Friday, August 27, 2021

James Christian Kimmel



James Christian Kimmel, November 13, 1967 (New York, N.Y.) -

VP candidate for Independent (Rump) (2016)
VP candidate for Independent (Raju) (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Ronald T. Rump (b. 2015)
Running mate with nominee: Sampanna Gopal Raju (1934-2021)
Popular vote: 0 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign (Rump):

There were several manifestations of a "Ronald T. Rump" character 2015-2016. Rump had accounts with LinkedIn, Facebook, and Pinterest-- all from different sources so it seems. Jan Needle's book, The Rise of Ronald T. Rump was published before the election.

A gentleman on Youtube posed as Ronald T. Trump on videos posted between Aug. 17-Oct. 18, 2015. In his final presentation he announced the selection of Jimmy Kimmel as his running-mate. He also let the viewers know his picks for Cabinet and Supreme Court:

Secretary of State - Stephen Colbert
Unspecified office in the Cabinet - Jimmy Fallon
Secretary of Defense - The Roots
Supreme Court - Conan O'Brien

"Now, some of you might be askin', 'Well, hey Ronald. It looks like you picked a bunch of late night show hosts to be in your Cabinet.' Well, to tell you the truth, I go to bed at 9 o'clock. And I need one these guys to answer that 3 am phone call 'cause I ain't gonna be gettin' up at that [time in the] morning."

In 2016 Kimmel was busy with his evening show Jimmy Kimmel Live! and in all likelihood was unaware he was a Vice-Presidential candidate. In any case, having a fictitious character as the standard bearer would have proven Constitutionally problematic in the event of a Rump/Kimmel victory.

The campaign (Raju):

Dr. S. Gopal Raju of Fort Worth, Tex. filed under the party affiliation of "None, write-in cand." for President with the FEC on Sept. 14, 2016. His form included a multipage campaign flyer. A sample of the information he provided--

There are some of 108 Proposals will be detailed by Dr. S. Gopal Raju on Nov. 8 2016 night as President Elect of America FOR 50 STATES AND 325,000,000 POPULATION. HEARE ARE 30 PRPOPSALS

1. 5 Regional V Ps and 3-5 Regional Secretaries in each 15 Federal Departments. Mr. Mark Cuban of Dallas and Mr. Jimmy Kimmel of ABC -10:35 PM Night show are interested in taking up VP Position. They are Welcome and others are also Welcome from Suspended Candidates to Dr. SGR Team for
the formation of New USA on Jan. 20,2017 without Democratic nor Republican Country. Dr. SGR is looking for 3-2 Men or 2 -3 Women able Candidates for V Ps and in all Federal Secretaries positions in alternate Departments.

2. Secretaries to report to one VP weekly and each VP reports to the President on Skype Weekly to save driving time in Washington DC Traffic. All of them can work from their homes in their Regions without flying to Washington DC.

3. New Federal Health Care for Medicare - 5 parts is a waste. Veterans, Tricare and Medicaid, under one Federal Health Insurance scheme. It does not affect Private Health Insurances that are working.

4. Voluntary Federal Retired Health Care Professionals to work at least one or two or more days to keep in touch latest info, in a week with Tax Deductible amount for the day/ days worked depending upon their work.

5. Set up 5000 Federal Pharmacies to dispense at lowest cost for low income families only. Tax payment cards will be sent to all Tax Payers just like Credit cards for paying Tax on $50000.00 or less.

6. Citizen Certificates are available for all after one to three years of receiving Immigrant Green Cards unlike 13 years of waiting now if they are qualified at higher fee than now. More staff will be added as needed.

7. No Walls will be built on the Borders - It is waste of Millions of Dollars and time.  

8.  Social Security and other Federal Pensions will be increased to $2000.00 / month and Tax Free. Now it is taxed part of it now above $36,000.00 income.

9. Severe Austerity Measures for Federal Spending and moderate increase in benefits for low income families.  Ex. For low families up to $30,000.00 in paying Toll Pay, Medicines, Winter Clothing and Food discount and also for severe permanent progressive Disabilities. Disabilities are spending more and more money to buy the disabilities products around the year.

10. White Coat President replaces black coat and White House becomes Work House for Health Care needs in Obesity to reduce the weight in two years on WHTV by Dr.SGR and his wife Chava weeklv on Saturdavs 9-10 AM on all Time Zones on common Medical & Surgical and Vegetarian Dr. SGR Heart Healthv Dishes and also other subiects like Exercise. PT. OT and BT (Brain Theraovl.

11. Defense: Reduce about 50 % of the in-active Foreign Bases in about 4 years and closers of some small Bases in 2017-2018 to 25-50 % to lower the cost to Defense Budget.

