Showing posts with label Independent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Independent. Show all posts

Monday, November 1, 2021

Dawn Neptune Adams


Dawn Neptune Adams, 1974 -

VP candidate for Progressive Party (aka Independent aka Progressive Party of Oregon aka Green Party of the United States and Independent Green Party) (2020)

Running mate with nominee: Dario David Hunter (b. 1983)
Popular vote: 5,408 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Dario Hunter of Youngstown, Ohio initially filed with the FEC for US President on Feb. 18, 2019 as a member of the Green Party.

On Mar. 8, 2020 Hunter changed his FEC filing to reflect his campaign HQ had relocated to Walnut, Calif. and his running-mate was Darlene Elias of Massachusetts. In his quest for the nomination he placed second in the primaries with 20.5% behind Howie Hawkins (35.06%) and also finished as a formidable runner-up at the Green convention, July 9-11, 2020.

On July 16, 2020, having been unsuccessful in obtaining the nomination of the Green Party, Hunter changed his party designation to Independent in his FEC filing and continued his campaign. In the process he and Elias had been highly critical of the Green Party's leadership and what he contended was an unfair selection method biased in favor of eventual nominee Howie Hawkins.

On Aug. 15, 2020 his filing was amended yet again to reflect his VP was now Dawn Neptune Adams and they were running under the Progressive Party label. The reasons for the switch in running-mates was not given.

Hunter's autobiography from the campaign website--

Born April 21, 1983 in Livingston, New Jersey USA.

Raised in Jersey City and in Newark, New Jersey.

I was born in New Jersey to an African-American mother and a Persian father. We were a working poor family and for us life was a constant struggle to make ends meet. I held on to my goals, getting into Princeton and through three law degrees. I know what it’s like to come from a hard life, but I also know what it’s like to make good on little more than faith and hard work.

I've previously taught as a high school English teacher, served as a K-8 school administrator and as a community college instructor. I enjoy giving back through education and I believe that it is the key to our advancement as a country, just as it has been key to my own personal upliftment. I formerly practiced law in Canada and more recently as an international environmental lawyer at a firm in Haifa.

In Youngstown, OH, I served as a member of the Youngstown Board of Education (2016-2020), fighting the predatory effort of the State of Ohio to take over our district and trap our children in a CEO-run corporate failure. I fought to ban fracking and successfully took on local and state governments in court to uphold the public's right to public records.

Raised at the intersection of multiple cultural experiences, I have taken a very liberal and open-minded approach to spiritual leadership - converting to Judaism and becoming the first born-Muslim ordained as a rabbi. I was previously the campus rabbi for the College of Wooster (Wooster, OH) as well as a pulpit rabbi to a local congregation in Youngstown, Ohio.

Adams also had a biography on the campaign website--

Dawn Neptune Adams is a member of the Penobscot Nation and a journalist with Sunlight Media Collective. Her grassroots environmental activism began with protecting Indigenous Sacred sites in Huntington Beach, CA in 1998 and continues into the present with Indigenous advocacy at Penobscot Tribal, local, state, and national levels.

An activist for Indigenous rights, Dawn’s personal childhood story of Indigenous child removal was featured in the Emmy-winning documentary Dawnland.

Dawn is a Racial Justice Consultant to the Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine, an active member of Racial Equity & Justice of Bangor, and a former Indigenous Peoples' Policy Advisor for the Hunter/Elias 2020 Presidential campaign. Dawn is directly involved in politics for change, serving as the Wabanaki Liason to the Maine Independent Green Party as well as the current Vice Presidential Candidate to the Dario Hunter 2020 Presidential campaign.

When not battling polluters, plutocrats, and patriarchy, Dawn spends her time raising a pre-teen and building fine furniture. She dreams of a day when we can all eat Salmon from the Penobscot River and live together in peace.

Their platform in summarized form--


Together we will fight for the human right to food, water, housing and essential utilities.

We will fight for the right to a living wage job with wages indexed to cost of living and inflation (but never less than $15/hr).

Under the REAL Green New Deal there will be full employment – with public works jobs and green jobs.

We will protect workers rights and protect unions - ending firings without just cause.

We will achieve equal pay and equal rights for women, finally passing the Equal Rights Amendment.


There will be tuition free education from grade school through to college.

And we will overcome the educational racism that plagues our schools, subjecting children of color to lessened educational opportunities and the racism of lowered expectations.

We will fight to keep local voice and choice in education – and keep privatization out of our educational system. Our children are not to be used as pawns for corporate profit.


We will secure clean air, water and soil for future generations and end the environmental racism that plagues minority communities with pollution. We will transition away from fossil fuels, ending their harmful extraction.

And we will set clear achievable goals to transition to 100% renewable energy.


Bought and paid for Republican and Democratic leaders will tell you that some banks are ‘too big to fail.’ There is no such thing. Break them up. And make corporations and rich pay their fair share. Corporations are not people - and we will no longer allow their interests to outrank the public good.

We shall give grants to green businesses and support community coops in minority communities.

We will democratize monetary policy, giving the public control of the money supply and the creation of credit.


There will be single payer health care for all Americans (i.e. Medicare for All), with no copays, deductibles or restrictions against pre-existing illness.

We will end racism in healthcare that causes a lack of resources and access for minority communities.


We will halt the unwarranted deportations and detentions, night raids and the abusive separation of undocumented immigrant families.

We will create a path to citizenship for immigrants that is reasonable, achievable and appreciates the value immigrants bring to our country.


Through ranked choice voting, proportional representation and open debates we will seek to perfect the revolution this country's founders started by bringing real democracy and real choice to America’s voters. We will remove the ballot access barriers put in place by the Republicans and Democrats (and their corporate masters).

Equal Rights

We will bring an end to the senseless killing of people of color by law enforcement – supporting the efforts of Black Lives Matter.

We will affirm tribal sovereignty, affirm all treaties, and restore tribal lands to our indigenous peoples – protecting their sacred sites and fighting racism.

Through targeted legislation, we will protect the rights and the lives of LGBTQIA+ persons.

We will stand up against colonialism in Puerto Rico, supporting Puerto Rico's self determination and independence.

We will fight for reparations for Americans of African descent who have been subjected to centuries of slavery and discrimination.


We will end the war on drugs that feeds into our shameful system of mass incarceration – the new plantation system for African-Americans and people of color.

In response to the ongoing genocide by police, we will demilitarize, defund, disestablish and devolve power to local communities in law enforcement.

We will establish community oversight of public safety and end the quotas for enforcement actions that create a for profit law enforcement model.

We will end the abusive surveillance, spying and violation of our free speech that has occurred under Republican and Democratic administrations alike.

We will protect whistleblowers and publishers like Julian Assange from malicious prosecution with federal level legal protections.


We will end the war budget and stop funding interventionist activities and wars, closing over 700 military bases abroad. And we will stop aiding and abetting human rights abusers around the world – such as Saudi Arabia and Israel.

We will fund instead a Department of Peace. Our best defense is the pursuit of diplomacy, a strong educational system (i.e. a well educated public) and a strong infrastructure.

And yet we will ensure the quality of veterans' health programs, and honor our military by dealing with the ongoing impact of the military sexual crime crisis outside of the broken military judicial system.

