Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Alphonse Sabastian Reddicks


Alphonse Sabastian Reddicks

VP candidate for Independent (2016)

Running mate with nominee: James Edward Edalgo (b. 1961)
Popular vote: ? (0.00%)
Electoral vote: 0/538

The campaign:

James Edalgo, who worked at the [Washington State trivia alert!!!] Port of Tacoma ran for President in 2016 as an Independent. His running-mate was listed as "Alphonse Sabastian Reddicus" but in all probability was also known as Alphonse Sabastian Reddicks, another Tacoma resident. It appears there have been other Alphonse Reddicks in Tacoma, or perhaps they are the same guy. In any event, the Presidential campaign was an example of stealth electioneering.

One of the Alphonse Reddicks sued the Port of Tacoma for a billion dollars in 2004 over his firing on the alleged basis of his race (African American) and religion (Jehovah Witness). The case was dismissed.

The Edalgo/Reddicus ticket registered as write-ins only in the State of Washington. As residents of the same state there would have been a Constitutional problem in the event of their victory.

Election history: ?

Other occupations: ?

I know a couple guys who work at the Port of Tacoma. If I was not so lazy I'd ask them about this.