Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Don't see your candidate yet?

Soon I will be coming up to a full year on this blog. You might wonder why a candidate you could be possibly looking for is not here yet.

In terms of the historical people, I started at the earliest and am now up to 1992. As the number of candidates began to explode in the second half of the 20th century, I try to track down and list each VP nominee I can. And as my searching abilities and resources improve, I sometimes go back and enhance existing thumbnail sketches.

This blog is not serious academic, rather it is fun educational. I have seen it called "quirky" and I suppose that is a fair description. My only agenda with this project is to enjoy learning and broaden my understanding of various political/social viewpoints through American history. I hope you readers feel the same way as you browse through the blog.

The interviews are by far the most popular posts. I'd say about half the people I have asked to contribute have ignored me. One 2020 VP even flat out said no. A couple people months ago have agreed, were sent a list of questions, and that was the last I heard from them even after some polite reminders.

Two of the 2020 VP nominees I interviewed-- Phil Collins of the Prohibition Party and Rudy Reyes of the Legal Marijuana Now Party-- have since advanced to hold the Presidential spot!

I endeavor to be as objective as I can, but try as I might my subjective views do creep into the narratives. Corrections or more information on any candidate is most welcome.