Hunter/Adams could be found on the ballots in Oregon (0.21%) and Colorado (0.01%). They were also registered as write-ins in at least half a dozen states, some of them under the Green Party designation. Nationally they finished in 15th place. Oregon gave them the lion's share of their popular vote.

Election history: none

Other occupations: activist, filmmaker, journalist

aka Donna May Adams.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

William Joseph Bayes


William Joseph Bayes, April 26, 1951 (Amsterdam, N.Y.) -

VP candidate for Prohibition Party (aka Independent) (2016)

Running mate with nominee: James Arthur Hedges (b. 1938)
Popular vote: 5,623 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Jim Hedges of Needmore, Penn. filed for US President with the FEC as the nominee of America's oldest active third party, the Prohibition Party, on Oct. 22, 2015.

Hedges held the distinction of being the only member of the Party to hold public elected office since 1959. He served as the Tax Assessor for Thompson Township, Fulton County, Penn. for several years starting in 2002. A veteran of the US Marine Corps with a strong interest in music (tuba player), geography (masters degree), and history, Hedges had been active with the Prohibition Party for some time, rising to the office of Executive Secretary. He was nominated for President by conference call, July 31, 2015. His running-mate was Bill Bayes of Hattiesburg, Miss.

The 2016 Prohibition Party platform was an interesting mixed bag, slightly retooled from the 2012 document and perhaps just a tiny bit less extreme Right wing--  

We, the delegates to the 38th Quadrennial Prohibition National Convention, assembled by telephone conference on 31 July 2015 after several weeks of emailed discussions of the agenda. recognizing Almighty God as the Source of all just government, and with faith in the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ, do hereby pledge to serve the needs and to preserve the prerogatives and freedoms of the citizens of the United States of America.

We affirm our loyalty to the Constitution of the United States of America. We will protect it from violation by legislation, by evasion, or by judicial usurpation of rights belonging to the executive and legislative branches of government or reserved to the States and to the people.

We will conduct foreign affairs with the preservation of American Liberty and independence as our chief objective. We are jealous of American sovereignty; we are opposed to the interference of America in the like sovereignty of other nations.
American garrisons in foreign counties should not exceed the level required to protect American diplomatic missions, unless specifically authorized by Congress.
    We support volunteer armed forces, well trained and highly motivated; we oppose conscription except in time of Congressionally declared war.

The importing of goods from and the off shoring of services to other nations are the primary causes of lost jobs and impoverished communities in America.  We favor free trade only on a reciprocal basis among equals. We will impose balancing tariffs on all goods imported from countries whose wage scales, labor benefits, and environmental protections are not similar to our own.
    No nation which fails to protect the civil rights of its citizens may be accorded "most favored nation" status.

The Constitution mandates that Congress shall have the sole power to coin money and to regulate its value. We will abolish the Federal Reserve System. establishing in its place a government-owned National Bank. Predatory lending activities and punitive rates of interest will be banned. We will encourage the formation of state banks where qualified entrepreneurs can borrow money for investment in job-creating enterprises at minimal interest.

We support the right of citizens to own and to carry fire-arms for personal defense and for sport; we encourage instruction in gun safety.

We will defend the right of all workers to freely choose to join or not to join a union. Toward that end, we urge all states to adopt right-to-work laws. We will index the pay of Congress and of federal officials to changes in the federal minimum wage.

We favor a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution

We advocate an actuarially sound federal Social Security System.

We would deploy sufficient resources to stop all illegal traffic in people and drugs across America's land and sea borders. We would not provide drivers' licenses, educational subsidies, or welfare benefits to illegal aliens, except that the medical conditions of gravely ill illegal's would be stabilized before they are deported. We strongly oppose granting citizenship to "anchor babies" born to illegal-alien mothers.

We deplore the recent decision of the U.S. Supreme Court on same-sex marriage as an abomination to God. We call for a Constitutional amendment, which shall read as follows:  "Marriage is. historically. an Institution and Sacrament of the Church. Only the Church shall decide what qualifies as a 'marriage.' For the purpose of two individuals who need only legal protection, such as for inheritance and for power of attorney one for the other, the state may license Civil Unions.''

We find a constitutional right of individual citizens to believe, worship, fellowship, educate, evangelize. and organize religious institutions. Voluntary prayer and other religious activities shall not be prohibited in schools and other public spaces.

The 10th Amendment gives to the States and to the people full responsibility for education.  The major emphasis in primary and secondary schools should be on science, mathematics, citizenship, American History, and English. We advocate free tertiary education for all qualified citizens. We would promote re-training programs for displaced workers, paid for by tariffs on imports.

We consider abortion lo be morally repugnant.  We will implement policies to minimize the number of abortions without infringing on the doctor/patient relationship and without thrusting government into family decisions about child rearing.  Abortion procedures should not be funded by government.

America must not allow itself to be dependent upon other, sometimes hostile, countries for its energy supply. We advocate increased research on and development of non-fossil fuel resources, tax breaks for companies engaging in such, and subsidies for consumers wishing to change from fossil fuels to renewable domestic sources of energy.

We believe God has given Man dominion (responsible use) over all the Earth. We will safeguard the biosphere, soil, water, and air which we all must share. However, pollution abatement projects must balance costs with benefits.
    We believe that climatic change is an existential threat to civilization. and we will co-operate with other nations in mitigating its effects.


We prefer state-level health care programs to federal programs. We will find ways to reduce the 33% inefficiency imposed on American health care by insurance industry overhead and profits.

We would agitate against all forms of gambling, including state lotteries, which prey on the poor and the poorly educated. We believe schools should place more emphasis on developing self-discipline and habits of good citizenship.

The alcohol question is the Prohibition Party's unique, signature issue. Beverage alcohol is America's #1 narcotic drug problem.  We also oppose tobacco in all its forms: Alcohol and tobacco together are responsible for 40% of America's health care costs. Cannabis and so-called "hard drugs" such as heroin and cocaine account for a smaller, but still significant, share of the total public health bill.
    Prohibitionists oppose the traffic in all of these drugs - their production, transportation, and sale, except for medicinal use as regulated by the federal Food and Drug Administration. We believe a sustained program of education and legislation, building from the local to the national, is the best way to strengthen community disapproval of drug indulgence and enable a return to National Prohibition of all recreational drugs.
    We consider it immoral for government to subsidize the cultivation of tobacco and to promote exporting tobacco products to other countries; We would end business expense deductions for advertising tobacco and alcohol products. We support programs to assist tobacco farmers and vineyard owners in switching to alternative crops.

Hedges was one of the entries in the non-binding American Independent Party primary in California, where he finished 6th with 10.56%.

Running-mate Bayes' political views were considerably even more to the Right than the Party's platform. A look at his Facebook posts during the 2015-2016 campaign season presents a neo-Confederate Christian nationalist stance with polemic memes.

Bayes was a recent convert to the Party. A former Republican, he told Larrison Campbell of Mississippi Today, "But they keep leaning more and more left and I keep going, ‘Why are they doing this?’ When the state party supported John McCain in ’08, that was it. Because he may have an ‘R’ after his name, but everybody knows he’s a liberal Democrat."

