Friday, August 7, 2020

Paula Maria Concepcion Zych Fullerton

Paula Maria Concepcion Zych Fullerton
VP candidate for Non-Partisan (2004)

Running mate with nominee: Thomas F. Zych (b. 1958)
Popular vote: 11 (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

Thomas F. Zych was an attorney based in Cleveland Heights, Ohio at the time he ran for President as a write-in. His running mate, Paula Maria Concepcion Zych Fullerton, appeared to be somehow related.

All I really know about his campaign comes from his webpage:

Reclaim America!

Vote Tom Zych in '04

We've Done Worse

You have a choice - make it.  You have a voice - use it.  You have a chance - take it.

Until then - think Zych for President.

It's not like he has anything better to do.



In Ohio, the only state where the Zych/Fullerton ticket were certified as write-ins, they received 11 votes.

Election history: ?

Other occupations: ?

Another mystery VP