-Marshall, January 24, 1930 -

VP candidate for Bully Party (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Satchel (d. 2015)
Popular vote: ? (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

A bull terrier Presidential candidate in Tennessee named Satchel selected a hen in California named Mae Poulet to be his running-mate about a month before Election Day in 2012. Satchel prepared his second run for the White House at a much earlier point in the campaign season.

Satchel released a platform for the 2016 election--

2014 is closing, and 2015 is ready to start. As your next President, I'll be closely watching what may just be the top 5 areas of concern for the U.S. in the coming year. My team and I have assembled this list of 'watch items'. (though many, many more are on the 'big' list).
#5) Domestic race relations and immigration. In a nation that will be majority minority by 2020 racial tensions and divisions that also include economic refugees will continue as our nation grapples with what we are as a nation, and what we are naturally evolving towards. Into this mix we also add advances that women will make in our board-rooms and in political representation/power.
#4) The Euro-Zone will face its greatest challenge to stability. Greece and Britain may be out/leave, and economic retaliations from Russia towards Europe over sanctions may further hurt the European economy. This could lead to disruptions in U.S. exports to the continent and have a troubling impact on US job growth for exporters. This could also lead to increased/renewed difficulties in our nations own financial markets.
What will challenges #3, #2, and #1 be? I'll be addressing these soon. "A New Day for America" means being ready for our future and laying a roadmap for years of success.
Thank you for your support

As your next President, my team has and I have identified 5 big issues for our nation for 2015. I've already identified two. Two others are:
#3. The challenge to maintain a global coalition against ISIL, and more importantly, to avoid 'mission-creep', dragging the US deeper into a more intense military engagement once again in the Middle-East.
#2. Global warming, our nations march towards green energy and the challenge of increased domestic fossil fuel production/use and creating opportunities for green energy options to increase current rates of growth and increases in development.
The four areas identified so far will dominate much of our nation for 2015, as well as scores of other issues. DC will continue to stagnate, and these issues will continue to require solutions. In 2016, we will find ourselves at a cross-roads. Our nation can choose to continue with the status-quo, or move towards "A New Day for America". Only one candidate is prepared to lay a path across this road that will set up America ready for the next several decades, and lay the proper foundation for a successful America for the century ahead----Satchel. Thank you for your support.

Looking out towards 2015, the #1 threat/issue for our nation is cyber security. DC is not taking this serious enough, my admin. will. Our nation and domestic business face 400,000 cyber attacks every day. Four new attacks every second. Retailers and your information is being attacked daily. Target, Home Depot, Staples, Dairy Queen, as well as grocers Albertsons and Shaws and Supervalue have been hit by hackers. 100's of others retail locations America shops daily have been hit, daily. The Pentagon, the White House have been hit by hackers. Our nations hospitals, our electric companies, our ports, our air traffic control systems, our national rail systems are face cyber attacks daily. Cyber attacks against our nation are poised to deliver the most damage to our nation far exceeding the events of Pearl Harbor or 9/11. And yet, DC falters in acting to protect our nation. Cyber threats to our nation are the new 'duck-and-cover' and 'THE Button' of our generation. As your next President, my admin. will take on cyber security issues as the greatest threat against our nation, a threat that can take down an entire global economy and threatens how billions of global citizens conduct their daily lives. "A New Day for America" takes on and addresses devastating cyber-attacks and security before Congress decides it might do 'something'. Thank you for your support.

Satchel's Facebook page included an entry on Mar. 28, 2014--

If I could choose a leading candidate so early for my Vice-President running mate it would be this wonderful woman.  She knows and understands what "A New Day for America" is all about.

The link went to a video covering Margie Kern-Marshall of Santa Cruz, Calif. As a random act of kindness, Kern-Marshall set out on the street with her walker on her 83rd birthday and gave 83 dollars each to strangers she met. And when she ran out of money, she gave away free hugs.

Satchel died in Mar. 2015, but his campaign lived on.

Election history: none

Other occupations: teacher

It is unknown if Kern-Marshall was aware she was a VP contender.