On his status as the VP nominee, Bayes continued, "They wanted somebody a little bit younger, though I did turn 65 yesterday. A lot of them are older. They wanted to bring young blood in ... Prohibition, it’s not really the driving force of the Prohibition Party now. It is one of the planks. And of course it is the name, but primarily the Prohibition Party, and what drew me to it, is it’s the states rights party." On that subject he elaborated, "When you read about the founding of this country, and you see where we are today, you say, ‘Wait a minute. How did we get here?’ Of course, I believe it all changed in the Civil War ... What was the Civil War about? Well, it wasn’t about slavery. It was about an ever-encroaching federal government." 

His following quote to Ms. Campbell seems a bit ironic since the Prohibition Party was one of the earliest political groups to champion the cause of  women being full participants in the political process: "I will say I’m very pro-female, but females make a lot of decisions based on emotions. You’re emotional creatures far more than other people are. So with males, we think more logically, women think more emotionally. And the Democrats have always played on the emotions."

Hedges/Bayes were on the ballot in three states: Arkansas (0.42%), Mississippi (0.06%), and Colorado (0.01%). In Arkansas, a state where dry counties exist to this day, they placed 6th out of 8 on the ballot, ahead of the Constitution Party. In Arkansas County, Ark., they finished in third place. They were also registered write-ins in at least five other states.

Nationally they finished in 16th place. It was their greatest number of popular votes since 1988, over 10 times higher than 2012. In fact, their total combined vote from 1992-2012 was just slightly higher, 5,724 compared to 5,623 for 2016 alone.

Bayes' story will continue as part of the 2020 Prohibition Party VP profile.

Election history:
2017 - Hattiesburg (Miss.) City Council (Republican) - primary - defeated
2020 - Constitution Party nomination for US President - withdrew
2020 - US President (Prohibition Party) - withdrew

Other occupations: high school band director, manufacturing business

Full disclosure: I have been honored by an occasional email correspondence with Mr. Hedges, who has graciously assisted me in the past with compiling some profiles. He has been unfailingly intelligent and thoughtful. He has also afforded me an opportunity to contribute a few small tidbits to the Prohibition Party's historical website.
Some sources list Bayes as "Bill V. Bayes."

Tuesday, October 19, 2021



Trinity, ca2015 -

VP candidate for  Independent (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Titus the Dog (b. ca2008)
Popular vote: 0 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

On Oct. 14, 2016 USA Today/Des Moines Register ran a video piece by Kyle Munson with a brief mock ad report about a Presidential ticket consisting of two canines from Des Moine, Iowa. Their names were Titus and Trinity.

Titus was an 8 year old male yellow Lab, Trinity a 1 year old Maltese-Pomeranian hybrid. The idea started with yard signs made as a prank by LaVal Anderson's mother, Maxine, who had them placed on the lawn of her daughter.  

Being residents of the same state, as well as being non-human, would have posed some Constitutional hurdles in the event of a Titus/Trinity victory.

Election history: none

Other occupations: dog

Trinity's gender was not revealed in the news coverage.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

George the Mutt


George the Mutt

VP candidate for Independent (2012, 2016)

Running mate with nominee: Milly the Dog
Popular vote (2012, 2016): 0 (0.00%)
Electoral vote (2012, 2016): 0/538

The campaign (2012):

Milly the Dog, a pitbull mix from [PNW trvia alert!!!] Idaho, waged her Presidential campaign via Facebook. Some samples--

Feb. 18, 2012
I was out campaigning ALL day. Unfortunately I was on a leash so didn't get very far.

May 14, 2012
Two reason you should vote for ME tomorrow! #1 I have not put up any of those ugly signs you see all over (I have pee on a few though) and #2 I have NEVER called your house in the middle of dinner begging for votes!

May 24, 2012
I'm heading up a new committee to get more fire hydrants in this city. WHO'S WITH ME?!

Aug. 31, 2012
Are you sick of the media hype, finger pointing, lies and trash talk that goes on in an election year? Well I'm here to tell you as the 3rd choice for president this November I am taking a stand. I don't point fingers because I haven't got any. Trash? I eat trash for breakfast but I never speak it, and never has a lie crossed my fat slobbery lips. While I may not have a strong foreign policy I do have a Chihuahua as a running mate so that's ethnic diversity, right? And I can not see Russia from my house but do you know what I can see? The road, and that road leads straight to the heart of the American people. Move over Mitt and Obama, there's a new dog in town!

Sept. 2, 2012
Ahh, September. The smell of political banter fills the air. Either that, or someone needs to scoop the yard.

Sept. 8, 2012
I am proud to introduce my running mate, George. His go to attitude and confident style is just what this ticket needs. He is a strong believer in community out reach and picking up after your pets. I feel he will be the person who can begin to build bridges with our feline friends across the aisle as well as bring in the lady votes with his handsome, robust figure. Please cast your vote this November for the Milly/George ticket that can get this country on leash and on track!

In the photo, George does not appear to be the chihuahua mentioned earlier as the VP.

The campaign (2016):

More from Facebook--

Apr. 12, 2015
Ladies and gentlemen, dogs of every variety, it is with great excitement I bring you this long awaited news! After careful consideration, much soul searching (and a little treat searching), I have decided to once again throw my hat into the ring to be your president in 2016.
It will take all of you to help me make this dream a reality. Please feel free to like and share my page with your friends and family. I plan to run a clean campaign. I'll be the first to admit that last go around I engaged in some cat bashing that I'm not proud of. But all that is in the past.  2016 HERE I COME!

Aug. 28, 2015
Have you met my running mate yet? I know it's a bit early to declare my hand, but I couldn't wait to introduce him.  He's a real power house, cares  about our country, and graduated top of his obedience class.
George The Mutt cares deeply about many issues. Top on his list of concerns is to cut spending for the fat cats in Washington so it can be used for the people. He wants to start a grass roots movement to increase the number of fire hydrants in every city. George won't be happy until there's a fire hydrant every 20 feet! That's just the kind of go-getter attitude the people need!
Welcome aboard George!

It would appear both candidates were residents of the same state, which might have been Constitutionally problematic in the event of their victory. Oh, yeah, and another small detail-- they were dogs.

Election history: ?

Other occupations: dog

Milly the Dog should not be confused with Mildred, a pug in Tennessee who also ran for President in 2016 under the Geezer Party. Her running-mate was a Great Pyrenees-Rottweiler mix named Captain Ron.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Paul Edward Harju


Paul Edward Harju

VP candidate for Independent (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Piotr Blass (b. 1948)
Popular vote: ? (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

Getting a handle on the political life of perennial candidate Piotr Blass of Boynton Beach, Fla. is not an easy task. He has been running for office in Florida since the mid-1990s. Some of his multiple campaigns have been overlapping and getting a bead on where he falls on the spectrum is problematic. Here are some descriptions from the media--

Palm Beach Post, May 25, 2013
Piotr Blass, 64, is a regular at city commission meetings, where he stands out with his stringy long hair, sandals and thick European accent. He ran for U.S. Senate in 2004, governor in 2006 and Congress in 2008, before coming in last of seven candidates in the 2010 Boynton Beach mayoral race, won by Jose Rodriguez. Blass got 24 of the 4,377 votes cast.

He regularly describes his dream of a university in Boynton Beach, as well as projects that include a turbine power-generating network just offshore.