12. Open for 20 Million Employment in 2017 - 2018 for telling by the machines "Leave the message from 8 AM-8 PM on week days in USA in all businesses, more so in essential offices. Dr. SGR is facing his delays in caring for his own illnesses in the last 15 years in DFW area.

13. Pathologists and Radiologist must be given or send the results of examinations to the patients with in three days and immediately if any Cancer or life threatening results immediately in the x ray department or call the patients. This happened 6 weeks delay of my x ray report sending the corrected by Dr.SGR to my Primary care Physician.

14. To Change of growing Computer to Clinical Medicine in Health Care in 2017 as more and more Robots are making rounds in the Hospitals. It is not acceptable for better care.

15. Dr. SGR will take full Responsibilities in all sections of Health sectors for the best care in USA

16. Dr. SGR will hold monthly Press Conference on 1 st Mondays at 2 -3 PM EST

17. Proposing $15 - $20.00 / hour work in all work places instead of tips. Now the pay is $2-$3.00 / hour in all dining rooms. They cannot live on meager Tips for serving the food to the customers.

18.5 Weeks of Maternity Leave for the working mother and one week for her husband only

19. Disabilities are ignored by providing better safety products installed in every Business, like Hotels and Motels, Offices of all kinds. Hospitals, Temples and other worshiping places. Rest Areas, even in the White House and the Capitol, Schools and Colleges need to be remodels for safety for severe disabilities like Dr. SGR since July 4,2002. American Disabilities Act signed by President G W H Bush in 1990 and again
Amended ADA act signed by President G W Bush in 2000 is nothing specifics about the really how to make the best Bathrooms for Disabilities. Dr. SGR talked with the managers of all hotels he staved since 2002. all Rest areas and reoeatedlv in DFW area Temples.  But nothing has changed.
Dr. SGR has designed the most safety Bathrooms to build in one BR in every house at least and in all public places.

20.  The automobiles must be built to make easy to drive and travel for Disabilities.

21.  Two additional Supreme Courts 7 Justices in each not 9 - to hear the cases as and it is filed within 10-15

22.  Double the Federal Courts and Judges in 2017.

23. 2 Additional President mini WH buildings, one in Fort Worth. TX  and another in West Coast.

24. Closure of W H Clinic and Dr. SGR is looking for other alternatives.

25. Closure of Drug Zar and Marijuana availability for specific diseases and for recreational uses upon MD s Prescription for PTSD and Neurological Problems.

26. Bank deposits bv low income people below $30.000.00 / year income, to get 5 % interest and at the same time above $30-50.000.00 must get 3 % rate.  The rest to get 2 % Interest.
27.  All sudden Hikes in prices in Rx Drugs will be subjected to discontinue in the market and set imported by Federal Pharmacies.

Medical Tips
28. Dissolve all medications including open the capsules in a sweet liquid of your choice and swallow on empty stomach in the morning or 2 hours after eating solid foods. Early absorption will help you feel better safely. All medications are bitter. Check with vour doctor or pharmacies. This is the I take all medications.

29. For drubbing of urine, wear adult diaper - reinforce with 6-8 layers of tissue paper and change the tissue after it is wet. You save diapers and money. You can use the same way after operations on Anus & Rectum. Vagina and Vaginal Hysterectomy and Urethra. After Delivery of a child. Save money.

30. Reduce Foreign aids reduce to > 0-50 % and we cannot afford to keep on paying to the countries help or personal pockets of the their country PM / President's Pocket. WE have to reduce the debt first.

78 more like the above 30 to be listed in the future in Websites. DVD s and in two books. And will be announced on Nov 8. 2017 as President Elect.  And 999 more will be announced on January 20. 2017 as For 325.000.000 People to live better from 2017 - 2025.
Two Books. DVD will be available after Nov 8. 2016

3. DVD on Dr. SGR Progressive Disabilities since July 4, 2002

My stand is about similar to 1776 Revolution to get Independence to New Independent USA on January 20, 2107 and neither Democratic nor Republican Country. Also it is not Red States or Blue States. It is one Independent State.

I started my solo campaign to go for it on September 1, 2016 on my 82 ND Birth Day with the best, bright and supreme knowledge about USA Politics when compared to other contesting billionaire candidates. Article 2 section 5 and Amendment 14, is on my side as Natural Born, 82 Year Old with 53 years of Resident and 31 years USA Citizenship and very well qualified in all aspects of Medicine and US History and Politics with no skeletons in my closet as in DJT and HRC. Whole world knows and 60 % Voters do not vote for them.

I request the Election Commission must force the two Candidates who are spending millions of dollars collecting from donors in spite of their no plans for the status of Health Care, Eradicating Hunger and Homelessness for over 40 Millions of Have -nots in this rich country in
the World.