“My idea is to run and inspire,” said Blass, who said he became a citizen in 1979 with a plan to run for office. “I’m not a very good manager, but I could be a reasonable senator.”

... In 2011 Blass was a suspect in a fraud case when a former roommate, William S. Hunter, accused him of stealing and cashing his checks in 2010 while Hunter was in the Palm Beach County Jail.

Palm Beach Post, June 23, 2015
It's not a Florida election until Boynton Beach resident Piotr Blass files as a write-in candidate. Blass has been a write-in candidate in every general election since 2004.

Miami Herald, July 12, 2015
Many candidates offer refreshingly original interpretations of the U.S. Constitution. Boynton Beach’s Piotr Blass, who has a doctorate in mathematics from the University of Michigan, was born to Polish parents in Poland, which seems to run afoul of all that stuff in Article II of the Constitution requiring a president to be a “natural born citizen” of the United States. But when the Herald reached Blass by phone last week (in, ahem, Poland), he airily insisted that the Supreme Court will be on his side when he wins. “I have been a model citizen of the United States for more than 35 years now,” he explained. “I believe the equal protection clause of the Constitution means I must be entitled to equal treatment as that accorded to a 35-year-old native-born citizen.”

Blass has maintained that he, along with Tim Berners-Lee, was a co-creator of the World Wide Web in 1988.

In 2011 Blass seemed to include a Presidential campaign among his other activities. On the topic of Vice-Presidents, he made these comments on Facebook--

Feb. 8, 2011
Piotr Blass for President 2012--Arnold for running mate or jessee ventura

Dec. 29, 2011

Apparently abandoning his run for President in 2012, Blass made a write-in bid for the US Senate. By Election Day he was endorsing Green Party nominee Jill Stein for POTUS. Blass would be back in 2016.

Right after the 2012 election a young woman died under mysterious circumstances in the home of Piotr Blass when she visiting one of the candidate's roomates. Blass himself was not implicated in the death but it brought him some unpleasant news coverage.

Dr. Piotr Blass filed with the FEC for US President on Nov. 21, 2014 under the party affiliation of "None."

Earlier in 2016 Blass had run for Mayor of Boynton Beach in the primary, placing 5th out of 5 with 3% of the vote. Also in 2016 he said he was running for the position of President of Poland.

According to his Facebook entries, Blass had initially selected Richard Andrito as his VP, but without explanation his name was replaced by that Paul Harju.

May 12, 2016
My running mate for President
Richard Andrito
True American

Nov. 6, 2016
United World aprĆØs Einstein
USA type Constitution
USA leadership
universal free health care
Universal free education
No taxes
Universal Prosperity
Dr Piotr Blass
Paul Herju
For USA President 2016

Nov. 8, 2016
Write in
Dr Piotr Blass
Paul Harju

Harju later ran for Lt. Governor of Florida in 2018 on a ticket with Blass. In some notes posted on Facebook in Oct. 2018, Blass mentioned his running-mate and implied Harju was actually a resident of Michigan. Other circumstantial evidence supports that conjecture--

PH with unite Northern Michigan and Canada with Florida. He is Objibwa Native American and Finn and wounded war hero for the USA.

Harju was touted as one of the running-mates for Blass in 2020, but it seems when the dust settled the choice was Kamil Łukasz Chromiński. It is a little confusing due to Blass' cryptic comments that he was also running for President of Poland or a fictitious united Poland-USA jurisdiction.

Election history:
2018 - Lt. Governor of Florida (No Party Affiliation) - defeated

Other occupations: ?

Another mystery third party VP.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Mark Cuban



Mark Cuban, July 31, 1958 (Pittsburgh, Penn.) -

VP candidate for Independent (2016)
VP candidate for American Peoples Party (aka American Party) (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Sampanna Gopal Raju (1934-2021)
Running mate with nominee: Roger Alan Hoover (b. 1951)
Popular vote: 0 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign (2016 : Raju):

Dr. S. Gopal Raju of Fort Worth, Tex. filed under the party affiliation of "None, write-in cand." for President with the FEC on Sept. 14, 2016. His form included a multipage campaign flyer. A sample of the information he provided--

There are some of 108 Proposals will be detailed by Dr. S. Gopal Raju on Nov. 8 2016 night as President Elect of America FOR 50 STATES AND 325,000,000 POPULATION. HEARE ARE 30 PRPOPSALS

1. 5 Regional V Ps and 3-5 Regional Secretaries in each 15 Federal Departments. Mr. Mark Cuban of Dallas and Mr. Jimmy Kimmel of ABC -10:35 PM Night show are interested in taking up VP Position. They are Welcome and others are also Welcome from Suspended Candidates to Dr. SGR Team for
the formation of New USA on Jan. 20,2017 without Democratic nor Republican Country. Dr. SGR is looking for 3-2 Men or 2 -3 Women able Candidates for V Ps and in all Federal Secretaries positions in alternate Departments.

2. Secretaries to report to one VP weekly and each VP reports to the President on Skype Weekly to save driving time in Washington DC Traffic. All of them can work from their homes in their Regions without flying to Washington DC.

3. New Federal Health Care for Medicare - 5 parts is a waste. Veterans, Tricare and Medicaid, under one Federal Health Insurance scheme. It does not affect Private Health Insurances that are working.

4. Voluntary Federal Retired Health Care Professionals to work at least one or two or more days to keep in touch latest info, in a week with Tax Deductible amount for the day/ days worked depending upon their work.

5. Set up 5000 Federal Pharmacies to dispense at lowest cost for low income families only. Tax payment cards will be sent to all Tax Payers just like Credit cards for paying Tax on $50000.00 or less.

6. Citizen Certificates are available for all after one to three years of receiving Immigrant Green Cards unlike 13 years of waiting now if they are qualified at higher fee than now. More staff will be added as needed.

7. No Walls will be built on the Borders - It is waste of Millions of Dollars and time.  

8.  Social Security and other Federal Pensions will be increased to $2000.00 / month and Tax Free. Now it is taxed part of it now above $36,000.00 income.

9. Severe Austerity Measures for Federal Spending and moderate increase in benefits for low income families.  Ex. For low families up to $30,000.00 in paying Toll Pay, Medicines, Winter Clothing and Food discount and also for severe permanent progressive Disabilities. Disabilities are spending more and more money to buy the disabilities products around the year.

10. White Coat President replaces black coat and White House becomes Work House for Health Care needs in Obesity to reduce the weight in two years on WHTV by Dr.SGR and his wife Chava weeklv on Saturdavs 9-10 AM on all Time Zones on common Medical & Surgical and Vegetarian Dr. SGR Heart Healthv Dishes and also other subiects like Exercise. PT. OT and BT (Brain Theraovl.

11. Defense: Reduce about 50 % of the in-active Foreign Bases in about 4 years and closers of some small Bases in 2017-2018 to 25-50 % to lower the cost to Defense Budget.

12. Open for 20 Million Employment in 2017 - 2018 for telling by the machines "Leave the message from 8 AM-8 PM on week days in USA in all businesses, more so in essential offices. Dr. SGR is facing his delays in caring for his own illnesses in the last 15 years in DFW area.

13. Pathologists and Radiologist must be given or send the results of examinations to the patients with in three days and immediately if any Cancer or life threatening results immediately in the x ray department or call the patients. This happened 6 weeks delay of my x ray report sending the corrected by Dr.SGR to my Primary care Physician.

14. To Change of growing Computer to Clinical Medicine in Health Care in 2017 as more and more Robots are making rounds in the Hospitals. It is not acceptable for better care.

15. Dr. SGR will take full Responsibilities in all sections of Health sectors for the best care in USA

16. Dr. SGR will hold monthly Press Conference on 1 st Mondays at 2 -3 PM EST

17. Proposing $15 - $20.00 / hour work in all work places instead of tips. Now the pay is $2-$3.00 / hour in all dining rooms. They cannot live on meager Tips for serving the food to the customers.

18.5 Weeks of Maternity Leave for the working mother and one week for her husband only

19. Disabilities are ignored by providing better safety products installed in every Business, like Hotels and Motels, Offices of all kinds. Hospitals, Temples and other worshiping places. Rest Areas, even in the White House and the Capitol, Schools and Colleges need to be remodels for safety for severe disabilities like Dr. SGR since July 4,2002. American Disabilities Act signed by President G W H Bush in 1990 and again
Amended ADA act signed by President G W Bush in 2000 is nothing specifics about the really how to make the best Bathrooms for Disabilities. Dr. SGR talked with the managers of all hotels he staved since 2002. all Rest areas and reoeatedlv in DFW area Temples.  But nothing has changed.
Dr. SGR has designed the most safety Bathrooms to build in one BR in every house at least and in all public places.

20.  The automobiles must be built to make easy to drive and travel for Disabilities.

21.  Two additional Supreme Courts 7 Justices in each not 9 - to hear the cases as and it is filed within 10-15

22.  Double the Federal Courts and Judges in 2017.

23. 2 Additional President mini WH buildings, one in Fort Worth. TX  and another in West Coast.

24. Closure of W H Clinic and Dr. SGR is looking for other alternatives.

25. Closure of Drug Zar and Marijuana availability for specific diseases and for recreational uses upon MD s Prescription for PTSD and Neurological Problems.

26. Bank deposits bv low income people below $30.000.00 / year income, to get 5 % interest and at the same time above $30-50.000.00 must get 3 % rate.  The rest to get 2 % Interest.
27.  All sudden Hikes in prices in Rx Drugs will be subjected to discontinue in the market and set imported by Federal Pharmacies.

Medical Tips
28. Dissolve all medications including open the capsules in a sweet liquid of your choice and swallow on empty stomach in the morning or 2 hours after eating solid foods. Early absorption will help you feel better safely. All medications are bitter. Check with vour doctor or pharmacies. This is the I take all medications.

29. For drubbing of urine, wear adult diaper - reinforce with 6-8 layers of tissue paper and change the tissue after it is wet. You save diapers and money. You can use the same way after operations on Anus & Rectum. Vagina and Vaginal Hysterectomy and Urethra. After Delivery of a child. Save money.

30. Reduce Foreign aids reduce to > 0-50 % and we cannot afford to keep on paying to the countries help or personal pockets of the their country PM / President's Pocket. WE have to reduce the debt first.

78 more like the above 30 to be listed in the future in Websites. DVD s and in two books. And will be announced on Nov 8. 2017 as President Elect.  And 999 more will be announced on January 20. 2017 as For 325.000.000 People to live better from 2017 - 2025.
Two Books. DVD will be available after Nov 8. 2016

3. DVD on Dr. SGR Progressive Disabilities since July 4, 2002

My stand is about similar to 1776 Revolution to get Independence to New Independent USA on January 20, 2107 and neither Democratic nor Republican Country. Also it is not Red States or Blue States. It is one Independent State.

I started my solo campaign to go for it on September 1, 2016 on my 82 ND Birth Day with the best, bright and supreme knowledge about USA Politics when compared to other contesting billionaire candidates. Article 2 section 5 and Amendment 14, is on my side as Natural Born, 82 Year Old with 53 years of Resident and 31 years USA Citizenship and very well qualified in all aspects of Medicine and US History and Politics with no skeletons in my closet as in DJT and HRC. Whole world knows and 60 % Voters do not vote for them.

I request the Election Commission must force the two Candidates who are spending millions of dollars collecting from donors in spite of their no plans for the status of Health Care, Eradicating Hunger and Homelessness for over 40 Millions of Have -nots in this rich country in
the World.

I have come up with 30 Propositions Initially and I will have another 78 Proposition by October 15,2016.

I also requesting you all as an 82 Year Disabled Surgeon similar to Disabled President F D Roosevelt, to rule as Independent Commissioners and neither Democratic nor Republican Presidential appointee. That itself is a partisan decision, and that happen in one election between GW Bush and Al Gore.

I watched all election results since 1954 and learned a lot of changes to be made in 2017 onwards.

In conclusion I need Federal Election Commissioners  Protection from to WIN on November 8, 2016 and to become the President on January 20, 2017 to Service to the Humanity is Service to God almighty who created this Universe for all living and non-living objects like mountains, trees and rivers and oceans. Men and women are misusing. We cannot stop Hurricane, Earthquake and other cyclones etc.

I was born in Anekal on September 1,1934 where the first set of few aero planes built in 1897 by Subba Raya Shasthri and flown in Bombay Shores and the British Government did not support him. (Google). Anekal must be recognized as # 1 in Aeronautics town. The Wright Brothers built in 1903 in USA. (Google) six years later.

I left Anekal on July 10,1963 to USA and on that day I decided to build a College for poor girls and boys who could not have gone to get college education. I built in 1980. Now 700 students have enrolled, whereas the Trump University was closed and Trump got benefited millions of dollars.
More like this good news are narrated by me in my DVD disc FEC. Please look at my face in about 50 minutes.

I toured 10 states from August 20 - 30 TX, OK, MO, IL, IN, KY, MS, AK and TX and met hundreds of voters and presented my flyers and discussed all issues facing this Nov 8, Election on Candidates. About 95 % of them do not like to DT or HC. They are waiting for another Independent Candidate like me and they will vote for me. That made me to decide to enter the race as a Write -in Candidate only way I can become the next President to save USA as one USA and not divided USA like now.
I was reborn on July 4,2002 from Heaven in Fort Wayne Lutheran Hospital on July 4, 2002 after 41 days in coma and nearly died with MOFS (Multiple Organs Failed Syndrome.

Using the slogan "Surgeon For President," the candidate's campaign website informed the voters--

With emphasis on the big issues, I strive to facilitate economic stability, increased employment, and lower crime rates.

Write - in - Candidate  
Surgeon for President on Nov. 8, 2016

America is looking for the Best Bright Brain Person, Independent – Write in Candidate. So forward to other Friends Worldwide for formation to form NEW USA ON Jan. 20, 2017 to win over Trump, Clinton and other parties candidates and Write in Candidates.  60% of Democrats and Republicans do not want to vote for H R Clinton or D J Trump.   They are waiting for an Independent Candidate. So here is one!
Dr. SGR has toured 8 States TX, OK, MO, IN, IL, KY, AR and TX and 90 % of the people in Rest Areas, Gas Stations, Dining places and 5 Temples (2. Chicago, 1. Indianapolis and 2 in DFW areas.)