I have come up with 30 Propositions Initially and I will have another 78 Proposition by October 15,2016.

I also requesting you all as an 82 Year Disabled Surgeon similar to Disabled President F D Roosevelt, to rule as Independent Commissioners and neither Democratic nor Republican Presidential appointee. That itself is a partisan decision, and that happen in one election between GW Bush and Al Gore.

I watched all election results since 1954 and learned a lot of changes to be made in 2017 onwards.

In conclusion I need Federal Election Commissioners  Protection from to WIN on November 8, 2016 and to become the President on January 20, 2017 to Service to the Humanity is Service to God almighty who created this Universe for all living and non-living objects like mountains, trees and rivers and oceans. Men and women are misusing. We cannot stop Hurricane, Earthquake and other cyclones etc.

I was born in Anekal on September 1,1934 where the first set of few aero planes built in 1897 by Subba Raya Shasthri and flown in Bombay Shores and the British Government did not support him. (Google). Anekal must be recognized as # 1 in Aeronautics town. The Wright Brothers built in 1903 in USA. (Google) six years later.

I left Anekal on July 10,1963 to USA and on that day I decided to build a College for poor girls and boys who could not have gone to get college education. I built in 1980. Now 700 students have enrolled, whereas the Trump University was closed and Trump got benefited millions of dollars.
More like this good news are narrated by me in my DVD disc FEC. Please look at my face in about 50 minutes.

I toured 10 states from August 20 - 30 TX, OK, MO, IL, IN, KY, MS, AK and TX and met hundreds of voters and presented my flyers and discussed all issues facing this Nov 8, Election on Candidates. About 95 % of them do not like to DT or HC. They are waiting for another Independent Candidate like me and they will vote for me. That made me to decide to enter the race as a Write -in Candidate only way I can become the next President to save USA as one USA and not divided USA like now.
I was reborn on July 4,2002 from Heaven in Fort Wayne Lutheran Hospital on July 4, 2002 after 41 days in coma and nearly died with MOFS (Multiple Organs Failed Syndrome.

Using the slogan "Surgeon For President," the candidate's campaign website informed the voters--

With emphasis on the big issues, I strive to facilitate economic stability, increased employment, and lower crime rates.

Write - in - Candidate  
Surgeon for President on Nov. 8, 2016

America is looking for the Best Bright Brain Person, Independent – Write in Candidate. So forward to other Friends Worldwide for formation to form NEW USA ON Jan. 20, 2017 to win over Trump, Clinton and other parties candidates and Write in Candidates.  60% of Democrats and Republicans do not want to vote for H R Clinton or D J Trump.   They are waiting for an Independent Candidate. So here is one!
Dr. SGR has toured 8 States TX, OK, MO, IN, IL, KY, AR and TX and 90 % of the people in Rest Areas, Gas Stations, Dining places and 5 Temples (2. Chicago, 1. Indianapolis and 2 in DFW areas.)

Dr. Raju had run for office before, in 2002 for the Texas State Legislature and making a bid for "U.S. Senate or Congress" in 2008 under the Lone Star Party banner. His national party, at least in 2008, was called the 50-Stars Party of America. In 2012 he unsuccessfully sought the Libertarian Party nomination for US Senate. In the past he had once been a Democrat.

I suspect their VP assignment was news to Mark Cuban and Jimmy Kimmel, if in fact they even knew about it.

The selection of Kimmel as one of the 5 running-mates placed the talk show host in a select historical short list of people who ran for VP simultaneously in two parties with two different Presidential nominees. The others I have identified to date are: Bryan Marcellus Miller, 1960 (Constitution and Tax Cut) - Richard Milhous Nixon, 1976 (Independent and Memphis American) - Ronald Ernest Paul, 2008 (Independent and Independent) - Jennifer Mulhern Granholm, 2012 (Independent and Independent) - Ajamu Sibeko Baraka, 2016 (Green Party of the United States, and, Wake Up) - and Barbie Millicent Roberts, 2016 (Independent, and Independent (OTC)). James Danforth Quayle, 1992 (Independent, Independent, Republican) has the honor of running with three Presidential candidates in the same election.

In spite of Dr. Raju's comments regarding the US Constitution and his legal qualifications for office, being born a citizen of India would have definitely posed a major problem had he emerged victorious on Election Day. Also, the Raju/Cuban ticket had the additional Constitutional problem of both candidates residing in the same state. And finally, if his victory was indeed with 5 VPs, only one of them could be sworn into office until the Constitution was amended to change the organizational structure of the position.

Dr. Raju died June 18, 2021 in Las Colinas, Tex.

Election history: none

Other occupations: comedian, writer, producer, late night TV host, radio host, actor

Washington State trivia alert!!! Kimmel worked at KZOK radio in Seattle 1989-1990.