Dr. Raju had run for office before, in 2002 for the Texas State Legislature and making a bid for "U.S. Senate or Congress" in 2008 under the Lone Star Party banner. His national party, at least in 2008, was called the 50-Stars Party of America. In 2012 he unsuccessfully sought the Libertarian Party nomination for US Senate. In the past he had once been a Democrat.

I suspect their VP assignment was news to Mark Cuban and Jimmy Kimmel, if in fact they even knew about it. Cuban's political life during the 2016 election cycle was eventful. Pinning down his exact leaning is difficult given his meandering allegiances, but perhaps calling him a libertarian centrist would be the closest description.

I never saw either Trump or Cuban on their reality TV programs, but they were painted by the media as billionaire rivals. Initially he seemed OK with Trump's candidacy but eventually endorsed Clinton as the Republicans accelerated their descent into a platform of spurious conspiracy theories and white nationalism. In Sept. 2015 Cuban teased the possibility of running for President, and proved to be a quip machine throughout the course of 2015-2016--

It’s a fun idea to toss around. If I ran as a Dem, I know I could beat Hillary Clinton. And if it was me vs. Trump, I would crush him. No doubt about it.

Rich people just have a little more arrogance to think we know more than everyone else.

There is no question the game has changed and Donald has a much stronger command of it than the rest of the candidates. Most future voters will get their news from their Facebook, Snapchat, Cyber Dust, Instagram, Twitter feeds. They open their apps and see what’s there. They don’t go looking for depth and explanations. If you as a candidate can’t find your way into those feeds, you basically don’t exist.

Donald initially — I really hoped he would be something different, that as a businessperson, I thought there was an opportunity there. But then he went off the reservation and went batshit crazy.

You know what? It's rare that you see someone get stupider before your eyes, but he's [Trump] really working at it… You have to give him credit. It's a difficult thing to do, but he's accomplished it.

Let's look at it this way: Name one good deal he's done… When he talks about his great renegotiations, they're renegotiations, so tell me if you think this is a good deal: I lose four casinos, they go out of business, but I'm really good at renegotiating the debt of his companies that have already gone out of business.

I liked Trump’s honesty because it was different and had a chance to change the business of politics. What I didn’t realize he was missing at the time was a complete and utter lack of preparation, knowledge, and common sense. I made the mistake of assuming that he had to have some interest in learning and keeping up with world events. That he would make the effort to learn what he didn’t know. I obviously was wrong. I can’t say it enough that learning how to learn is one of the greatest skills anyone can have. It’s why I advocate that everyone go to college. I love being challenged and defending my positions and, when I’m wrong, learning from the exchange. It makes me smarter and better as a businessperson. That’s the key difference between us. Trump never takes on the intellectual challenge. He doesn’t even try. He just talks about having a good brain. :)

Leadership is not yelling and screaming and intimidating. Leadership is having a clear, positive vision. . . . You have to have a thirst for knowledge. You have to be always learning. You know what we call a person like that who screams and yells? What we call them in Pittsburgh? A jagoff. Is there any bigger jagoff in the world than Donald Trump?

The levels to which he [Trump] would be corrupted by that power are just beyond conception.

I think he has absolutely no self-awareness. I think he loses context continuously. I think he gets caught up in his own head and thinks — you know, he hears what he’s saying and thinks it’s right no matter what he says. And it comes out stupid a lot of times.

Cuban considered running for the position of Speaker of the US House, and his name came up as one of Clinton's potential running-mates.

In spite of Dr. Raju's comments regarding the US Constitution and his legal qualifications for office, being born a citizen of India would have definitely posed a major problem had he emerged victorious on Election Day. Also, the Raju/Cuban ticket had the additional Constitutional problem of both candidates residing in the same state. And finally, if his victory was indeed with 5 VPs, only one of them could be sworn into office until the Constitution was amended to change the organizational structure of the position.

Dr. Raju died June 18, 2021 in Las Colinas, Tex.

The campaign (2016 : Hoover):

Roger Alan Hoover of New Port Richey, Fla. filed with the FEC for US President under the banner of the American Peoples Party on Oct. 31, 2016. Since he did not indicate on his form if he was running for the 2016 or 2020 election, the FEC defaulted to 2016.

Hoover introduced himself to potential voters on Facebook, apparently in the fall of 2016--

About Roger
I am a newly married candidate for President of the American States. If you write me in, HOOVER, I will work every day for you. Not collecting money, not selling Pooh hats, shirts, ties and whatever I think you will buy. I have invited the former NBA Basketball star, Bill Bradley to be my Integrity Ombudsman, if you know him or know somebody who knows him, please encourage him. This Hoover administration promises total visibility and I mean total, if I screw up, Rochelle will tell you how I screwed up, and then I will take the podium and answer questions every day and ask for your forgiveness. My mistakes will be mistakes of the head not the heart. Dick Cheney's were of the heart and he had to get a brand new one. That electric one was going to shock him into the next life. On Wednesday I have a meeting with a representative of the Communist Government of Vietnam. I am organizing a Forgive Me tour of Vietnam next August and September.  Command Sergeant Major Ted Daw will lead this delegation. This isn't like O'Bama. I killed more than 1,000 North Vietnamese civilians because my government told me to, not because I wanted to. If you knew me, you would know unequivocally this is true. I dropped Napalm on them in tunnels designed to protect them. Napalm is liquid plastic like Urethane mixed with gasoline. You may recall the young girl on the cover of Time magazine. I killed over a 1,000 of such girls, boys and men and women, all civilians. All burned to death with the burning gasoline clinging to their skin. So please America, let me apologize and let me begin to heal. All of Vietnam's, 80,000 soldier deaths and 200,000 suicide deaths were so Vietnamese children could make your Oneida silverware for a nickel less than when the factory was in New York on the Erie Canal. Maybe all of us should apologize, except Lady Bird Johnson RMK-BMJ sold to Haliburton in time for the Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan killing. General Eisenhower, we need your spirit now. I know John McCain is a lowly Ensign like 41 but I am promoting him to a 7 star General like myself and I guarantee upon my life, the mistakes of the past will not be repeated.

Hoover also claimed the late President Herbert Hoover was his uncle or great-uncle. One problem here is that the former President had one brother who was the father of daughters, not sons, meaning no one with the Hoover surname could be a nephew or great nephew of Herbert Hoover.

It would seem Hoover began his quest for the Presidency around June, 2016, if his Facebook entries are an indicator. It is difficult to ascertain how many of his statements were made as a form of jest. Hoover expressed a desire to have the following people as his running-mate: Bernie Sanders, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Mark Cuban, and Mark Zuckerberg. He also offered to be the running-mate for Sanders, Cuban and Hillary Clinton.

Some of the less obscene Facebook samples during his campaign--

June 2, 2016
Donald, you are too stupid to get any of this but I'll try, others will get it. When I read about your father, I fell in love with him. He is not happy with you, in fact every time you come on TV, he turns his head in shame. That's between you and him. When he made that $1,000,000 loan to you so you could start your business, I so wished my dad could have too. That's ok, my dad gave me the gifts of civility, compassion, empathy, etc. Donald, with all of your deft, all you have is debt, debt outpaces your equity, with all your debt you couldn't buy any of those even though your father was rich in all of them. Now our dads lunch daily in my room in heaven. Your dad has asked me to verbally body punch you until you can't take any more and I have agreed. GET OUT OF THE RACE YOU DUMB ASS! Even I don't want to see what I am going to do to you. Weak independent candidate my ass, my nickname is THE TASMANIAN DEVIL. You should jet down to Tasmania before you continue this folly. If you do drop out I will totally show you how to save your ass and return to relevance! You've been warned BLOW HARD!

June 4, 2016
Hi everyone, I forgot, the Secret Service monitors my posts, appears Donald is afraid I will get to him and hurt him. Disney shared my practice incident report with Donald which was accurate in all details, Donald my details are always spot on. I'll start off with a general statement and then move to specifics. I want no harm to come to Donald. If it does, it won't be at my hands. I like Donald and want to show him the way back to his Zen. Donald, I'll give you a hint, it involves making billions for you but DOES NOT INVOLVE HOTELS. You've been there done that. When I say, I'm coming for you, that's what all candidates say to each other, I did not say, I'm gunning for you. When I say I'm going to unleash a flurry of verbal body blows on you, I mean, sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you. I only have words for you Donald, but I have eyes for Milani. I only have eyes for her!

June 6, 2016
I will predict that Donald will not show his birth certificate. Who will give 5 million dollars to Creation Kids if Donald does not show his birth certificate . I wondered why Donald went so far off the tracks about President Barry Soetoro's Birth Certificate . It's because Donald knows the best defense is a strong offense. Donald knew that his Birth Certificate would come under scrutiny . He knew he could not withstand that. So thus the attack on President Soetoro. Donald pull up your Trump big boy panties and show us your original birth certificate. What was your given name Donald?

June 17, 2016
People who apparently live in LAX are asking me am I running as a Republican, a Democrat or an Independent. Due to the lack of communicative skills in Washington this is all I know. As of TODAY, I am running, Bernie is running, Mark Cuban is running, Hilclimber 3 Hotel is running and Donald is running. Who's on top, who's on bottom, who's power and whose passive, I have no idea. I can go with most match ups but there are some I can't, I won't. Oh, I left out The President. Can't serve any more terms, true but he can sacrifice 2 more. You see, Donald, the dumb ass he is was more concerned with where Barry was born rather than who was born. Barry Soetoto was on the b/s. But Barack Obama (a non person) has been allowed to serv. President Barry Soetoto hasn't served a day and is elegible for 8 years Presidential Candidate
Roger Alan Hoover also 8.
Now Dumb ass Donald has his own problems, born a twin Donald's heart failed, dad made the painful decision to save the boy with the girl's heart. Problem, the girl's birth certificate is the surviving one. The small hands, no blood while heart transplanted. He dumb ass, I gave you many chances to get out with dignity and a super income , now I never want to see your lying dumb ass. Why don't you make money for your supporters like  Warren Buffet.

June 19, 2016
Fathers Day Tribute to Herbert Clark Hoover, 31st President of the United States. Though I never met you, thanks for passing the presidential genes to me.   

To all of those doubters and haters who think I can't get elected and those that want to continue bullying me, Albuquerque YOU!
I love Muhammed Ali  and have since the Cashious days. I am dedicating the first year of my presidency to curing Parkinson's. It will be called whatever my hero wants it called to honor him and to make it easier for me to text.
HOOVER 2016.

Bernie, I'll run with you, top or bottom.  YES

Hilclimbrr 3 Hotel. Hillary, I don't know what I ever did to deserve this but if God says I must pay my debt, then I must pay it. Many love you, many love me, many loved Herbert Hoover 31, I'd rather win with a woman than lose with a man. Don't drag this out, give a quick answer, may I be your running mate, the man 2nd string banana Vice President?

June 29, 2016
I would be willing to leave Roe v. Wade in exchange for a national sterilization bill. All 12 year old girls would be sterilized unless they could prove they possess the Intelligence and compassion to become a mother. For the few that slip through the system, there's still the abortion option. That way a woman from age 12 and up can have unprotected sex to her heart's desire  knowing she's already "gotten rid of it".

July 9, 2016
All of you Facebook idiots. Pay attention, I'm only going to say this once. I am not sick, I do not have a mental illness. I have a brain injury that occurs when you napalm men, women and children. A BRAIN INJURY. Look it up in your "My little Pony" dictionary. Leave me alone if you don't know what an Albuquerque brain injury is!

July 13, 2016
I am a member of NRA. I support the 2nd. I am also an ordained minister running for nomination with Mark Cuban, I believe if we are elected, have all the guns you like. Modern bullets were not covered by the 2nd. The Product Safety Commission will rule them unsafe to humans and they will be banned and illegal. Mark and I are committed to stop murder, it's affecting recruiting at the Mavericks.

July 20, 2016
Mark Cuban and i are on the ballot in TN, i wonder about the other 49??

An open letter to ISIS. You have decided to fight the United States of America on a house to house guerrilla warfare basis plus cut the heads of little children off. Ok, game on, we accept your challenge. If Mark Cuban or Mark Zuckerberg and myself get on all 50 ballets as the American Party or if the fine citizens of this land write us in, this is what will happen my first day in office. We will begin to pay $100,000.00 in local currency to anyone who gives us the GPS coordinates of an ISIS members house. Once we have those coordinates we will send a $250,000 HELL FIRE MISSILE in your house. No one will survive, trust me, not your nana and not your precious bubala. We will gladly pay $350,000 to end your reign of terror and return our world to a peaceful coexistence. If we send a missile to the wrong house, ooops, our bad! You can not share this and live in fear the rest of your life or share it and help me get elected. Other postings at Roger Hoover, Paris, TN. Roger Alan Hoover and Mark Cuban.

So, America, you get to pick my Vice President. I love and respect each of these gentlemen equally. This may be the only race you truly get to decide. For President, write me in Roger Alan Hoover, great nephew of the 31st President, Herbert Clark Hoover, be sure and write in Roger Alan Hoover for President. Then for Vice President either Mark Cuban or Mark Zuckerberg, your choice.

July 26, 2016
NATO, yeah right!
How about USATO
HOOVER - Head of the American Party, write him in on November 8th.
Ivanka - Yes or No
As president in 8 years, you need to be decisive, right Neurosurgeon Ben Carson, I'm coming to you after Bernie, heads up, patients are coding!

Aug. 5, 2016
I have confirmed with the Federal Communications Commission that I am a qualified, bona fide, certified candidate for the office of the Presidency of the American States in accordance with:
Section 73.1940 of the United States Code [47 CFR Pp 73.1940]. I understand the atheists in the US Government do not believe in miracles but as my previous Post and Tweet state, God is still in the miracle business. Soon you will hear from a mostly deaf young man who will rock your world and light up Twitter.
On November 8th, as I celebrate my birthday in Italy with my Opus you will witness another miracle performed by the Supreme Court as they award me the Presidency as they did my predecessor President George W. Bush, {hi Laura} [hi President George Herbert Walker Bush] (I know Herbert was for my great uncle the 31st President but who is 'Walker for?, a Texas Ranger?) {hi Barbara - Bush Bush Clinton, yep time for another HOOVER} Barbara, is there any way you could talk JEB into being my VP, I really love him, he knows from the letters I sent him in Tallahassee, tell him the law suit over Jackson County wasn't personal, it was for the children, and I dropped it and you know why!
Ok, focus!! News networks, and I use the term loosely, I really mean lackies to the 6 companies that control US News and World
Reports, and I use the term loosely. If you continue to ignore my candidacy referenced above, you will be very foolish, because you will not have one employee approved for the White House Press Corps and I will hold a briefing every day at 5:30 Eastern that will run to 6:30 Eastern. YOU WILL NOT HAVE ONE PERSON ON THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS DETAIL.
Further, after consulting with my Summa Cum Laude from UT Law and that's not TEXAS, he states that I do not have to make myself available to any NEWS Network that does not offer me equal access, so guess what Albuquerque Hole, I will not talk to you after November 8th if you do not talk to me before November 8th. So go ahead PUNK, how many votes do you think you have out of the 8? I know I have 8 so go ahead PUNKS, MAKE MY DAY! Clint, Please no empty chair speeches, the girls thought it was creepy, put some of these NETWORK IDIOTS in that chair and go to town, I love your body of work!

Aug. 17, 2016
Is there any chance at all that one of the fine Generic Companies making meds for the VA. Let me just stop here and tell hill if she takes the job NO MORE GODDAMN GENERICS HILLARY, THAT IS YOUR LESSON ONE, LEARN IT WELL OR I WILL HIRE MONICA LEWINSKI AS YOU ATTACHE'. I think one of my medicines has been filled as Ambien instead of what it should be, how can we check that out and what does Hemoglobin have to do with any of this. IS SOMEONE ELSE TRYING TO KILL ME. Hey Secret Service I am a bona fide, qualified, certified candidate for President of the United States of America who polled much higher than trump or Xclinton last week on Twitter. What else do you want and engrave invitation.
Secret Service, if you are not too busy with the WHORES in Cartagena would you please come protect me?

I'm going to be making the oval office square, I'm not changing it just with me an old school guy who believes in honesty, integrity, honor other peoples property like Palestine and don't take a life, let God do it, eventually He will get around to every single one of us. Let Him decide the time. Allah really does know best. Love to all.

Sept. 5, 2016
Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton, let's save the country any further division. Both of you DROP OUT OF THE RACE TODAY, LABOR DAY. Mr. Trump, you will be my Business Plenipotentiary with no salary but 10% of contracts and treaties, 20% of Whistle Blower (I have a big Blue Tarp one for you), you should make $100 Billion per year if not more. You will be my Business Plenipotentiary, please have Eric Trump look it up and read it to you.
Mrs. Clinton, I will pardon you of all crimes and misdemeanors 1 minute into my inaugural speech, you will be my Veteran's Plenipotentiary. Seven Star General John McCain and myself will accompany you on 416 Monday field inspections. Generals will fear your footsteps. After 8 years under my wing man, you will be the first woman president of the United States of America, I will work night and day to insure it. Come on team, play nice, it is my destiny to be  the 45th or 46th President, let's make it happen. It's good for me and it's good for America. It's very good for those that make it happen. I've shown you how. So, cast your vote for America.

Sept. 16, 2016
Birther Issue: Mr. Donald Trump, Eric Trump are your dad's hands so small he can't get his birth certificate out of the safe deposit box and publish it here on FaceBook? Come on Donald, were you born in the United States?

Oct. 7, 2016
If you don't think the billionairs like Warren Buffet and the Koch Brothers control US elections, consider this. I have made 2,000 FaceBook Posts and 1,800 Tweets and 27 videos since the election began. And I didn't say one newsworthy thing that a reporter somewhere would like to ask me about. Come on America, you are not as stupid as these Billionairs think you are, are you? On November 8th, 2016 when you go into the privacy of your voting device, write in the name HOOVER and show the people who stole this country from us, that we want it back and President Roger Alan Hoover, who cannot be bought for any amount of money is going to help us wrestle it out of your filthy, money grubbing, thieving hands once and for all. Reform will be the order of the day in addition to returning the USA to the most financially viable country in the world. Can I count on your vote America, it is my birthday after all. Give me the best present I could hope for and I will work every day of the next 8 years making your future brighter, your  children's future brighter, your grandchildren's future brighter and your great grandchildren's future brighter. Can you ask any more than that from me?

Hoover did not appear on any ballots nor was he registered as a write-in in any state. In a Nov. 6, 2016 Youtube presentation he expressed a hope that Clinton and Trump would deadlock and as a result Congress would turn to Roger Hoover as the compromise choice.

Election history: none

Other occupations: billionaire businessman, reality TV personality, philanthropist

I could not confirm if Dr. Raju filled the other three vacant VP positions he mentioned.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

John Richard Kasich Jr.


John Richard Kasich Jr., May 13, 1952 (McKees Rocks, Penn.) -

VP candidate for Independent (2016)

Running mate with nominee: Christopher Michael Farrenholz (b. 1981)
Popular vote: 0 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Christopher Farrenholz of Brunswick, Ohio filed with the FEC as an Independent for President on July 20, 2016. Apparently, his only other action in terms of making an effort to gain the Presidency was a single post on Facebook--

July 28, 2016
Farrenholz for President 2016 This makes it official at last....feel free to donate to my campaign with ideas, cash, or anything else you may a vote!

In the comment section regarding a running-mate, Farrenholz wrote, "I am hoping for Kasich."

Now, I will grant you that this is a very tenuous factoid on which to base a third party Vice Presidential profile, but there it is.

In 2016 Gov. John Kasich of Ohio was one of many Republicans seeking the Party's nomination for President. At the time Farrenholz expressed a desire to have the Governor as VP, Kasich had already dropped out of contention as the Republican nominee.

Although painted by the media as a moderate, Kasich actually had a very traditional conservative record. In previous elections he would have been portrayed as a far Right candidate, but compared to the other hopefuls in 2016 he came across as almost centrist. The New York Times said he was "the only plausible choice for Republicans tired of the extremism and inexperience on display in this race." Others called him "the adult in the Republican playpen" and "the only grown up on the debate stage." However, the same was said about Romney in 2012 and that didn't turn out so well for the Republicans. The Party was choosing a more visceral path in 2016.

A career politician, Kasich placed second in the New Hampshire primary and won his home state primary in March before dropping out. Horrified by what he saw as Trump's unprofessionalism, chronic lying, racism, disrespect for women, and willingness to engage in toxic demagoguery, Kasich became one of the more prominent Republicans willing to criticize the Party's nominee. As a result he was subsequently cast into the political wilderness like many other mainstream Republicans who refused to engage in a case of situational ethics (e.g. Lindsey Graham) that would make even Machiavelli raise his eyebrows.

A Farrenholz/Kasich victory would have potentially run into the Constitutional snag of both candidates being residents of the same state.

Election history:
1979-1983 - Ohio State Senate (Republican)
1983-2001 - US House of Representatives (Ohio) (Republican)
2000 - Republican nomination for US President - defeated
2011-2019 - Governor of Ohio (Republican)
2016 - Republican nomination for US President - defeated

Other occupations: Fox News infotainer, managing director of Lehman Brothers office (Columbus, Ohio), author, CNN talking head

Endorsed Biden in 2020.